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What is an object or image that represents humility?
I'm doing a project for school in which I am making a collage that represents good traits humanity should have. Humility is one of them, but I don't know of something that symbolizes it. Please help!
1 AnswerWords & Wordplay10 years agoWhen is this quote said in "Catching Fire"?
The quote is ""so its you and a syringe against the capitol, that's why no one lets you make the plans" said by Haymitch. In what part of the book is this said. A page number would be nice too :)
2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade agoIs this a good line for a sonnet?
I must write an Elizabethan sonnet and I was wondering if my first line made sense. How can I fix it if it doesn't? here it is: Smoke amidst fog remain I in your eyes.
1 AnswerPoetry1 decade agoIs "Strawberry Swing" by Coldplay a good song to represent the themes of "A Christmas Memory" by Truman Capote?
I need to choose a song to represent the themes or underlying message of the short story " A Christmas Memory" by Truman Capote, but I'm not sure if this one is good enough. Any suggestions?
2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade agoDoes this poem relate to the underlying message of "A Christmas Memory" by Truman Capote?
I have to do this project on the short story "A Christmas Memory" by Truman Capote and a part of the project is to pick a poem that relates to the short story's underlying message or theme of the story. I really like this poem(Life by Charlotte Bronte), but I don't know if it truly applies or not. Please only answer if you have an honest opinion. Thanks!
2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade agoHow is chlorine used to make sports equipment, car parts, plastics, and computer parts?
I know that chlorine is used to make sports equipments, plastics, the microprocessor of computers, and the seat belts, brake and transmission fluids, and dashboards in cars. But exactly how is it used? I'm in desperate need of this information because I have a project due soon.
1 AnswerChemistry1 decade agoWhat is the type of pigeon seen in Miami,fl?
It may be a dove. Im not too sure. It's small, grey, and has a collar-like black marking.
2 AnswersBirds1 decade agowhen was the MRI Scanner developed?
I know it was in 1974, but i need the date, at least the month, because I'm making a time line for a school project. Please answer as accurate as possible.
1 AnswerScanners1 decade agoAre the Crying Rocks real? and what caused the rocks to cry in the book " the Crying Rocks"?
i read the Crying Rocks(great book by the way. A bit heart-wrenching, but good over all. So the end was ify and i don't get it. Is Queenie the one who cries at the rocks or was she listening? and if she was listening, what causes the rocks to cry?
2 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade agoWhat was the cause of Paul Revere's death?
I recently found out that when there is a statue honoring a person who happens to be portrayed riding a horse, if the horse's hooves are both on the ground the person died of natural causes, if the horse has one hoof up and the other on the ground then they died from a wound in battle, and if both hooves are in the air then they died in battle. Due to this new info i learned i wanted to test it to see if it's real. By the way, Paul Revere statue's horse has one hoof in the air and the other on the ground.
2 AnswersHistory1 decade agoDo mutts have certain health issues?
I just asked a question about my dog and her newborn pups and someone answered with an angry comment because he claimed i shouldn't have "breeding mixes" and that her being overprotective meant she wasn't fit to be bred (which is so untrue because she is the sweetest thing and a great mom). Anyways, I'm wondering the cause of the angry comment, hence my current question. Please no more ranting, though.
2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade agoCan an entire litter of puppies be all female?
The thing is my Cairn terrier/poodle(I know weird mix) had puppies last Sunday and she seems to have all girls, although we haven't really had a chance to look at them because she is so overprotective. I just wanted to know if it was possible
10 AnswersDogs1 decade agoWhat is a good, fast way to do community hours in MIami, FL if you are 14?
I need to do 4 more hours by january 14. please help!!!! i need to do 19 hours more total this year...
1 AnswerOther - United States1 decade agoDoes anyone know what type of flower this is?
I found it on Tulsa, Oklahoma. It has pink daisy-like petals and the center is orangish-brown and is sorta protruding. It apparently grows in bunches and has a pretty long stem. Plus, long, pointy leaves.
3 AnswersBotany1 decade agoIn what major biome is Oklahoma in?
2 AnswersGeography1 decade agoWhat bird has a yellow chest, grey feathers, and is about 3 inches long?
The thing is I saw a small bird following me in school the other day and i had never seen one like it. After school I saw it again. I live in Miami, FL.
2 AnswersBirds1 decade agoWhere is District twelve(from the Hunger Games)in present-day United States?
In the Hunger Games, it takes place in the future and the USA is divided into districts and each district has a main export and district twelve's(where the protagonist lives) main export is coal. In district 7 it's lumber, in 8 it's fabric, in four it's anything from the ocean, etc.
2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoField trips for book club miami?!?!?
we neeed awsome field ntrips for book club. We already have miami book fair :P
3 AnswersMiami1 decade ago