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  • Am I eligible for Masters in Information Tech in Germany?

    Qualifications -

    1. SSC

    2. 3 years Diploma in CS

    3. 3 years Bachelor of Engineering in CS

    4. 2 years Work experience

    I have heard somewhere that diploma is not recognized in Germany. Is that right? Will I be accepted in a German university for Masters with above criteria if I have sufficient grades in the above mentioned courses along with GRE and IELTS score?

  • What to do with my old desktop? It keeps crashing after every 5 mins or during heavy work.?

    I live in India. So I am very limited in my options.

    Option 1: Show it to a computer repair specialist:

    They will take my money and tell me a diagnosis for my computer's issues. But will it be worth putting in money to repair it?

    Option 2: I open it up and troubleshoot.

    I have opened the cpu and am not able to diagnose it myself. I was thinking may be buying new components and replacing the old ones turn by turn may help. However this is a money intensive task.

    Option 3: Sell the old desktop.

    Problem with this option is that the desktop is not in working condition. So no one will purchase it or give me good money.

    So, what do you suggest. In India, what all options do I have?

    4 AnswersDesktops5 years ago
  • Help finding HP notebook warranty extension?

    I have a HP 15-r014tx notebook. It's warranty is going to expire in the next month. I have tried purchasing care packs from hp online store -

    However, every care pack that I have purchased and applied, shows the end date as next month, rather than extending the date to next year. Please suggest a real extension pack or any other suggestion to the problem.

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks5 years ago
  • Need a smartphone for a person with less hearing power?

    Hello Friends,

    I am looking for a smartphone for my aunt. She does not hear well, we have to shout at times to get her to hear something.

    Can you please suggest a good smartphone which is cheap range:3000 INR to 6000 INR, has good loudspeaker and phone speaker i.e. when another person calls you, you can hear that person's voice loudly.


    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans6 years ago
  • Hello I want to buy a new laptop. However I am confused between the processor. I want to go for AMD A8 6410 but it's not that great.?

    These are my two options -


    The intel one is almost 10k more. So please tell me which one should I go for. Mainly I will be using it for day to day use and some light to medium gaming.

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks6 years ago
  • host java servlet on the internet?

    I have a netbeans web application in java ee. It uses servlet technology. The scenario is as follows -

    I have a webapp1 which just includes an html with some options for the user to select.

    I have a webapp2 which has a servlet which takes the options from the html in webapp1 and returns the output. The interaction works fine on a local machine.

    I need to run the webapp1 on a server A of say godaddy. I need to run the webapp2 with servlet on another server B of any other host.

    How do I accomplish this? Any latest good java/servlet hosting you know of please tell me, it is urgent.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design7 years ago
  • I want to by a new smartphone, please advise!?

    I need the following things -

    1 Screen greater than 5.5 inch

    2 Microsd card slot

    3 Voice call facility (i.e. normal calling) if it is a tablet

    4 OS mostly does not matter but android os prefered.

    5 My budget is 20000 Rs.

    I will mainly use this device for ereading. And I need a device that is available in India at the moment.

    I have shortlisted Asus fonepad and Canvas 4 do comment on these two.

    Thanks in advance.

    4 AnswersCell Phones & Plans7 years ago
  • Develop applications and deploy them ?

    Hello friends . I have a decent programming experience in Java . I want to utilize it for creating real world applications and also deploy them . It is not for hobby but to develop my skills . I want you guys to suggest how can i develop applications with Industry specific standards so that when i venture into developing applications for company my experience comes handy .

    I try to develop something but my determination fails since i do not know where exactly to start or what should be my approach . Please suggest some good resources or your own experience of working in a teams and alone .

    Another help that i need is , that i want to join communities like Launchpad and contribute to projects but lack of expertise causes me to step back . Do recommend steps in this field as well .

    Thank You in Advance ...

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design10 years ago
  • I am from India and want to buy an android phone . My budget is under 10000 Rs . Please suggest a good phone .?

    Hello friends , I want to buy am android phone and my budget is about Rs.10000 . My brand preferences are - Samsung , LG ,Motorola . So most preferably Samsung . When u answer my question just mention the following -

    1. Current Market Price of mobile in India .

    2. Model Name and Number

    3. If possible link to the page where u find the information .

    I seek the following features in my phone -

    1. Internet (3g)

    2. Android (Upgradable)

    3. Decent processor upto 600 mhz

    4. Camera is not an issue , i am not a photographer .

    5. Music should be good (Speakers especially)

    6. Games and softwares should be easy to install .

    Hope for ur answers and thank you in advance .

    One request do not suggest any Nokia phone am not interested in it .

    7 AnswersMobile Phones & Plans10 years ago
  • Is there any freelancing website for an intermediate programmer in india ?

    I am an intermediate programmer , who wants to do a side by side job as a freelancer . I am based in india , so if you know any sites that are good and real providing jobs in INR or Indian National Rupee ,please let me know . Also it should not include anything like paypal , coz i am wary of it . So i am in need of some genuine websites for freelancing work .

    1 AnswerTechnology10 years ago
  • Please Help me with this Java Program . It's based on Event Handling .?


    * This program creates a basic user login form using AWT package of Java on an Applet


    import java.applet.Applet;

    import java.awt.*;

    import java.awt.event.*;

    public class LoginForm extends Applet


    //Creating Component References

    Label l1,l2;

    TextField t1,t2;

    Button b1,b2;

    public void init() {

    setLayout(new GridLayout(3,2,50,50));

    l1=new Label("Enter UserName : ");

    l2=new Label("Enter Password : ");

    t1=new TextField(20);

    t2=new TextField(20);

    b1=new Button("Login");

    b2=new Button("Clear");

    //Adding the components







    b1.addActionListener(new MyActionListener()); //Register the Source

    b2.addActionListener(new MyActionListener()); //Register the Source



    //Class Implementing ActionListener Interface

    class MyActionListener extends LoginForm implements ActionListener


    //implementing the actionPerformed method

    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)




    if(ae.getSource()==b1) //finding the correct source of the event


    String uname,dname,dpwd,upwd;







    showStatus("Valid Login"); //setting message on status bar




    showStatus("Invalid Login"); //setting message on status bar



    if(ae.getSource()==b2) //finding the correct source of the event






    catch(NullPointerException npe){}



    I get a NullPointerException if i do not use a try-catch block . If i use a try-catch block as in the program , then i do not get any action on clicking the Login or Clear button . However if i implement the ActionPerformed method in the class LoginForm , then it works properly .

    Please tell me whats the error , and if possible kindly explain the error . Thank You .

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Please Help . Question regarding Web site development ?

    Hello friends. I wish to create a website in which i will have the GUI in VB.NET and the back end in SQL Express . My question is , which books can i refer for learning VB.NET . My deadline is 2 months . Also which IDE should i use for developing VB.NET applications .

    So , summarizing my question -

    1.Which books should i refer for learning VB.NET from scratch and that too within a month or so ?

    2.Which IDE is good for VB.NET programming .

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Why is my java program not running ?

    here's a java program with awt taught in our college .

    import java.awt.*;

    import java.awt.event.*;

    public class FrameDemo2 extends Frame implements ActionListener{

    FrameDemo2(String s)




    Label lbl1,lbl2;

    TextField txt1,txt2;

    Button b1,b2;

    setLayout(new GridLayout(3,2));

    public void initialize()


    lbl1 = new Label("Enter number : ");

    lbl2 = new Label("Result");

    txt1 = new TextField(10);

    txt2 = new TextField(20);

    b1=new Button("Square ");

    b2=new Button("Clear");










    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)




    int no;

    double d1;

    no = Integer.parseInt(txt1.getText());











    class Vclient


    public static void main(String[] args)


    FrameDemo2 fd2 = new FrameDemo2("Action");






    i get an error when i try to set layout , using setLayout method . The error says invalid method declaration . return type required .

    But if i write fd2.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,2)); then the program works .

    Can anyone explain why is it happening like that ??

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Python or C++ or any other?

    Hello friends ,

    I am doin diploma in Computer Technology , and thus , so far have learn Java , C++ & C basics . I will have Advanced Java in next semester . So i hope i will be an expert or much experienced programmer in Java . But i wish to add another language to my expertise . Which language would you add , if you were in my place . And also why ! I am more inclined toward C++ , but would like some advice . Hope to get your answers soon .

    Thank You .

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Computer spike guard problem . Please Help .?


    My spike guard is connected to the main supply .It has 3 LEDs to show its status . On its specifications its written , that last Two LEDs must glow and middle LED must be off which means only OK . But in my spike guard middle LED glows and all others are off . What does this mean . Should i change my spike guard ?

    2 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • CD-ROM problem , need help fast !!!?

    Hi , just wanted to ask you .

    Recently my cd-rom is acting weird . When i insert a disk into the rom , it goes in and after some time stops humming . Also when i remove the disk from cd rom tray , it remains in the same position as when i inserted it inside . Even my cd-rom does not detect any cd or dvd that i insert . I think it's the drive motor that's the reason . Please guide me . Kindly help .

    3 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • Should I go with Quick Heal Antivirus 2009 or Avira Antivir ? Which one do you feel should i keep ?

    I have bought Quick Heal Antivirus Plus 2009 and right now i have Avira , kindly tell me which of these two should i keep . I donot want any other antivirus opinion , just tell me what is your opinion on these two ?

    Thanks in advance for those who answer .

    4 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • This Question is related to Avast ! Please help its urgent !?

    If i download avast vps update today 28-8-2009 , and install it on 3 -9-2009 , even then will my computer say that your virus protection is out of date ?

    Please i am curious to know about this ! And please don't give me the answer that i should dump or change from avast to anything else !

    Not even AVG !

    Thanks for all those who answer

    5 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Hey Guys , I am having a problem with the following code , please help !?

    the code is follows :




    class student


    protected :

    int rollno;


    void get_roll()


    cout<<"\nEnter Roll No";



    void put_roll()


    cout<<"\nRoll No - "<<rollno;



    class test : public student



    int m1,m2;


    void get_mark()


    cout<<"\nEnter marks of two subjects";



    void put_mark()


    cout<<"\nm1 = "<<m1;

    cout<<"\nm2 = "<<m2;



    class sport



    int score;


    void get_score()


    cout<<"\nEnter score";



    void put_score()


    cout<<"\nscore = "<<score;



    class result : public test , public sport


    private :

    int total;


    void procdata()


    total = m1 + m2 + score;


    void put_total()


    cout<<"\nTotal = "<<total;



    void main()



    result x;










    Error :

    After i enter the roll no, marks of two subjects and score , the computers gets back to code window , and doesnot execute the complete program , i am not getting why exactly is it happening , but do help !

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Please help me with this C++ program , it gives an error in VS C++ 2005 !?

    the code is as follows

    #include <iostream.h>



    class add


    int a;

    int b;

    int c;


    void getdata()


    cout<<"\n Enter values of a,b,c";



    void procdata()




    void putdata()


    cout<<"\n Addition ="<<c;



    void main()


    add x,y;










    It gives the following error while running in Visual Studio C++ 2005

    Error 1 fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'iostream.h': No such file or directory c:\Documents and Settings\Admin\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\c - PROG\c - PROG\Visual.cpp 1

    Please help

    I am new at using VC++ 2005

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago