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I love birds, dogs, fish, my family, etc. I've got a cute little puffer fish named Robin and a cat named Kasper. I enjoy reading and playing video games, and my favourite games have to be Portal and The Walking Dead, and I love the books Catch 22, The Diary of Faustina Kowalska, and Maus.

  • I know literally nothing about horse saddles. Any good resources to be able to learn about identifying features, sizes, of western saddles?

    A member of my church is in failing health, unfortunately, and gave me his old saddle because he knew I liked horses/rode them. It was a nice gesture, but I only rode once weekly a few years back. And even then I never bothered to learn anything about saddles and their sizing, etc.

    So now I have this old western saddle sitting in my closet, and I would like to sell it. The only thing is I have no idea how to identify parts in anyway, like tree size (what?) seat depth, or others terms I ve heard thrown around. And it doesn t even appear to have a brand either...any good resources, or a list of things I should know, to know what to ID on this saddle and how I go around figuring it out? Thanks

    2 AnswersHorses4 years ago
  • Should I take my cat to the vet after a fight?

    Ok, for starters, I personally REALLY believe he should get to the vet; it s really my parents that need the convincing

    My cat disappeared last Wednesday, and reappeared this morning with some nasty looking battle scars, scars where the fur was been torn off, and he has a highly pronounced limp (the poor cat can t even scratch properly because both legs can t support his weight!). He s just tired, and if somebody picks him up he won t struggle his way out or anything, but there s no fever that I can tell of, and his appetite is mighty.

    However, most of the wounds have scabbed over, and while they don t look pretty, they re clearly healing. My parents don t think he should go to the vet, and they say he ll be well healed in a few days, but I think he should go, if for nothing else than some antibiotics since we have no clue what he even got in a fight with.

    Is it necessary to then take my cat to the vet? Do you think he ll be ok without one? Is there anything anybody has to convince my parents he needs to go??


    3 AnswersCats6 years ago
  • What do I do with something eBay refunded me on?

    So, I bought something on eBay and decided to return it and started the return process. However, the seller never replied, so eBay considered the case and refunded my money. However, they never said anything about what I should do with the item itself. Should I return it to the sller anyways? Return to eBay? Sell it?


    2 AnswersOther - Internet6 years ago
  • Would this be considered some version of plagiarism?

    So I m applying to an Honours college, where the prompt for the essay portion is a really vague "write a story". I ve been stuck forever on how to get started with this, but I was recently just on Tumblr and saw somebody write how they would love to have stories where magic/fantasy worlds interact with modern day worlds, giving an example of summoning a demon/or etc for a Vine. I think the Vine thing would be a great fun "topic" for a 500 word essay, but I don t know if it would be considered stealing an idea. Any ideas? Thanks!

    2 AnswersHomework Help6 years ago
  • Nursing as Undergraduate to Veterinary School?


    I've seen similar questions for med school but not for vet school. Anyhow, I'm a senior in high school, and I really want to become a veterinarian. However, the (apparently) bad vet job market, among other things, is making me want to get a Bachelor in Nursing with pre-vet prerequisites. I don't really have anybody to talk to at home that can help me make this decision (counselors at my school aren't exactly...helpful either, haha), so I was hoping I could get a few questions answered. First of all, I know med schools look down on nursing majors (apparently), is this a possibility with veterinary schools? Secondly, would this be a good decision? I know that's a rather vague question, but I've heard that nursing school is incredibly time and energy intensive. I'm a good student in school (4.0 GPA and taking only college level courses), but I'm worried that it will be difficult to maintain good grades with the nursing program and be able to complete pre-vet prerequisites, both with classes and the other prerequisites veterinary schools require.

    Thank you very much for any help!

  • Changing a major before even going to school?

    Hello! Just been accepted to a school as an exploratory pre-science "major" in the school of science and engineering. Just received an acceptance letter two days ago, in fact! However, in the time between when I ve applied and being accepted, I ve more firmly established what I want to do, and I want to change to the school of nursing and receive a bachelor of nursing. Would this be possible? Who would I talk to in the school to do this? I mean, I haven t decided for sure if I m going to go to this school (waiting on other scholarship offers), but I want to be sure that I m accepted to what I want to do.


  • How to record this data?

