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Tiny Werewolf

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  • How often do soldiers get relocated? Our neighbors are a serious problem.?

    Long story short, our neighbors are military and they have 4 vicious dogs that live in the backyard. 2 weeks ago their 2 pitbulls dug a small hole under our fence, dragged our puppy through and ripped him to pieces. Needless to say, we're heartbroken and scared of these people. Furthermore, they were not remorseful and have done nothing to make their fence safer since the incident. I am not here for advice on what can be done regarding their dogs, trust me, we've done everything we can.

    We just want to know, how often do military people get relocated? I did some research and it looks like they only rent the home next to them. They've been there nearly 2 years. It sounds bad but we're praying that they are forced to move soon. We fear for our current dog's safety and just want them and their vicious animals gone.

    Once again, please, no advice on what to do. Everything that could be done has already been done.

    1 AnswerJokes & Riddles5 years ago
  • Is it okay to regularly give a cat chicken broth?

    My cat Godzuki was recently hospitalized for 3 days due to a urethral stone. He required a catheterization and tons of IV fluids and we spent $2000 to save his life. Now, he won't eat any wet food at all to keep himself hydrated. He only wants dry kibble. He has starved himself for over 2 weeks now because we keep trying to push wet food, wet food mixed with dry food, and watered down dry food. Nothing works. He has lost over a pound and is weakening. His last vet exam did not go well. His pee is still concentrated and full of bacteria because he won't get any water through drinking or eating wet food. As a last resort I just poured a small bowl of chicken broth for him and he drank it up like he was about to die. So my question is, can this be a long-term solution or can I only do this short term? I'm worried about his sodium intake but at this point, he is gonna die from another kidney stone blockage. I was thinking I could give him a small serving of low sodium chicken broth with each meal and hope that he stays hydrated that way. Any suggestions? We're going back to the vet in a week but all they say is he'll eat wet food when he is hungry and that is obviously not the case.

    2 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • Should I just look for new friends?

    I'm 25 and in a long-term very committed relationship. My best friend and some girlfriends go out all the time and have stopped inviting me. I ask to be invited and they always tell me that they didn't mean to not include me. However, of course half a week later they're all at a concert and I don't get an invite. The difference? I'm in a relationship, they're all single. I'm also a little older than all of them. Should I just move on/slowly withdraw myself from being their friend? Or should I continue to attempt to to be a part of the group? We used to have so much fun together but I feel that since I'm not available or able to be promiscuous (for lack of a better word), they must think that I am just old and boring now. Sadly in this age of technology, making friends just seems even more difficult and its getting a bit lonely. I'm not sure what to do. :(

    2 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • Girls, would you bit just a tiny bit annoyed?

    Long story short, boyfriend and I have been dating for some time. We're moving in together and stuff. I've stuck by him through the worst during his phd, he has been pretty difficult to be around. Now, his little sister who has been dating her boyfriend for a much shorter time is engaged. My boyfriend is super excited for them and I am too however, when I ask when we're getting married he says of course we are...but when prompted for a time range, he beats around and hints it won't be until he is done with his degree and is settled in his career. We're 27 and 25. All our friends are married and most with kids. Perhaps I'm just being a petty brat...but I really don't care. Girls, would you be a bit annoyed?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Do I have the right to be royally ticked off?

    I was diagnosed with asthma when I was 6. The doctor told my parents it was because they smoked around me. So, mom moved her smoking outdoors and Dad eventually quit. Over the years, Mom has continued to smoke around me outside and in the car directly next to me despite my begging for her to stop and that I can't breathe (she just got mad when I said this). Well, today at the young age of 24, I went to the doctor for a check up and was diagnosed with COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, the 3rd leading cause of death in the united states). My doctor tells me that I could only have it at this age if I smoked, or was chronically exposed to 2nd hand smoke. Apparently this is exceedingly rare under the age of 50. Well, I told my mom and she actually became offended and acted hurt and angry towards me for simply telling her this. Although deep down I do blame her, I harbor no ill will towards her for her own ignorance. However, the fact that she is trying to make ME feel bad for developing a disease that will likely kill me at a young age when she likely caused it...well let's just say I've never been so infuriated in my whole life. Now, yahoo answers, although this may seem like a rant, I want your opinions. Am I being irrational in my anger? Or do I have a right to be just a little angry?

    6 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • Should I feel bad about buying my boyfriend a purebred dog instead of rescuing?

    Hi! I work in animal rescue and I'm pretty sure I will only adopt my own dogs. However, my boyfriend desperately wants a Welsh Corgi and I'm looking into buying him one down the road (maybe a year or two). I've searched high and low for corgis to rescue but they simply don't exist. What I'm asking is, should I personally feel bad for buying him a dog from a reputable breeder instead of getting him a mixed breed corgi from a rescue? I personally hate buying dogs but I would make sure it wasn't from a puppy mill. I'm also willing to make a large donation to an animal shelter to sponsor some rescue dogs. What do you think? And yes...I am a bleeding heart hippie.

    13 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • What are your first world problems?

    Last night, my seedless watermelon had seeds in it :(

    7 AnswersPhilosophy9 years ago
  • Would it bother you if your boyfriend...?

    Would it bother you if your boyfriend played video games for several hours while laying on the couch naked and scratching his balls? This is a serious question. I deal with this every day. He calls me a prude. Either way, it annoys me.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • What kind of shepherd am I adopting?

    I'm adopting this little guy tomorrow from a high kill shelter (if someone else hasn't adopted him already) but I'm not quite sure what he is. I'm usually a good judge of this but I really can't tell this time.

    I think he is a German shepherd mix but he also looks a lot like an Australian shepherd mix...or could he be a mix of both?

    Anyone wanna have a go at it?

    6 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Good names for my new puppy?

    Going to officially adopt my first puppy tomorrow from a shelter. He is a black German Shepherd mix. I grew up with dogs but never owned one on my own before! Anyways, could you help me think up some names for him? His current name is Banjo but I think I'm gonna change it. This is his new beginning!

    So far I've come up with:

    Jameson (Jamie)

    Charles (Charlie)


    Samuel (Sam)







    Do you guys like any of these? or can you think of any others? Please nothing like Boots or Fluffy! :)

    10 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Is this grammatically correct?

    I'm writing a cover letter for my application. I am HORRIBLE with the use of commas. I'm going into nursing, not English :D

    Anyways, is this sentence grammatically correct?

    My past experience, ability to adapt to changing environments and passion for the nursing profession I believe, make me an ideal candidate for this position.

    Anything wrong with the commas in that sentence? Thanks! :)

    4 AnswersLanguages10 years ago
  • Question about racist video and opinions?

    Recently showed a funny video to my friend. The video entails an african american guy talking about a racist field trip he had when he was growing up. He and several other african american children were taken to a cotton processing plant and told to pick cotton for their field trip. I know this probably happened because I too went on a field trip just like this. My question is, do you find this racist? I certainly did while she saw nothing racist about it. All opinions are completely welcome. Have fun!

    Here is the video, viewer discretion advised. It has some pretty foul language.

    4 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups10 years ago
  • Appropriate colors for a funeral?

    My friend was murdered the other day and the funeral is in about an hour. The only things I have to wear are a black dress with only straps which might not be respectful in a Church and also a pale blue/purple dress that comes down to below my knees. It may not be a usual color but its a dress that doesn't draw attention. Would this be appropriate?

    11 AnswersEtiquette10 years ago
  • Broken foot...please don't answer unless you're an RN or MD :(?

    I broke my sesmoid bone last Thursday in my foot...the pain hasn't been terrible and I thought it was getting better. However, this morning a sudden excruciating pain woke me up. It hurt to simply hang my foot when using crutches. Its also swelling up again. The pain is worse now than when I broke it. I'm now icing and elevating my foot. Norco has also helped a ton. The pain is going away but I'm afraid I've done something to my foot now...My PA said I'll need the bone removed if it doesn't heal properly...So what I'm trying to ask is, is something I need to inform my physician about or is this a normal thing? Thanks

    1 AnswerHealth Care1 decade ago
  • Our kitten is way too calm?

    We got this kitten from under our house with her 3 brothers and sisters. They were 4 weeks old and starving because of how hot it was last summer. We bottle fed them all, raised them, adopted out 2 and kept 2 (Still trying to capture the parents to get them spayed and neutered). Anyhoo, Luna is our tiny black cat. She weighs considerably less than her big brother Seri. She was the runt and half the size of the others when we found them. We thought she wouldn't make it but she did. She has stayed very small. Half the size of my other 2 adopted cats. She eats like a fiend though. The problem is, she is TOO CALM. She doesn't run around, she plays only a small amount, she is the sweetest thing on the planet, and she sleeps about 20 hours a day. We're wondering if she has a problem such as chronic fatigue. We're considering taking her to the vet to see if she has organ problems too. Its just not normal for a year old cat to be acting as if she is 15. Her brother is psychotic and zips around the house all day. Has anyone else had a kitten like this? Thanks.

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Heparin dosage calculations?

    The order is for heparin 6500 units subcut now. The pharmacy sends 10,000units/ml in a multidose vial containing 4ml. How many mL will the patient receive per dose?

    I got 0.65ml as my answer, however, do you round heparin? I can't remember the rule. I know insulin is rounded to the nearest whole number however, I am unsure of heparin. Please help :(

    2 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • Spilled juice on my lenovo laptop?

    Ok ok...I know its bad to drink by your laptop. I was tipsy and that is my lame excuse. It was cranberry juice and rum. I spilled a good amount. The computer powered off after about 2 seconds (bad sign). I unplugged the power cord quickly. I sadly took the battery out a few minutes later (not sure if this is bad because my battery doesn't hold a charge...needs the power cord to stay on). I immediately turned it on its side to let it drain. Its a Lenovo T61P btw. About a teaspoon or so of liquid came out of the laptop. I then ran and got our tiny liquid suction vacuum. I had it on a very gentle suction and I sucked at as much liquid as I could from the keyboard. I then placed it face down with the keyboard touching the ground. I unscrewed the keyboard and the touch pad and took the keyboard and touch pad off for a little bit. I took tissues and q-tips and got up every bit of excess liquid I could see. It looked like some liquid got on some important stuff and some liquid reached the battery (very bad). When I was finished I popped the keyboard and touch pad back on. I now have it face down (screen and keyboard down) in my bedroom with a light fan blowing on it off to the side. You can barely feel the fan and its a cool fan so no risk of it melting anything. When its dry, I suppose I'll be taking alcohol to clean all the keys (popping the keys off and cleaning to get the sticky crap off). I suppose my question is, what are my chances? I spilled liquid on it years ago and didn't do ANY of these things and it worked just fine. Please help me out with anything else I can do.

