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Music, Paper, Pencil, Played. thats me. Email Me, Talk to me, whatever... Music is what I do if you wanna talk or have a Q.

  • Tungsten Ring, Stainless Steel ring or?

    I recently bought a gold colored tungsten carbide ring, after some time the gold color is gone.

    I'm now looking into new rings, there are a lot of pros for a tungsten ring, they can't be scratched, they can't bend, they can be lazer drawn etc... but apparently you can not get them re colored.

    So, when looking for a new ring should I get a tungsten carbide ring again? Buy a new one every time the color fades?

    or look into another type of ring that the color wont fade?

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories6 years ago
  • Who is the most influential?

    Writing a research paper about the most influential musicians and composers.

    I have already chosen Bach as one of the three musicians but in regards of my choices in Rock music and Jazz:

    Jazz choices - Louis Armstrong, Miles Davis, Duke Ellington, Pops, or Charlie Parker.

    Who out of that list who do you think is most influential, and why?

    Rock choices - Elvis Presley, The Beatles.

    Who out of that list who do you think is most influential, and why?

    Please do not think that I'm asking for you to do my homework, I have studied Jazz history and would like an external opinion on the matter as I've been asking Dr.'s of Jazz history and they have all been telling me to look into those people. I just can't pick one! Who is the most influential in not only music, but the world and socially, race, peace, and spirit.

    Thanks in advance!

    4 AnswersJazz7 years ago
  • Who is the most influential musician/composer?

    I am writing a research paper and that is my topic.

    My choices are like such:

    To pick 3 musicians/composers and argue who is the most influential among them, they are chosen like such

    Bach (classical composer) or ______ or ______

    Louis Armstorng, or Duke Ellington, or Miles Davis. (jazz musician/composer)

    The Beatles, or Jimi Hendrix, or ______. (rock musician/composer)

    I have one person from each genre to pick from.

    Who out of these do you think is most influential? and why?

    also, if there is someone in music history that is influential that I missed, please add them!

    2 AnswersOther - Music7 years ago
  • Obama, politics, GOP, Obama care, is this what it could mean?

    So I have heard word that it could lead to a new revolution or a new civil war, what are your thoughts?

    I personally think Obamacare is unconstitutional, and a lot of people seem to think so also, and the current state of our government is very delicate with people fighting, so do you think this could ll lead to a restart and shrinkage of our government or a war between conservatives and liberals? what are your thoughts?

    9 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • Attack a Michilimackinac 1763?

    after reading the book i'm confused, it's a journal of Alexander Henry and his travels. So far all I get is extreme description of things and his uneasiness and even straight up luck. has anyone else observed something here I don't see? To me this journal is just an in depth description of northern states.

    1 AnswerHistory8 years ago
  • Ralph Waldo Emerson is a firm believer in individualism that helped shape the american spirit.?

    Ralph waldo emerson is a firm believer in individualism that helped shape the american spirit. How is this shown in his essay, self reliance?

    I have to write an academic essay on this soon and am looking for the pin points to use, I have:

    conformity and consistenecy

    Self reliance is conformity aversions

    conformity loves not only creators but names and customs.

    nothing is at last sacred but our lasting soul.

    consistency little persons dont think outside the bocks.

    to be great is to be misunderstood.

    I may be mistaken with my points, as to why I am here, any ideas?

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Where can I find Joe Williams version of "September in the Rain"?

    It seems it is impossible to find... on any album or online anywhere! any ideas anyone?!

    4 AnswersJazz8 years ago
  • Commanders or leaders in the Vietnam war, uniforms?

    somewhere sometime someone once told me that the commanders/leaders/someone important ( I dont know much about military jargin) had something on their combat uniform that signified their importance, and during the war they were specifically shot at, so they had to make combat uniforms that did not have this symbol or whatever on it so the vietmanese people did not shoot at them more.

    what is this symbol or something and is it true that they took them off so they wernt shot at more?

    2 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • can you give me 4 reasons why?

    Alexander the great is a brilliant military leader?

    Alexander the great is a crazy lunatic?

    Alexander the great is Macedonian.

    Alexander the great is Greek.

    4 reasons for each if you can, I have some reasons for why he could be crazy, they are:

    -white plumed helmet in his battles

    -called himself son of Zeus

    -named most cities he conquered after himself

    -his battle tactics were like no one else (he did what no one else would ever have done)

    1 AnswerHistory8 years ago
  • Alexander the Great 2 questions?

    was he Crazy or super brilliant?

    was he Macedonian or Greek?

    if you could answer them that would be great, but which of the 2 questions have a better argument to them? I have a research paper due in a couple weeks, im getting a head start and I need to pick a topic, thats what Im thinking I just dont know which one....

    5 AnswersHistory8 years ago
  • what would you do in this situation?

    i'll try to keep this simple.

    but I am a bit of loner and am trying to find a relationship if I can but...

    one girl that I adore is older than me, she most likely doesnt like me.

    musician, beautiful, Busy, not impressed by anything I do (write music for her, birthday gifts etc...)

    another girl is older than me in a relationship...

    kind of out of luck there...

    another girl is again older than me and is amazing and I do like her but I dont know....

    Musician, Beautiful, friendly, great personality, amazing friend and rarely see her so when we do see each other its sort of special.

    another girl really seems to take interest me and shes very pretty shes younger than me and shes really cool...

    Shes Beautiful, sings, works hard, great personality, takes an interest in me.

    another girl seems to take a slight interest in me, she has 5 older brothers and is very pretty with an awesome personality

    of course Beautiful and seems to take a small interest in me, I see her rather often but she has a bunch of guys chasing her.

    and another girl is just a very awesome person to take interest into, very pretty.

    seems to take a small interest in me, should I pursue?

    I understand I have left some details out, remind me if I need to add some.

    I'm kind of stuck here... I have a bunch of girls on my mind and I need to figure out which one to pursue.... their all friends to.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • This is what makes me so mad about religion.?

    Faulty arguments.

    I am a Christian and I can point out how science is clearly wrong and then the atheist pulls up some totally random contradicting argument because they must be right....

    you cant beat the truth guys, your arguments need better points if you want to fight so sorry, if you want to yell at me get a better argument.

    if science is true...

    Than nothing came from something

    than something non living made something living


    Australopithecus is an extinct species of ape

    sorry, Bigfoot is not real

    there's no transitional species found.

    Evolution isn't real, there's more proof proving the Bible than there is proving Evolution....

    finding charred rock on top of a Sealed and prohibited mountain

    a clear and easy path with the exact descriptions of the red sea crossing

    the Hittites


    Alexander the great

    a clear and careful design of everything.

    Everything the Bible has said is true up to this point!

    Persecution of Christians


    Alexander the great

    shall I go on?

    don't tell me about white butterfly wings changing color, Micro and macro evolution are two totally different things.

    Atheists just shotgun it every time there's an argument and use a faulty argument to disapprove of God when their wrong and when I prove them right they just find a completely false and irrelevant or obscure excuse that is not even agreed upon. Atheists never have evidence or proof to back themselves up.

    notice, I didn't even have to bring up the Bible to prove my argument here, Atheists do not have any real proof compared to Christians.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Some Political Opinion and view Questions?

    AS I had an in depth conversation/argument with a friend of mine, I thought id see what some community members had to say, Sorry if there are too many Q's, answer them as you please.

    what are your views on Obama-care?

    What do you have to say about the recent Terrorism attacks?

    Who do you think will win the Presidential election? Why? (what specific things is the estimated president going to do that you like?)

    What would be a better Money expense for the president, Manned space or Mars rovers or other?

    What are your views on Obama/Biden?

    What are your views on Romney/Ryan?

    what makes a great president to you?

    what changes does this country need to see?

    Was Obama really good for our country? why?

    who is the media in favor of?

    Does the media seem to support Islam more than Atheism or Christianity? Why?

    Is Islam what our country should have or needs or does it even matter?

    Our country was founded on Christian principals, do we 200 years later need to directly relate them the way we did then?

    Was the recent war necessary?

    Should our soldiers come home now, later, or continue around?

    What is the biggest problem in this country? (Illegal immigrants, Oil, War, Government, Religion, etc...)

    Do you think the world is able to COEXIST?

    Education Standards, taxes on non public school students, etc..?

    Taxes, Our country first went to war to stop from being taxed, start taxes right after we win, and now we have a problem with it, what do you think?

    is Religion affecting your vote?

    4 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Why are there so many people wanting to commit suicide all of the sudden?

    I have been in the Psychology section solid for the past 3 weeks talking and answering questions about suicide, and now the home page is being flooded with suicide questions, Id love to help stop whatever is causing all this depression, but I dont know what it is! stop thinking suicide!!! there'sf more to life everybody!

    whats going on!!!

    8 AnswersPsychology9 years ago
  • Jobs in the Film Industry?

    I'm interested in the film career but I know I need more experience in it, It sounds interesting to rate movies (G,PG,PG-13,R) or direct movies. but I don't know how to get there...

    if I'm 18 or even below 18 is there a job or internship to get in the film industry?

    What kind of degrees/jobs are there in the film industry?

    whats a good film school?

    I have looked into criticizing films but im not a writer or journalist... where is a good place to start?

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment9 years ago
  • Jobs in the Film Industry?

    I'm interested in the film career but I know I need more experience in it, It sounds interesting to rate movies (G,PG,PG-13,R) or direct movies. but I don't know how to get there...

    if I'm 18 or even below 18 is there a job or internship to get in the film industry?

    What kind of degrees/jobs are there in the film industry?

    whats a good film school?

    I have looked into criticizing films but im not a writer or journalist... where is a good place to start?

    2 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • How to make money in the film industry before a degree?

    I'm interested in the film career but I know I need more experience in it, It sounds interesting to rate movies (G,PG,PG-13,R) or direct movies. but I don't know how to get there...

    if I'm 18 or even below 18 is there a job or internship to get in the film industry?

    What kind of degrees/jobs are there in the film industry?

    whats a good film school?

    I have looked into criticizing films but im not a writer or journalist... where is a good place to start?

    4 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • Songwriters, how do you write your song?

    hi, im a professional musician and I do know my theory and I am quite pleased with how my MUSIC sounds when I write songs, the problem is, is I can not write lyrics for the life of me, I dont know if im doing it right or not, this is how I write

    I play piano to write a melody after getting a drum beat groove going, then I start writing lyrics.

    I have a feeling that im doing it wrong and I should come up with lyrics and a lyrical rythem first THEN write the music. am I right? how do you guys write music?

    and as a secondary question, how do you wright lyrics? I cant seem to be able to do it well at all!

    2 AnswersLyrics9 years ago
  • If you have seen the Dark Knight Rises (spoiler alert)?

    Do you think they will make another. cause oh my goodness they cant leave you hanging like that.

    Ive done some reasearch and theres a little rumour that theres title and script of another one thats not decided called "the Knights of Gotham" and it has the riddler on it!!! which means freeze man.... sigh. there has to be another batman after something like that. "I like your full name"

    4 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • Music Distribtuion help?

    im a 16 year old male. Ive taken collage level musical theory and music Business. and have been performing professionally as well as teaching music. (im very blessed)

    I have recently been recorded, and I have a single now.

    my Q is this:

    Should I put a single on itunes now? or wait and put an entire album on?

    My next Q is this:

    Im 16 years old. should even do anything at all?

    my reason is this (it wont happen but!) if I got famous from it, look at justin bieber, Rebbecca Black, One Direction, Big Time Rush. people HATE them, I do not want to be hated if something did happen.

    Third Q is this:

    would you buy it? :)

    2 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago