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  • Cat-proofing my house?

    My 18 year old cat passed in January, but when I moved with her last year I didn't have to worry about her getting into stuff, because she just flat wasn't interested.

    I'ts been awhile now, and I'm thinking of going to find 2 young cats or kittens, but I need some reminders on what to do to keep them safe at home.

    I know to make sure they can't get under the sink where chemicals are kept, and block them from getting to dangling strings from blinds, or cords from electric stuff, but are there any other dangers that I haven't thought of before I find and bring my new little ones home?

    5 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • What kind of pain medicine doesn't include stomach issues?

    I have chronic headaches, and have been taking Advil lately for it. A few days ago, my stomach started to hurt very badly. I of course looked it up, and found out that my pain is consistent with issues caused by Advil.(and yes, I'm following directions and watching to see if I need to get to a Doctor. It's getting better)

    Well, I still have headaches, and today it's been bad, but of course, since I"m still having stomach trouble, I don't really think I need to take more Advil. Thing is, when I tried to look up another medicine to take, they all say they have a risk of this same kind of stomach issue.

    So, down to the question at hand. Are there any OTC medicines that don't have stomach problems as a side effect? (and bonus question, do you know of anything that will help with the stomach pain?)

    Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management7 years ago
  • How to get my grandfather to stop burping?

    My grandfather burps all the time. And when I say all the time, I mean it. For hours, every few minutes, he burps, loudly. I'm not sure how it is possible for his stomach to hold that much air.

    We have him on gas-ex (which got rid of most of him farting his way through life, same issue as the burping, just different end). But I'm at a loss of what to do now. We can't even watch a TV program because he burps all the way through it, and we have to turn the volume up to hear it.

    Does anyone have any suggestions?

    What we've already done:


    No eggs

    Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerMen's Health8 years ago
  • What kind of phone should I get? or look at?

    Okay, looking to upgrade soon (having some issues with my current iphone), but I want to make sure I choose what I actually need.

    Thing is, it's been a little while since I've looked at alot of these things, and I'm super busy lately with school, so hoping someone can give me some details that may help, or a great place to get info.

    So, here is my deal

    I currently have an iphone 4, and love how the itunes-music integration works. Most of my music has been purchased on itunes, would this be an issue for an android phone?

    about me and what I need:

    Verizon carrier

    Very busy,

    I use voice control when I can (Siri looks awesome, and I really would use it, but is there something comparable with an android?)

    I listen to my music and pandora on my commute

    Ability for note taking (reminders, things like that)

    I use the internet on my phone constantly (fb, youtube, google+, and google searches)

    I play games, but I think that is possible on all the phones now (or at least the smart ones)

    I don't often take pictures, but I do sometimes, and I may take more because of things I'm working on for school.

    So... any help will be appreciated.

    Thank you in advance.

    4 AnswersCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • How does the Bible actually describe Heaven?

    The Title pretty much says it all. How does the Bible describe Heaven? What do 'people' do there? etc?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • To Christians (or any other religion): Just wondering?

    I mean this as a serious question, so please actually answer me.

    If aliens (as in, from outer space) arrived tomorrow. How would you (or your religious group) respond in the religious sense? What would the fact that intelligent beings exist on places other than Earth mean to you and your religion?

    And note: this is not an "area 51" type of alien. I mean, they land in Central Park, show us the new tech, show us how to go faster than light.. ect.. there is no question that these things are not from Earth.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • To Atheists: Just wondering?

    I really am asking this as a serious question, so please answer seriously.

    I mean this one for Atheists, and I'll be asking one to Christians in a slightly different way soon.

    What would your reaction be if true aliens (as in, from space) arrived tomorrow, and had the same religion as a religion already here on earth?

    Would this be "proof" of something to you?

    and I don't mean "area 51" aliens... I mean, they land in Central Park, show us all the advanced tech, come in peace.. and all that.. I mean real, obvious space aliens from 100 light years away.

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What is the proposed radius around ground zero that no mosque may be built inside?

    What is the proposed radius around ground zero that no mosque may be built inside? How far away must it be built?

    According to what I have read, the mosque will be built 2 blocks away.... according to what I am reading here, people think that would be too close... So.. would 3 blocks have been acceptable? how about 4? or maybe 5 or 6?... How far away does it need to be before it would be okay?

    I just get the general feeling that this isn't actually about ground zero, or the mosque. It is about getting people angry again. It is about ticking people off at "the system" or "the president" or "the liberals" or anyone else you can think of. People on this board are making such asinine comments about this that I honestly wonder if they know what the heck a mosque is other than "Sarah Palin said it's bad."

    Seriously people. What the terrorist want is for us to become like them. For us to limit our peoples movements, to limit or destroy our ability to speak or worship as we choose. And now, after all these years of fighting them, you want to give in? You want to be the ones that say "That's right. We don't care about our constitution, you don't agree with me so you can't be here"

    Guess what. that "you don't agree with me" part is the same exact thing they've been screaming and bombing for for years. Do you really want to be in that same category?

    7 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Where does the Bible say we can have no proof, only faith?

    I have been hearing the argument lately that to seek proof of something denies the existence of God. and if God provided proof of himself, that it would "destroy God?"

    Even as a Christian, I'm not understanding the basis of this argument, other than it existing because there is no proof, only faith. But I would like to know where it says that we may have only faith, with no proof, in the Bible? I'm not saying it is or it isn't there, but if it is there, where is it, and what does it actually say?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Where were you on 9/11/2001?

    Simple question, just where were you when you heard about the attacks?

    Did you turn on the TV and watch it happen? Or did you hear about it later for some reason?

    I was a Sr. in highschool. We were watching "A Tale of Two Cities" in my humanities class.

    The principal came in. He talked to the teacher for a second in the hallway, and then came in and told us that there had been some sort of attack. He told us that we didn't know much yet, but that every class was turning on the news so that we would all know what was going on. So we turned off the movie and watched the news for the rest of the day. We saw both towers fall.

    So where were you? I know this has to be an event that people don't forget where they were, or what they were doing.. So what's your story?

    Just curious.

    24 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is this socialism? What should I do?

    When the kids got out of school today, they were talking about the importance of "staying in school," "studying hard," and that "they could be successful if they worked hard."

    Is this the socialism that everyone said Obama was going to teach them today?

    What can I do to help prevent the students in my local schools from being indoctrinated with these ideas?

    It's amazing that he could teach them that much socialism in one day, especially since it usually takes years to teach boys to put the seat back up after they go to the bathroom. He must be brainwashing them somehow. I bet he's in league with Hannah Montana and the Jonas Brothers, or maybe Stephanie Meyer and J.K. Rowling. We must put a stop to this!

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What are some classroom activities for Selective Breeding?

    Hi, I am looking for a good activity to do with high school students about selective breeding. I want something that will interest them and get them actually "doing" something instead of just sitting and taking notes (this is for a highschool class)

    most of the students I'll be working with are in 9th or 10th grade.

    Thanks in advance for any help, and I will be picking a best answer.

    2 AnswersTeaching1 decade ago
  • What is your issue with welfare?

    there are 350 million people in America..

    there are approximately 2 million people on welfare...

    that means that only .6% of the people in the USA are on welfare..

    Why are people so ticked off? I bet that those .6% of people didn't get Obama elected.. the number just doesn't seem quite high enough. And on top of that.. do you really think our deficit is because of .6% of the population being on welfare?

    and out of those people on welfare, the vast majority of those are working very hard to get off of welfare.

    Come one.. .6% of the population being on welfare is the cause of this much of an argument. Get real?

    (and please notice.. that is a 0.6 percent.... not 6 percent.. there is a decimal in front of the 6)

    4 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Do we really want him if....?

    This latest deal with Rev. Wright is a huge blow to the Obama camp.. He is claiming that he didn't know about the rev's beliefs... but being that racist is a personality trait, not a little quirk... So Obama is either.

    1. Lying through is teeth, and knew about this man and his beliefs the whole time


    2. So unobservant that he didn't notice the fact that the man he has known for 20 years is a major major racist.

    So which do we prefer? Would we rather see him as a liar.. or an idiot?

    because given the circumstances.. he has to be one of the two.. and I don't think I would want either as president.

    *still independent, but Obama is out of the running on my ticket*

    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Where is Spell check on Word 2007?

    I have somehow turned off the spell check that works while you are writing the paper (you know, the one that puts a red, squiggly line underneath a misspelled word).

    I am using Word 2007, and I don't know how I turned it off, or how to turn it back on.

    Can anyone tell my how to turn it back on?

    9 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Can a previous President be on the ballot as a the vice president?

    I already know about the 2 term limit. that is not my question..

    Can a previous president, who has already served 2 terms as the president of the USA, "run" again as the Vice President..

    (basically, could G.W. or Bill Clinton go on the ticket as someones running mate?)

    I don't think it would ever happen.. but I'm really curious..

    anyone know?

    19 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • If you don't like country music, why are you on this board?

    Why do people who don't like country music respond to country music questions? There are plenty of places in yahoo answers, I'm sure one of them fits one of your interests, go there and answer.

    8 AnswersCountry1 decade ago