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  • Can't gain weight?

    Anyone know any special tests or any special doctors to look into? Even after having 2 kids my weight dropped back down to 98lbs first week after each kid, I'm in my mid 30s. Blood work many times have found nothing wrong. However, my acupuncturist did mention im burning too many calories because she said she is able to tell from the color of the tongue. I have tried to eat more but its extremely frustrating to try to eat constantly all damn day with very little results. I don't want to live like this and I'm tired of people's terrible comments about me looking sick. How can I really check what is wrong with me???

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness5 months ago
  • Anyone know anything about chiropractic work? ?

    I've been going to one 3x a week since late July. Over 30 visits already. I never did have any pain but went because my body was slightly uneven. And I have since noticed a lot more energy but still my body appearance isn't showing any improvement. Chiropractor mentioned it will take a while to undo the years of the body being used to this. Is this true? I would have thought by now I'd see a change? 

    6 AnswersDiet & Fitness2 years ago
  • Anyone else have a senior dog that throws up hrs after eating? ?

    13 year old husky is getting skinnier. He lost 10 lbs in 6 months which isn't like him. The vet told me to give him pepcid ac to see if it stops him from throwing up. It doesn't matter what my dog does he still throws up hours after eating (tried diff foods) sometimes he will then eat the food he regurgitated seconds later. Did pepcid help your dog? My vet isn't too worried, thinks it's just old age related. He is now 58lbs and I don't want him getting any thinner. He already looks too thin. 

    7 AnswersDogs2 years ago
  • So frustrated I can not gain weight for ****!?

    I'm female 5'3 @95lbs. I had blood work for everything last month. Apparently nothing is wrong with me. 2 weeks ago I bought a weight gain powder called naked mass and see lots of good reviews. But since then, ive only gained 2lbs. If anything I feel like I'm pooping more. Not only have I been taking the shakes, I've also eaten more. It's seriously depressing. I can't take this **** anymore

    15 AnswersDiet & Fitness2 years ago
  • Anyone had surgery for umbilical hernia?

    I'm almost 1 year postpartum and had gotten it due to pregnancy. Very small umbilical hernia. I'd like to get it fixed however I'm hearing horror stories about infections afterwards. Plus I would like to have more kids. I'm not sure what to do. Sharing experiences would be helpful thanks

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care2 years ago
  • What painkiller can I give my dog?

    My poor 13yr old husky has an eye infection where his eye is bulging out. We went to an eye specialist and he was given medication and I read one of the side effects is eye bulging!! Why the hell would I be given that??? I'm so extremely frustrated.

    8 AnswersDogs2 years ago
  • Dog has 1 protruding eye due to thyroid disease.?

    He has been on thyroid meds for 5 years now. So unsure why this has happened. Vet is just taking my money at each visit. Does anyone know if this is common or temporary? He is 13yr. Vet said it's not painful. So surgery is not needed. But I hate that one eye sticks out far and tears a lot which he has lubricating eye drops for

    5 AnswersDogs2 years ago
  • dogs 3rd eye is covering part of his eye ball.?

    1 of my dogs eye has that protective layer that is showing more. covering part of his eye. tearing a lot. I made an appt but they just canceled cause of a blizzard. what can I do at home in the mean time? I suspect something could have gone in his eye. I feel like I see something underneath the layer. it needs to be flushed and he fights me to put drops of water in it. maybe a wet cloth? his actual eye ball doesnt look infected.

    7 AnswersDogs2 years ago
  • is it common for elderly dogs to have dry fur?

    12 yr old husky had his wellness check up yesterday. they took blood, urine and saliva. he came back healthy. his liver at one point was bad so he eats special food for that. I cant help but think it s not just age.