    Hello, I m doing a qualitative experiment regarding bacteria and certain medications. The bacteria were grown on agar infused with certain meds. My questions is how do I record this data? Would I just put in a table, and whether the bacteria grew or not would be just a Yes/No?


    (Also, this DOES count as a qualitative experiment right? Just being %1000 sure)

    1 AnswerBiology6 years ago
  • Help with how to answer a college application essay?

    I'm currently applying to a college. One of the application questions asks to elaborate on a favourite work experience/extracurricular activities. However, as with most college questions, there has to be some catch. Are they just trying to see how well I can write? Are they trying to get to know me as a person, or to see how well I can think critically about myself and my actions?


  • What would my job title be?

    I took a summer job this year, and now I'm putting it in college resumes. Except I don't know exactly what to call my position. It was on a privately owned tree farm, and my duties were mainly to water trees and weed, but I would also feed/lightly care for livestock (horses and chickens), troubleshoot and do light maintenance on things like sprinklers/solenoids, prune grafted trees, and be able to work unsupervised.


    5 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment7 years ago
  • How do I say "They will address your oral and written communication skills" in French?

    I'm having trouble translating "oral and written communication skills" as a direct translation makes little sense. I also don't know how to string the words together in the proper order.

    1 AnswerLanguages7 years ago
  • Can somebody help me with the translation of a french song?


    I have to translate the song Carpe Diem by Mc Solaar for french class and I'm having a bit of trouble with a particular sentence. In French the line is: "Qu'on vienne de Budapest ou de gare de l'Est". Literally the sentence means "That we come from Budapest or the East Station", but that doesn't quite sound right. First of all, is "le gare de 'Est" mean something a bit more idiomatic in French? Second, can I translate "Qu'on " more as "whether"? Since the song is about how time marches on, it would make more sense (since the previous lines are Time goes on/The die is cast). Thanks!

    2 AnswersLanguages7 years ago
  • What set of drawing pens should I get for a beginner artist?

    I was put into a higher level art class that I need to take for my diploma (stupid scheduling conflict meant I couldn't take a different class at that time), but the last time I took an art class was 7th grade and I'm now a senior!

    The class is kind of structured but you mainly do your own thing. I draw occasionally (mostly in class haha), so I figured I should invest in some art supplies. I really like drawing animals and people and such, so I figured that I should get some cool artist pens (which I kind of need anyways). However, it seems like there are 409235 different types of pen nibs sizes, pen types, different sets (like a whole set of just black pens??), different colour sets, and bleh. It's super confusing.

    So, in short. Does anybody have a recommendation for a good starter set (doesn't need to be best quality; this is only a year long course, and the rest of the supplies' life afterwards will more than likely just be school projects) that isn't really expensive and will have enough things to get a newbie started? Also, if somebody could bring up a site that explains what the different nib sizes/etc are for that'd be awesome since I would ideally need to know.

    Also, for coloured pencils, I know Crayola isn't ideal, but A) Why? and B) Can they work for a year o' art or is there something better out there? Also, are water colour pencils worth it? I've always loved the look of watercolours, and the pencil form makes them easier...

    Thanks a ton!!!

    1 AnswerDrawing & Illustration7 years ago
  • What pen set and coloured pencils should I buy for a beginner artist?

    I was put into a higher level art class that I need to take for my diploma (stupid scheduling conflict meant I couldn't take a different class at that time), but the last time I took an art class was 7th grade and I'm now a senior!

    The class is kind of structured but you mainly do your own thing. I draw occasionally (mostly in class haha), so I figured I should invest in some art supplies. I really like drawing animals and people and such, so I figured that I should get some cool artist pens (which I kind of need anyways). However, it seems like there are 409235 different types of pen nibs sizes, pen types, different sets (like a whole set of just black pens??), different colour sets, and bleh. It's super confusing.

    So, in short. Does anybody have a recommendation for a good starter set (doesn't need to be best quality; this is only a year long course, and the rest of the supplies' life afterwards will more than likely just be school projects) that isn't really expensive and will have enough things to get a newbie started? Also, if somebody could bring up a site that explains what the different nib sizes/etc are for that'd be awesome since I would ideally need to know.

