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Lv 611,187 points

Rock Addict 3113

Favorite Answers12%

Hey Rockers and Metalheads. My names Amber I'm 23 and live in Annapolis Maryland,USA, and I am ADDICTED to Rock N Roll. My favorite bands are: -Motley Crue -Sixx:A.M. -Skid Row -New York Dolls -Ratt -Autograph -Cinderella -AC/DC -Aerosmith -Led Zeppelin -Avenged Sevenfold Theses are the best bands from Finland in an Americans opinion (which doesn't say much) -Apocalyptica -H.I.M. -The Rasmus -Negative -The 69 Eyes -Insomnium -Faerghail -Stamina -RA -Lullacry -Ancara

  • Do you like these names for my characters????

    The Two Girls Names

    -Faye Midnight

    -Luna Soliel

    The Two Boys Names

    -Rowan Leo

    -Echo River

    7 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • What names would you associate with rich people?

    I'm thinking of writing a short story but I'm a little lost on what names I should use

    8 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • My friends kitty is pregnant and sick???????????

    I live with my friend and his kitty has been throwing up for two days now, she's also REALLY!!! pregnant with her second litter, does this usually happen to pregnant kittys?, I'm a dog person so I'm not the most brilliant when it comes to kittys

    4 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • What is something that has???????????

    Completely made your day?, mine was talking to the actor who played Justin from the Power Ranger Turbo series and movie JUST now on FaceBook IM, I am so freakin HAPPY!!!!! I have waited since I was 8 years old to talk to him :D,

    Songs about being ecstatic?

    1 AnswerRock and Pop10 years ago
  • Is it normal to feel like this?

    Ok, so me and my BF have been together for 2 years, I'm super happy with him, but I just got news that my best-friend of 15 years got engaged tonight and they've been together for less than a year now, hearing that news has made me sad and afraid that I'll never get married and I don't want to be the last one getting married out of all of my friends, also right now I have this ring that my mom gave me when I turned 18 on my ring finger and I'm tired of wearing a what I call a fake engagement ring, I just feel like crying, how can I make myself feel better?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • What are some ways that I can deal with this?

    I cam out as Bi on FB this weekend and I've already got my first hate comment saying "It's not a choice, it's a disease and soon it will be cured", I'm the kinda person who once reads something negative about myself I can't stop repeating it in my head, I can deal with being called a "Satan Worshiper" (I'm Wiccan as well) cause comments like that actually make me laugh, but this is just down right degrading, what are some ways I can handle criticism better?, Blessed Be )O( and Thank you :)

  • What cultures would you say best represent the 4 elements??????????

    My choices would be

    Asia/ Oceana for Water

    The Middle East/ North Africa for Fire

    Canada/ South America for Earth

    Scandinavia/ the U.K& Ireland for Air

    But of course those are MY opinions, what are YOURS?, Have Fun and Blessed Be )O(

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • What would you name two mythical Realms of ????????????????????

    Air and Fire?, I have already named the Water and the Earth Realms, Have fun and be creative :D, Blessed Be )O( Amber Robinson <3

    1 AnswerBaby Names10 years ago
  • Who do YOU want back for The Fast and the Furious Six?

    I personally want Sean from Tokyo Drift back as well as Twinkie and Neela and Leon from the first F&F and the cute little Polynesian girl Suki from 2F-2F combined with a returning cast from F5

    5 AnswersMovies10 years ago
  • What do you think of these???????????????????

    I'm trying to write a creation story for how the 4 Elements were made, and these are the names I picked, what are your opinions of them, and should I change any of them?

    Father- Lucio

    Mother- Umbra

    Earth, Daughter- Evanthe

    Air, Son- Stratus

    Fire, Son- Tephran

    Water, Daughter- Hydrix

    4 AnswersBaby Names10 years ago
  • If you had a beach house???????????????????

    How would you decorate it ?, go room by room, have fun and be creative :D

    1 AnswerDecorating & Remodeling10 years ago
  • If you were a pirate, what would you want to look like?

    I just a had a "Pirates of the Caribbean" marathon and it got me thinking, be as creative as you can and have fun with this :D <3 Amber Robinson, Blessed Be )O(

    7 AnswersMythology & Folklore10 years ago
  • If you had the option of adopting.............???????

    One child from the following countries what gender would you pick and what would their name be?










    -Lebanon (sp?)


    -New Zealand


    -Saudi Arabia






    Be creative and HAVE FUN!!!! <3 Amber Robinson and Blessed Be )O(

    14 AnswersBaby Names10 years ago
  • Just for fun, how would you decorate a nursery for........................?

    Twins, Quaduplets and Sextuplets?, the Twins are Boy/Girl, the Quads are two boys/two girls and the Sextuplets are 3 boys/3 girls, Have fun and be creative, <3 Amber Robinson Blessed Be )O(

    2 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • What comes to mind when I say the words.........?

    "Egyptian Vampires", what do they look like in your mind?, and what would they're living quarters be like to you?, what would their lives be like, would they be commoners or royalty?, Be creative and most of all HAVE FUN!!!! :D <3 Amber Robinson Blessed Be )O(

    4 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • I'm making a fictional school for young Wiccans- to- be but?..........?

    I'm having trouble thinking of what kind of subjects to be taught there, also what kind of after class places should be included? the students live on campus so it's not like they go home after the school day ends, thank you for the help <3 Amber Robinson, Blessed Be )O(

    11 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Ok I need help with the centerpieces?

    Although me and my BF aren't even engaged yet we KNOW that we are the right ones for eachother, he's already said that I'm in charge of whatever goes into our wedding as long as I'm in it and it is traditional and Gothic, our colors are, black, white, purple and silver, can you help me create the centerpieces?, it can be as simple or elaborate as you like :D, have fun <3 Amber Robinson

    3 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • I just thought of something???? (Columbine Q?)?

    As everyone knows Eric Harris, one of the gunmen that attended Columbine High School was on a prescription called Luvox, seeing as him and fellow gunman Dylan Klebold were sooo close of friends do you think that Eric and Dylan shared the medication?, I know it was reported that Dylan wasn't on any form of mood disorder prescriptions however it's not new that teens do abuse prescription pills not prescribed to them directly, what is YOUR take on this?

    1 AnswerCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Who's at fault here?.............................?

    Ok so I watch this baby on the weekends with my Uncle and the mom brings him by at 7 to 7:30, my Aunt tells me to set my alarm for 7:30 this morning, my cousin was up before me and saw her pull up and rang the doorbell but didn't answer the door causing her to think no one was up and so she dropped her son off at her moms house, Am I the one at fault for following the rules set by my Aunt or is my cousin at fault for not answering the door when she knew who it was?

    4 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • I want to base a short story in Ancient Greece I have names for them but..................?

    I don't know if I want to make it a mythology or a historic fiction story, the names I have are: Maximos and Tharin are the guys and Elektra and Ismene are the girls, and also if anyone is a Greek History spaz any info will be greatly appreciated thank you, Amber Robinson <3

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago