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  • Cheap gaming PC build?

    1 AnswerPC7 years ago
  • keeping a relationship interesting?

    My girlfriend of four months is on a trip and we can only talk like 30-60 minutes a day, when we are used to talking 5-7 hours together. So, when we talk I can't come up with interesting topics to talk about, and the things she tells about her day and her trip, I can't really relate to much. how do I keep things interesting when it's like that? thanks in advance

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Can I forgive myself?

    I hurt someone very badly, and it hurts me that I did that. I apologised and she accepted the apology. Worst part was she was in love with me when I hurt her. No, I didn't know she was in love with me, we were just friends, but we were incredibly close. And since then, I apologised, we became friends again, and now we are in a relationship, and it's been the best four months of our lives. I love her to bits, but when I'm reminded of how I hurt her, it makes me fall to my knees and cry, literally. It has made me cry more than once. I've talked to her about it, and she has forgiven me, she always reassures me, but I can't forgive myself. Can I ever forgive myself?

    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago
  • Can I forgive myself?

    I hurt someone very very much, and it was because I was trying to protect myself. I have trust issues. That person and I got amazingly close in a short span of time, and I ended up not talking to them because I was afraid I would be hurt, or conned. And it was because I heard something about them. I apologised, but after a very long time. I hurt her so badly. I hurt her as far as a person can be hurt, mainly because she was in love with me. We weren't in a relationship at the time, but now are. I always liked her, just didn't fall in love with her until about three months ago. I apologised to her a lot, and she forgave me. We started being friends again, and then we started a relationship, and we have been happily in love for months now. Everything's good, but I still haven't forgiven myself for what I did. I'm a very emotional guy, and since we've been together I've been unbelievably happy, but it still shoots through my head how I hurt her, and it makes me literally fall to me knees and cry. I keep asking myself "How could I?" and say "I'm a horrible person." I've talked to her about it, and she keeps telling me that I'm amazing, and that we're amazing, but it hurts me that I hurt her so bad. How can I forgive myself? She has forgiven me, but can forgive myself?

    1 AnswerPsychology7 years ago
  • Do women like bushy eyebrows?

    I have bushy eyebrows, not bushy bushy eyebrows, they're bushier than the average guys', and I get insecure about them often, but then I heard that a lot of women like the bushy eyebrows. Is that true. If so, then why? Thanks :)

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Do women like bushy eyebrows?

    I have bushy eyebrows, not bushy bushy eyebrows, they're bushier than the average guys', and I get insecure about them often, but then I heard that a lot of women like the bushy eyebrows. Is that true. If so, then why? Thanks :)

    2 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style7 years ago
  • Is there no way to change an Xbox's region code?

    I recently moved from one country to another, and I'm having a hard time finding games here that's compatible with my Xbox's region code. Is there no way to change that?

    1 AnswerXbox7 years ago
  • How to write proof for a geometry problem?

    I have a few geometry problems I need to write proof for; I understand them myself, but I can't write the proof. Any suggestions welcome.

    1 AnswerMathematics7 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Geometry explanation help.?

    I have to explain why this is correct, but I don't know how to explain it. Help please. I have to explain why this sentence is true: A chord-tangent angle is half of the arc, it spans. I will include a picture if it will help. A is twice the size of B.

    1 AnswerMathematics7 years ago
  • "Gods" born on December 25th, who were they?

    I already know Mithra, Jesus, Krishna, and Horus, but who else is there?

    4 AnswersMythology & Folklore7 years ago
  • Attachment image

    How to find the length?

    The question says that if I were on point P looking down from 200 meters, I would see two ships at point A and point B and I need to find the distance of point A from point B. The two angles are as follows: w= 32 degrees and v= 24 degrees. I don't know any equations that could help me in this situation. Any help would be much appreciated.

    1 AnswerMathematics7 years ago
  • Attachment image

    How to find side length of a triangle?

    I need to find BC. How can I?

    7 AnswersMathematics7 years ago
  • How to find the side lengths of a triangle when given the area?

    I have a triangle whose area is 13. How can I find the side lengths?

    2 AnswersMathematics7 years ago
  • How to find a triangle's side length?

    I have two side lengths and an angle degree. How can I find the third side?

    Side 1: 4.4

    Side 2: 10

    Angle: 56.3

    1 AnswerMathematics8 years ago
  • How to let go of a person?

    I've known a girl since the third grade, and I had a crush on her since the very moment I saw her. Back in third grade she and I were friends and played tag and stuff, but I hadn't really thought of telling her about my crush since I thought it wasn't a big deal. We grew apart some years later and then in seventh grade we were close and we talked (random, awkward, teen conversations), and then we grew apart again. Then in ninth grade we grew really close, to a point where I fell in love with her, and I could tell, at some point, she liked me too. Just the way she behaved around me, it was easy to tell. I would've asked her out, but I moved away shortly after so I never had the chance. We grew closer and closer in the next two years, but by now I thought all chances of us being together was gone. One day we were chatting online and I, out of nowhere, came out with it. She was shocked, but said she didn't wanna date, and that she didn't like me that way. She later asked me if I was doing okay, which just increased the pain of not being with her more. As any sane person would do, I tried moving on and tried to get over her, but failed miserably at it. Since ninth grade I've passed the opportunity to be with three girls because I couldn't let go of my feelings for her, and still today, I have feelings for her. I'm now in eleventh grade and still don't live where she lives. I've tried distancing myself from her more than once, but after a while of me avoiding her and not texting her, she texts me and asks how life is going and then we have a long conversation, and once again, I go back to where I was before I tried avoiding her. Lately I've tried being cold with her, but it hurts me too much to ignore her or reply to her coldly. I'm desperate here, I just can't get over this girl no matter how I try! What can I do?! Please help.

    2 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • How to let go of a person?

    I've known a girl since the third grade, and I had a crush on her since the very moment I saw her. Back in third grade she and I were friends and played tag and stuff, but I hadn't really thought of telling her about my crush since I thought it wasn't a big deal. We grew apart some years later and then in seventh grade we were close and we talked (random, awkward, teen conversations), and then we grew apart again. Then in ninth grade we grew really close, to a point where I fell in love with her, and I could tell, at some point, she liked me too. Just the way she behaved around me, it was easy to tell. I would've asked her out, but I moved away shortly after so I never had the chance. We grew closer and closer in the next two years, but by now I thought all chances of us being together was gone. One day we were chatting online and I, out of nowhere, came out with it. She was shocked, but said she didn't wanna date, and that she didn't like me that way. She later asked me if I was doing okay, which just increased the pain of not being with her more. As any sane person would do, I tried moving on and tried to get over her, but failed miserably at it. Since ninth grade I've passed the opportunity to be with three girls because I couldn't let go of my feelings for her, and still today, I have feelings for her. I'm now in eleventh grade and still don't live where she lives. I've tried distancing myself from her more than once, but after a while of me avoiding her and not texting her, she texts me and asks how life is going and then we have a long conversation, and once again, I go back to where I was before I tried avoiding her. Lately I've tried being cold with her, but it hurts me too much to ignore her or reply to her coldly. I'm desperate here, I just can't get over this girl no matter how I try! What can I do?! Please help.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Who does Apple's discount include?

    I'm a high school student and I've been wanting to buy a MacBook Pro, and I know Apple has a discount for students, but I wanted to know if that was only for university students or all students.

    1 AnswerFinancial Aid8 years ago