    Also, for coloured pencils, I know Crayola isn't ideal, but A) Why? and B) Can they work for a year o' art or is there something better out there? Also, are water colour pencils worth it? I've always loved the look of watercolours, and the pencil form makes them easier...

    Thanks a ton!!!

    2 AnswersDrawing & Illustration7 years ago
  • Is asking for $100 for a $170 light a lowball offer for a good LED?

    I've been wanting to buy a sweet pair of lights for my ten gallon tank. There is a guy on a planted tank forum I'm a part of that is selling an Ecoxotic E-Series, which are originally 170 bucks, and he says to shoot him an offer. I know he was originally cool with letting it go for 120, so would 100 be too low? I just don't want to see like I'm trying to scam him or something. :)

    1 AnswerFish7 years ago
  • Any tips for buying saddles through Craiglist?

    A family friend of mine recently told me that he would let me ride his horse. She's super sweet and he's even letting me use his saddle since he doesn't ride anymore. The problem is that saddle is western, and I ride english. Not really a problem since I don't intend to do anything really specialised on her, but I was thinking I might buy a saddle if it pops up used for the right price. This is my first saddle buying experience ever and I was wondering what to look out for both in the ads and when I go to see the saddle. Thank you all very much!

    4 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • How can I say "realness" formally?

    It's certainly odd by the title, but bear with me please. I'm writing an essay, and in my thesis I want to put that that author does so and so in order to "make the reader question the 'realness' of the situation". Realness, however, isn't a real world and is rather informal, but I'm sort of at a loss on how to find a real world or concise way of saying it. Would the word "reality" fit? I specifically want it to convey that the reader is questioning whether the events in the book are "real" (as in set in this universe vs. some alternate plane).


    5 AnswersHomework Help7 years ago
  • Can I put a pearl gourami in a five gallon for two days?

    I have free time today and want to go get a pearl gourami at my local LFS. However, it is going into a school fish tank, and the only place I can hold it over the weekend is in a five gallon bucket. Waste wise I'm pretty sure it will be fine, but do you think it could handle the stress of being put in a bucket (will be heated, BTW), kept there a day, taken out and put in an actual tank? Thank you!

    2 AnswersFish7 years ago
  • What style of dresses do they wear in West Side Story?

    I'm in a small ensemble choir, and we're performing songs from West Side Story and need appropriate dresses. I was sort of thinking of making my own dress since it would be fun, but even if I don't end up going that route I need to know what style of dress they were wearing for searching purposes. Just from searching around for "60s dresses" it seems that the rockabilly style fits closest (like here Would that dress be fairly correct? I don't need a perfect fit, just approximate.


    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories7 years ago
  • How do I write an e-mail asking for a job?

    There is this store that I would LOVE to get a job at, it would seriously be my dream. On the site they say they accept resumes on a rolling basis, so I thought I might as well send in a resume for a summer job. I've never gotten a job so I don't really know how to phrase it. Should I mention the fact that I saw that on their site? Or should I just go ahead and ask if they have a part time position available? Should I mention that I am a teen and that this will be a summer job (I feel like that's pretty important..) or should I just phrase it as I'm looking for a seasonal job or something similar?

    Thank you so much!

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment7 years ago
  • Could you answer my various axolotl questions?

    I'm jumping into the world of axolotls (and amphibians in general, I've only kept fish), and am getting two week old babies tomorrow. I'm very excited and have done a good amount of research and already have live food at hand and more coming in the mail. Thank is cycled, I have live food cultures and more on the way, etc. I have some questions though that are more out of curiosity, and my not knowing them will not bring any harm to the axolotls (unless they will, which please tell me immediately and please give me a couple of links to know more).

    First of all, I know about cycling, ammonia is bad, etc. But in fish, different fish can tolerate different levels, which then translates into how hardy they are. So in these terms, how hardy are axies? Are baby axies as sensitive as baby fish? What level of nitrates do they prefer/what's the maximum they tolerate? Out of daphnia, brine shrimp, and bloodworms, what food do baby axies prefer, if any? Can adults still eat newly hatched brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms, or will my cultures all have to go to waste (unless my fish get the extras, that is)? Should I keep something heavy on the tank cover to prevent jumping accidents, or is that unnecessary? Should baby axie tanks be relatively clear of decorations, or would they appreciate some rocks or something?


    2 AnswersReptiles7 years ago