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  • D20 System mechanics?

    Does anyone know of a website that details the D20 System's mechanics, or the chapter in one of the D&D books (3rd or 3.5 editions) that details it?

    Specifically, I'm looking for a table of modifiers for combat.

    If someone could walk me through a few combat rounds detailing dice rolls and applying modifiers in resolve, that'd be great, too.

    What could also be a big help is how to adapt the D20 system for use with 2nd edition rules. (I nearly got eaten by 3 rats using that POS THACO system, simply because I was getting bad rolls!)

    2 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation1 decade ago
  • What are the most important books in Confucianism?

    I don't mean the I Ching. I mean any books that explain Confucius' beliefs and philosophy.

    I know about the Analects, but are there any others?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • When Jesus said "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."...?

    Has anyone else noticed that he himself never cast a stone either?

    If this is the case, did Jesus believe he was without sin, as his followers believe, or did he believe he had sinful moments himself?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Question about the KJV?

    Does anyone know where I can find a list of all the verses that appear only in the KJV?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • In Oblivion, is the A.I. in the PC version better than in the 360 version?

    Don't get me wrong; I love Oblivion. But I only have the 360 version, and my computer can't run the PC version at all, even on the lowest settings. And the A.I. in the 360 version SUCKS!

    So, is it better in the PC version?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • CHRISTIANS ONLY!!! I just want some thoughts on the genealogy of Jesus?

    I'm not looking for trouble, I just want some thoughts.

    Matthiew and Luke both give different genealogies of Jesus.

    What are your thoughts on this?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How to connect on Counter-Strike?

    Every time I try to connect to a server on Counter-Strike, it says that the server uses a newer protocol (48) than my client (47) and that I should update my client.

    What does this mean, and how do I update whatever my client is?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • A question for math wizards on square roots.?

    (NOTE: I'm a geometry-level junior-college student)

    Why are square roots often used as final answers? Isn't there a better way to state the solution that's just as precise that can actually be visualized on a number line?

    5 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Any good underrated, under appreciated FPS games for PC before 2000?

    I asked a similar question recently, and didn't quite get what I wanted.

    So here's me being a bit more specific.

    I'm really looking for good FPS games that are more or less abandonware by now. (such as Blood, but I already have that ^_^). DosBox compatible OK, but Windows is okay, too.

    3 AnswersPC1 decade ago
  • What were some of the best 90s FPS games BESIDES Wolfenstein, Doom, Quake, and Duke Nukem?

    I've already played to death those four games, and while I still love them, I was wondering what some other good ones were.

    I'm mostly looking for games that came out around the same time as those games. Basically the pre-Half-Life/Counter-Strike era of FPS.

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Is there an English translation of the Torah that retains the Hebrew names and terms?

    I.E. Yakov instead of Jacob, YHVH instead of LORD?

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Videos on won't load! Help?

    For some reason, whenever I try to load a video on, it won't buffer at all. It says buffering, and the circle loading thingy is running, but nothing happens! I've waited for ten minutes once, and still nothing.

    Anyone know what might be going on?

    1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Any good ACCURATE documentaries on human evolution?

    I'm wondering if there are any documentaries that are accurate to science that tell the story of human evolution. I'm really looking for something that tells the history at least starting with homo habilis if not further back.

    Accuracy is important. If none of them are 100% accurate to science (not necessarily current up-to-date science, but science at the time of the documentary's making), then the most accurate will do.

    5 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • Any good free MMORPGs?

    Can anyone give me a list of free MMORPGs? OTHER than Runescape; I'm looking for ones that I don't already know about.

    8 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Any immersive and/or strategically based MMORPGs out there? (where you can actually ROLE-PLAY?)?

    I'm very disappointed with the way MMORPGs are right now, and indeed RPGs in general, as there really hasn't been a real role-playing game since Elder Scrolls Daggerfall(as far as I know), and I feel that online RPGs have a lot of potential to be such, but most I've seen are too watered down, "hold-your-hand"-ish, and repetitive to be much of anything. From what I've seen of pre-NGE Star Wars Galaxies, it looked great until they turned it into World of Warcraft with lightsabers and lost most of their fanbase.

    So, any MMORPGs where you can actually role-play and aren't just kill/get treasure/repeat like most of them are? I know it's technically impossible for MMORPGs to emulate the immersive role-playing experience Daggerfall gave, but are there any that at least come close?

    (FYI, for WoW fans, I did play it at one point, and found there was no REAL role-playing in it whatsoever; calling me a n00b will not change that supposition as it is true; I was a n00b and subsequently unable to enjoy it)

    7 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • World of Warcraft and Everquest?

    First of all, I'm NOT asking which one is better. I've played World of Warcraft, and I found it very repetitive, so I already know I don't like it.

    Here's what I'm asking: how does Everquest compare to WoW? What are the similarities? Differences?

    DO NOT tell me that Everquest sucks, or that WoW sucks, or whatever, without telling me, IN DETAIL, WHY they suck or might not suck. I already know what I think about WoW; I've never played Everquest. I can't get Everquest II to run, so I don't want anything on that one.

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Can XP work on a computer designed for Vista?

    I'm wondering if a computer with Windows Vista specifications can run Windows XP. I know that Vista is horrible with gaming(and in general) as it can't run the classics very well if at all, and it even has trouble with modern ones. (at least that's what I've heard) Likewise, XP is great with games for the most part. So, can a high-powered computer run with Windows XP? That is, if I were to get a computer that had Windows Vista installed in it, could I install XP either instead or on top of Vista?

    If not, which generation of computer gaming is the oldest Vista can run well without much trouble? Or can Vista in fact run the classics as well as more modern games designed for XP, such as Morrowind or UT2004?

    7 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Can Windows 95 be emulated on XP through DOSbox?

    If so, where can I download Windows 95 programming? (for free preferably)

    3 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Laptop graphics cards?

    I have a Toshiba laptop, version 2002 Home edition with Windows XP and Service Pack 3, that has a 1.60GHz processor, 768 MB of RAM and has Intel(R) Celeron(R) M (don't know what that means; assuming the (R) means registered.), and currently has an ATI Radeon Xpress 200m series video card. My computer can just barely play Unreal Tournament(the first one) smoothly and Elder Scrolls III Morrowind is pretty choppy when in towns while in the wilderness lags every half-second, even with view distance turned all the way down.

    Does anyone have any suggestions as to what kind of graphics card I could get that would improve my performance of gaming so that Morrowind at least doesn't lag so much? Preferably a cheap one from around the same year or a bit later; nothing that only works on high-end laptops or Windows Vista. And I'm not interested in the super-high-end cards for high-graphics games like Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion or Crysis(the former I have on the 360 and the latter I'm not interested in); the most powerful game I have on my computer is Unreal Tournament 2004 which has the option of turning the graphics all the way down to more or less match the first one, and it still lags on larger maps with many contestants; a fatal(literally ^_^) flaw in that game.

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • What do you think of the NKJV?

    For those who believe the KJV of the Bible to be the most accurate and best one, how do you feel about the NKJV? (that is, the New King James Version) The original KJV is nearly 500 years old now, and thus uses a form of English that is outdated. It is well known that there are words in the book that either have new meanings nowadays or have slightly different meanings than what they used to have. The point therefore of the NKJV was to update it.

    So, do you think it was necessary?

    Again, as with my last question, don't respond if you haven't read the Bible for whatever reason. And also, don't respond if you haven't read at least parts of the NKJV if you prefer the original KJV.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago