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Lv 616,168 points

Conor F

Favorite Answers41%
  • What's the real tradgedy?

    That there was an attack on U.S. Soveriegnty, or that the President is a Democrat?

    6 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Is God the distributor of rights?

    If so, why does he not distribute them evenly, even among other Abrahamic cultures?

    The us has 10 ammendments in its bill of rights, Britain has 17, France and Germany have even more, Israel doesn't even have a Constitution.

    Is it really God that gives us these rights, or is it the government?

    6 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Why so much confirmation bias?

    It would appear 99% of the questions being asked here are to prove a point rather than real questions people have about politics or the political process?

    Is this another sign of the growing extremes on both parties, the increasing partisan behavior that's being encouraged by all manner of political authority, or is it just the Internet Anonymity Syndrome at work?

    4 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • When can I expect my first pay?

    I ship to RTC Great Lakes 20110804, and I want to pay off my credit card debt while I'm there and in A school. I'll be using automatic payments to take care of it, but to do that I need to know when I could reasonable expect my first check to come in so I know when to start the payments.

    5 AnswersMilitary10 years ago
  • What living options are there in STA-21?

    Can I only live with the NROTC folks, in a barracks or other on-campus dorm? Can I get my own place, and if so, is base housing still an option?

    2 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • What's the difference between Line and Unrestricted Line Officers in USN?

    I've heard these terms thrown around a bit, but I've never been told what the distinction is between them.

    What's the basic difference, and which ones become CO's? Do you choose to switch between Line and Unrestricted Line, or is dependant on your rating?

    I'm enlisting Nuclear Electronics Tech and (god willing) hope to go through STA in the SWO program. Will that make me line or unrestricted line?

    4 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Why does Glenn Beck or Michael Savage claim to be independants?

    I've heard both of these guys, and I suspect there are plenty other political pundits out there, who say they are neither democrat nor republican, but independant.

    Personally, I don't believe them, but thats another story?

    I have my own theory, but I'm interested in what you people think would be a reason they would say this.

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do all the YA political people feel inclined to paint up politicians like a fictional character?

    maybe i'm missing something, but I can't see how Obama, Cheney, Pelosi, or ANY political figure can be compared to a fictional character, particularly one like the Joker.

    If somebody would explain this, I'd greatly appreciate it.

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • if the Republians lose in the next election?

    what's next for them? their entire strategy was to defeat Obama (which they hadn't), than making Health Care not pass (which it did), than calling it unconstitutional in court (which it won't).

    if the Republicans fail to retake Congress this november, and Obama is re-elected in 2012, what's the new strategy?

    13 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • What are some good websites for buying dice?

    i've got a handful or so of various kinds of Ten-Sided Die for roleplaying games. however, i'd like to have at least something resembling a unified set.

    what are some good comapnies for buying dice?

    1 AnswerHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • Was It Appropriate to call Stupak a babykiller?

    perhaps I have an idealistic vision of seeing honest debate and gentlemanly behavior in Congress, but I think whoever it was that called Stupak a babykiller crossed the line. weather he flopped on his ideals or not at this point is of little consequence. petty name-calling, especially something that offensive, does not fit our Senators or Representatives.

    Does anyone have potential justification for calling the most anti-abortion Democrat a babykiller?

    9 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Whats next if Obama succeeds?

    alot of propaganda is out there (and it clearly has taken root here) that Obama is a Socialist who is bent for destroying the constitution with the health care bill, etc etc.

    I particularly do not believe this (considering the ammount of nations who've survived similar bills), but I am willing, for now, to entertain the idea that there are more steps in this conspiracy theory.

    if Health Care passes, whats the next step towards 'socialistic takeover'?

    9 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • How Do I remove 360 Achievements that I dont want?

    somebody told me that it was possible to remove old games and achievements from your GS that you didnt want (and I have a couple of lingering 0/1000 that I'd like to see gone), but I can't seem to figure out how.

    anyone know how, or even IF this is really possible?

    1 AnswerXbox1 decade ago
  • Why do pundits and newscasters have no accountability?

    News company's, pundits in particular, can completly make things up on tv, and not suffer from it.

    Case in point, Glenn Beck made an accusation (this hour even) that Californian History classes teaches that the goal of progressiveness is to dramatically change the constitution. I live in california, graduated from Poway High School less than 5 years ago, and am working to be a History Teacher, and this is completly wrong and inaccurate. Olberman, O'reily, every single news show is focussing on ratings first and truthfulness second. How can the american public let that statnd?

    3 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Im having trouble staying abstinent?

    I've been dating this girl for a while, and I love her. I've been having a growing problem though between what my love and passion for her makes me want to do, and what my religious and moral backgrounds say I should do.

    the good news is that allthough from a different background than mine, she respects and even admires my decision, and anxiously awaits when the day that we can be together.

    the bad news is that allthough I am abstinent, she has not been up until dating me. That it on itself doesnt bother me at all, but her drive causes her to share her thoughts and desires with me, and allthough Im happy to partake in the talks as well, it makes it harder for me to keep my mind on religous principles.

    what can I do to keep my oath to god, my woman, and my sanity?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • When will we ever get over useless finger-pointing?

    there is just so much useless partisan....bullcrap, on all sides of the political spectrum, that it becomes impossible for anyone to agree with anything somebody says.

    am I the only person that really sees Democrats and Republicans as the same collection of village idiots, taking two different roads to the same ditch?

    Republicans, you are no more or less intelligent than Democrats. we thought you guys as sheep before with Bush Junior, and before that, your own personal Superstar, Ronald Reagan.

    Democrats, you are no more or less in the dirt than Republicans. Remember that its your party that defended slavery in the civil war.

    for every F***ed-up thing one politician has done, somebody else on the other side can cite something comparable about another character.

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What is your "Higher Power"?

    Alcoholics Anonomyous speak of "consulting a higher power of your choice".

    whats yours?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • where can I get a good jacket for The Trooper?

    I'm trying to do Eddy The Zombie for Halloween, specifically from the cover of their single, The Trooper, which involves a Redcoat Jacket. I already have an Eddy Mask, a reasonable pair of pants and boots for it.

    1 AnswerHalloween1 decade ago
  • where can I find a pair of Circle-Framed Sunglasses?

    I have looked all over town, and I cannot seem to find a single pair of Circle Frame shades (aka John Lennon sunglasses).

    are they even made anymore, and if they are by what brand, and where could i get a pair relativly cheap.

    5 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • can i direct the wireless from my pc to my 360?

    so heres the deal, i have my 360 and my PC both hooked up to my PC monitor, and sit right next to each other.

    my computer has wireless internet, with the network set up in our garage, way too far for any cable to reach (and too many doorways between them)

    I want to get the wireless on my 360 as well, but I really dont wanna fork the 100 bones to buy the wireless adapter for it.

    is there anyway that i can get the PC to feed my 360 wireless internet?

    1 AnswerPC1 decade ago