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Horseback/dressage rider, type 1 diabetic, history of complex partial epilepsy
Hard mass along outer nose?
I’ve noticed that on the left side on my nose, my estimate to be around the middle turbinate, there is a large, flap-like structure that is currently rock-hard. You can move it side to side, to a very small degree. It will cause mostly posterior bleeding if I do this, and it can happen randomly, at times. I do swallow small amounts of blood.
Likely important note: I had an endoscopic surgery for a tumor at the skull base about seven months ago, leaving me with basically no nasal septum. I do still require periodic cleaning, and I do have slight sinusitis.
Could it be a turbinate just dried over with blood, or something to do with the sinusitis, or something else? It’s honestly more bothersome psychologically, than anything, but I tend to worry.
2 AnswersRespiratory Diseases2 years agoIf a baby was born without a patella?
I'm in Anatomy & Physiology, and we're on the skeletal system. One lab question was about what would occur if they were born without a patella, and I'm honestly not sure. Would they be capable of walking, just not stably? Would bending the leg be difficult? Would their brain's elasticity help them be able to adapt?
I know babies are (generally) born with patellae, though it's undeveloped, except some cases of nail-patella syndrome. I've seen a lot of what can happen if there's partial kneecap or it's misplaced, but nothing about total absence.
2 AnswersBiology4 years agoWhy do many refer to H2O as hydrogen dioxide?
I ve been taught that the correct term for H2O would be dihydrogen (mon)oxide, but why does it seem to be so commonly known as hydrogen dioxide, when it seems the equation for that would be HO2? This question has been drifting around in my head for about two years now.
5 AnswersChemistry5 years agoIntroducing rabbits and kittens?
We just got a new kitten about a week ago. I moved up into a larger room and the kitten has lived with me since. He's a house cat. Prior to moving, I had a bunny in my room, too (hatot). I decided to move her up to my new room. Surprisingly, she seemed interested in befriending the kitten, whereas he was frightened at first, but soon just sat and watched as she ate. Later, he started pawing between the bars of her cage, so she's in the bathroom now. She still doesn't seem bothered, he's smaller than she is right now. Is there any way to teach them to get along? Not necessarily getting out of the cage and playing together, just so the hunting doesn't become a hobby for the cat as he gets older.
1 AnswerCats6 years agoClassy, Formal, Fancy-ish Girl Names?
I'm working on a piece right now and I'm looking for a name that would sound very formal, something uncommon today, but it does have a more common nickname to it (i.e. Elizabeth could be Liz, Amyrellis, Amy, etc.) that you'd find today. I was thinking Sarabella, but I'm looking for a different nickname from what you'd have as a nickname for that. It's for a supposed high-class woman that didn't grow up so.
5 AnswersBaby Names6 years agoTrail of Tears, deaths from diseases?
Sorry this is such a sad topic, I'm working on a project. I was wondering if anyone would know the diseases spread as well as an estimate of how many died of that disease. I've found smallpox was probably the worst, but I'm really looking for statistics. Thank you!
2 AnswersHistory6 years agoList of Commands for BlueJ?
I've been using the program for a while now, and I'm working on a final project. I remember he gave us some webpage that had a list of commands but I have no idea where it is, and since I'm home sick I could really use it. Would anyone know the website to use for this?
Programming & Design6 years agoKnitting Hats vs Crocheting Hats?
I'm aiming at learning how to make quite/very small hats. I've knitted hats years back, so it's been quite a while. I've heard crocheting is a tad easier for some, but I'm guessing it strongly depends on the project. These are more for decoration, not comfort. I'm sure I'm going to have to make quite a few regular hats before I adapt, though. For more of a beginner, would you recommend crochet or knitting?
5 AnswersHobbies & Crafts6 years agoWestern seat judging & headset?
I'm showing my Morgan horse currently through MJMHA. He's a western horse. He hasn't been misbehaving or anything, he's been a good boy. However, I am wondering if there are good ways to keep a headset. He has a beautiful one if I have a hold on him like you would hold hunt seat reigns. From the sounds of it, collection helps a lot, so maybe some tips on that, too? Lastly, I'd just like to know what the judges look for a lot in equitation and pleasure. Thank you!
1 AnswerHorses7 years agoDiabetes, epilepsy, and driving in Michigan?
I've been a diabetic for nine years now and epileptic for eight. Several years ago I had part of my left temporal lobe removed to stop seizures, but when I was off meds completely I had a grand mal. That was the only grand mal I've ever had, and that was five years ago, I'm back on anti-epileptic medications. I haven't had an epileptic seizure since then. I've had DKA once, four years ago, because I wasn't eating and suddenly began after visiting a doctor (and I had a teratoma removed, but I don't think that had anything to do with it). I've never passed out due to diabetes. I'm right now not supposed to get my license because I had a pseudo seizure about two months ago. I've been eligible for a drivers test for a while, I just haven't been interested. After the six months has passed, and I decide to test for my license, does the diabetes and history of epilepsy affect my access to a driver's license and my requirements (besides 6 months without a seizure)? I haven't been able to find clear Michigan laws, my computer wouldn't let me select it on the website.
4 AnswersDiabetes7 years agoWordpress Deleting Blogs?
I'm aware of going to tools, hitting delete, and telling the reason, but my computer won't let me give a reason. I'll go to delete blog and when I try to choose a reasoning, it just refreshes the page. I was a newbie so I kept creating new blogs, and I have five right now, and I only use one. Is there anyway to make it stop refreshing when I want to delete one? If not, is there a way to change your site from being viewable by the public to just private? I don't use them, and I don't want them up. I saw steps on how to delete all of them, but I don't want to.
1 AnswerProgramming & Design7 years agoDepression & Epilepsy?
I had complex partial seizures for about a year or so from 3rd to 4th grade, then I had a brain surgery, which stopped the seizures, until I had gone all the way off the meds, I was 11, then I had a grand mal, my first one, I believe. I went back on lamictal and I've been on it since (I'm 16 now). I've been going through depression for a few years now, but no seizures since the grand mal. However, I was going through major depression about midway through junior year, lost interest in everything and slept even more than usual. One day, I went to check my blood glucose (diabetic, as well), because I felt so lightheaded, and I was undergoing paranoia. I was 115, a great number for me, but then I just went out, I can't remember what happened. I was apparently shaking, tense, and I felt very cold. They figured it was a seizure, but it was really weird, I felt it before it was coming, very out of the usual. EEG was even better than my last one, and I don't know my MRI yet. Could this maybe have been a depression "attack?" I'm not sure if that's the correct word. Or maybe a seizure triggered by depression? I'm doing much better now, I haven't had any more. Thank you for your help!
2 AnswersMental Health7 years agoMac Programs to use for Nraas?
So I want to put on a mod to make it so I can have more sims, but when I open the Base Mod, since it's needed for all others, it used to say I had nothing to open it with, and now that I've bought Smart File Toolkit Ultimate to open it, that certain program doesn't have the ability to open it. I saw stuff about Notepad, but if I put it on there, it says it can't comprehend it. Does anyone know any apps or programs I could use to install the cheats? Or if there's somehow on Notepad?
I'm on a Mac OSX.
1 AnswerSoftware7 years agoSongs about hallucinogens?
I'm doing a project on PCP and I can't find any songs that fit the subject, as well as last around 3 minutes. I love "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds," "Go Ask Alice," and "I am the Walrus," but they don't fit. Does anyone have any ideas of songs relating to hallucinogens? And they do have to be school appropriate, which can make it a bit harder.
1 AnswerLyrics7 years agoConsidered an American citizen?
If a child is born, for example, in Sweden (theoretically speaking), and at least one of the parents was born in the U.S. and is a legal citizen, is the child automatically considered a U.S. citizen, as well? Or are they automatically considered from wherever they were born? Would this kid be able to run as president of the U.S., for example?
I'm not basing this on anyone, I don't have kids and I'm not basing it on Obama, or whatever the thought may be. I'm in Government and I'm supposed to figure this out.
2 AnswersImmigration8 years agoHotot Dotted Bunny Names?
I got a little bunny yesterday (from a healthy environment) and she's a dwarf hotot and she has one little spot around her back, which is why whoever bred her sold her to the pet store since he couldn't show her. I'm trying to find a name that relates to that spot, and obvious names like "Spotty" or "Spots" or "Dotty" are not exactly what I'm searching for. If anyone has any ideas, go ahead and shoot! Thanks!!
1 AnswerOther - Pets8 years agoChemistry Teacher Trick?
Today, my chemistry teacher did something where he poured about 180 mL into a box, and after that, thousands of mL worth came out. He said he proved the rule that matter cannot be changed wrong and he's going to become a millionaire, but that's not possible, and he's not in denial if we ask questions that prove him wrong. We're supposed to hypothesize how it works inside the box. I'm really clueless. Does anyone know this trick, or have any logical ideas?
2 AnswersChemistry8 years agoMy bracelets are getting fairly rusty?
So I wear these bracelets that mean A LOT to me, due to their support for cancer. But the metal (or I guess "fake silver," whatever it's considered) beads seem to be rusting. I'm guessing that it's because I used to sometimes leave it in my bathroom while I was showering. I really want to fix them. People have talked about the whole toothpaste thing, but I think that's just for cleaning, not removing rust. Then I've heard about clear nail polish, which I'm unsure of and would appreciate if someone could explain how that works/helps. Lastly, I've noticed the vinegar, salt, and water technique, but I don't know if that's for actual silver or not. If anyone could give me any advice on how to make these little silver/metal beads look better, I'd be VERY appreciative!
3 AnswersFashion & Accessories8 years agoSim 3 game repeatedly pausing?
My computer usually won't do this. I undownloaded one game and then downloaded "Sims 3 Island Paradise," because I know my computer can't handle that much data. It worked fine on my last game (the one I took off), but now it's just randomly freezing. It'll usually only be a few seconds, but it happens constantly, they can't make it down a hall without freezing, same goes for home editing. It wasn't like this before, it just randomly started. I did move, but I'd already moved multiple times. I downloaded some stuff from online but then took it off, which still didn't help. Does this game just require more space to play? I've logged off, cleaned the CD, I've tried repeatedly, but it'll still freeze. Any ideas?
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years agoSims 3 Can kids not go to school without getting taken away?
I've been playing the game and have no issues, but I was just wondering if there would be any way to get rid of your child having to go to school. I know you can easily delete it with the testingcheatsenabled cheat, but if I do that, will my kids fail? Before I knew cheats and it was my first time on Sims 3, I was threatened to have my children taken because both were failing. If I delete their school, will the grades count anymore? If so, would they automatically fail due to lack of homework/dissing?
3 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago