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  • Getting into shape at fifty ?

    I've never been a "six pack/athletic" built guy....more of a lean "nerdy" type...

    I used to work out about three times a week, but stopped in about 2010 due to work demands on my time.

    Now at fifty, I'm finding I have gotten way out of shape, mostly noticing a decrease in strength (which was never high in the first place)....a bit of the "soft squishy jiggley" in the man boobs area, and a bit of a tire around the middle.

    I'm not overweight per say (175lbs, at 6")...but any tone I had when I was younger has left the building.

    My blood presure is just a bit over the desirable range, as is my cholestarol...most likely due to drinking two to three beers every evening.

    So I want to start getting back into shape...but also realize I need to take it slow to start with, as I'm not going to recover the way I did in my twenties.

    I was thinking of starting with a simple Push Up regiment, using a variety of forms...with the goal of getting up to around 100 reps per start getting myself ready for weight lifting and so forth a couple of months down the line.

    Does that sound like a reasonable plan ?

    Any advice as to frequency, and number of reps I should try ?

    Any other things I should try ?

    2 AnswersMen's Health7 years ago
  • Hyperglycemia ?..hypoglycemia ?

    I am trying to identify if I have symptoms of Hyper/Hypoglycemia...or something entirely different ?

    I identified many years ago that I feel best when I eat a very low carb/suger diet.

    Several friends have tested my blood sugar at different points...and my resting glucose level seems to be around 46 (about thirty minutes after eating)....

    At this blood sugar level, I am alert, energetic, happy, and I feel fine.

    If I eat high carb/sugar type foods, my blood-suger increases into the range of 70 (which is supposed to be closer to the "norm") however I begin experiencing many of the symptoms of LOW blood sugar (irritability, tingles, dizziness, lack of concentration, etc).

    This seems to be completely backwords to everything I am reading about hyper/hypoglycemia.....

    Anyone experience anything like this...or am I some mutant freak ?

    3 AnswersDiabetes7 years ago
  • Looking for advice on a cat urinating on carpet ?

    I have just moved into a new home with two other friends.

    I have two cat's...and one of my other housemate has one.

    When we moved into the new housemates cat had a very hard time with the change, and began urinating all over his bed and other things in his room, which she would not leave. She in part seemed really freaked out by my cat's (who are used to other cat's).

    There has been the normal "dominance" ploys all around...but nothing extreme or out of the ordinary.

    He eventually ended up banning her from his room except at night when he is in the room, moved her "kitty condo" downstairs to the family room (the litter boxes are also located downstairs in the laundry room)...and we thought things had improved.

    However we just identified that she has been peeing in the family room.....often just a short distance from the room where the litter boxes are.

    My cat's more or less hang out in my room or upstairs all she has the run of the downstairs all day, although my cat's go down to the laundry room to use the box.

    But she is obviously still upset enough about the move, and the "invaders" that she is still urinating on the carpet (all BM's have been in the litter box).

    Anyone have any suggestions we should try ???


    4 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • A question for Native Americans only please...?

    In the course of seeing responses from many First Nations people, I have noted a number of occasions where the claim that "we don't worship gods" or something to that effect has been stated.

    I am curiouse as to how you define "gods" when making this statement ?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • When did it become acceptable ?

    When did it become acceptable for christians to "vote" on whether non-christian citizens have access to the same constitutional rights they enjoy ?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • What do Christians think ?

    Of Muslims trying to enforce sharia law in other cultures and lands ?

    For those who don't know what Sharia law is....

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • What do Christians think ?

    Of Muslims trying to enforce sharia law in other cultures and lands ?

    For those who don't know what Sharia law is....

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • What exactly is the point of "not judging" ?

    Someone asked a question in regards to Atheist "not judging" and being "tolerant"....

    Now I'm not an Atheist, but I find the idea of "not judging" to be akin to saying "don't think...just believe".....something I find insulting in the extreme.

    I certainly believe in showing a certain degree of respect to an individuals right to practice whatever belief system they choose.....however I feel no obligation to not judge that system, nor do I feel any obligation to "tolerate" actions that I feel are harmful to myself or others.

    How do people define all this "tolerance" and "acceptance" ?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Any Welsh speaker that can help with this phrase ?

    I am trying to translate the phrase "Clan of the mountains" or "People of the mountains"

    So far I have Teulu........Mynyddoedd, whichI believe is correct ?

    But can't find any means of saying "Of the" in Welsh ???

    Any help is appreciated ;)

    1 AnswerLanguages8 years ago
  • So what is the current accepted definition of "pagan" ?

    The word has had so many meanings throughout history, and so many groups have had their own specific definition.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Should Christians participate in hollidays based on pagan traditions?

    Samhain, the holiday that is the basis for Halloween is fast approaching, and soon after Yule (Christmas) will arrive.

    As these holidays are based on pre-christian European traditions....and have nothing to do with Christs teaching...should good christians participate in these traditions ?

    Why or why not ???

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • How would you say "people of the Torc" in Gaelic ?

    I'm interested in both Irish and Scots versions.

    Preferably in older versions of the language.

    2 AnswersLanguages9 years ago
  • When did we start thinking that we needed to tolerate all beliefs?

    I see a lot of post's, basically asking for tolerance and or respect of all beliefs.

    I will admit, I basically prefer that people get along, and show respect for differences.

    But why should I tolerate beliefs that are in direct conflict with what I consider to be right action, and basically intolerable ?

    Is this not more or less the christian "turn the other cheek" with a "New Age" spin ?

    I'm sorry, but the whole thing strikes me as a way of avoiding any personal responsibility for what goes on in our culture.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Has our focus on "freedom of speech".....?

    Both desensitized, and in-sensitized us ?

    I watch the horrible things going on in Libya, and can't help but laugh at the ridiculous video that at least in part appears to have sparked the outrage.

    But at the same time, I watch people all around me, especially in venues like this very forum, make the same kind of ridiculous statements about others on a daily basis.

    Are we so accustomed to people using "freedom of speech" as an excuse to spout whatever trash floats through their mind and across their tongue, without expectation of appropriate behavior.....that we just don't get it any longer ?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • How much damage have "new age" and Neo-pagan traditions done ?

    It seems like the majority of people, would much rather gobble up "new age" romantic fantasies about cultural traditions, than actually do the research needed to actually learn about, and restore their ancestral traditions.

    Even when someone actually makes an attempt to research an ancestral tradition, they are forced to wade through an almost endless sea of misinformation and fantasy, that is far more prevalent than actual/factual information....the Native American and Celtic cultures in particular have been victims of this kind of commercial propaganda.

    Usually, when the subject is brought up, people either brush it aside by claiming we know nothing factual about these cultures (which is untrue....), or you become the victim of accusations of being intolerant.......

    Do you think this kind of commercial propaganda, at the expense of a cultures traditions is harmless ?

    How do you feel about members of these cultures correcting misinformation ?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Is it "intolerant" to disagree with another cultural view ?

    I see a lot of comments regarding being tolerant of others views.

    Is it "intolerant" to not agree with someones viewpoint ?

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Neo-pagans only please....?

    Is it "respectful" to include "sacred traditions" from a cultural/ethnic tradition into a foreign tradition....especially if it means skewing the tradition to make it fit into a neo-pagan framework ?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • How important to you is it that people share the same perceptions ?

    After over a year of watching people on YR&S try to convince, prove, or more often than not just assault with juvenile insults anyone who does not share the same perception of reality as they do.......I can't help but wonder how important it is to people that others share the same beliefs (or lack of) that they do.

    So on a scale of 1 to 3...

    1 = Not at all important.

    2 = moderately important.

    3 = Very important.

    How important is it to you that others share your view of the world ?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Neo-pagans only please....?

    What are your views on cultural appropriation within modern neo-paganism ?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Christians who try to eliminate all pagan elements from their lives.?

    Since our pagan ancestors made no distinction between secular and religious symbols, and elements of pagan symbology are irrevocable tied through each culture that descends from them.

    Especially European, and by descent American culture.

    Why not you just fully adopt Israeli culture ?

    That is the culture your religious views where birthed in, and wouldn't conflict with christian tradition.

    It would certainly be easier than trying to "opt out" on holidays, names for day's of the week, and all the other cultural customs descendant from European paganism.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago