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  • What story do you think the song Hey Hey What Can I Do? by Led Zeppelin is trying to tell?

    I believe it is about seeing a girl that he does not know but admires from a distance. The part about "i got a women" refers to how he already has a women but longs for "his street corner girl" . I can relate this story to a personal experience which is sort of why i think this. I wont go into detail why though.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Old Pc Question(s)?

    I have four old computers in my basement. two are pentium 1's 133mhz and 1 is a pentium 2 333mhz. The pentium 2 is . Dell xps d333. The computer is the best out of the three due to its processor, ram, graphics, and harddrive. It currently has 96mb ram with win 98. I have 2 16mb ram sticks that will work with it but the computer only has 3 slots so I can only add one. Is the 112mb ram worth it. I would like to know a good graphical os to use. I would like to not use 98 if possible. I am familar with linux so that's an option. Damn small linux will run on it but I'm bot a huge fan of it. Iv tried puppy but it wont fully boot. I only need the pc for webbrowsing, word processing, and very light gaming such as built on games. I know the computers not worth it but its all I'm alloud to have right now. I also wad going to add all the hardrives fromthe other computers to this one. The fourth computer is an Inspiron 519. Its a whole diffrent story because it wont boot. The psu is fine, and all the fans run when the computer is turned on( there all connected to the mobo). The power light however wont turn blue only stays solid orange. Any suggestions on what to do? Thank you all sorry for being so confusing. Im only 15 and my parents wont let me have my own computer. My dad however gets all these old computers from work.

    5 AnswersDesktops6 years ago
  • Old Pc Build questions.?

    My Dad has three old Windows 95 pcs in the basement and they all work. I was wondering if I could combine parts and make a good decent pc. I have some expieence with stuff like this. One of them is a dell xps d333 another is a compaq deskpro 6350 and the third is unknow( it was a custom build server from my dads work). I was thinking of adding all the hd to one and seeing if I can up the ram. Maybe add 2 processors to one. Also iv read online that some computers have ram limits. I have some 1gb sticks laying around would it bebpossible to use one of those as say 384mb ram(xps d333 max)? If you need any specifications jusy let me know. I know its probaly not worth saving a computer but my parents would never let me get a new computer. Also if it helps we have a dell inspiron(don't know model I think 560) that dorsnt work at all. I know its a diffrent type of motherboard but any parts from there salvageable like maybe usb ports? Any help is appreciated.

    7 AnswersDesktops6 years ago
  • Question about this girl and her Instgram.?

    There is this one girl I know and we used to not get along well (Long story). Anyway when I first made an instgram abou a year ago I found her profile. It was public but I never followed her due to us not getting along. Recently I stumbled upon the profile again and it was private. I didn't follow her still. At school I do pretty stupud stuff and she is sorta tied in. I check her profile occasionaly and noticed usually when Iv done something it becomes private but only for a few days. One day while it was public I accidently liked one of the pictures. She never said anything but I unliked it because it didn't feel right. Today at school I did something stupid that sorta did with her and the profiles private again. It seems to be a pattern do you think its my fault or I'm over reacting? Don't call me weird or a stalker. I'm just trying to figure things out between us.

    2 AnswersFriends6 years ago
  • Windows 8.1 on the go ver slow.?

    I created a portable vrsion of windows 8.1 on my 16gb san disk flashdrive usng wintousb. I know it isnt prper windows 8.1 but it says it I a version of it. Anyways the flashdrive is usb 2.0. I mainly boot it off a desktop with 64 bit windows 8. The windows 8.1 flashdriveis 32 bit. It runs very poorly and slowly. It takes about 5 minutes to boot than 3 to login. Then for about 10 minutes I cant do anything bcause it freezes up. Afterthe 10 minutesit works pretty good but with a little lag but thats ok. Today I tried the flashdrive on an old dell inspiron d610 and it booted up really fast and didnt freeze at all. It only took about 5 minutes to boot and login adi didnt have to wait the 10 minutes to ue it. On the desktop I use a usb 3.0 port becaue its all thats avaliable on the laptop I used 2.0 because all that was avaliable. Why did it boot so much faster on the older laptop? Why does it lag so bad on my desktop. I unerstand the diffrence between 32 and 64 bit operating systems but could thelag be from booting on a 64 bit machine and not using all the memory? Im very confused right now and would really like to know why? I do think it may be that the windows 8 special bios boot settings. I disaled secure boot and enabled uefi boot sources though and enabled virtua pc. All settngs not avalible on the old laptop

    2 AnswersSoftware7 years ago
  • Starting school on Tuesday!! Need help with getting freinds.?

    Hey, Im going into 9th grade. The first day is on tuesday. Last year I had a rough time with friends and expessially girls. No one really wanted to be my friend because I was a nerd and creepy. (Creepy is a long story). I really want to make some friends and be normal. This year im starting highschool and coming from a regional midddle school. There is only one new town joining us andnits small so im worried that that may not really help me. Im friends with some sophmores but only a few. Im really scared and worried. I also would like to somehow get over my fear of this one girl (see my other question its been going on for ages and she is keeping me back from being my true self. It has caused me great stress. Any suggestions on what to do? Any help is welcome. Ill answer your questions if you wan't

    3 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • What is the stupidest/ Worst Think you have done to try to impress/Talk to your crush?

    Mine is once me and my friend who is really athletic were doing tricks on the monkey bars. We were doing pull ups,Chin ups,flexed arm hangs and etc. He was trying to impress this one girl so I tried to impress my crush the same way. we than started to do tricks were we would run and grab onto the monkey bars and flip our selves over. I tried it and completely missed and fell flat on my back and couldnt breath or move for about 5 minutes after that. Everyone was just laughing my crush just stood there red and embarased.( she knew i liked her). Than another time me and my friends wrere plaiyng soccer with volleyballs, kickballs and basketballs (dumb idea) and all the girls were watching us and i hit one of the balls with my hand( I was golley) and snapped my wrist and again there was my crush watching and all red and embarressed!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Help Downloading Window's iso files?

    I would like to download the Windows 7&8.1 iso files. I have found a website with legal copies of them and I have product keys. They are both about 2.5 Gb each and my internet connection is only .45 Mbps. If someone could please download them for me than compress them as small as possible than upload them to my server. I will than hopefully be able to download them and burn them to disks. For whoever does that I will vote your answer the best. To upload to my sever visit and login with these details Username: windowsiso make a folder with your Yahoo Id name so I know who you to give your your best answer than a upload to that folder.

    Thank you!

    2 AnswersSoftware7 years ago
  • I am deathly afraid of this one girl!?

    I am deathly afraid of this one girl. I used to be friends with her in 4th grade. Than i asked her out in 5th grade and she started to hate me in 6th grade because i wouldnt leave her alone. We havent talked since 5th grade and i am afraid to go anywere near her or talk to her which causes this all. We see eachther everywere are moms are good friends and were always stuck in the same classes and sit really close to eachother. It really stinks. I want to know if theres some way i can stp being afraid and maybe fix this all.

    2 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • I made this deal last year. I need to kiss the girl that hates me or pay $50 i have 3 more years to do this.?

    I made this deal last year. I need to kiss the girl that hates me and im afraid of or pay $50 i have 3 more years to do this. The deal is offical and there is tons of witnesses what do i do?

    6 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • I have this girlsnumber and texted her. Her boyfriend is one of my friends and he took my phone and texted her?

    This girl and her sis really dont like me. Somehow i got the sises number and texted her not knowing who it was. Her boyfriend is one of my friends and he took my phone and texted her some pretty bad stuff and she thought it was me. What do i do.

    4 AnswersFriends7 years ago