    7 AnswersDogs2 years ago
  • how to get cat to stop begging for food?

    hi I have 2 cats. one that barely meows and one that doesn't stop. everytime I walk into the kitchen she meows for food. I feed them at least 2x a day so she isnt hungry! just does not stop trying to get more food. ive tried the method on line that says to ignore the cat and they will stop. it's been a month and she still does not get it. it agrivates me. is there anything else that can be done over a begging cat. and no I only feed them cat food not table food

    6 AnswersCats3 years ago
  • question about new brakes please?

    just got my car back since it s light came on that I needed new brakes. well now the new brakes don t stop as good as my old ones. they need to be pushed down more to brake and it startles me since im used to my old brakes braking with just a slight tap. the new ones need to be pushed down further in order to brake. I hope I m explaining myself right. my husband tells me it s normal cause it needs to break in. true?

    13 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs3 years ago
  • what does do not commercially launder mean??

    I have to wash my husband's new uniform and it says do not commercially launder and do not dry clean. so then how am I to clean it?

    4 AnswersCleaning & Laundry3 years ago
  • Advice please! would elderly lawyer help? sorry it s long?

    hi all. I m a 33 yr old married female. for the past 3 yrs ive been helping my dad taking care of my stroke bedridden mother who only has Medicare. my 3 siblings don t really help. 2 moved out of state. my younger brother comes 1x a week to help. would rather get high. my dad & I went & applied for Medicaid but was turned down. my parents were always poor but after my grandma died 4 yrs ago her house went to her kids. my dad got a portion abt 60k. medicare does not help with nurse aids. I m 8 weeks pregnant. I feel depressed over trying to start my life but practically living in 2 houses. when we applied for Medicaid they told us my dad has to give up 50k in order to be approved. he refuses to do so. so we pay out of our own pockets for help. my siblings don t help with paying the caregivers. I ve been helping but can t afford it anymore. my acct is constantly negative & we need to save & move to a bigger apt before this baby comes. my dad & i argue over it should be me helping him more over my brother because he is immature but also says he wants us around to keep him company. I feel so depressed that we can t get help. my mom s doctor did a house visit & told us to try an elderly lawyer but my dad refuses saying he will only waste 10k it won t help. do I have any option here? My mother cant speak so they can t divorce. I feel angry at her for not taking care of her self. she used to drink a lot before getting sick. maybe depression. any advice would help greatly. state NJ

    3 AnswersFamily3 years ago
  • Can dogs get arthritis on their paws?

    My 11 yr old husky has recently started limping. I do know he has arthritis since it takes a little longer to stand up and he is a bit stiff. He takes joint supplements and tumeric. But today seems to be the worst. He is limping pretty bad. Keeps holding up one front paw. My father and I scrutinized the paws he yelps tries to lightly bite us to tell us it hurts. I can t seem to figure out if something is stuck that is hurting him or if it really is arthritis. It s not his whole leg he allows us to touch everywhere but the paws. The vet is already closed I would like to get x-rays done but just curious if it can be arthritis cause I can t seem to find anything. For now he is on doggy asprin

    5 AnswersDogs4 years ago
  • Cycle change need answers please?

    Hello I'm 32. My cycle was about 27-28 for my years. Then the past 6 months it went down to 25-26 days. Because of this I've read shorter periods can happen when you get older so I decided to take some supplements like fertilaid ova boost and not inositol. After being on them for maybe 2 months my cycle changed again. Last month I had actually thought I was pregnant until my period showed up 4 days late and came with extreme pain. I went to the doc. They sent me for an ultra sound foumd nothing wrong. This month currently 4 days late. I'm sure I'm not pregnant. Again so it seems my cycles are starting to become later. I stopped taking those supplements last month. I have read a longer cycle can be perimenopaus. So nervous since we will be trying to have kids in the near future. Can bloodwork confirm if I'm entering infertility?

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive4 years ago
  • What help can I get for my disabled mother?

    Hi i have a 66 yr old mother who fell on her head about 10 yrs ago. Didn't get any help and we started seeing her become very forgetful shortly after. A yr or so after that she had to go on disability because she couldn't perform her job duties right. Doctors haven't really diagnosed her just assume it's dementia like my grandmother but she wasn't that young when she got it. We feel the fall contributed to early dementia. For 3 yrs Now she has been bed ridden. Cannot speak or walk. Pretty much a loud infant. But she has been in this stage steadily not getting worse. She lives with my retired father. We have tried to put her in a facility because my father is in his 70s and i can see his health steadily declining. She didn't qualify for Medicaid. She only has Medicare. We have spoken to her insurances ad they tell us they have no nursing aid services only nurses that can come just check her vitals daily. What we need is a care giver. We are paying out if our pockets for someone to come a few hrs a day. It's quite expensive. I work full time and married. I am helping my dad everyday. But i have no idea what other help we can get. It's not fair the people who really are sick can't get help when there are people who are qualified for Medicaid and aren't sick. Any ideas please

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases4 years ago
  • What help can I get for my disabled mother?

    Hi i have a 66 yr old mother who fell on her head about 10 yrs ago. Didn't get any help and we started seeing her become very forgetful shortly after. A yr or so after that she had to go on disability because she couldn't perform her job duties right. Doctors haven't really diagnosed her just assume it's dementia like my grandmother but she wasn't that young when she got it. We feel the fall contributed to early dementia. For 3 yrs Now she has been bed ridden. Cannot speak or walk. Pretty much a loud infant. But she has been in this stage steadily not getting worse. She lives with my retired father. We have tried to put her in a facility because my father is in his 70s and i can see his health steadily declining. She didn't qualify for Medicaid. She only has Medicare. We have spoken to her insurances ad they tell us they have no nursing aid services only nurses that can come just check her vitals daily. What we need is a care giver. We are paying out if our pockets for someone to come a few hrs a day. It's quite expensive. I work full time and married. I am helping my dad everyday. But i have no idea what other help we can get. It's not fair the people who really are sick can't get help when there are people who are qualified for Medicaid and aren't sick. Any ideas please

    2 AnswersOther - Health4 years ago
  • Female Advice. Marriage divorce?

    Hi I'm a 32 yr old woman who is married and desperately wants kids. My husband and I have always talked about having kids for years but things got hard the past 3 yrs. My mother became bedridden. I've become so busy taking care of everyone but myself. I work 60 hrs a week and I feel so depressed I just want to start my own life. My husband now says no to having kids because I'm not up to his standards now. I can't tell any of my family members or friends. I feel so down all alone with what is going on in my marriage. When ever we talk about having kids we end up arguing. I feel like I'm getting too old. All of my friends have kids and keep asking when I will. I can't help but blame my mother for not taking care of herself and me running from one house to the next daily. My husband is a very affection man but when it comes to kids he becomes the most cold hearted. I feel like I'm coming to an end. I sometimes wish I could just die. I'm not suicidal but I feel like I have no future. What's the point. Please I need a friend I need advice. I need a smile.

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce4 years ago
  • Help my mother is a burden?

    I don t mean to be so blunt but it is the truth. I m 32 yrs old & married. My mother just turned 66 but has been bedridden for the past 3 yrs. She fell on her head close to 10 yrs ago. & was in severe pain & had damaged something. She worked in a hospital at that time & didn t ask for help. She did tell me how much it hurt & I m also angry at myself for not pushing her to get help. Well she progressed quickly from that. Doctors don t know what is wrong with her just that it seems she made her alzheimer s progress quicker. She had become a toddler for many years and now an infant. I am 1 of 4 kids. 2 of them moved out of state. Now it s just my younger brother & I & no matter how much we argue he doesn t come around to help. My mom lives with my dad. She has medicare & does not qualify for Medicaid. We really do not have a lot of money & hired someone out of our own pockets. But they can t be there always so I have to run over everyday to change and feed her. It s quite depressing & I m getting much & would really like to start a family of my own. My husband gets on my case for not pushing others to help & also I unfortunately neglect him because I m always so busy. When it comes to the relationship of my mother & I we never had a good one. She always favored my older sister & had told me she wished I was never born and yet her precious child is far & way and I m doing all the work. I need help. What can I do? I feel very angry at her for not taking care of herself. Advice?

    4 AnswersFamily4 years ago