    7 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Boyfriend trouble...Am I right to be upset?


    So I met this guy about a month ago. Everything seemed to be going great. He sadly had recently broken up with his girlfriend of a year and was still hurting however, he acted as if he was all ready for another relationship and started going out on dates with me. We had a great time together, always laughing, we had all the same interests...He kept telling me things like, "what we have special" and, "Where have you been all these years?". The guy was really crafty! This is the only guy I've ever dated that I feel I had a great connection with. I was so happy. He kept telling me we clicked perfectly since the day we met. Then yesterday he shoots me a text in the morning saying,

    "Good morning Ms. Layne! What would you like to do today?" and he took me out for ice cream and we went for a long walk (and played on a playground like we were little kids). Then I drove him back to his car. Before he was about to leave I gave him this little present (a super expensive bottle of beer for him to try since we like drinking special beers) and then he immediately launched into the talk. He said he absolutely loved hanging around with me but he thought the relationship was going way too fast and that we needed to sloooooow it down (emphasis on slow). He said it wasn't anything that I've ever done and that I was wonderful (the, "It's not you it's me" thing...bullcrap). Now it seems as if he doesn't want to hang out anymore...At least that is how it usually pans out when a guy says slow it down. Now the reason I'm so hurt is he launched into the relationship too! He dove into it saying all this nice crap and doing things with me. I even slept with this guy several times. Now I feel as if he has sex with them and then leaves them. I feel like a notch under his belt. If we "dove" into this relationship too fast then he should have thought about not diving into it in the first place. He was just as guilty. Do I have a right to be angry?

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Boyfriend trouble...Do I have a right to be angry?


    So I met this guy about a month ago. Everything seemed to be going great. He sadly had recently broken up with his girlfriend of a year and was still hurting however, he acted as if he was all ready for another relationship and started going out on dates with me. We had a great time together, always laughing, we had all the same interests...He kept telling me things like, "what we have special" and, "Where have you been all these years?". The guy was really crafty! This is the only guy I've ever dated that I feel I had a great connection with. I was so happy. He kept telling me we clicked perfectly since the day we met. Then yesterday he shoots me a text in the morning saying,

    "Good morning Ms. Layne! What would you like to do today?" and he took me out for ice cream and we went for a long walk (and played on a playground like we were little kids). Then I drove him back to his car. Before he was about to leave I gave him this little present (a super expensive bottle of beer for him to try since we like drinking special beers) and then he immediately launched into the talk. He said he absolutely loved hanging around with me but he thought the relationship was going way too fast and that we needed to sloooooow it down (emphasis on slow). He said it wasn't anything that I've ever done and that I was wonderful (the, "It's not you it's me" thing...bullcrap). Now it seems as if he doesn't want to hang out anymore...At least that is how it usually pans out when a guy says slow it down. Now the reason I'm so hurt is he launched into the relationship too! He dove into it saying all this nice crap and doing things with me. I even slept with this guy several times. Now I feel as if he has sex with them and then leaves them. I feel like a notch under his belt. If we "dove" into this relationship too fast then he should have thought about not diving into it in the first place. He was just as guilty. Do I have a right to be angry? I currently hate all men btw. >.<

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How to keep my cat from clawing everything?

    My family has tried absolutely everything. My cat is sweeter than can be but she destroys everything. We've had her 3 years with the hopes that she'll calm down. We provide scratching posts, cat nip toys, treats, and an air freshener that releases a pheromone throughout the day to calm her down. Absolutely nothing works.

    She does all her scratching out of spite. She scratches everything to make me feed her. She thinks that if she scratches something enough, I'll get tired of her and then break down and feed her. If I don't feed her, she'll proceed to rip down my posters, swing from my curtains, and knock absolutely everything in my house over.

    You can't yell at her...Nothing scares the cat. She just looks at you annoyed. Squirt bottles are useless. If you spray her she just lays her ears back and glares at you.

    1 hour after feeding her, she'll go back to ripping up everything. Then when she is done ripping, she'll glance over at me to make sure I am completely aware that she is destroying my stuff.

    She is the most spiteful cat I've ever seen.

    I love the hell out of her but she has driven me out of my mind. I can't sleep at night. If I try to sleep she runs around my room meowing and ripping up everything.

    My other cat is a perfect angel. I raised them together and he never does anything wrong. Perfect cat.

    What should I do? I've considered just buying them a large crate to put them in every night. I can't take it anymore.

    37 AnswersCats1 decade ago