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So I'm 15 and my boobs are already sagging. Is that normal!?
I mean I know its not normal normal but has this ever happened to some else. I read this artical saying how you shouldn't wear a bra but then I read this other artical saying that the other artical is a load of crap. I kinda like bras but then I also don't. I read that push ups help but I have absolutely no upper body strength. Is there any other ways? (I'm still going to try and do push up.)
6 AnswersWomen's Health7 years agoEye contact with a guy friend, what does this mean?
Ok so I have this friend who I sit a next to in socials and almost every day or two he'll look at me and I'll look up at him and its like we're having a staring contest or something. Now just to make this clear Im not very attractive. Also sometimes he'll start making this weird face but on purpose. And I think he has eye contact with everyone, I'm not sure who knows. But when he looks me in the eyes I get this weird feeling like he's staring into my soul. And we don't just do this for like a second, no once he got up in front of the class while everyone else was doing there work (no one really noticed he was there) and I look at him and we're just staring at each other for what felt like at least a minute. So does this mean anything or am I just a wee but crazy?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoEye contact with a guy friend, what does this mean?
Ok so I have this friend who I sit a next to in socials and almost every day or two he'll look at me and I'll look up at him and its like we're having a staring contest or something. Now just to make this clear Im not very attractive. Also sometimes he'll start making this weird face but on purpose. And I think he has eye contact with everyone, I'm not sure who knows. But when he looks me in the eyes I get this weird feeling like he's staring into my soul. And we don't just do this for like a second, no once he got up in front of the class while everyone else was doing there work (no one really noticed he was there) and I look at him and we're just staring at each other for what felt like at least a minute. So does this mean anything or am I just a wee but crazy?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoMy Cousin has horrible taste in TV shows!?
Ok so my cousin doesn't actually have that horrible taste in the TV shows but come on she doesn't like Syfy!! Ok so she isn't completely horrible she does seem to like British shows. Well anyways I`m trying to talk her into watching Merlin, Firefly and Doctor Who. At the moment she says she will try and give Firefly a chance but I REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLYYYYYYYYY want her to watch Doctor Who. So my plan is to start off small and lead her up to the big leags.
I would like a list of shows that would be good to start her off on syfy shows.
Here are some shows she likes right now:
The Black List
Modern Family
The Office
Criminal Minds
And so far and so forth.
5 AnswersOther - Television7 years agoI don't know wether Im an atheist, agnostic, or something else?
Ok so here is my situation, I absolutely don't believe in organized religion. And I don't entirely believe that there is a god. Like I believe in the Big Bang and all of that but I am also open to believing that something else might have put us here on this earth. I'm also not quite sure what agnostic means but my friend told me I might be it. Is there like a name for this?
9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years agoHow often should I shower?
My friends tell me to shower every other day but my mom tells me to shower every day at least, but considering my mom showers twice a day and changes three times a day I don`t know if she is the best person to ask. Also when people say that they take a shower but don`t wash their hair do they mean they don't use shampoo.
4 AnswersHair8 years agoDoctor Who Question!!?
Who do you like better Cybermen or Daleks? And you have to choose one.
4 AnswersOther - Television8 years agoAre there any types of pet snakes that don't have to eat rodents?
It's not that I'm uncomfortable with feeding a mouse to a snake, which I am. But I also have a rat and I wouldn't want anything to happen to her if I did get a snake and it escaped.
4 AnswersReptiles8 years agoWhat should I know about love birds?
My friend just got some love birds and now they are having babies. I have been thinking about getting another pet lately and I thought maybe I should buy one off her. So after my somewhat long intro to my question, can you please tell me everything I need to know about love birds. Or if you know of a really good site please tell me. Thank you :P
1 AnswerBirds8 years agoI need some Facts on Hermit crabs?
I`m thinking about getting a hermit crab or three but I don`t know much about them. I prefer if people who has actually owned a hermit crab before or is right about to get one could tell me some things I need to know.If you know of any really good websites please leave me a link. Thank you.
6 AnswersOther - Pets8 years agoWhat do people in Geneva Switzerland normaly eat?
I`m doing a project for french about me going to some french city or country and I have to explain what I did there and what I ate and stuff like that. If you have any ideas on what I could write it would help. Please
3 AnswersOther - Switzerland8 years agoI need help on buying a violin?
I know it`s probably a bad idea but I found some nice looking violins on ebay. I cant afford a $200 or $300 violin right now and the ones I found varied from $30 - $2000. There is this white one for about 50. I have only played one once and I rented it from my teacher so I`m not sure what I should be looking for. I heard that It is a bad idea to buy any coloured instrument. Please help me.
Here are some of the ones I found on Amazon.
1 AnswerOther - Music8 years agoPlease help I found an egg and I don`t know what to do!?
I`m pretty sure its a bird egg but it might be snake. I need to know what type of egg it is and from which animal.
Here are some things that might help:
I live in British Columbia.
The egg is almost a really light pinkish colour and you can see into the inside.
The egg is about 1 1/4 inches.
Its seems like it is made out of plastic.
Please help. I don`t know what to do I just found it there laying on the ground with no other eggs around it. there was a birds nest in a tree about 6 feet away from where I found it. I saw a bird come out of it and it was red and black. What should I do until I find out what kind of egg it is. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!
4 AnswersOther - Pets8 years agoI have a lump on my Vigina!!!?
I'm only 13 and I'm really worried. Obliviously I'm still a virgain. It's about the size of a dime. I've had it for around a week now.
It's in the front. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!! I don't know how to explain it to my mom and I'm to scared to go to my school health nurse. Please I bag of you!! Do you guys have any idea what it could be? Please!
1 AnswerSTDs8 years agoI have I smallish bump on my Vigina?
You can't really see it but when you touch it, it hurts. I haven't had sex yet but I do play with myself. I'm scared I might have some horrible deases or something please help!!
2 AnswersSkin Conditions8 years agoCan I feed my pet rat dried larvas?
I went to a candy shop and saw some dried larvas sitting there. I was in a hurry so I just grabbed a pack. It was after I purchased them that I realized the were BBQ flavour. So besides the fact that they are BBQ would I be able to feed them to her? So like if I got original.
1 AnswerRodents8 years agoPlease help me with birthday party game prizes!?
I`m having my 14 birthday in about 3 weeks. I`m inviting 5 of my friends over (they are all girls), and i don`t know what would be good games to play and prizes for the winner. First of all they are all very nerdy (anime, the avengers, etc). I was about to let my mom just do it until she mentioned socks. I understand why she thought it might be a good idea but i`m not quite sure they will. I already have a few ideas like candy, some little avengers action figures from the dollar store and nail polish (for my one friend) but I can`t think of any others. I just got back from one of my other friends birthdays and I`m scared that mine won`t be even half as fun as hers. If you haven`t already guessed this is my first party at my house so yeah I`m a newb. PLEASE HELP ME with some game ideas and prizes.
2 AnswersOther - Holidays8 years agoDo I have the potential of becoming schizophrenic!?
I just read somewhere that if you are ambidextrous you have a higher chance of becoming schizophrenic. And my uncle was or still is ( never met him) schizophrenic. And I read somewhere else that if you have relatives that are identical twins that you have a HUGE chance of getting the deseise which my mom and aunty are!!! I'm worried I might have it or get it. Also I think my mom might have it. I'm not entiterly sure what it is, I just know its a scary experience. Or so I was told.
3 AnswersMental Health8 years agoSpanish or Italian? Please help.?
I'm excited because I don't have to take French next year! (I'm Canadian) But I do have to take an alternative language class on the Internet. I really want to take Italian but my friend keeps telling me take Spanish it'll be easier. Which is true. What do you people think? Please help.
Also what do you people think about Quebec being it's own country. Personally I don't think they deserve to be their own. Literally why would you want to "leave" Canada.
2 AnswersLanguages8 years agoBritish guy from bones?
I have been trying to figure who the young British guy is from bones. I know for sure he was in season 4. He has brownish blackish hair. He always brings up the most random facts. He is Bones assistant for some of the season, and switches back and forth from the blonde guy, depressed guy, black guy and old guy. And I'm not being racist. Please help.
1 AnswerDrama8 years ago