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  • why cant i log onto skype with my ipad?

    ok so on my ipad i have the skype app and today i tried logging in i double checked and the password/name is fine on my laptop and i can connect just fine, but when i try on my ipad it says the password and name arent recognised, could it be because i used facebook to create the account or anything?

    1 AnswerFacebook6 years ago
  • do you think religion and church should be seperate or what? :D?

    i personally think they should because religion is a belief to a very real situation and religion can hurt people if it was in politics also most of the world is christian so it be unfair belief wise :3

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • was the singer pink in a girl group ever?

    cuz i feel like she was i cant remember the song but it was 4 girls and it was a very "sexy" song and its old i think

    3 AnswersLyrics6 years ago
  • should i leave school after 3rd year?

    my reasons are because i have terrible anxiety when it comes to school, seriously its gotten so bad i tried to kill myself last year (:P) i feel depressed all the time and im literally over eating and under eating all the time from worry and im only in 2nd year! i dont go out at all im the un-healthiest person i know and i spend days on my laptop all the time :P during summer i eat alot better i go on walks all the time i meditate and i feel ALOT better and way more productive i know poeple will say "but its gonna ruin your future" but tbh i feel like i wont have a future if i stay in school and i mean it makes me sick (not a joke like i feel physically feel sick and i got sick 2-3 times cuz of school), i really just want advice (honest advice) i dont wanna live like some drone :P please be honest :D have a good day

    3 AnswersMental Health6 years ago
  • What would happen if you dropped out of school before you did junior cert or where not 16 yet?

    1st things 1st not planning on dropping out my friend is :P and i dont want them to get in trouble so thats why im asking

  • what would happen if you dropped out of school (ireland) before your done junior cert/16?

    Would the parents go to jail, would you get in trouble, or what?

    3 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education6 years ago
  • would you get mad at your kid for using slang/accent that everyone uses?

    so where i live we have slang/accents that everyone uses like for example instead of saying "My mam went to the shops" they'd say "me ma went to the shops" but I only used one or two slang words and my mam would get mad at me for it, she almost grounded me over it is that reasonable? oh also she didnt even ask me to try "stop" it but its not my fault im catching the slang where i live :P (btw my family is semi-posh -.-)

    2 AnswersFamily6 years ago
  • Help! school depresses me?

    I just want to say 1 thing I LOVE LEARNING but i dont like memorizing for a test i hate school, Its getting so bad i cant sleep properly, having nightmares, feeling sick all the time, laying in bed all day feeling depressed :P, etc and i want to do something about this how can i deal with this situation? should i drop out of school and pursue my career in what i love? (which is art btw and alot of artists in the industry dont have diplomas or go to colleges and learn in other ways :3) or should i stay and risk getting depressed more and more? oh btw the depression/anxiety got so bad last year i self harmed :P (dont worry im alot better now :D) but im afraid if i stay ill do it again or worse?! i have 4 years left btw ;P

    3 AnswersMental Health6 years ago
  • have you ever rebelled against/for something?

    like against school, your family, beliefs, etc?

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • Should you have to go to school/work if your sick mentally?

    i mean as in your really depressed, stressed, etc. Do you think being sick mentally is just as important or more important as physical or what?

    (personally i believe people who have mental health problems be allowed to have time off school or work)

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • Do you think school is worth going to?

    Im just curious what you think, in my opinion though not really i guess learning basic maths and english is good but i dont want nor need to know about religion, algebra, etc, if i dont like it i wont get a job in it and with the internet you can learn so much online. The sociliasation thing is a good argument but your in school to "learn" not talk and couldnt you just talk to people outside of school? to me school is too stressful and too robotic

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education6 years ago
  • how to get obsessed with something?

    yeah weird question im just curious XD

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • who are your favourite youtube artists?

    artist meaning drawer, graphic designer, etc. I like sycra :D

    2 AnswersDrawing & Illustration6 years ago
  • why do i act different when people are around me?

    well usually when im alone I m very calm, I think things through alot more, and if i get hyper i usually laugh at chuckle (cuz im weird but whatever self expression and all that jazz :D) but when im with other people im always either nervous sounding or really loud, i dont get it because im usually always really quiet , ill act myself around anyone who isnt a person (like my pet) or me its really weird :P im trying to stay calm but i cant :P weird

    1 AnswerPsychology6 years ago
  • why do you like/dislike school?

    whats your reasoning behind this? im just curious :D

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Should i drop out oh school to follow my dreams?

    1) i have depression/anxiety, and aspergers i get so nervous about school i cant do anything i have meltdowns trying to do hw cant sleep eat properly and usually go in 4,3 days a week because of how stressed i get (its really hard to do and so exhausting) i get sick and have headaches/tummy aches all the time because of it also

    2) i love art i wanna be an artist and could be using so much more of my time/energy on that and other subjects that interest me for example im in karate, and computer coding

    3) i dont think i can handle four more years of this, its getting worse by the day and i feel so depressed/anxious, as a person who believes in keeping mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health healthy i find school is my disease if you get me?

    also im not a lazy students i am in all the higher classes and well did work very hard (my anxiety has been getting in the way)

    3 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education6 years ago
  • how could i graduate from secondary school early?

    so i was just wondering if there was any way that i could finish my scholastic education early :D i looked into homeschool/online school but couldnt find anything :P