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  • 50s and 60s Day Outfit ideas?

    So I have a 50s and 60s day at school and we are having a competiton for the best outfits. I was thinking about doing my hair like marilyn monroe but I have no idea what outfit to wear! :O No dresses and nothing way too skimpy :P


    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • Days and Signs of Anorexia?

    Can a sign of anorexia be shown in 3 days? Like if you look at a person that hasnt eaten for 3 days, in that period of days can the person already start looking skinny and anorexic? I know they won't look like bones but can you already start seeing a difference?

    1 AnswerDiabetes8 years ago
  • Does water help purging?

    Btw I am not trying to be bulimic. But does water make the food come up easier? I am perfectly healthy and I have no need to do this so dont lecture me because i know it all already ^_^

    so simple question: Does drinking water help the food you just ate come up better?

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases8 years ago
  • Can Anorexia Be Shown in 2 weeks?

    If someone becomes anorexic can it start showing in 2 weeks?

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • What is the anorexic diet?

    Hey guys,

    No I am not trying to be anorexic because I know that can lead to SO many problems and its horrible way to go. But im having this project thing and I just needed to know what their intake is. How many calories and what they eat. Also, how long does it usually take for there anorexia to start showing? Detail please!

    Thank You!

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • I'm eating more lately?

    hey guys. So i'm usually on a well balanced meal and i NEVER over eat. But lately ive been having a lot of food cravings and im always hungry and wanting food! Am i possibly growing and its making me want to eat a whole ton? Ive never craved food so much. I just turned 14 last thursday :P Maybe its growth? :P

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Can't move my neck? (Terrible)?

    I woke up today and i an move my neck to let side. I know it happens when you sleep awkwardly but this is really severe and i cant even put my head straight up I have to lean it to the side and not move a whole lot. Even when im sitting right now as i get up i want to cry because it hurts so much and i feel like if i bend im gon a break my neck or something. I tried massaging it but no use it hurts SOOOOOOO bad. Should i go to the ER?

    4 AnswersPain & Pain Management8 years ago
  • How tall to be a Forever 21 model?

    Oh goshness I love forever 21! Kay so I was just wondering how tall you have to be to be a forever 21 model. Im interested in being a model and i wanted to possibly make my way up to making it to forever 21 x) Im 5'4 right now but I still have more time to get taller and im not asking to be one like RIGHT NOW. but im just asking how tall do you have to be to get in :P

    Kay thanks!

    No negative or rude comments plz!

    2 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style9 years ago
  • How to grow a little taller?

    Hey ya'll!!!!

    I am 13 years old and I am 5'3 :) My dad is 5'7 1/2 and my mom is 5'2 so I don't really have much of the tall genes. I'm most likely going to be atleast 5'5.. I want to be 5'8 and i know genetics plays a big part. I'm very interested in modeling so that's why I want to reach that height x) Are there any exercises, stretches, diet that will help my growth? I know you can increase height in natural ways :) Just need to grow 5 more inches!!!!!! :) So if I could have stretches , diet , or exercises you could give me that will be fine :) No negative comments please! Oh and if it helps my grandpa was 5'10 and my grandma is 5'2 x)


    7 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Volleyball makes thighs bigger?

    So today I am going to volleyball tryouts :) I know that volleyball can make your thighs bigger. But I was just wondering, if you're doing volleyball but you're also on a diet can it make my legs thinner but toned? My thighs are already big so I've been going on a diet for them to be thinned out and I'm looking forward to having toned legs in volleyball but will the diet help them to be thinner and but also toned from volleyball instead of big and bulky?

    Thanks! :)

    4 AnswersVolleyball9 years ago
  • How to get nice legs?

    How can i get nice legs like this?

    They are not way to skinny but they are really nice :) I have a lot of inner thigh fat and very muscy outer thighs. and my calves are fine I guess :) I just wanted to know some diet and exercises that will help me achieve this so I wont need to worry about my legs so much :) Thank you.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Zits on nose?? PLEASE HELP!!?

    Does anyone know a good product or anything that would get rid of the zits on my nose? It's not all over my nose but its all over the sides and it's ticking me off because I can't get rid of them!!!!! PLEASE HELP. They don't look nasty but I want to get rid of them. So any good substances? Products?

    Thanks :)

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body9 years ago
  • Color dye on bleach blonde highlights?


    So I'm going to be dying my hair an auburn. I'm using a box dye from Clairol. But what I'm asking is, I have bleached blonde highlights in my hair and I was just wondering if the dye over the bleach parts is ok. Will the color outcome of the auburn dye on the bleached parts be a different shade? BTW i have dark brown hair(:


    2 AnswersHair9 years ago
  • Dark brown hair to blonde?

    Hi guys!

    So I want to dye like a strip of my hair like a very light blonde. Is it possible to just dye a really really light blonde with just a hair dye? I want to get a strip like this

    My brown is a little darker than hers. But yup its summer and I want to do that. So im just wondering if its possible just to go buy a hair dye and do this. not my whole head x)

    3 AnswersHair9 years ago
  • How to stop face peeling?

    Hi guys!

    So I had a water day at my school and there was a bunch of sun. Later I got sunburned for a little and for a day my whole face was entirely red and it hurt but the next day it was just more tan. But I went to the beach yesterday thinking I would be okay but my parents didnt get the right sunscreen so I didnt get to put sunblock on my face. But now some of my face is super tan I have a ton of white spots from my peeling and it looks really ugly? Will lotion help my face proportion out? What could help me get my face all proportioned? It's gross and I don't know how to get my face back to normal :P Its like tanny and white xP So can someone please tell me what the best thing to do is??

    Thanks people!

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions9 years ago
  • More space between thighs?


    I am glad with the way God made me so I'm not going to obsess with it too much. Sometimes I do because I hate when they touch. I know the inner thigh or gap has to do with bone structure or genes but I know for a fact I have the structure to get it because I already have a small one. I have a lot of inner thigh fat and I would like to get rid of it. BTW i dont wanna hear " Get plastic surgery" or whatever it's kind of annoying. My diet has been helping a little but I want to know some food or exercises that may help me achieve it because I want to look good in skinnies and shorst and not walk past a mirror thinking my legs are ugly. I dont want people saying be happy with the way you are or whatever because I know but I know God didn't give me the fat in between my thighs. LOL it's also very annoying when i get out of the shower cuz they touch a lot. I want my thighs or whole leg to look like this:

    So ya like Adriana Lima. She inspires me(:

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Why do you hate Christians so much?

    Alright so I'm getting kind of hurtful and annoyed because soo many people are creating questions about us Christians should just be killing ourselves or we really need to leave people alone with themselves. I just wanted to let you all know that, that is why we are in the religion and spirituality section. If you don't want to listen to us go to the pet section.

    But to clear things up. All we want to do is share the real truth to people who haven't heard the good news of Jesus, or they are confused, or they don't believe or more! We don't tensionally try to piss people off or annoy them. I'm sorry if we pester any of you guys. We just want you to hear about the Lord Jesus Christ who came to save you. God said to love one another as you would love yourself.

    "Treat others the way you want to be treated" How does that make you feel? Many of you people treat us like dirt and you step all over us. We mean no harm but to share the gift of Christ. It's like you have a family with no food and you grab hold of a loaf of bread and you don't share it with the family because you were being selfish and they all starved till their death. We want you to know that there is someone who loves you. someone who cares for you. Someone who is reaching out to you. We don't want anyone burning in Hell but to live eternally with Christ.

    I'm sorry if you think this wasn't necessary. But I feel convicted and hurt.

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Can someone please help me with legs?!?!?!?!?

    So I'm really annoyed by my legs. I want that little space in my legs. I'm seriously soo angry about it. I try everything to get it but I can't. I know it also depends on bone structure but I KNOW i can get it. I work them a lot but I can never get rid of the fat in the inside of it. I'm seriously stressing about it soooo bad. Can someone please just help me with it? I dont wanna hear like Oh its structure and Oh be happy wit what you got. I'm happy for me and what God gave me but He surely didnt give me the inner thigh fat. Please can someone tell me the best way to get a little gap in between? :( I want like Adriana Limas legs from victorias secret. I would feel so much better about myself. I see girls with perfect legs and they can pull off like everything. And everytime i especially get out of the shower my thighs rub not stop and its pissing me off soo much :( PLease someone help D: Ive tried soo much. Will dieting help? and how long? will drinking a ton of water help? I wanna feel fine at at the beach or in shorts.

    Best Answer to those who have a helpful answer! :)

    3 AnswersJokes & Riddles9 years ago
  • Cutting Hair Split Ends?

    So I'm kind of confused. I may sound a little dumb but yeaahh....... Does cutting the split ends of your hair make your hair grow faster?? My hair grows suuuppperr slow and i hate because i want my hair to be longer. I had a whole bunch of split ends then I had it cut about 2 months ago and after that cut my hair grew a little faster than usual. So im guessing it does. If hair grows at your roots then how does cutting the ends affect the quickness?

    1 AnswerHair9 years ago