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What do you know about the theory of evolution?
Can someone explain how why or how nature would go from plants and vegetables reproducing asexually, to fish and lizards starting to reproduce sexually.
That doesnt make sense to me.
What are your thoughts
6 AnswersAnthropology7 years agoCanU provide a scientific reason when asexual reproduction ceased and sexual reproduction began? dont jus giv ur opinion 2 create diversity?
many scientists are quick to point out the gaps in religious beliefs and the Bible, but the biggest gap and cause for faith in science is this illogical arguement that states nature would evolve to sexual reproduction rather than continue asexual reproduction. Someone please shed scientific facts if you can and not just an opinion
4 AnswersBiology7 years agoHow can anyone logically believe sexual reproduction would evolve after asexual reproduction? Makes no sense?
Someone explain that scientifically - because to start out reproducing ones self as a cell, then form into compound cells and then manifestin itself into different species - yes I can believe that..
But to break off into 2 distinct sets that can no longer reproduce asexually and must reproduce sexually makes no sense at all.
Nature would have to keep both means of reproduction then as asexual would reproduce more efficiently, but nature didnt - and thats not logical - or is it - PLEASE ELABORATE ON YOUR ANSWER dont just give a simple opinion
6 AnswersBiology7 years agoFor those that say GOD doesnt exist, how do you explain existence then?
Do people not realize that this theory of evolution is more preposterous than belief in GOd?
to believe that humanity derived from a single cell and mulitplied than detached and both sets of compound cells now procreate together to form another group of compound cells is beyond all logic
20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years agoSo, US got caught aided Syrian rebels months ago, now they created ISIS to help bomb Syria. Are Americans that stupid?
If youre an American you should be calling your political representatives and threaten to recall them for supporting this charade!!!
8 AnswersPolitics7 years agoAre people reallynot able to see through foxnews' bias???
People cant be that stupid can they?
Fact is CNN MSNBC RussiaToday BBC theyre all slanted but Fox News seems the most corrupt of all of them. They are blatantly misinforming people - and i wonder if all their silly techiniques are really taken seriously.
I watch Foxnews when I want to be entertained, not when i want to be informed.
What say you?
7 AnswersMedia & Journalism7 years agoWhy havent Californians gathered together and demanded their right to bear arms yet?
Its amazing how people will fight for their right to marry same sex, but when it comes to their 2nd ammendment right - theyve allowed some old lady to get in the way of the exact right in the Constitution.
So does that mean people in California deserve their high crime rates?
This goes for every state that has allowed a ban of handgun protection
5 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years agoConspiracist - patriot or anti-patriotic?
It amazes me when people so quickly dismiss any and every conspiracy theory out there calling it unamerican. Does that mean everyone should shut up and accept the fact that 1 bullet turned 7 times and killed President Kennedy?
By not even considering the possibility of a conspiracy, does that make people sheep following whatever they are told?
So should we accept everything we're told, give up all right to question, and just follow whatever the government and those rich powerful lobbyist groups say, or is it the responsibility of a true patriot to seek out all possibilities until the truth prevails?
And which are you?
9 AnswersGovernment7 years agoIn C++ how do you assign a variable to a sequence of actions?
Im programming an arduino controller, and it uses C++.
I can make 4 LED pins blink in reverse order -no problem.
But how would I assign something where tha can be called upon later as one simple function rather than individually setting them off together.
So basically at times I want a 1,2,3,4 blink sequence, at others I want a 4,3,2,1 sequence.
Anyone know how to do this?
2 AnswersProgramming & Design7 years agoI received Pending Legal Process letter in mail - am I being sued? what does that mean?
Im on vacation and had friend pick up my mail, and he said I had a "legal pending" card in my box. I called the police department and wonder if this is my landlord trying to evict me.
I also wonder if thi is just a bill collector trying to serve me with debt collection papers.
Does anyone know how to get more information about this.
Im actually scared Ill be out of state for a while, and might miss something.
There has been drama with my landlord acting spitefully and with apartment neighbors doing illegal things, but can also be a debt collector from 5 years back.
Anyone know anyway to get more info on it - and what happens if I blow it off.
Will there be a warrant out for my arrest or something - Im not a criminal - just surrounded by evil stupid people that I wouldnt put past to try to file some stupid crap to get me in trouble.
My neighbor actually called the police on me for standing out in front of my own property with my dog because he said I was counting houses to rob.
Go figure that - but thats what Im dealing with here.
Anyone have some experience or intelligent comments to ad here
1 AnswerLaw & Ethics7 years agodata recovery question - had to format drive - attempted to recover lost data - not there?
the data is actually still there, I know it, Ive done this multiple times before.
For some reason though, not even if I go into dos can I find the files.
Tried recuva and whole assortment of recovery apps and they dont work. They only recover 17 songs, and thats it. I have way more than that floating around the drive.
Anyone help.
Also, please dont tell me to use another recovery application -- all come back the same -- they say no data to recover...or just recover the same 17 songs.
I need advanced help here
3 AnswersSoftware8 years agocant watch youtube videos?
Ive did the upgrade for adobe....still nothing.
I can watch any other website videos...
When I click on a youtube video it simply loops the first 1 second of the video then gives that error message.
Anyone know how tofix this
1 AnswerYouTube8 years agoDoes cpu cooling keep the entire contents inside cool or just cpu and video card?
Basically I gutted out an old pc, so now its basically a metal box.
My challenge is I have to cool the contents of what I put in there for 6 weeks.
Its going in a storage unit and will be plugged to an outlet.
But I need everything cooled in their like a refrigerator would, but I dont have a mini frige
Are there any cooling elements out there that would work to keep everything I put inside it cool???
Any/all ideas aregreatly appreciated
2 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)8 years ago