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I looooooooooove the jonas brothers!!! They are amazingly talented, gorgeous, humble, true, real and the list goes on and on!!! I'm also prolife, vegetarian, and a HUGE animal lover!! I play piano and organ, love music! ♥Jonas Brothers♥ ♥It takes 1 second to love their looks♥ ♥It takes 1 hour to love their songs ♥ ♥It takes 1 day to fall in love with them♥ ♥It takes 1 lifetime to forget them♥ ♣ I pledge to make peace ♣ ♠ Between Jonas Brothers ♠ ♦ Haters and Fans, ♦ ☻And be part of the ☻ ☺Solution-not the problem☺ ----///-\\\--- Please put this ---|||---|||--- on your ---|||---|||--- profile If ---|||---|||--- you know ----\\\-///--- someone -----\\///---- who has ------///----- diabetes -----///\\\---- like Nick Jonas ----///--\\\--- ♥ ♥ I'am NO longer allowed on yahoo answers for a variety of reasons. But thank you all for your great q/a and for all the friends I've made. Thank you for such a GREAT experience!
Bacne?!!? HELP!--Any sufferers??!?!?
Hey! So thanks for checking out my question. I have been fighting bacne for about 3 years now. My mom has it and so now I do tooo. I've tried body and face washes and I'm nearly at my wit's-end. It's SO annoying. I can't wear anything w/out being embaressed. It isn't too bad but it's noticable, red, blotchy, zits...etc. It's not just my back, it's above my chest and sometimes on my...lower chest...yeah. Seeing a dermatologist isn't an option...but is there anything that has worked for you?? Please I'm desperate!
If you provide links I REALLY appreciate it!
Thank you all, SO much!
2 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade agoValentines Day Dress Question?
Hey Everyone!! OK I have a pretty hard question for you all. I'm going to a Valentines Day Dance (!!!) and I'm super excited. However, I don't have a dress yet. The problem is, my parents are pretty picky about modesty (more than I am) and are giving me a hard time. We need something (if possible) not too short: A few inches above the knee is fine, but not too much. Minimal cleavage is necessary. My mom is pretty picky about the back being low also. Halters are cute, but the backs are sometimes low :) I considered doing spaghetti strap, but she said no. I also thought about spaghetti strap with a sweater, but I'am aiming to find a dress that i don't need to put a shawl/sweater over. I don't really care too much color-wise. I still have to ask my date what he wants, but I don't think it will matter. I'm thinking EVERYONE will do red/pink/black, so possibly other colors, but I want to stay near to those colors if possible. Mainly, I'm aiming for a different dress than everyone else. I think we are aiming for under $100 if possible, but if we find a REALLY good one above it, we can do that too. But I REALLY dont' want a cap sleeve dress. Thank you all SOOOOOOOO much!!! I know this is REALLY hard, but all of your help is greatly appreciated, I don't want an ugly dress for my first dance EVER!!!! lol.
Thank you SO much!
P.S. FULL 10 points awarded to person w/ link to best dress!!!
13 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade agoIs Paintball really painful?
Hey! I have a quick question about paintball. I first saw it on LPBW (little people big world) and I knew some people that did it. and I wanted to try it then. But now I figured out the guy that I might be going out with, but am going to a dance with (!) loves it! LOL. So my question, is it possible to get really hurt? I saw some welts on google and some look pretty darn brutal. I still want to try it, but with proper protection can I still get hurt badly? THANKS!
13 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation1 decade agoMy ear lobes have little ball like things in there....?
Ok,well I got my ears pierced about 3 years ago and religiously cleaned them with the liquid stuff I got until the bottle was empty. Well they were fine for a while, and now they are swollen ish (they kind of hurt when I touch them, but not too much) but they don't look red or swollen. They also have little what feel like "balls" when I touch it. They don't like roll around but they are in there. so I guess this means they are infected, but what should I do? They're not going shut or anything, they just hurt when I put earrings in. And its only one piercing in each ear in the normal place, nothing funky. All kind answers are appreciated. So If you have time, please answer, I really want to resolve this!
Thank You in advance!
5 AnswersOther - Health1 decade agoMy ear lobes have little ball like things in there....?
Ok,well I got my ears pierced about 3 years ago and religiously cleaned them with the liquid stuff I got until the bottle was empty. Well they were fine for a while, and now they are swollen ish (they kind of hurt when I touch them, but not too much) but they don't look red or swollen. They also have little what feel like "balls" when I touch it. They don't like roll around but they are in there. so I guess this means they are infected, but what should I do? They're not going shut or anything, they just hurt when I put earrings in. And its only one piercing in each ear in the normal place, nothing funky. All kind answers are appreciated. So If you have time, please answer, I really want to resolve this!
Thank You in advance!
2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade agoAny vegetarians? I'd love to share tips, recipes, etc!!?
I'm vegetarian not vegan, but I'd love to share, tips, recipes, idea's, fav books, etc!!! LEt me know!!!
8 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade agoHow to convince parents to let me text?
How can I convince my parents to let me text? They say that we have to many bills right now, but they are buying tooooooooons of stuff for my older brother, it's so unfair. Then when I offered to pay for it, my parents are like "NO! Save your money for college". Then they said its a waste of time and money, and I can just email or call someone. but whenver I get time on the computer my parents boot me off of it immiadeatly for no reason. And whenever I try to call my friends, my parents find stuff for me to do. Then when I said that I woudl get good grades at school next year, they're luck" Yah, I'm sure we can count on that" (sarcastically). I Got a B average this year!! I was shooting for an A of course, but hey!!! Well thx for your answers, I tend to vent a little, but I jusst really want to text. I tried to sit down and explain, but they won't listen. Maybe its a lost cause.....
11 AnswersFamily1 decade agoGood running songs?
Ok, so I got a small iPod shuffle yesterday, and I want to put some songs on it that are good and upbeat, yet modern and not trashy bad lyrics. Something that will keep me motivated while I run. I'm training for XC btw. So list any good ones you might have. I have JB already loaded and carrie underwood, and a few upbeat hsm ones. Thx for your help in advance!!!!
11 AnswersRunning1 decade agojoe Jonas fans!!?
I know there are tons of you, just like me, but look at this!!!
I found it on craigslist searching jonas brothers internationally....I want it sooooooo bad!!!!!
11 AnswersCelebrities1 decade agoIn the jonas brothers "living the dream" ?
The episode where Joe is learning to drive and then go driving in those go cart things, who is that girl by mr. and mrs. jonas? The one that says "where's kevin" when the announcer guy says that nick is sidelined, and frankie has just hit the wall below mr, and mrs. Jonas? Who is she? She is about as tall as mr and mrs. jonas and blonde hair I think. Thanks!!
7 AnswersCelebrities1 decade agoHow hot is nick j here????
Top upper corner, he's smiling with his teeth!!!! OMJ!!!
22 AnswersCelebrities1 decade agoHow many people on here.....?
are prolife??? I have some great resources for those who are. Just in case:
1) Pro-life: You don't believe in abortion, and believe in protecting human life. You don't agree with tearing children from limb to limb or sucking them into a vacumn.
2)Pro-choice: The opposite of what I wrote above.
I know that some people are "on the fence" between these two touchy subjects, but I was just wondering.
10 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoWhen a person has a crush on someone why..?
do they stare at them?? IGnoring the fact of attraction?? I mean I know it happens to everyone, but why?
8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoI'm 14 and don't have any guy I weird??
well that's the it weird or wrong??
21 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoWhere can I check my BMI?
Is there a website or something that you can provide me with, that I can check to get my body mass index (Bmi)? Thanks a million, I'm trying to safely lose weight, so I need to see how much I need to lose. Thanks!!
4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoWill you help these animals?? IT's free!!!!?
Click here daily and donate .6 bowls of food to animals. I checked it through snopes, and it works!!!! I set it so that every time i opened an internet browser page thing, it opens. I do my daily clicks...and it's free!!! You can send reminders to your email, send cards....lots of free stuff!!!
3 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade agoWhat is the codeword for disney today??
10 points to the correct answer. Go ahead and call me a loser....but I need that codeword. Btw, today would be June 3rd. Thx!!!!
3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoWhat do i do?!?!??!?
Ok, so I'm going on a mission trip this summer. And I'll be there for 6 days I think. The showers are basically like port-a-potties, but there are showers inside instead. We only get like 3 minute showers once a day, that's if we get through the line!! So my question is, what should I do about shaving?!?! IT's going to be like 90 degree weather so we are going to be wearing capri's..and I don't think my mom will let me use Nair. I've not read the best things about it anyway. Thanks for everything in advance!!
8 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade agoWho's going to see this?!?!?!?
I sooooooooo want to !!!!! I didn't get to go to miley's (I only really wanted to see the jb's though), so I realllllllly wanna see this!!! I read it comes out in 2009, but it isn't called "burning up tour" , is it?!?
6 AnswersOther - News & Events1 decade agoWhy are people so against the Jonas Brothers?? Popularity is not the answer!?
It's not fair to hate them for their popularity, I know everyone has ther own opinion, but don't hate them for a stupid reason!
13 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago