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I'm a crazy redheaded Cancer girl! I am brutally honest... over-sensitive... and have been told that I can come off as a be-otch... well... so be it. I tell it like it is. I don't sugar coat things! I love country music and singing and dancing! I'm very interested in astrology, and I do believe we can learn a lot by studying "the signs!"

  • Gemini-Cancer cusp guy... HELP!?

    So it's been a while since I've come on here to get some "expert advice" from my fellow astrology believers... but here's my dilemma... I'm a full-blown cancer... moody, emotional, sensitive, ETC. I had a casual dating relationship with a gemini-cancer cusp (who I believe leans a little more to the cancer side) for a few months... we hadn't really talked for a while, and now he is apologizing to me for "falling off the face of the earth." I REALLY like this guy, and the chemistry/attraction is AMAZING. I'm unsure of my next step... if I should just let him initiate (again... since he already apologized) or if this is my chance to "pounce!"... Any tips on how to hook him for good this time?

    4 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • How do I help this gemini-cancer cusp guy take the plunge?

    So, I've studied quite a bit of astrology, and I understand who's compatible with who, etc... I recently started casually dating a guy born on the cusp of gemini and cancer (June 21, 1984). I'm a full-blown cancer (July 7, 1981). He tried to pursue me for quite a while, and I wasn't ready due to wounds from a traumatic breakup. Now, we've been on a few dates, and hung out quite a few times... He has said he's not seeing anyone else, and doesn't want to, but isn't quite "ready" for something serious and that his "walls are still up." He had a bad breakup within the last year, and is hesitant to trust because she cheated on him. Can anyone give me some insight to this gemini-cancer cusp guy? What's the best way to help his walls come down? Persistence? Patience?

    3 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • Scorpio Guy... Cancer Girl... do I give up? push harder? stick it out?

    Okay... so this scorpio and I have been playing this "cat & mouse" game for a few months now. We've hung out, gone out, been intimate, etc. I REALLY like him. We had dated, but it started getting serious, and we both backed off... (scorpio fear of getting close I think) We have hung out in a group setting more recently... went camping, all hung out for my birthday, etc. Well, we haven't been slept together in almost 4 weeks. While camping this weekend, he DID sleep next to me and cuddle up on me... and we've hung out more often in the last 4 weeks than before. So, recently, it seems nice that he wants to hang out and do things OTHER than sleep together... But... I'm just not sure. He says things to tease me, tries to make me jealous, always stares at me, and smiles at me... but seems to pull back if I come on too strong. What gives? Am I over-analyzing it?

    4 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • Sun signs are compatible... what about venus and mars?

    I'm a Cancer sun, Gemini Mars, and Leo Venus. He's a Scorpio sun, Leo Mars, Scorpio Venus. I know we are "compatible" by our sun signs. How important are the mars and venus signs? I'm still trying to figure out how to handle this Scorpio. He definitely shows interest... but a little fear too! I'm still trying to walk the fine line of "too much" or "too little!"

    2 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • cancer girl/scorpio guy, what do I do NEXT?!?

    Sorry to keep posting these, but you guys are always so helpful!

    My scorpio "friend" and I have known each other for almost 8 years. After breaking off my prior engagement this past november, Mr. Scorpio and I "dated" for a little while in March. It started to get too serious, too fast. We both got a little scared. We backed off, but found ourselves hanging out, and IN BED again... and again... etc. As you've all told me, it seems he's scared of being hurt again, and scared to trust, so he's weary of a relationship. This weekend I drove him home one night, and he told me, "if you want to crash at my place, you're MORE THAN WELCOME" well... one thing led to another obviously. He's very gentle, caring, always cuddly, wants to hold my hand, very sweet, and gets nervous around me. I catch him staring all the time too. I know he's not seeing any other girls. I'm positive of that. Do I push harder or back off? I think we'd be an amazing couple if he'd just let it happen...

    6 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • Scorpio man question... need advice please!?

    So, I've learned that scorpios like "to dominate." Which, so far, I've found to be true... HOWEVER, would they prefer to make the first move, or for their partner to make the first move... (say... IN BED?!) Would it be a turn off to him if I made the first advance (for once?!)? Usually HE'S the initiator... Do they prefer it to be that way? Or should I switch it up and take the lead for once? He's been more receptive to me lately, and I want to hook him for good!

    BTW, I'm a cancer...

    11 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • more Scorpio man help! PLEASE!?

    Okay, so most of you are aware of this scorpio-man DRAMA! (if not, check out my questions!) I'm not sure what to do next. We've hung out a bit more recently, and I can definitely say I'm smitten! I know scorpios play games, and it takes them a while to really let someone in, so, I'm unsure of my next move. It seems that I make myself too available to him I think. Would it be beneficial to back off, and let him wonder? Or should I keep coming around? (His parents own the bar where our friends all hang out) I have a feeling in my gut not to just let this one go. So, I don't want to miss out! He always finds ways to lean against me, touch me, smile at me, etc, when we're out (at the bar) with friends. He wouldn't do these things if he wasn't interested right? I stayed over at his place 2 nights last week. Last night, he said, "I'll see you Thursday!" just ASSUMING that I would be out on Thursday night. ('cause I always am!) Should I go, not go, what do I do?! I'm a cancer.

    6 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • Scorpios? Players or just hesitant?

    So, from what I understand, Scorpios tend to be very loyal and passionate... and not the types to waste their time. However, in my experience, they're not quick to jump into a serious relationship either. Is it because they're "players" or are just apprehensive about being hurt, and don't want to get involved seriously with someone until they've "passed all the scorpio tests" and they know it'll be worthwhile? Opinions please...

    7 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • JEANS? Help!?

    A couple years ago, I bought a pair of Jessica Simpson jeans at Fashion Bug. Does anyone know if they are still being produced? Or where I can get them? I haven't found a pair of jeans that fits me right since! (tiny waist... ghetto bootie and dancer thighs!)

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Need help reeling in this Scorpio man!?

    So, for those of you that have been helping with my Scorpio man saga... thank you... I need help again!

    I'm a Cancer, and this Scorpio man and I have been casually seeing each other for about two months... he seemed to get nervous and back off about a month ago, WELL, yesterday he had me write my phone number down and said maybe we'd hang out last night... Well he called me last night, and was exhausted from working all weekend, BUT he said, "but I'll come over and watch a movie with you tomorrow night, I PROMISE!" So... assuming he WILL call tonight, and come over... any advice on how to "hook" this scorpio for good?!?!

    7 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • What sign was your best...?

    What sign was your best




    And what is YOUR sign?

    Just curious...

    13 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • please help! I really like him!?

    I was dating him for a few weeks back in March. Things started to get serious pretty quickly, which he admitted to me that it scared him, because he felt so strongly(?) So, we both backed off, but remained cordial. Well, he's been back to his flirty ways. Teasing me all the time, asking me to come visit him at work, asking me to meet him out for drinks, etc... Last week, we were leaving the same bar, and "his car wouldn't start." So, he says "looks like you're taking me home!" Well, he invited me in, and we behaved... for about 15 minutes! We were watching tv, and he got VERY cuddly with me, asked if he could hold my hand, and nuzzled in my neck, and one thing led to another... that's when he gets WEIRD. He gets nervous and frustrated. Are his feelings that strong that he gets wrapped up in them? He tells me that he's "VERY comfortable with me," but he doesn't know why... he seems to get very wrapped up in his emotions... Any insight on this?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • more advice on my ongoing SCORPIO soap opera?!?

    I know my fellow astrology believers will help me out, because I think I may be receiving some typical scorpio behavior!

    I was dating him for a few weeks back in March. Things started to get serious pretty quickly, which he admitted to me that it scared him, because he felt so strongly(?) So, we both backed off, but remained cordial. Well, he's been back to his flirty scorpio ways. Teasing me all the time, asking me to come visit him at work, asking me to meet him out for drinks, etc... Last week, we were leaving the same bar, and "his car wouldn't start." So, he says "looks like you're taking me home!" Well, he invited me in, and we behaved... for about 15 minutes! We were watching tv, and he got VERY cuddly with me, asked if he could hold my hand, and nuzzled in my neck, and one thing led to another... that's when he gets WEIRD. He gets nervous and frustrated. Are his feelings that strong that he gets wrapped up in them? I'm a Cancer (with Virgo rising and moon in Libra).

    7 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • 2006 Subaru WRX blow-off valve?

    I have a 2006 Subaru WRX. It's basically stock, besides a blow-off valve that has been on it for about a year. Sometimes, especially when the weather changes, the car will act up, and stall in either first or second gear when slowing to a stop... I was told that the blow-off valve isn't good for the turbo? Is this true? And could the stalling have anything to do with the blow-off valve?

    5 AnswersSubaru1 decade ago
  • Can someone help with my signs?

    So, they have a filter on our internet at work, so I can't go to the websites myself... Could someone find my moon sign and rising sign for me? (or any other ones I don't know about?!) I know my sun sign is a cancer...

    DOB 07/07/1981

    TOB 10:39am

    POB Middletown, New York, USA

    2 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • Scorpio guys - mind games? testing me?

    Okay, so this scorpio is REALLY confusing me!!! He tells me I'm beautiful, nice, classy, and basically everything he is looking for... BUT, it seems when it comes down to it, he gets nervous and backs off? He always asks me to come visit him where he works, or to meet him wherever he's going out... He also likes to "bust" on me a lot. (Is this like when the little boy pulls on the little girl's pigtails 'cause he likes her?!) He hung out with me for a while about a month ago... but then backed off, and a few days ago, asked me to come over again... He's the one who initiates things... he cuddles... kisses... etc... but it seems he gets scared/nervous when it gets TOO emotional? What's up with him? Am I wasting my time? Because... I REALLY am into him...

    8 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • help with my nervous scorpio!?

    I've been seeing this amazing man (he's a scorpio)... I'm a cancer, and NEVER have I met a man who is so sensitive to my needs before! The problem is, when getting intimate, he seems to close off, and get nervous. I'm told he gets nervous when I'm around (like when I pull into the parking lot of the bar, and he knows I'm coming in, he gets fidgety/nervous)... he's fine when things heat up, he's actually the initiator! However, when it comes down to IT... he clams up, and gets nervous... and can't... finish! Any words of advice? Perhaps I shouldn't put this in the horoscope section, but I'm told that Scorpios have difficulty trusting, and tend to get nervous when they're "falling" for someone... is that the case here?

    3 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • I can't tan!?

    I'm a fair-skinned, red-headed Irish girl! I have tried tanning in tanning beds/booths and only end up red, itchy, or maybe (if I'm lucky) freckled! Does anyone have any advice for us naturally fair-skinned ladies???? I would just like a little base color so I can wear a pair of shorts!!!!

    10 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • New man allergic to my cat!?

    Okay, so I've had my flame-point himalayan cat for about a year and a half... he's "my baby." WELL, I've recently met an amazing man who is ALLERGIC to my baby! No, I'm not asking which one to "pick." But, I'm asking for some suggestions on lowering the allergens and convincing this man that he can't let my CAT stand in the way of love!

    13 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • help for attracting SCORPIO man...?

    What types of girls are scorpio men attracted to? I think I may have his interest, but want to keep it!

    For example, style-wise, do they like casually dressed girls with minimal makeup? sexy girls with high heels and all made up?

    I also heard they don't like to play games... so if "hard to get" is out of the question, how do I get him to reciprocate?!

    12 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago