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i am a new member to the yahoo 7 answers website. I love it. ive always been a caregiver and a nurturer. i love helping people. i find this forum to be helpful as well as entertaining. i crave knowledge. i love sharing what i know with others. i research everything i find of interest to me. i hope by expressing my views and opinions on here, i can be of some help to others.

  • is this any of my business?

    My son and his gf have a 3 yr old daughter. Both he and his gf have brown eyes, the child has blue eyes. The subject constantly comes up about where the baby got her blue eyes. So one day I googled the question, can 2 brown eyed parents have a blue eyed baby...I discovered that its genectically impossible for my son to be the babys biological father. In order for brown eyed parents to have a blue eyed child ,at least one parent of the mother nd one parent of the father has to have blue eyes. Both me and my sons dad have brown eyes. This elimates my son. But the real kicker is the gf parents have brown eyes too. So the blue eyes can only come from the bio my question is, should I say anything. Would you want to know if you were a guy???seeing how the subject keeps coming son isn't happy in the relationship but stays because of the child. He cherishs the child and this would break his heart. Any suggestions???? Thanks

    6 AnswersFamily7 years ago
  • can someone help me understand something about wireless internet/hotspot?

    ok i did something real dumb. due to my lack of knowledge, my neighbor got me to give him my password, to my wireless internet, by telling me that wireless internet only works inside my home. its for people who have multiple internet users in their home.if you take your laptop outside, you lose your connection. well that didnt sound right, whats the purpose of a password right? anyway long story short, after contacting internet provider to get password changed, i was told there were 5 users attached to my would cost me $80 to change my password. I said noway. i was also told, more than likely those 5 users will tell 5 more users my password and so on, until pretty soon, the whole town could use my access and jam the servers. i could be paying and not even get to use my own internet. i confronted my neighbor and he said he isnt using my access he uses his wifes hotspot connect from her phone to access internet on his phone. What the heck does that mean? don't you have to have an internet provider in the first place to access a hotspot?? im confused. i know for a fact they dont have the internet hooked up in thei apartment. can any one explain this to me??also, could i just cancel my internet all together. then wait a day or two then order it as a new customer and avoid the $80 fee?

    1 AnswerOther - Internet9 years ago
  • whats the right thing to do?

    I am an older woman, single living alone..I am not dating anyone at the present time..I have 2 male friends, Josh and Dave. Neither knows the other one but know of each other thru conversation..anyways, both men are married. I have met both their wives. Josh lives across the street from me..Dave lives down the street and around the corner..the problem is, both their wives hate me..I know this because both Josh and Dave told me so..the wives don't like the idea of us being friends..and that's all it is friends...If I wanted a man in my life, i would get my own not take someone Else's. . Josh's wife will send txt messages every 3 minutes until Josh comes home..things like, get your *** home, i want to sniff ur dick to make sure your not cheating.. Dave's wife says i think I am better than she is because I am younger than her and 100 pound smaller..I have never said that or thought that. So, I am thinking seriously of telling josh and dave i can't be friends anymore..If my friendship is causing these woman so much stress, who am I to continue being their friend..I don't think its fair to judge me but I understand their jealousy. its unjustifiable jealousy but jealousy just the same.. Should I go ahead and end the friendship? I don't understand why these women are verbally back stabbing me. i don't invite dave or josh over, they come over on there own..I am like a second "mom" to josh. that's why he likes me, and dave, i like his friendship because when he comes over, he teaches me things. I am an ex city girl gone country. dave taught me how to plant tomatoes and roses and how to can veggies right out of the garden, i love that..Why do women have to be so catty? I am not a jealous person so i find myself hard pressed to feel sorry for these women. they need to find some self esteem. that's all jealousy is, a lack of self esteem. would you end the friendship if it were you??? i want to do the right thing. in my heart i feel its the wives problem let them deal with it. if they don't like it, let them take it out on their husbands not me. i don't owe them anything. not even respect, they disrespect me by accusing me of something that just isn't happening...any thoughts on this???

    2 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • is there a parasite or worm or something that would make a cat eat nonstop?

    my cat eats almost non stop and im really worried about her. she is so fat I'm worried she will explode. (not really). Ive heard of tape worms making a pet eat allot but the pet is skinny even though it eats alot. my holly-berry is so fat its affecting how she walks and lays down. the obvious solution is to stop feeding her so much but obviously ive tried that or i wouldn't be here asking for help LOL. If I don't feed her when she wants food, she violently attacks me..I keep dry food out for her all day long. in addition, she gets a can of tuna in the morning, and half my breakfast. i get tired of fighting her for my plate. she also loves cheese, which she begs for the most during the day. she eats half a chicken breast for dinner, (yes it WAS my dinner). she eats anything including lettuce, mushrooms olives tomatoes, broccoli cauliflower. she has on 2 occasion's taken food right out of my mouth before i had a chance to chew..I have 2 cats. My other cat doesn't eat enough to keep a bird alive. but this one, geez. i buy 15 pounds of dry food a month, 40 cans of tuna a month, 5 bags of shredded cheese a month, just for her. I don't know what to do. i cant afford a vet right now. is my cat a pig in disguise or does it sound like she's got a worm or parasite? she drives me crazy. she acts like shes constantly scavenging for food..I smoke, and when i put the cigarette to my mouth she thinks its food and snatches it right out of my hand. she's literally eat ting me out of house and home and abusing me when i refuse her more food..has anyone ever had a pet like this?

    7 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • what can i do about my cat besides getting rid of her?

    my cat constantly runs in and out side every 20 to 30 minutes. at about 4:30 pm every freaking day, she scratches at the window wanting to go outside. I have mini blinds and lace curtains. She will hit the blinds against the window until i let her out. Then 20 minutes or so, she wants back in. she jumps up and attaches herself to the screens on the windows scratching and clawing them until i let her in. Then not 5 minutes later, she wants outside again, then in then out. all evening long. then, when i go to bed, she still wants in and out, She goes to my bedroom window and does the banging on the blinds until i get out of bed and let her out. going back to bed is out of the question because she will want in moments later. i can't leave her outside because shes tearing up the screens, when i wont let her out she climbs the curtains. at night ive tried locking her out of my room. ive tried locking her in the bathroom but shes tearing holes in the carpet digging under the door to get out. I get woke up every 30 minutes to an hour all night long. i have started sleeping on the sofa because im up and down so much. I am a walking zombie from lack of sleep. during the day she stays inside but i guess she knows when i try to take a nap because as soon as i fall asleep, she jumps on my back and wants to play. she is almost 3 years old. ive had her since she was 8 weeks old.. she's spayed. i live in illinois where winters are really cold and i worry about her being outside in the cold but i can't blame her behavoir on being too cold outside. she does it all summer, spring fall and winter. if she wants out, why doesnt she stay outside? why does she want back outside immediately after being let inside? Im at my wits ends. Ive got dark circles so embedded under my eyes I look like a raccoon. I can't give her away, i love her and she's not adoptable...she's a mean cat. Im the only human she allows near her or allows to touch her. she pysically attacks anyone that comes within eye sight of her. what can I do? any idea's? I'm about ready to ask for a good recipe for cat taco's...

    4 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • can adult children spank their parents?

    this year my son and his GF want to host thanksgiving in their newly bought home. they recently had their first child too, in May. The GF's mom and grandparents are coming and I am coming but my parents wont come. they claim each time i pressed them for an answer to the invite, they claimed they know nothing about thanksgiving at my sons house. they are both 77 years old, they don't seem to have any other memory problems just this issue. ive asked them at least 6 times and couldn't get a direct answer yes or no. I called my dad last night, one last time to ask them if they've decided. well my dad informs me that they accepted an invite from my older sister and it would be rude to cancel with her to go to my sons. im so pissed off. i feel like i was lied to and stalled until a "better" offer came in. last year they refused my invite for xmas eve dinner because i was serving prime rib and that's what my sister was serving on xmas day dinner. dad said he didn't want prime rib 2 days in a row. OH PLEASEEEEEEEEE. he will eat a pot of chili every day for lunch until its gone. or eat the same flavor of soup everyday for lunch but he cant tolerate prime rib 2 days in a row? would anyone believe that bs excuse??? I told my parents last night that was the last straw, they've ruined my family's holiday every year for the last 12 and im done. it'll be a cold day in hell before i invite them to anything again. and don't even think about inviting me to anything ever gain. im so done. my parents don't understand what the big deal is. so now i am confused. am i over reacting to nothing??

    2 AnswersFamily10 years ago
  • how do thieves get your debit card number?

    Recently, i discovered money missing from my bank account. I called my bank's auto teller and I had 7 with-drawls made from my account on the same day. I immediately went to the bank and they found my debit card was used at the Apple I Tunes Store. $130.00 worth of charges. I asked the bank how this could have happened and all they'd say is it happens alot and Apple ITUNES Store is where most of the fraudulent charges are made to because its hard to trace. So how does one get another persons debit #. I have made a few online purchases but have always used PayPal or Alert Pay. plus you need that 3 digit code on the back of the card. Well i guess asking how to get ones debit number isn't exactly what i mean. im sure its not info one would want to share lol but generally speaking how does it happen. i live alone and don't share my info with anyone. Luckily the bank reimburse me and gave me a new account number and I had to file a complaint with the local police. what a hassle.

    2 AnswersPersonal Finance10 years ago
  • has anyone ever been involved in mediation with their employer?

    I filed a complaint with the EEOC again my former employer for harrassment based on my disability. I was harassed for 5 months by a co worker where I reported it to the supervisor 4 times. She did nothing. She never talked to my harasser or made any attempt to help. I then went to HR and waited a month for help and they never did anything about it either. When I asked why, i was laid off the very next day. I filed charges with the EEOC and they determined 5 of my rights under the americans with disabilities act had been violated. My employer has asked for a mediation hearing. Is there any law or reason or anything else the employer can say or do to justify the fact that they took no action to resolve my complaint? Do all complaints of harassment have to be investigated? regardless if what i felt was harassment or not, doesnt HR have to at least investigate it? Do I stand a good chance of winning a settlement? HR said It wasnt harassment, i am just over sensitive but how can they make that determination if if the harasser wasnt talked to.

    1 AnswerLaw & Legal1 decade ago
  • Should I get another kitten? One week ago today, I lost my beautiful beloved cat, Kitty. I had her for over 15?

    years and gave her to my son on his 11th birthday. He just turned 27 on Sunday. She became ill about a week before her death and before I had a chance to take her to a vet, she became so ill i had to put her to sleep. The vet said kidney failure. Although she was my son's cat originally, and I hated cats at the time, when my son moved out at 18, I inherited her and grew to love her like my child. Im devastated. The house seems so empty even though I have another cat, Ashley. Kitty was so affectionate and unique. Loved being held constantly and slept on my pillow every night with her little head resting on my cheek. I haven't been able to sleep and I keep thinking I see her out of the corner of my eye. I've called for her to come, forgetting she's gone and yet fully aware shes gone at the same time. Ashley seems to be hunting for her as well, meowing and looking for her. The void I feel is almost unbearable. Part of me thinks maybe another kitten would help but the thought of replacing Kitty seems almost cruel. Any suggestions for me to ease my pain? I keep telling myself she had a good life. She was an indoor cat, truly loved and cared for, which is better than most cats have it. and 15 years is a very long life for a cat but I fear going through another loss later on when Ashley's time comes. She is 9 years old. Is replacing a pet with another pet a good idea? thanks for any advice given

    6 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • if GOD appeared before you and your best friend and said he only had one life left to offer. one of you will

    live but one must die. He puts you in charge to make the decision. you are not able to talk to your friend, only look at him in the eye. make your choice. who lives? who dies?

    13 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • can you feel sorrow but not feel depression. can you be depressed without feeling sorrow?

    are sorrow and depression the same emotion? if they are different, what are the differences. if both words are defined as incredible sadness, which word would describe a deeper sadness?

    4 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • i have a pay as you go cell from verizon. its a samsung. it has a camera on it. can i upload pics onto my

    computer, or they just stuck in the phone until i erase them. son bought me phone as gift.

    4 AnswersMobile Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • ok i think my job just screwed me but i didnt orgasm, do i have a lawsuit

    long story but i'll be brief. 2 months of bullying on the job due to my disability. reported it to super. she did nothing, took it to HR no response, re-reported the abusive last night, go to work today and i've been let go. and was told my harassment complaint wasn't harassment, just the abuser was being rude and insensitive. but unless i can prove what was said was deliberately said to be harassment, i have no proof so my word against abuser. i think I'm being lied to. I'm told i wasn't fired i am laid off and i can collect unemployment. just seems a little to coincidental don't you think. do i have grounds to sue?

    2 AnswersLaw & Legal1 decade ago
  • i have a heck of a time buying shoes can you help. i have small feet but very wide. a woman size 51/2 is a bit

    too small and a 6 is too big. plus my feet are wide. extra wide. men shoes fit me in width but all sizes are too big (length). i can wear a boy or youth size 4 but only in tennis shoes. i need dress shoes. has anyone bought shoes online before? my dad mail ordered me a name brand shoe with extra extra wide width but too snug in width. i feel like a freak lol. any online shoe stores that are reasonable priced or a place i can get custom made shoes. ive googled shoes but theres a 100 million websites. any suggestions.

  • im so angry i could spit. i filed a complaint of harrasment june 27th. been waiting all this time for relief?

    from my harasser. still being harassed daily and bullied at the job. just found out HR forgot to take action. ive been literally ill from all this. i throw up before work and have full blown anxiety attacks that cause me to leave early. now ive been talked to by supervisor because im not producing enough parts (factory work) and have lowest production rate on shift. i cant concentrate because im so upset all the time. i keep telling myself im filing a complaint with the EEOC but i keep hesitating because i worry i will be harrassed more. ive been looking for a new job but havent found one yet. i feel trapped. im seriously thinking of either suicide or homocide. just havent decided which one yet. i have a disibility and thats what the harassment is about. should i kill her or me thats how bad it is. what can i do while waiting for HR to do something or until i find a new job

    7 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • this is my aunts account but she said i can ask a question. can you help?

    i am 15. my step dad hit me yesterday with a belt. 3 times on my hip after he pushed me down. i accidently came home from my friends house 1 hour late. we were in her room doing girl stuff. her parents were home. we lost track of time. my stepdad called and said get my ass home. i knew i was in trouble. i didnt mean to be bad. he has hit me with a belt before. my mom got mad and hit him with belt and said how do you like it. dont touch my daughter ever again. should i tell my mom he did it again? if they break up, is it my fault. he calls me a spoiled brat. im not a bad girl, i just lost track of time. i was home by 5:30. why is he so mean to me. my mom dont hit me. i hate him. i not his real kid. would i be a baby if i tell my mom. my aunt said i should tell or she will. i guess im just mad right now. did i deserve to be hit for being 1 hour late. if i tell will he go to jail.

    19 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • how do you come to terms with your own mental illness. I have a mental illness. its called schizoid affective?

    disorder with generalized anxiety. i hate that i am labeled or regarded as being mentally ill. everytime i hear this term, i cringe. my first thought when hearing mentally ill, is crazy person. i know i am not crazy. im very intelligent. i suffer depression. as it was explained to me. the reason its called mental illness is because i have a chemical imbalance in my brain. anything dealing with the brain is considered to be mental. how do i overcome my shame of being mentally ill. i know logically that im not crazy. i just get sooo depressed and i cant help it. i take meds and see a counselor. i think im my own worse enemy. no one has ever called me crazy. do other people think crazy person when they hear that someone has a mental illness or is this just my hang up? i feel shame when i go to counseling because i have to sign in with the receptionist. i fear she is thinking ok this crazy person is here for her appointment. anyone of you who suffer from depression feel this way?

    6 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • this question is for overweight people but anyone can answer. have you ever been approached by another?

    overweight person, someone at least as big as you but usually larger and they tell you thay have some clothes that are wayyyy to big for them but would fit you perfectly? why do they do that? this woman at work, who overheard me tell another co worker, that i have a job interview tuesday and am going to walmart to buy a new interviewing outfit. the woman says dont buy a new suit, i have one that is a size 20 that i absolutely swim in but it should fit you just perfect. I went off. this woman out weighs me by at least 50 pounds. i am no where near a size 20. yes i am somewhat overweight but im not morbidly obese. how can she feel better about herself, by lying to herself making me sound like im huge. this was a possible reason given to me by a co worker. put me down to make herself feel better. that concept just doesnt make sense to me. has this ever happen to you? how do you handle it. i told the woman if size 20 swims on her, then I'd drown in it. sheeeeesh

    5 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • how do scammers get my email address. lately, everytime i look at my emails, i have one from someone claiming?

    that, due to my help, and out of graditute, they have a cashier check for 1.5 million dollars, waiting to be delivered to me by fedex courier express. fedex, however, requires a 250 dollar security keeping fee, before they can delivery my check. i already know its a scam but how did they get my email address? I was so outraged over the fact that the sender would think i was that stupid, i sent an email back saying send me my money first and then i will pay you. or deduct 250 from my 1.5 mil and re-issue my check. guess what? no money yet LOL. I called fedex corporation to alert them that their name was being used in a scam and they already know and arent worried about it. MAN...i found an online criminal reporting agency that handles scammers like these and reported it. do people really falls for these scams? like I said the email was soooo in my face fraudulant that it angered me. has this happened to you?

    5 AnswersAbuse and Spam1 decade ago
  • my cats litterbox habits are strange what do you think? when my cat uses the litterbox, she digs a hole in the

    litter and places her front two paws in the hole. when shes done doing her business she doesnt cover it up and then scratches the wall to get the litter out from between her pads. is this strange or what?

    12 AnswersCats1 decade ago