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  • the opposite of necromancer?

    Necro means relating to corpse or death.

    I am looking for the opposite of that word that relates to life. Any clues?

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Problems with iTunes/iPhone?

    I recently had to buy a new computer because my other laptop screen got stepped on. I thought that I transferred all of my music to the new iTunes on my new computer. However, when I went to try and remove some music from my phone, my iTunes library was missing most of the thing I wanted to remove. It was also missing a lot of things I didn't want to remove. I can hook my old computer up to the tv to look at it, is there a way to get my iTunes from that computer to my new one to fix this issue? Or is there another solution? Please help!

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • Why is my show now "not avaliable on instant playback"?

    I started watching a tv series on netflix a couple months ago, and forgot about it. I went to try and watch it again and it tells me it is not avloable through instant. Why? Can I fix this?

    1 AnswerTiVO & DVRs8 years ago
  • Problems with my cat, please help!?

    My cat, almost a year old, keeps pooping on the floor around his litter box. His litter box is clean! I don't know what to do please help! It's driving me crazy!

    2 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • Tips for first time home buyers?

    My husband and I have found our dream home, and can afford it. We have not yet made the process of getting it, however, as we are both waiting to finish our degrees. I've heard that buying homes can be a rather painful and long process. What are some tips you can give me for making it a little easier on us? What things should we avoid?

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate9 years ago
  • Kitten won't go in his litter box?

    I recently brought home a kitten who has been living outside since he was born. He is the sweetest little thing, except he pees, and poops on my bed. Most recently he pooped on it with me still in it, right on top of my leg! GROSS! I love this kitten and it would break my heart to have to give it up. I have had many other cats, and never had a problem with them going in the littler box, but this is my fist male cat. I moved his food bowl and water as far a way from his litter box as possible and I have even been putting him in the littler box, trying to encourage him. Any tips or help you can give me would be great!

    7 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • Doctor said it was a cold, lasted for 20+ days

    I've been sick for more than 20 days now. About 12 days ago I finally went to the doctor. I gave it what I thought was enough time that, if it was a cold, it would go away.

    When I went to the doctor, I had been running a very low grade fever, nothing I'd really worry about it stayed a few tenths of a degree under 100. Nothing major. I had a cough, runny nose congestion, and a headache. Sounds like a cold to me. I went to the doctor and he told me it was just a cold and to take medicine for the symptoms, and sent me on my way. Well it's something like 12 days later and my fever is coming up (only slightly) it hangs between 100-101, not really deterred by meds. Although this fever isn't all the time. I've been REALLY tired, for example to day, at lunch I got so tired that i fell asleep holding my phone while texting. I've got a sore/stiff neck and an almost constant headache.

    The doctor did a mono test(I've had it before, along with relapses), and strep. both negative.

    If it was a cold, would it not have disappeared by now? Should I go back to the doctor? Or just continue to wait it out?

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases9 years ago
  • Name this Taylor swift song?

    All I can remember is the music video. I saw it a few years ago. It was a song about her and a soldier she dated and was going to marry, but when he went off to war, he died and instead of a wedding she had a funeral. Sound familiar to any other swift fans out there?

    4 AnswersLyrics9 years ago
  • I want this outfit...where is it?

    I LOVE the outfit with the dress and little jacket/sweater thing....but I can't find it ANYWHERE on the sight....HELP!

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories10 years ago
  • Getting sick if I don't eat when I get hungry?

    I am a normal healthy girl, 5'5" 150lbs, but recently, I've been gettng sick a LOT. It normally happens at night, if I stay up to long. But it also happens when I don't eat right away. I get sick to my stomach and am stuck in the bathroom for a good while. It makes me feel icky enough I really don't wanna eat after. However, it does not occur all the time?

    3 AnswersOther - Health10 years ago
  • Is it illegal for you employer to fire you because you got injured on the job(see description for details)?

    About a month an a half ago I turned my ankle on a ladder at work. I work in retail by the way. I originally didn't suspect it would be to serious, I'd sprained an ankle before, but as it started to get worse I knew something was wrong. I filed the injury with work mans comp, and waited for them to call and tell me what to do. However they never did, so a week after I filed I just went to see my doctor. Work mans comp just picked up from there with no problem, and I was sent to get an MRI. I have two torn ligaments, I went to see an orthopedic and after only a week he cleared me for work. I told my employer but found out that I still can't work, because I can't stand on it, so I'm going back to the doctor. But my employer is growing increasingly impatient with me, and I fear when I go back, I'll be jobless. But is that legal? Can they do that?

    2 AnswersLaw & Legal10 years ago
  • Exercises I can do off of my feet?

    I have two torn ligaments in my right ankle and can not stand on it for long periods of time, much less to exercise. Which has led me to gain some weight since I received the injury (about a month ago). What are some exercises I can do sitting down that might help fight the weight gain while I'm not able to go to the gym?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • Pharmacy gave me the wrong birth control?

    I started taking a new birth control that my GYNO prescribed me, she gave me a sample of Safyral, and I'll be taking the last pill in the sample tomorrow. Well I filled my prescription a few days ago, but only now noticed that my pharmacists gave me Ocella, which is generic for Yasmin, which is not what I am on...

    What do I do?

    3 AnswersWomen's Health10 years ago
  • Facebook app won't stop sending me notifications!?!?!?

    I have the Facebook app installed on my iPhone 4 and i've changed the settings to turn off all push notifications. Yet it still dings and brings up the notification anyway. How do I stop it?

    1 AnswerFacebook10 years ago
  • Is my Facebook hacked?!?

    Ever few times I look at my news feed it has a random post from a random band or product I've never heard of. Ive never "liked" the page, but it's showing up on my news feed. I unlike all of them that show up on my news feed that I don't want, but it's getting old. I have even tried changing my password, but it's still happening. What's going on?

    2 AnswersFacebook1 decade ago
  • Help me find these shoes!! ?

    These are my favorite shoes (see link below) but they recently broke. I was in Atlanta when I bought them, but beyond that I can't remember where I got them. Can you help me find these or similar shoes?!

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Best place/way to start a website for my small business?

    I have a small photography business, and want a website. I have been looking around, but I don't know a whole lot about website building. Is there a better way then using a website that helps you design it? Like, is there a "best" site for website building?

    5 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • What kind do I need to major in to be do Equine Therapy?

    I've been doing some research, but I'm not really finding anything.

    I want to open a Therapeutic horse ranch for children and young adults with diablities and illnesses, but I'm not sure which route to take in college.

    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Question about abdominal workout?

    So I read somewhere that working your abs is totally and completly pointless if you don't already have a flat stomach. Is this true?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Why do hallucinations take on certain forms?

    What I mean is, why when you have a visual hallucination does it take on a certain form? For example, a spider, or a monkey. I have never heard an explanation for this.

    1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade ago