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  • Why didnt I get my period, on paragard?

    I had paragard put in on 3/21. I was supposed to get my period around 4/5 but it never came and there are no signs of it making an appearance. I also know im not pregnant. Any thoughts?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health7 years ago
  • Slimfast 321 Reviews?

    Before I start I don't want to hear the bad comments about using Slimfast, its been around forever and if it was truly bad then it wouldn't be on the market.

    I am 26 years old, 5'4'' and have been overweight since college, I currently weigh around 180. I know the the ideal weight for my height is around 130 - 140.

    I'm starting the Slimfast 321 diet tomorrow, with a little modification at first and adding in a light salad at lunch with a shake but I hope to eliminate that after a few weeks. I also will be adding exercise into my life, slow at first but hope to be working out 5 days a week by summer.

    For those that have done it, how did you like it? What were some good and bad side effects you had? What advise do you have to someone starting it?

    Diet & Fitness7 years ago
  • What IUD should I get?

    Right now im taking Ocella and found out tonight that to stay on the pill, of any sort I have to pay retail price because of the health insirance I chose. It would cost me about $200 for a 3 month supply of pills which I really cant afford.

    Ive read a lot of reviews and am thinking about getting Paraguard. Anyone have any personal experiences or advise?

    Im 26, not in a relationship and never had any kids.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health7 years ago
  • Buying L-Lysine over the counter?

    I found out today that my cat has feline herpes and the vet told me to start giving her l-lysine. After going to two different pet stores and was then told I could find it at any drug store. I went to Walmart and purchased a bottle of L-Lysine in the vitamin isle. Is L-Lysine in the people vitamin section the same you give to cats? I didn't think there was any difference but after doing some google'ing it sort of sounds like there is a different kind you are supposed to give cats?

    I'd like to start her on it right away but want to make sure its the same thing.

    4 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • How do I get my cat to clean herself?

    I've had my cat about 4 years now, no idea what her age is but the vet and I both guess around 8 - 10 now days. When I got her she was 14 pounds and she has been that the last 4 years. I realize a 14 pound cat is a little on the bigger side but she what she is. I have tried diet foods and cutting back but she doesn't seem to lose weight. She currently eats 1/4 cup twice a day of a senior dry cat food. I give her wet food maybe once a month as a treat and a few treats each day, no more than 5 or 6.

    I am not as worried about her weight but recently she's stopped cleaning herself. There are little poop globs appearing all over my apartment and a lot of times when she lays next to me my arm gets wet with left over pee that she didn't get off her fur. I attempted to give her a butt bath last weekend and it didn't go so well. I have been using flushable wet-wipes which help but its only a temporary fix.

    Anyone have any suggestions on how to get her to clean herself? I do realize that due to her age and weight she can't reach very well but why did this just start now and not when I got her?

    1 AnswerCats8 years ago
  • What is the best place to find a soldier pen pal?

    I want to find a soldier pen pal but I'm not sure if the best website to trust. I've read good and bad reviews about a few of them like

    Anyone have any suggestions?

    2 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • Good or Bad: Blood in Cat Stool?

    I've had my cat for 3 years, unsure of her age possibly around 8-10 by now and she is a domestic short hair. Let me start by saying she had blood work done about a year and 3 months ago before a teeth cleaning/extraction procedure and nothing came up. I've noticed over the last maybe year or so that she's had some blood in her stool. On one particular occasion I did call the vet and they told me it was fine to have a little blood. The problem is that after she poops she doesn't clean herself well enough and then gets into bed with me and her poop/blood smears onto my sheets or blankets or what not and its getting annoying. I'm going to call the vet tomorrow to ask if I should bring her in or if there are changes to her diet I can make. She currently eats Hills RD Chicken dry food and wet food I give her maybe twice a week of various brand and roughly 5 treats before I leave for work in the morning.

    Does anyone know what might be going on or what diet changes I can make for her for right now?

    Thank you!

    1 AnswerCats8 years ago
  • IUD: Mirena v Paraguard?

    I think I want to get an iud. I`ve been on the pill for about 12 years and am not in a relationship nor have I ever been pregnant. I've read the good and the bad for both but cant decide which to get. Any thoughts??

    1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Credit Card APR Question - 24%?

    The summer of 2010 I signed up for the Chase Freedom card and was given a $4,000 line of credit. I live pay check to pay check and that is the highest limit out of the two credit cards I have. I called tonight because to be honest the card is almost maxed out and I'm paying 24% interest which is almost $100 a month so my payments are pretty much worthless. When I called I asked if the APR could be lowered for a short amount of time so I could try and pay off a chunk of the card I was told that the APR although it stated it's "variable" the government dictates it and that the 24% I'm paying is the lowest for my card. I checked Chase's website and it clearly states that after the first year the APR is variable between 12% and 22%. Now I know for a fact that I have good credit and have always made at least double the minimum payments each month but still use the card a lot. Since I couldn't get the APR lowered I asked to raise my limit and was given an extra $500 making my line of credit $4.500 which does help but I'm still paying the high interest each month.

    I know that having several credit cards looks bad on your score and canceling credit cards looks even worse. I'm stuck in a bind and don't know what to do. Any suggestions would be great!

    8 AnswersCredit8 years ago
  • Staffing Agency Dress Attire?

    I have an appointment with two different staffing agencies next week Monday. I know that for an actual interview dressing up is key but since this is just for a staffing firm I'm wondering if I could get away with nice dark jeans, a blouse and heels, more like dressy with jeans. I currently work as an executive assistant so yes, I know how to dress professionally. Thoughts anyone?? This is in Chicago too.

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • Stubborn boil on bikini line?

    So about a week ago I noticed a purple looking bump on my bikini line and I ran my finger over it and all of a sudden it popped with puss coming out so i assumed it was a boil but strange enough it didnt hurt at all. I squeezed out all the puss i could and put a bandaid on it and figured it would heal on its own. Last night i noticed it hadnt gone away but still didnt hurt so i was messing around with it and it happen to pop again but with not as much puss this time. It still doesnt hurt at all but why isnt it healing on its own? Should i go to the dr to get antibioitics to help it heal? Or go to the dr to have it fully drained? Any suggestions would help! I have had two boils in the past in different areas and both healed on their own.

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions8 years ago
  • Am I getting Pink Eye?

    Last night as I was walking up the stairs to my apartment something got into my eye and I itched it a little trying to get whatever it was out but it didn't work. I went to sleep but didn't sleep very well since whatever was in my eye was like scratching my eye and it hurt. I took some Benedryl in the middle of the night and went back to sleep hoping it would work. It didn't and I've tried everything today to get this thing out I've tried eye wash a few times, eye drops, warm compresses, cold compresses. Nothing is working! My face is starting to get sore from my rubbing my eye but I now noticed that my eye is starting to go blood shot. Could I be getting pink eye from this thing in my eye? Or is my eye just getting really irritated? If it doesn't come out tonight I'm going to see the eye doctor to get their advise.

    Please, any suggestions?

    1 AnswerOptical8 years ago
  • Do silver fillings mean crowns down the road?

    I'm sorry this is so long but I need some advice!

    I'm almost 25 years old and when I was a kid I ate too much sugar and drank too much soda and didn't realize the importance in brushing my teeth twice a day so I had practically every tooth in my mouth filled with a silver filling. Once I go to college I realized the importance in brushing and flossing and have been sticking to it for the past 6 or so years.

    Sept 2011 one of my silver fillings fell out of a tooth so I went into the dentist to have it fixed. The dentist told me the filling had fallen out and that I had chipped part of my actual tooth off and that I needed a crown to fix it. I was a little shocked by this at 23 years old getting my first crown, I honestly though those were for older people since my mom got her first at 54. I had the crown done and haven't had any problems until last month. Another one of my fillings fell out and today when I went to the dentist he told me that because the whole tooth was practically a silver filling itself that I would need a crown and he also told me that one of my other teeth looked like it was starting to crack and the filling would fall out in the next few years as well. I have full trust in my dentist as he also specializes in cosmetic dentistry and owns his own office so I know it's not just him trying to get money out of me.

    Am I the only one this is happening to in my generation??? I'm a little concerned that my whole mouth will be crowns soon and not to mention the $600+ after insurance/out of pocket I'm forking over for these suckers. Was my childhood dentist that I saw for almost 15 years doing my fillings wrong or too deep? Any advise would be helpful. I'm also not looking to switch my dentist.

    Thank you!!!

    2 AnswersDental9 years ago
  • How to stop my cat from eating the Christmas tree?

    I have an artificial Christmas tree and my cat is OBSESSED with it. She reaches up and stretches and rubs against it but the major problem is she chews on it. I'm concerned because it's a pre-lit tree and I'm afraid she will accidentally chew through one of the wires or eat a bulb. Any suggestions???

    4 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • Blu-Ray Player VS Roku - Netflix?

    I currently have a blu-ray player that I got for Christmas, after calling the company I found out that it doesn't connect to Netflix. I'm not sure if it would be easier for me to buy a Roku box or a new Blu-ray player that has Netflix capabilities? WIth the blu-ray player I would just put my current one in my bedroom to replace my old dvd player. The issue is a new blu-ray is about $75 versus a Roku which is about $50. I'm trying to be a little budget conscious here too. Also, I do not have any gaming systems either.

    Any thoughts???

    3 AnswersHome Theater9 years ago
  • Does my cat have an anal fistula?

    July 2011 I was in the process of packing my apartment to move and I came home one day and notice my cat had an open wound next to her anus, I called the emergency vet since it was later in the evening and they said to keep an eye on it and wash it with warm water and soap if possible. It went away after about a week. I honestly thought she had been climbing on the boxes and fell or tried to jump and didn't make it sort of thing.

    Wednesday night my cat had a small amount of blood in her stool, I took a picture and stopped by the vet to see if it was too much blood that I should bring her in or not, they said no that it was fine. I came home tonight and noticed that she has an open wound again next to her anus, same spot as last year.

    Does she possibly have an anal fistula? I'm not really sure what to think....should I take her to the vet or wait a few days and see if it goes away or not? Any advise would be helpful.


    3 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • Where can I get 35mm film developed CHEAP?

    I recently got a 35mm camera and have been having a lot of fun learning about it but it seems like this is a dieing art. Every place that I've called is $10 or MORE. I do not have a Costco or Sam's club membership. Any other suggestions? I live in Chicago.

    1 AnswerPhotography9 years ago
  • Dry Cat Food - Opinions?

    I have an 8 year old, 13 lb female cat who I adopted almost 2 years ago. I had her on Science Diet Light for about 6 months as the vet had recommended it for her weight. It wasn't doing anything for her weight so I did a some research and switched her to Simply Nourish (Turkey & Oatmeal Formula) but it doesn't agree with her and is giving her diarrhea. The vet gave me probiotic pills to open and put into some wet food for her and it seems to be helping. The problem is that the pills are expensive and I explained this to my vet that I can't afford $17 every 10 days and was just going to switch her food to something less nourishing since I also can't really afford to spend money on expensive food. The vet said just to get any name brand that obviously her body can't handle her current healthy food with out assistance.

    Any suggestions on what to put her on???

    My budget is $10 or less for a 7-10lb bag and I live in Chicago so some foods are a little pricier.

    Also, I don't really need the criticism about how I should spend tons of money to give her something like Blue Buffalo, yes I'd like to but I just can't afford it at this time in my life.

    2 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • Switched Cat Food and Diarrhea Now?

    I previously had my cat on Science Diet Light and decided to switch to something more holistic and better for her. I started feeding her Simply Nourish (Turkey & Oatmeal) and ever since I made the switch she's had diarrhea every day. She loves the food and eats her whole bowl each time I feed her (1/4 cup 3x a day, she's 13 lbs) but I'm just concerned that she hasn't had solid stool since. I switched her food about 6 weeks ago and have tried giving her canned pumpkin mixed with some water but she doesn't really eat it. Any ideas or suggestions?

    5 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • Need Dry Cat Food Advice - Older Cat!?

    I adopted my cat a year and a half ago and the vet thinks she's around 8 years old. She is a healthy cat but she is a little over weight, 13 lbs to be exact and my vet wants her to be like a 10 lb cat which I totally understand. When I first got her I had her on Friskies dry cat food and it was cheap. My vet convinced me to put her on a diet food so I've had her on Science Diet Light dry food for about 6 months and I haven't seen any change in her weight.

    She gets 1/4 cup in the morning and again at dinner plus a few treats in the morning before I leave for work and 1/4 can of wet food mixed with water before bed since she has bad teeth and eventually will need to get them all removed, so the vet says. And I know logically I should cut out the treats wet food but it probably won't happen, just being honest.She also is not a very playful cat as I have wasted tons of money on toys that she does not play with and have given them to my aunt's cats instead. I plan to take her to the vet in a month or so to be weighed to see if there is any difference in her weight. If there isn't I plan to switch her back to a cheaper cat food since I honestly can't afford to be buying such expensive cat food. An 8lb bag is $20 where I live in Chicago. I know that nutrition is key to her health and I want her to have a good balanced cat food but want it to be a little less expensive.

    Any advise????

    6 AnswersCats9 years ago