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Janie K

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  • My friend always flips out.....advice please...?

    This week a group of friends and I dropped off food for a less fortunate family for Thxgiving. I completely forgot to remind/ask my friend to go with us that day...even though I talked to her that weekend and the day of. The next day she txted me and asked if I went and I was kindof caught off guard. At first I was like "Oh i thought you didnt want to go because it was at night" then I appoligized because I admitted I forgot to text her. She went on the attack mode. Called me a LIAR...and said I didnt forget and that I "didnt care". She also laid into me for not inviting her a movie which i went with the night before with 2 other friends of ours in the suburbs. Anyways We went in a group of like 7 to drop off the food...but for some reason its all my fault since I talked to her. She was ranting and finally I just told her to "get over it" and that made her crazy mad so she said "F*** you". I said "that is horrible" I poured my heart out and told her i would never leave someone out especially a friend and I appoligized over and over and I said I didnt appreciate her calling me a liar etc. Now we are not speaking...however she is totally fine with everyone else in the group. This has happened before where she goes ape sh*t out of no where...should I just let it go? I hate how she questions my character we have been friends for years but she thinks I would be shady. (which I have never been to her!) Should I just not care.....Sorry so long

    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago
  • Can my broken nose actually look smaller/better then before?!?!?

    I broke my nose (small fracture) on Saturday night :( I have been extreamly swollen and eyes and all. I keep looking at my profile and it looks almost better. My nose wasnt big before...but definately more shapely...bigger arch/bridge then most. My friend even said it looks smaller. Is this possible or am I just loopy?? Thanks for any thoughts!

    5 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style8 years ago
  • Losing my friends to their boyfriends?

    I've been friends with the same girls since college...for the few years we have spent every weekend together in the city going out and having fun. A month ago one of my friends met a guy who is ten years older then her...and ever since she has been so different. She hasnt gone out with us...and when she did she kept saying "im so over this scene and drinking" - its not that we want to go out and get hammered, but we to go out and be social & have some drinks on the weekends. My one friend and I are getting so annoyed with her because she thinks she is better or something and we feel like we will never see her anymore.Another friend met a guy a week ago and she has fallen so fast..he has to move away for a month and he is not sure where he will be placed after that (he is in school to be a doctor) She actually told me today that if she doesnt find a job here she would maybe move to where he is. Am I freaking out over nothing....I feel so sad that my friends are slowing disappearing. We are at that age where people do get serious but I was just not prepared for this. Has anyone ever been in the same situation??

    1 AnswerFriends10 years ago
  • 3 yr old child it behavioral or austism?

    I have a boy in my class who comes into our class and immediatly runs in and throws his body crying or knocks over a chair. I has definate speech issues and he repeats things he has heard us or other kids say. He can say what he wants so he will just get upset and splam his body on the ground and cry hysterically. He bopps other kids often as well. He is obessed w/ water and feeling things. He will wet a paper towel and rub it all over his face constantly. And loves yogurt/jellow/pudding and things liquid in his mouth. Does this sound like anything you've heard of before. Most people who see him (teachers/parents) can tell there is an apparrant issue there...but the parents are in denial. Any thoughts would be appreciated!

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years ago
  • What halloween costume do men like to see on women?

    Not sure what to be this year? There are tons of costumes online..and I cant decide. just wondering from a guys point of view...what have you seen on a girl that you thought was cute/sexy??

    3 AnswersHalloween10 years ago
  • Do I have to make a Maid of Honor speech?

    I am the MOH at a friends up-coming wedding. We are good friends, but I do not consider her one of my best friends...even tho i have known her for 10 years. She has been in and out of relationships and I think SHE forgets how to be a friend sometimes. She never visits me I have to visit her for dinners..and.she has missed 2 of my last Birthdays as well. Anways she knows how nervous I am about speeches...its def a phobia and I already have anxiety issues so Im dreading making a speech next month. Do you think it would be inappropriate to take her to dinner and ask her if I could could opt out in giving the speech and instead do something else special? I just want to be able to enjoy the day and I'm already freaking out about I dont even like her fiance unfortunatly too much...I dont even know what to say :-/ Advice would be appreciated

    4 AnswersEtiquette10 years ago
  • Should I go on my trip?!?

    7 months ago I had an anxiety attack...its never happend to me before but it scared me to death. I was in a bad place at the time...not working and partying a lot. 3 months later I almost had another panic but I calmed down. Ever since then I went on medication, and found a job and have been better...but I worry about it still everyday. I worry that out of no where I was panic or have anxiety and it will effect me again how it did. I worry so much sometimes it cant be healthy. I really want to see a therapist but I dont have insurance for another month. I planned a trip to Vegas to visit a friend and now I am not wanting to go. I am terrified of having anxiety on the plane and being so far away from home. I dont want my issues to hold me back in life...but I'm just not sure if i'm okay enough to do this. There is not refunds or transers with flights so i will be out of luck. Anyone ever have this problem or advice would be appreciated. Thx!

    3 AnswersMental Health10 years ago
  • Was this a premonition dream?

    For the last few weeks...I've had 2 vivid dreams of the gate to our backyard being open and our 12 yr old dog running away and my trying to yell for her and find her. This morning I let her outside as usual for about 10-15 min and I got this bad feeling...what is she ran away my family would never forgive me...and I opened the door and look and our gate was wide open. It was like my dream coming to life I ran and started screaming her name franticly....and then I look and there she is sitting at our front door just waiting there. I was shaking and nearly p'd in my pants. Its very odd to me that I would be having these dreams and then it happend. She is 12 and this only happend once when she was a its not like I worry about this every day you know. Could it be a premonition?? or just a coinicidence? Any comments are appreciated :)

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • can I modernize an old sequin dress from the 80's?

    I was at the thrift store today...found an 80's style black/gold sequin dress...shoulder pads and all. its a thinner type materal..somewhat almost sheer where the top layer of feds are on. How can I make this into a Vegas style going out dress with out ruining it. I want the pads out and in shortened up. Do I take it to someone?? How much does it usually cost? THANKS so much for your thoughts :)

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Why hasn't any interviewers called me back?

    I have interviewed at 4 different preschools for a Assistant Teacher position. I have a college degree with a minor in Education...and I have 2+ years of working in a private school. Last week I had a "working 2nd interview" at a school on Tues...and she said they would contact me in a few days but its almost been a full week. Also 2 of the other schools I have heard nothing back. And I currently had a 2nd working interview today...but now I feel totally discouraged. Im very friendly and outgoing and I try and connect with the interviewer and other teachers when I go on the interviews. I help out the kids and try to be as helpful as possible...i just dont get why none of these places have called me to at least tell me they have found someone else or what I did wrong etc? I live in a major city so maybe I have a lot of competition? Any advice would be much appreciated!! THANKS :)

    6 AnswersPreschool1 decade ago
  • Do I need a new anti-depressant or am I just stressed?

    I quit my job a while first everything was fine, I actually enjoyed the time off. Until I started getting more anxious as time went and feeling bad about myself. Then I had a full blown anxiety attack and panic attack. It scared me so bad...I started taking Lexapro (its an anti-anxiety/depressant) It took me awhile but slowly I started feeling more and more myself. I am still out of work..and about a month ago I had another small melt down. I've just been really stressed and it sounds confusing but have anxiety about getting anxiety. I'm just so scared that Im going to have another break down. I really need a asap but nothing really has been working out :( Do you think its just my situation as why I am feeling still not myself and anxious? or is it because the medicine is making me worse??? Anyone ever be in the same type situation? thanks for any comments!

    2 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • What does "God has a plan for you" mean?

    My family is Catholic...I have never grown up going to church however I have always had a strong desire to go. It probably sounds weird...but I feel like I've had signs or messages in my life that have sortof directed me to go church or even God. Its hard to explain. Anyways I have recently started going to a Christian Church..which I really enjoy even though sometimes its hard to understand everything. What does it mean when people say God has a plan for everyone...does that mean I have a destiny?? That things and my fate are already determined? Its hard for me to fully understand/grasp that because I know we all are able to make choices and change our life...but is that too part of God's ultimate plan? Any thoughts would be appreciated

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • First day of work -were they being cold?

    Today was my first day at a temp job...its just a reception type job before i start classes in the Fall. The girls were very quiet...I would ask them questions and get little response. Yet they laughed and conversed with eachother. When I was helping a client for the first time...i heard them snickering a little. They just weren't friendly or welcoming - I understand not everyone is outgoing but when you see its someones first day and they dont know anyone and look uncomfortable...wouldnt u try to be nice? I felt like it was pulling teeth to talk to them...i asked them every question under the sun...compliments and inquired about their life - the only question I was asked about myself was "what is your name again" - I dont know if im just looking TOO into this. They did warm up to me later in the day...It made me a little upset that they werent more welcoming or friendly. Ever have a similar expereince? Thanks

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Dealing with depression..advice?

    Today is my Birthday...and im laying at my parents home and cant pin-point why I feel so sad. Its been a hard few months for me...i quit my job and i've had a hard time deciding what i want to do with my life..and even finding a temp job. A couple months ago I started taking anti-depressants because of my anxiety. I had a great bday weekend celebrating...i have so many great friends and good family...but I just had a breakdown yesterday and today...i couldnt stop crying and feeling like I had nothing to look forward to. I am on my menstral I thought maybe that had to do with it..and the fact that I drank alcohol (and thats a depressant) Has anyone ever gone through something like this? I know deep down this will get better..but I just feel sortof alone and down. Its very confusing to me since I am on medicine now I thought I would be pretty balanced. Any suggestions and thoughts would be a great help thx

    6 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • so do I choose a career?

    I graduated from college 3 years ago w/ a Communications degree...but have been working in a preschool until now. While i do like it...i feel like there is more to explore..and the pay/benefits are not good. I feel so overwhelmed and confused about what direction to take. I've been to a career counselor and even a therapist..but i still feel defeated with no direction. I live in there should be so many oppurtunities but i feel held back by my own descisiveness and low confidence. Only my parents know that i've been out of work..and i feel each day more like a loser as time goes on. I was thinking maybe a temp agency...idk? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated thanks!

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Looking for new job...should I take anything at this point?

    I'm 25 and graduated from college w/ a major in Communications degree. My past jobs have been mostly working with children...and I was hoping to try something totally new and different. Its been over 2 months since I ended my last position...and its been rough. May not seem like a long time...but i've been suffering anxiety and even had a panick attack for the first time last month. Its hard for me to wake up in the morning sometimes. I feel VERY overwhelmed...because i dont even know where to start. I've seem a career conselour and psycholigist but they cant make the descion for me. Should I just go to a staffing agency and take any temp job just to save my sanity at this point..or should i just keep sticking it out and trying to find something like i really like? Thanks for any suggestions in advance :)

    5 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • How to Tie-Dye w/ Red & Green? or any Xmas shirt ideas?

    Going to a Xmas Bar crawl...a few of us are making shirts. How do you tie-dye red and gree with out it blending and turning brown?? OR any other creative ideas we could do for making a cute shirt?? Thanks =)

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • What are guys really thinking?

    My friends and I go out in the city every weekend. I feel like more than ever...i really notice the difference between guys and girls. When i go out i definatly want to meet guys...but when i meet someone im intersted in at the bar i'm not thinking about hooking up with him...more like talking to him and flirting whatever...its more of a process. But I feel like thats not what he is thinking about. Is it true?? Why do i sitll not understand the guy mentality. I know some guys really do want relationships...but do a lot of guys really just want to hook up?? Like is that the ultimate goal when I get asked on dates?? ha i feel so naieve (sp?) sometimes

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Would you get the rhinoplasty?

    I'm 25...and for the last couple years i've really wanted to get a nose job. My parents think im nuts and dont see anything wrong with my nose...but i think it doesnt fit my face and sticks out too much. It brings my confidence down and i just feel ugly. I have about 20 thosand dollars in savings...and i know surgery costs about 5-7 thousand. My looking to get a new job in the next month. So im hoping to get a even better paying job so i dont feel so guilty about getting surgery. Would you do the same?? Im sick of feeling self conscious and i think it would boost my selfesteem so much. Should i feel guilty about spending so much money like that? What would you do?! Thx for any suggestions and thoughts

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Babysitt or Go Party?

    i was asked to babysit tonight for a family i used to sit for all the time ...but my friend also got asked to babysit from the same mom same night! the mom said it would be fun for the little boy having us both there and we could hang out. I think she asked us both and forgot we were friends or something? idk!! She needs us from 6-10:30. For those hours i'd get 100 dollars as well as my friend (money is not an issue for them) However it is a Saturday night..and i live in the there is a lot going on. I probably wouldnt get back to the city till 11:30 maybe even 12 because she tends to run late then chat a long time afterwards.

    it also might be kindof weird babysitting w/ my friend because i just feel bad that she is paying both of us for sitting around basically because he goes to bed at 8. What would you do?? i could use the spending money....but i really appreciate and enjoy my weekends and i could also use a night out. any thoughts would be appreciated ;)

    7 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago