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kaitlyn, ftw. (:

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names kaitlyn marie(: all you need to know.

  • Help with these Physics Problems?

    I had to take a basic Intro To Physics class this year, and I did not do well in it at all. Math and I do not mix, Math does not stick with me. But, I need to do these problems to get a credit for the course. I have no idea what I am doing, anything would help. The problems are listed as:

    1) Calculate the torque applied into the road by a tire if the diameter of the tire is 0.4 m and the axle exerts 340 N of Force.

    2) Calculate the ammount of heat energy required to raise the temperture of a 5kg block of solid platinum from 0 degrees celsius. The specific heat of platnium is 133 J/kg K. How much heat energy is required to raise a 5 kg of water by the same ammount. The specific heat of water is 4.2 k/kg K

    2 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Drop 4 Jean Sizes By The Middle Of July?

    I do think it could be possible, but I don't really know too much on what I should do to accomplish this. I would mostly like to go from a size waist 30' to a size Waist and Hip; 27- 28 37.5 - 38.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Dream Interpetation, Message hidden?

    In the dream, I am brought into this room. It's small, theres one door leading out into an office, the other outside. I am told to stay in the room untill I'm asked to leave. The room is a small, it reminds me a therapy room. Theres a chair, couch, desk, television, & alot of ashtrays & matches. My rabbit and dog are with me in the room. I've fallen asleep in the chair, I awaken to a African American woman screaming in my face "What the Fuc*k are you doing here?!" I quickly stand up, and she starts to show the signs of being possessed. I have a very big fear of demons. I get out of the room into the office screaming for help. No one can hear me. I lock the door when I hear her moaning and screaming scary noises. I run out into the traffic, & I get into this grassy patch were I see my ex boyfriend who has just got together with a new girl at my school who doesnt seem to like me so much. He looks at me and calls my name, but I run away as fast as I can and then I suddenly find myself with my divorced parents(just got divorced after being with eachother for 16 yrs) My mom said that she doesnt have time for me today, so she's giving me to my dad, (we dont get along, when him & my mom started to aurgue he became involved in drinking again, he was a terrible alcoholic before he met my mom) I get in the car & my dream ends.

    I dont know what this means, I can tell it ties into all my fears, and my anger & rage. But there has to be more meaning than what I already know.

    I dont know what this could possibly mean. But, it seems as all my troubles have tied into on

    5 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • Everytime I laugh hard, or even sometimes just a laugh I pee myself?

    Yeah, it's really akward to say that. but it's true. I'm only 15, and I dont know If i have any bladder problems, is there an explination for this?

    3 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • ipods froze? heeellp?

    i have the iPod Nano 2nd Genoration, and its like froze. how do i unfreeze it? lmao, i tried plugging it in, didnt work.

    3 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Abercrombie Kids Playlist?

    can someonee pleeeease; get me all the songs from the Abercrombie Kids Playlist on the website currently; 10 pointts(:

    1 AnswerLyrics1 decade ago
  • Help Convincing My Momm?

    okay, i have a chinchilla, a cat and a dog. and i want a poodle haha, i reaally do. and my mom said;; "no more animals" and its not that she has anything agaisnt poodles, and dont tell me anything that might have to do with the poodle cause it doesnt. and i've done my reserch thannks. but i just want to know how i can convince her. thanks(:

    6 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • Ughh; Make Outt Helpp....?

    Okayy; soo, like this guy i reaally like likes me, and we always make out and crap like that; you get the point. but, one day (yesterday) he said, i should try to make out a little better, and im like, here i am. any tippss? please&thankyouu(:

    11 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What Songg Is Thiss.....?

    Every Night You Take Off That Dress

    Where You've Been Is Anyone's Guess

    The Truth Is That I Just Don't Care

    As My Hands Run Through Your Hair...

    1 AnswerLyrics1 decade ago
  • What Songg Is Thiss.....?

    Maybe you were just afraid Knowing you were miles away From the place where you needed to be And that's right here with me

    It's you and me forever You and me right now That'd be alright We're chasing stars to lose our shadow Peter Pan and Wendy turned out fine So won't you fly with me

    4 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago
  • What Is The Name Of The Song In Harry Potter 5?!?

    omfg, in the movie when they first get to hogwarts and in the common room a song is playing in the background when he is talking to Dean&Shamus. Whats That Song?!

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • What Songg Is Thiss.....?

    I take the necessary steps

    To get some air into my chest

    Cant hear the thoughts inside my head

    Im still freaking out

    That's why my ex is still my ex

    I never trust a word he says

    Im running all the background checks

    And hes freaking out

    Every time I turn around

    Somethings just not right

    5 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago
  • The Song On The AT&T Comercial?

    okay so that song on the AT&T comerical it goes; "baby i've fallen quite hard for you" whats the name of that song!!

    4 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Is This Possible or Not?

    okay, lets just say; that if you never had your period before okay? and you have sex like right before your very first period starts could you get pregg? this is just outa curiousity not like its happening 2 me. thanks(: [star this question if you have seen me before(:]

    16 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • How Old Do You Have 2 Be 2 Work A Hollister Co?


    hollister is a clothing brand company owned by abercrombie&fitch. & im like in olvoe with it. how old do have 2 be 2 work there?

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • My Hip Cracks ALL The Timee?

    okayy, so like, my hip craks all the time. i'll move and it will just snap. and when i get it sometimes its snaps. it sounds like when you crack your knuckles. lolzz. but, seriously it hurts alot. & i think that maybe one leg is bigger than the other? idk, any soultions?

    8 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • ahhhh! am i suppose 2 or am i not?!?

    omffg, ik i wont be having sex anytime soon hehe ;] but, im curious are you suppose 2 shave....down there or just let it groww. i think its kinda nasty, but idk what the guy would think of it either way. help?

    9 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago