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i like to answer personal questions and give advice. i dont go by what is nice or mean or feelings but i put reality and fairness first.
In d&d 4e how do i get access to every race and class?
What books would I need to purchase? I know there's a few books that only include one extra race or class but I want those too. I need a list please help!
2 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation9 years agoShould it matter if your family likes your wife or not?
9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years agoWhat to do with these goldfish...?
My kids recently got some goldfish and a tank from their grandma as a gift. She just showed up with it. Never asked if it was ok or anything. There were three. I got 4 kids and a full time job doing 72 hours a week. Oh and a pet dog to already take care of. I've never owned fish. Long story short, two of the three fish have gone to the big ocean in the sky. One of em died the first night for god knows what reason! And another one from also suicide probably. They have food. They have clean tanks and filters. They're tank isn't crowded. They're normal goldfish. Im not replacing them for the kids. But this last one.....should I just wait for it to move on like the others? Or give it a swirly? Majority wins.
2 AnswersFish9 years agoShould i play the first infamous? ?
I just started playing infamous 2. Actually I think im 80%a done. Did I miss out on anything by skipping the first? I got the second for free so I couldn't pass it up.
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years agoShould i play World of Warcraft?
Ive always been curious about this game. I love rpgs and I love fantasy games. I don't have too much time to play though. Im a dad of 4you beautiful very attention needy kids lol. I DO only sleep about 4 hours a day though. Should I?
7 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years agoAre all power ranger megazords from all seasons compatible?
My son has the new samurai megaword. If I was to get him an old school season3 ninja megaword, would they mix? Are the connecting parts the same design still?
2 AnswersToys9 years agoAre alienware laptops overrated?
I wanna get a new laptop. Don't really plan to do much besides gaming like WOW and other MMORPGS. And some internet browsing.
7 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks9 years agoWhat is the difference between dead rising2 and dead rising2: off the record?
I loved the first one and wanted the sequel but there's two?!?! 0.o
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games9 years agoWhat is the nas north island like for being stationed there?
I will soon be transferring to Nas north island and was wondering how the lifestyle there was for a married military member with dependents.
1 AnswerMilitary9 years agoKids at comic con? should i take them? ?
Im a big geek and i'm molding my 3family oldest kids into my apprentice geeks. Ive never been to comic con before but would LOVE to go and also share the experience with my two boys and one girl(6,5,5 years old) . Is it safe to take them? I know they would love it. But would I lose them there? Is it more for grown ups? Is it worth it yet? Any advice from other parents who have done this would be awesome too. Or if you have been to comic con and seen someone with their kids there too.
3 AnswersComics & Animation9 years agoWhat is more important in a partner?
If you love someone do you love them for who they are and forget everything else? Or do you look at what they did in the past and use that to judge them in the present?
2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships9 years agoWhat is the highest spot you can jump off in skyrim?
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years agoIs minecraft POCKET EDITION worth it?
I don't own a pc so the real one isn't an option =[
8 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years agoIn the original mighty morphin power rangers?
Is the face of Zordon the actor who also played "bulk" on the same show?
3 AnswersComedy9 years agoAt what point in human culture did women start wearing heels?
3 AnswersGender Studies9 years agoWhat do you think of the names alesna and Lynette for the little girl?
8 AnswersBaby Names9 years agoWhat are some good places to check out when in boston,ma?
It'll be myself, my wife, our sons(5 and 6), and our girls (5 and 1.5)
1 AnswerBoston9 years ago