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I'm making a fictional school for young Wiccans- to- be but?..........?

I'm having trouble thinking of what kind of subjects to be taught there, also what kind of after class places should be included? the students live on campus so it's not like they go home after the school day ends, thank you for the help <3 Amber Robinson, Blessed Be )O(


Thank you, thank you :D, be as creative as you want, have fun with this

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Fortune telling; optional classes; Cartomancy (card reading, not just tarot), Palmestry, astrology and tea reading.

    Art, English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology. You want some normalcy in there for a reference of understanding.



    Energy manipulation

    Deities and mythology (understanding the various gods and goddesses and other creatures featured in mythology)

    Courtesy of the Fay

    Calling (the towers, deities, elements)

    Elementals and Elemental Magic

    Cross-culture opt-in variations (Chinese wicca; Indian wicca; Rissian Wicca)

    Cooking, optional extra module for Herbology.

    Clairvoyance (seeing things now, in the past and int he future)

    Astral projection

    Protective magics

    Rune reading and rune casting (optional advanced fortune telling/spell-craft module)

    Vocational classes for advanced students; fortune telling, warding, equipment imbuing and building (staves, wands, charms).

    Summoning (angels, demons, spirits, you name it)

    History (wiccan, and national. Keep in mind the short history of wicca if you go there).

    Improvisation (You want a black candle and don't have one? Here's what you do.)

    Animal relations (Getting along with the wildlife)


    Physical education and sports

    Grounding and banishing (basic class required by all to attend in year one)

    Citizenship (How To Be The Best Wiccan You Can Be).

    Calenders and their various purposes. (Aztek, myan, ancient celtic)

    Cross-faith lessons; basically religious studies. The study of other pagans, the 6 major faiths and other kinds of witches.

    Moon and Sun; various energies at various times (this would likely be a mini-module or extra-curriculum).

    Herding Cats: Working with other Wiccan/Witch sects.

    Chaos magic: Experimentation won't hurt you, much.

    Languages (Not necessarily human ones).

    Past lives and how to spot them.

    Healing (modules incling spiritual healing and spellwork. Possibly an advanced herbology course in the second year; one year of herbs would be a prerequisite? Either that or there would be some herbology classes the students are required to attend. The healing portion of herbology would be requiring the full 5 years; and be considered a grounding for a vocational qualification or a degree).

    Possibly a sub-school for apprenticeships, maybe with graduate students?

    Hmm, after school? Well, a few of the lessons I've suggested would make good after school lessons or extra curricular activities. There could also be a 'ritual leader' type group of excelling students; no, not like cheer-leading - literally arranging open rituals for other students to attend in the school's facilities. As for other suggestions not related to classes... They should have the usual places (dormitories, common rooms, classrooms), plus a temple. A few choices for eating; vegetarian and non vegetarian, at least one forest and lake to hang around (and a camping group for weekend activities). There should be a small bonfire burning as well for those who identify with fire. An open courtyard; the building should be very open plan, I think, if you were looking for ideas there, and open to most of the elements. There should be rooms for practicing, probably with prefects observing who specialised in wards and defensive magic. At least one stone and one wooden circle. Probably even an on-campus forge for those who want to enjoy swordplay for their PE. At least one stockroom/shop for student to acquire materials; the best way would probably be that each student has 'rations' that they can buy to limit the amount of the more risky tools lying about (knives, candles), and they can only buy as many as their student cards say they can buy. It would also track more interesting things like ingredients for love potions. I would have most of the classrooms open during the school day so students with free periods could practice - oh, and an unholy massive library. Probably a kitchen garden students so inclined can help out with, as well as free-range chickens; cuts operating costs AND teaches students how to run an organic garden.Also I think each dorm should have an alter the students living there are responsible for.... If I were writing a fictional religion-based witch school.

  • I would start first and foremost with separate, heavy-course classes on mythology from different parts of the world. I mean, you can't have any religion, including Wicca, without some form of higher power. You could try separating it by pantheon, by type of deity (i.e. thunder Gods, Goddesses of love, etc), or even do a "continuing" course (like the kind of course they split up into multiple semesters) on various aspects of female deity, and various aspects of male deity. Comparative religions classes are a must. Also a must is Wiccan Literature - that should probably span at least a year's worth of semesters, maybe two. Or the second year's worth of Literature could be general Pagan Literature (like the Eddas). Another must is at least a semester of Ethics/Morality, with a focus on Wiccan and Pagan ethics. I find Harvard professor Michael Sandel's lecture series to be fascinating, and I think a class could be structured similar to his (not from such a legal, political, or historical perspective) on Wiccan ethics in application the hypothetical and real-life scenarios. And another (!) must is Wiccan History - young Wiccans really need to know that our religion is not ancient, has nothing to do with the Burning Times, etc.

    Also good are:





    Biology and probably Chemistry

    LOTS of History from all around the world

    Some kind of hands-on skill like making athames or ritual robes or religious jewelry

    Wiccan Prayer


    Thus, for a single year of freshman classes, it would look something like:

    Principles of Pre-Christian European Pagan Traditions (Required) [or whatever, I'm separating it into pantheons here]

    Wiccan Literature 101: Gerald Gardner and the Founders of Traditional Wicca (Required)

    History of Wicca 101: Wicca in the 30s (possibly, we'll never know for sure) 40s, and 50s (Required)

    Wiccan Traditions 101: Paths of Founding Wicca, including Gardnerian and Alexandrian Traditions (Required)

    Elective (Required) [choose form above]

    Ritual 101 (Required)

    Extra-curricular activities could involve volunteer organizations (for the homeless, the elderly, cleaning up roads, animal shelters, etc), Astrology Club, Drum Circle (a lot of Pagans near my hometown do this), Dance, or Choir (I would personally love to hear some of Libana's songs re-rendered - many have Pagan themes).

    If all else fails, you could structure it similar to Catholic schools, which are the only religious schools I can think of.

    Hope this helps! Good luck, and Blessed Be! <3

  • 1 decade ago

    Wicca and Witchcraft are not the same thing. You shouldn't make them Wiccans unless you are actually making it a religious school. Real Wiccans are not supernatural creatures casting spells, we're human beings worshiping our Gods.

    Wicca is a religion... we get enough flack and confusion from people because in the 90s people started grabbing the word "Wiccan" instead of "Witch" to be cool. It kinda sucks.

    Have fun and be creative, but avoid misleading information that leads to the further disrespect and misrepresentation of an entire religion. Use the more generic term "Witch" or pull some other name out of legend and folklore...

  • 1 decade ago

    Herbology. Potions. History of Witchcraft. Ritual. If we are talking about the Wiccan religion I would say theology of the Lady and the Lord. I'm not sure what I'd call it though. Make no mistake, Wicca does have a theology. What it does not have is an orthodoxy heresy dichotomy the way Christianity does.

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  • 1 decade ago



    Correspondences (what relates to what)

    Palm Reading/Scrying/Tarot/Other forms of divination


    Kitchen Magick


    The Occult

    Trees and Animals (like Animal Spirit Totems and such)

    The Ogham (ancient form of Celtic writing

    Mythology (maybe including the Irish Bean Sidhe, or Imps, or anything really)


    Ancient Languages (maybe Gaelic, Latin, Native American sign languages etc)


    After Class:

    Clubs (that share similar beliefs and/or interests)

    Park (full of nature and little animals)

    Celebrations (the Sabbats! Definitely)

    Roleplaying Clubs/Groups (I don't know about you but I LOVE roleplaying and fantasy!)


    Yours truly,


    A proud Wiccan!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    as someone else mentioned Wicca and Witchcraft are not the same thing. You need to do a bit more research on both of them before you forge ahead. Some of the things people are mentioning belong to one but not the other and some belong to something else entirely.

    Source(s): Roman Catholic Witch Practitioner Romani Pagan
  • Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Well you should also think about finances. Running a school is expensive. Staff, taxes (Is it a church or a privat university) and so on.

    Sorry to spoil the fun but that kind of details are what make mediocre stories great.

  • 1 decade ago

    The BASICS would be nice.

    Guided Meditation, shielding, grounding, centering and energy draw.

    Nature classes, 'warnings', group interaction with energywork, props and lack of them, responsibly calling the 4 Watchtowers/Corners, the different celebration days and the fact nobody 'gets' a familiar in this life (they are rare).

  • Subjects.

    Palm/Tarot reading



    Keeping a book of Shadows


    Places to visit

    Stone henge

    Mayan Ruins

    Pyramids of Egypt

    Forests of Germany

    Sites known for hauntings


    Salem Massechusettes

    New Orleans

  • .
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I don't know if your joking or not but if you really do open this school I wanna go there ! (:

    & everyone gave a bunch of good ideas use those

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