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  • Where is the 2008 VW New Beetle TPMS Reset button?

    My TPMS light keeps coming on in my new car. At first, I thought I would simply need to inflate the tires. I had them inflated to 34/34 (where they are supposed to be) when I had my oil changed, but the light remained on. I took it to a tire shop, and they told me that there was an issue with the valve stems on my tires, but that my tires were running low on treads (the fronts could go for longer, at a 6/32, but the rears were at 4/32 and 2/32), so one tire was inoperable and another one should be replaced. I took the car to a different shop, where I planned to have the rear tires replaced, and ended up just having the full set done. The light was STILL ON. I asked the mechanic what the problem was and he said it would be a simple matter of resetting the TPMS light, but he couldn t find it and told me to google where the button was. I have googled and googled to no avail. My reset button is not below the steering wheel and it s not in the glove box (where other people have said their beetle TPMS reset button is). Where else would it be???

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs3 years ago
  • How to make a column of the summation of non-continuous cells in google docs without manually entering the cell ID?

    I have a google form where people update the number of hours they have done work for a particular club. They update the google form every time they have new hours to log (the final question is "are you done logging hours for now?" and if they click no it takes them to the next page where they can enter the next task). I would like to have a column that updates every time the form is updated to add the cell that is "how many hours did you complete for this task?", but the cells are non-continuous (they are cells p, v, ab, ah, etc.) and in a row, not a column. What can I enter so that it will automatically do this and I don't have to enter in the cell sum=(p3,v2,ab2, etc.) in every cell for every response?

    1 AnswerGoogle3 years ago
  • How to get fake blood on an actor s arm during a scene?

    We re producing a show in a black box theatre; the audience is (at its closest) about 10 feet away. They can see the actors from left, right, and front. An actor needs to be cut by a pair of scissors in a scuffle and threaten to drip blood on her pageant dress, so just pretending like shes been stabbed won t work and i m worried a blood pack will be painfully obvious and seem super cheap and juvenile. We also can t get any blood on the actual dress. Any suggestions?

    4 AnswersTheater & Acting3 years ago
  • Lost my drivers learners permit before transferring it to a new state?

    I obtained a learners permit in one state shortly before moving to another, but a physical copy was never mailed to me. I lost the sheet of paper in the move, and nobody seems to be able to tell me what to do about transferring it to my new state because I don t have proof of residence in the old state in order to obtain my duplicate copy

    11 AnswersInsurance & Registration3 years ago
  • Why don't colleges teach ASL or accept it for foreign language credits?

    I'm looking into colleges and a shockingly small amount of them offer ASL as a foreign language class, even while they offer Cherokee (a language developed in the US borders) and dead languages (Latin). Why is this? It's a completely valid language and is more closely related to French than english anyway. I'm very confused.

    6 AnswersLanguages4 years ago
  • Pain in different area than my tattoo?

    I got my first tattoo earlier today, a semicolon just below where I take my pulse on my left wrist. the area where I got the tattoo was swollen and hurt at first, as expected, but the swelling has gone down and there's barely any pain there at all. It didn't bleed or seep at all, but I did keep a band-aid over it for about an hour afterwards, then washed with soap and water and have been airing it out like I was told. The tattoo itself is a little tender to the touch, but the actual "pain" is in a higher part of my wrist and a bit lower on the side of my arm. Is this normal? It's probably a 2 on a scale of 10 pain wise, more of a pulsing ache and just generally annoying, but I wanted to know if this is normal?

    3 AnswersTattoos4 years ago
  • Hand still tingling hours after electric shock?

    I was focusing lights in a theatre this morning, just around noon, and stupidly did not turn the channel off before unplugging a cable from a light. The light is 575 watts, I am not sure the voltage, though if I had to guess, probably 120. I shook it off as nothing, but the hand is still buzzing ten hours later if any pressure is applied to my wrist. My pulse is about 80 BPM at rest, and is regular, and I haven t felt odd all day except for tingling in the hand. Should I consult a doctor about this if it doesn t fade soon?

    1 AnswerInjuries4 years ago
  • Eyes keep watering while doing makeup?

    Whenever I apply anything (and I mean ANYTHING) to the under area of my eye, my right eye just starts watering like crazy. I was applying a bit of concealer from a brand I've been using forever under my eyes and the right eye just started watering and watering until i cleared a bit of concealer off with makeup remover. It's not everyday, so I truly don't think it's an allergy. Any ideas?

    2 AnswersMakeup4 years ago
  • Where to find the place to buy the rights to Repo! The Genetic Opera?

    I'm pitching this as the spring musical to my drama teacher and I've scoured the internet to no avail--does anyone know where I can find them?

    2 AnswersTheater & Acting4 years ago
  • balance this equation in a base?

    im so confused. I'm supposed to balance this equation in a base, there aren't any other elements or missing info

    Mn^+2 = MnO2

    thanks in advance

    1 AnswerChemistry4 years ago
  • can t find google group in gmail?

    I have a google group have refreshed the page at least 80 times, and other groups are showing up. One is not. how do I make this happen?

    1 AnswerGoogle4 years ago
  • I want to do a one-week fast, but I'm worried my mom will jump to conclusions?

    My friends and I are going to attempt a one-week fast as a sort of body cleanse before we start our "eat healthy" segment of the year (we do this every year from february to august). We've done all the research, set up a plan, etc. and we aren't doing this for weight loss, though that is certainly a pleasant side effect. We're mostly doing it for the mental experience and to flush our system. My only worry is that we're still in senior year of hs, and I'm worried my mom will freak out and think I'm anorexic. I've spoken to her before about wanting to do a short fast, and she has been vehemently opposed to it, she says I won't know how to stop and will become anorexic. Is there a way I can get around eating dinner with her, since eating even a little bit keeps your digestion moving and prevents you constantly hungry? I was hoping to start the fast next monday (so , a week from today) and I would probably have to end it on friday since there's no way I could avoid her questions and accusations on the weekend.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness4 years ago
  • We recently crate trained our 2 y/o dog, how long should she be in there?

    So, a little background. She's a terrier mix, around 18 pounds, and we've had her almost a year (we got her last Feb). In the old house, we had a spare bedroom where she slept at night and went during the day. I didn't mind this too much, after a little chewing on the door moulding when we first got her, she quickly got over herself. This Dec, we moved due to a job the SO got and have decided not to buy just yet. We're renting a 1 bedroom, and after the dog started getting into the cat's food at night and pacing incessantly, keeping us up at all hours, and eviscerating the blinds-I'm talking 1/4-1/2 of these blinds missing due to being broken-as well as VERY chewed up window moulding and a chewed up bed with an in-house sitter over the holidays, we decided it was about time we crate train her and have been hesitant to leave her out of the crate alone. She is staying in it at night (not negotiable, I wont have a dog on the bed or eating the cat's food), but, SO now wants to keep her in all day too. We leave for work around 8am, and I get home generally around 4:30 everyday... 8-4:30 then put her in at night around 10PM-7:30 means she only gets 5 1/2 hours out of her crate everyday, which seems like too little time for a dog, but SO has no issue with it, says she will enjoy relaxing in it. Thoughts?

    1 AnswerDogs4 years ago
  • I have a non-binary friend, but a mutual friend won't use their pronouns when the nb friend isn't present, and it makes me uncomfortable?

    My nb friend uses they/them pronouns and uses a different name. Mutual Friend respects their name, but will always use she/her when NB Friend isn't present (Mutual Friend uses they/them when NB Friend is present though). It's making me uncomfortable because I know how uncomfortable NB Friend is with she/her pronouns, but Mutual Friend is 3 years older than me (2 years older than NB Friend) and I don't want to outright correct her and look incredibly rude/passive aggressive. I make sure to emphasize they or them when referring to Mutual Friend, but they refuse to use the right pronouns. This is also leading to a few other mutual friends (who NB Friend hasn't expressly come out to) using she/her, which is going to be really awkward and extremely uncomfortable in front of nb friend. Any suggestions

    3 AnswersGender Studies4 years ago
  • How to sit less as a high school student?

    I'm a sophomore in HS and I'm pretty concerned about my level of inactivity. I just moved states about a month and a half ago, and I haven't had the chance to pick up horseback riding or working at a barn since around thanksgiving. I'm going to start walking at lunch, something I did last year with a friend who's now in college, but I want to try to do more in class so I'm not sitting for seven hours. Any suggestions?

    1 AnswerOther - Education4 years ago
  • I have a non-binary friend, but a mutual friend won't use their pronouns when the nb friend isn't present, and it makes me uncomfortable?

    My nb friend uses they/them pronouns and uses a different name. Mutual Friend respects their name, but will always use she/her when NB Friend isn't present (Mutual Friend uses they/them when NB Friend is present though). It's making me uncomfortable because I know how uncomfortable NB Friend is with she/her pronouns, but Mutual Friend is 3 years older than me (2 years older than NB Friend) and I don't want to outright correct her and look incredibly rude/passive aggressive. I make sure to emphazine they or them when referring to Mutual Friend, but they refuse to use the right pronouns. This is also leading to a few other mutual friends (who NB Friend hasn't expressly come out to) using she/her, which is going to be really awkward and extremely uncomfortable once school starts back up. What can I do?

    7 AnswersGender Studies5 years ago
  • I want to see a therapist, but I don't know how to talk to my mom about it?

    My mom is a single mom and money is pretty tight around the house. I started getting really bad anxiety about two years ago, and I've been experiencing the symptoms of depression. I've talked to my friends about things, but I think I need to talk to someone who doesn't know me and who isn't involved emotionally. I think I would benefit from seeing a trained therapist, but I'm worried that even if we have enough money, it would create too much of a strain in the budget and I don't know how to tell her I think I need help.

    1 AnswerMental Health5 years ago
  • There are kids being really loud outside my house (playing soccer, screaming, etc.) well into the night?

    I live in a suburban area and am pretty lenient when it comes to kids and noise. However, with the weather warming up, the kids in my garage alleyway (I live in a townhouse, there are several rows that all have garages facing each other, creating an alley) think it's become appropriate to play soccer until 9:30-10pm. I'm okay with a little noise, especially as the weather warms up and days get longer, but the kids are having a full-on game of soccer, complete with yelling and their soccer ball hitting my garage door and the garage doors of neighbors. This is all happening right under my bedroom, which happens to face the alley.

    I'm a high schooler, so I get the want to be loud, but I also do need sleep, as do all my neighbors. I've gone out there and asked them several times, nicely and then more forcefully each time, to quiet down, which they proceed to do for about ten minutes before getting worked up again. I'm trying to study for my APs and my exams, and my neighbors are trying to sleep. They do this friday and saturday night, and they generally go to 9-9:30 on several weekdays. I would even be able to put up with the noise if they weren't hitting a garage door, which echoes very loudly in an alleyway, every two minutes.

    At what point is it appropriate to call in a noise complaint? Or to take more drastic measures (examples please?)

    10 AnswersEtiquette5 years ago
  • My dog ate a handful of yogurt covered raisins (maybe 30-40 of them) about three hours ago, just realized now, she hasn't thrown up?!?!?

    So I know raisins are really bad for dogs and I'm very worried. I left the house around 4pm (its about 7:30 now) and I got home around 7. I just realized she ate them because I went to get them from the counter (which she hasn't gotten to before) and the bag only had a few left. I immediately searched the house and she hasn't thrown up anywhere. I know that dogs start to throw this stuff up within an hour or two.

    She's 18 pounds, almost 2 y/o, and I don't know EXACTLY how much she ate, but it was under the ~3 ounce/pound limit that I found people say is the maximum. She's not as active as she usually is, but she's been drinking water and peed when I took her out at 7. She kept up like she usually does on the walk and shows the signs of a stomachache (slower, a little sick, a little more tender to belly rubs) that she showed when she tore into the food bag a little over a year ago.

    1 AnswerDogs5 years ago