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Lv 55,877 points

A Bounder and a Cad

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I'm experienced in life, Nuff said? Therefore, email me at: for private consultations. I promise not to reveal your darkest secrets, unless they are really juicy.

  • How do I report a theft at McDonalds?

    I have tried all the regular methods through the McDonalds website, But After a day or so I get a generic email telling me "everything is fine, its being handled, thank you so much" when it obviously is not being handled. How do I know? Because I omitted some important info about when, where and whom in my email. I couldn't complain to the manager as he might be involved.

    So, how do I bypass the lower echelons at Micky Dee's?

    PS The franchise holders seem to keep their information close to the chest

    Thanks guys

    Love and peace.

    8 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • Can I mark a video on you tube "as already seen?"?

    I occasionally have a feeling of seeing a video before and I probably have, can I mark it as seen so I don't repeat the viewing?

    2 AnswersYouTube8 years ago
  • Asking and answering about God reveals belief in God.?

    This is a quote from way, way back. Its so deep I truly doubt anyone will get it nowadays Its the people who don't ask or don't answer are the non believers. They just click the next question and move on..The ones who answer negatively are those who don't. Am I wrong?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • The Pope and choir boys true or False?

    I honestly don't know what all the fuss is about, Being a Pope doesn't stop you having thoughts not conducive with the Papacy. And anyway, "When in Rome". Personally I think its completely false. Choir boys are apt to exaggeration. What do YOU think?

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Is there a rivalry between the FBI and the CIA?

    And while were on the subject, which group has the most power, and where does the Secret Service fit in?

    2 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • Were there any slaves owned by blacks?

    A weird and totally alien concept, without a shred of evidence to support it. And yet the rumours persist. Can there be any truth in it? Oh, Just saying its true doesn't make it true.

    5 AnswersHistory9 years ago
  • Tornado on the Sun, True or False?

    I read that there was an unusual sighting on the Sun recently, A 150,000 mile high tornado. Is this BS or do we have something to worry about?

    2 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology9 years ago
  • Does anyone remember Radio Caroline?

    And does anyone remember the name of the supply ship or captains name or maybe what port she docked at?

    3 AnswersRadio9 years ago
  • How does Superman accelerate?

    Is it a bit like trying to take a dump while constipated? You know, when hang on to the grab bar and strain real, real hard.

    5 AnswersComics & Animation9 years ago
  • How do I find a passenger list for a crashed airplane?

    In particular Dan Air flight 1008 from Manchester to Teneriffe in 1980. A good old friend of mine may have been on this flight. I have tried all major search engines but nothing about who was onboard. Dan Air were not forth coming either. So, any help would be, helpful, Thanks

    8 AnswersAircraft9 years ago
  • God, and everything.?

    Many times I have offered indisputable proof of Gods existence. Not once has anyone ask me in a nice friendly way for this proof. Oh, many reply with snide or sarcastic remarks alright, expecting me to reply after insulting me or my beliefs, but other than those, nothing. The obvious conclusion I have drawn from this is this:People just do not want to know if there is a God or not, and are happy living in their world with death at the end. So, one more time. Who wants to know? Write to me.

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Why is it that Voyager 1 or 2 cant break out of our Solar Sytem?

    Is this God stopping it, are we in a huge bubble. It has taken 30 years to reach the edge of it, whats the deal, any ideas anyone?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • On Christmas and its origins, Are these things true?

    December the 25th is associated with the birth of many Pagan gods, Including: Mitrha, Horus, Hercules and Zeus to name a few.

    The Roman festival Saturnalia would also end around this time of year

    Christianity imported many of these Pagan myths and traditions into its own customs around 400 BC

    Toady's Christian express outrage that Christmas is losing its Christian roots. This is ironic since it was Christianity that hijacked the holiday in the first place to make it easier to convert new followers.

    Never the less, Christians put up ancient Babylonian fertility symbols called Christmas Trees in their homes without ever asking how the tradition got started in the first place and not realizing their own Bible forbids such things.

    How do you feel about these facts? If you dispute these facts, try some research yourself, you will see what I say is true.

    3 AnswersChristmas9 years ago
  • Dinosaurs, Real or Imaginary?

    All the evidence points to the existence of animals commonly know as dinosaurs. However, this evidence means nothing to your average man in the street. Just because a thousand experts says something is fact, doesn't make fact. All evidence presented is reputable. Until you actually see a T-Rex walk passed your front door with your neighbors head hanging from its mouth, you only have experts word, for the truth. Therefore I propose that dinosaurs are a figment of some nutcases imagination and its all a ploy subdue us all into thinking we live on a planet and not in a milk bottle on someones doorstep.

    15 AnswersMythology & Folklore10 years ago
  • Evolution, myth of fiction?

    I truly believe that evolutionists are not as dumb as they want us to think. Its true they live in a fantasy world without proof of any connection between ape and man. But that's not their fault, its the fault of the likes of Darwin (Who btw admitted his theory was ultimately faulty) Lets see what sort of answers we get from this question, then judge for yourself. I 100% guarantee none on the side of evolution will make sense. While others on the side of God will. Watch out for deceivers however, they sneakily side on God's side just for effect.

    13 AnswersMythology & Folklore10 years ago
  • If God is all powerfull and can do anything, who to say he didnt mess with our minds.?

    I mean, God can make you think you have a life, All your relations are made up by God, as is the whole Universe and everything in it. You, yes you, might be the only human ever, and God doesn't want you to be upset so he invented everything to convince you that you not alone. But then again, why did God put this, thought in your mind, is he preparing you for something coming up soon or what?...Anyway, Just saying.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago