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I have about 2 accounts on Yahoo and this is now going to be my main one. I will not use this account to cheat. I have been here since April 2009 I will write long answers to questions that deserve it. :) Career Accomplishments: Inductee of the 2010 Wrestling Section Hall of Fame! - ESWF Television Champ Yes!!! (Current)! 2x WYA Heavyweight Champion and Final WYA Champion of the World - DONTJOINTHISEFED World Champion Sucessful Title Defences Against: - Reginald Quincy V - Risky Business - King Cliff - 1 Time YWSE Tag Team Champions (w/ GB) - PWF Hardcore champion - SPW World Tag Team Champions (w/Broken Dream) 14/6/10- Got to the Australian Top 10 List :) - I am a former member of the most elite wrestling section group ever- The Yahoo Answers Mafia - Current YWSE 2.0 IC Champion

  • Very tough situation- Is there anything I can do?

    Okay, basically my boyfriend's 'best friend' is not the most friendly, respectful or reasonable person in the world. Far from it. It just so happens that this 'best friend' used to be a very good friend of mine years ago until I got treated like absolute dirt from him. He would constantly put me down, try to use emotional manipulation on me to get me to buy him things and NEVER EVER want to do anything with me outside of school. I know this 'best friend' has gone through many people over the years treating them in a very similar way to what I had to go through.

    The 'best friend' hasn't changed. He constantly uses my boyfriend for lifts, sometimes invites himself when we go out together with people we actually both like (the other friends in our group don't like this 'best friend' either) and just expects my boyfriend will do things for him for the price of nothing. I've explained to my boyfriend how poorly this guy has treated me, some of my friends and others in the past and how he has really upset me. My boyfriend doesn't seem to be phased.

    For example, the other night me, my boyfriend, his best friend and another friend went out. The 'other friend' was drunk so we had to get him to the station. Me and my boyfriend ran ahead a minute to make sure the train hadn't left and to try and hold it for the other two behind. They in fact didn't follow us and used a completely different way to hop on the train.

  • How to handle this situation with parents....?

    Okay, so this guy I don't know very well (I met him once in person through my former best friend X) has now invited me to go to the movies with him and I said yes. We're going to see Catching Fire (my third time seeing it) and it'll be in a few days time (a first date equivalent) and I'm excited/nervous.

    HOWEVER, I'm not out to my parents (not sure I'm exclusively gay either) so I'm not sure how to bring this up and if they'll let me go or not. I'm thinking of telling my parents a few of us are going (such as my former best friend X and a couple of others) to not really give anything away.

    How should I ask my parents whether I should go? Do you think I should say a few friends are going and hopefully they accept or would there be another strategy? Thanks very much and the help is very much appreciated :D

  • Tough Situation????????????????

    Okay so one of my friends likes this girl and she's in one of my classes. He wants me to tell her that there's a rumour that he likes her. He asked me last Friday and I don't see her at school until Monday. He has been repeatedly texting me about it and everything. I suggested him or one of his close friends uses Facebook to contact her or something (I don't have Facebook at the moment). He said he trusts me so he wants me to do it. But the only opportunity I have is in class Monday because he said I need to tell her in the next few days because school is breaking up.

    My problems with this are:

    1) I don't talk to this girl anyway so how am I supposed to just randomly start to bring up "There's a rumour than X likes you'.

    2) I'd probably have to say it in front of her friend group as it's basically impossible to get her alone which would make me look really stupid as well just bringing up that topic from someone she never talks to out of the blue. Also, I'm 99% sure that she either doesn't like him or doesn't know who he is. There is no way she'd go out with him and I don't want to embarrass both himself and me in front of her and her group of friends because I feel it'd hurt one/both of us.

    He said he wants me to ask to see how she reacts to see if he should go further. I am absolutely certain that she'll either laugh in disgust or something if I ask but there's NO way she'd react positively. Should I just tell a little white lie and say 'She didn't seem too keen' or 'She didn't give much either way' so I can hint she doesn't like him.I don't want to embarrass my friend or me.

    2 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Do I use myself, me or I in this sentence?

    They led Agatha and ______ into the shelter.

    7 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • What is the grammatically correct way of phrasing this sentence?

    'The children led Agatha and I/me inside one of many bamboo shelters'.

    Would me or I be used?

    9 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • One of my 'friends' acting weird.... *Fairly long*?

    We used to be best friends but now I think we've both accepted that we're not anymore. He is in many of my classes and uses this time to talk with me at school, although he'll never hang out with me outside of school. Although this issue (he's gay by the way, has a boyfriend, although this happened for at least a year before the boyfriend so that doesn't seem to be that much of an issue) seems to happen with almost all guys and quite a few girls. One of my better friends asked if we could all do something together as a group (at least five separate times) to which he either cancels at the last minute or flat out declines every time.

    He used to sit with me and lunch and gradually over time he's moved away and sits somewhere else now for lunch. I confronted him about it and asked whether I was offending him or anything but he said no. I then asked for his reason. He then said something along the lines of "We are together in English, Legal, Ancient and CAFS". I then said he doesn't even sit with me in CAFS class (which he doesn't, in fact he sits far away and talks with a group of girls who he is friendly with and never EVER has offered for me to join him/them) to which he had no response.

    I'm not jealous of these girls at all, in fact its quite the opposite. I am on quite good terms with each of the girls. In fact, one of them sometimes asks for me to sit with them to which I say yes every time. In fact, today in class the girl offered the same deal to which I said yes and added "Thankyou X I REALLY appreciate you doing this for me" so he could CLEARLY hear. However he still said nothing.

    He'll usually respond to what I say in conversation, but if another person begins to speak over me to him (say in a classroom situation), he will tend to not listen to me and then not apologies or answer my question-basically treating me poorly. He also tends to speak negatively to me (nothing too harsh, but can be demeaning) reasonably often. He also doesn't make ANY effort for me to get to know his friends (he has quite a few outside of school). He can act playful/nice/reasonable to me on some days but I find I give more to him than he would for me.

    What sort of approach should I take to this guy?

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago
  • Why do some people have no motivation to do anything?

    There are some people I know at school that never put any effort whatsoever into ANYTHING? They have the choice to leave school if they want but instead they choose to laze around in school putting no effort into anything they partake in.

    Why can't these people find motivation in their lives and try to actually accomplish something?

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • How to get this "friend" to stop invading my private space?

    Okay so I know this guy who thinks we are really good friends (he basically stalks me) and now he has started getting more extreme.

    For the past few weeks at the end of class he always comes into my school classrooms when I'm finishing schoolwork or privately talking to my real friends. I've told him to please stop coming into my classes but he isn't listening!! He doesn't really have any friends do I think he's latching onto me. I could deal with him sometimes but not him following me constantly, maybe as an acquaintance.

    We only became "friends" because I felt sorry for him. How can I tell him nicely to please back off? Thanks guys :)

    2 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • In honour of Wrestlemania season, what are your top 10 favourite past Wrestlemania matches?

    Exactly as the question title suggests. Wrestlemania 28 is shaping up quite nicely with the 'Big 3' matches in particular really interesting me along with the Team Long vs Team Johnny 12-man tag team match.

    I've been watching some past Wrestlemania DVDS and highlight videos in anticipation for Wrestlemania 28, so wrestling section, what are your top 10 favourite Wrestlemania matches of the past (ie. from Wrestlemania 1-Wrestlemania 27)?

    BQ- What is your favourite Wrestlemania event and why?

    5 AnswersWrestling9 years ago
  • Wow!!! Is this real? Money in the Bank was awesome?

    I cannot believe my #1 favourite wrestler Christian won the world title, my #2 fave wrestler CM Punk won the WWE title, my #3 favourite wrestler won the Smackdown Money in the Bank and my #4 wrestler won the RAW Money in the Bank!

    What are the chances of THAT happening?

    Also I would just like to say that Money in the Bank was the best PPV I have seen from WWE in a long, long time!!!

    What does the wrestling section think of the MITB PPV?

    12 AnswersWrestling10 years ago
  • Which wrestling event from the past in any company do you wish you had been in attendance for?

    So WS which wrestling event from any year do you wish you had been in the building for. It may be a Wrestlemania, a show you really liked or a show you just really wanted to be in the audience for.

    BQ- By Summerslam 2011 who will hold the WWE and World titles in your opinion?

    11 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Hard guess the wrestle question- First Person Right gets BA?

    Here are the three hints about the wrestler:

    - Held the Intercontinental title at least once

    - Is not from the United States of America

    - Has used a submission finisher before

    This wrestler DOES NOT HAVE TO BE CURRENT!

    Good luck guys :D

    I am well aware more than one wrestle fits this description and I am doing this to see if anyone can guess it.

    11 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Why does everyone generally think there has to be a 'Janetty' of every tag team?

    Why can't both tag team members be successful at a similar level?

    Can someone please explain why so many of the IWC think that in every tag team one of the members will turn out to be the 'Janetty' of the team? Why can't both members be considered great. Both of Edge and Christian, The Hardy Boyz and lots of other teams have had 2 successful members.

    * Please star if you find this interesting and/or you want more people to answer*

    Thank you for taking the time to answer.

    7 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • If you could give a name to Alberto Del Rio's Armbar finisher what would you call it +Plus BQ?

    If you were to choose the name for Alberto Del Rio's unnamed Armbar finishing move what would your selection as a name be?

    Best Answer will go to my view of the best name as a finishing move. Try to be realistic, yet creative if possible.

    Del Rio has stated he deliberately keeps the move unnamed due to a name not doing justice to the effects of the move but I have a task for the wrestling section- To come up with a name!

    *If we want the maximum amount of creative entries it would be cool if some of you guys could please star this question*

    BQ- What match would you have preferred to watch with both men at their prime, Bret Hart vs Kurt Angle or The Rock vs Shawn Micheals?

    10 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Best friend lying to me?? Why would he say this and what should I do.?

    Well during last week I asked my best friend if we could do something together on the weekend and he said 'No because I am at my dads place'. He goes to his dads place every second weekend for the whole time. But this is the thing I don't get. He apparently went to the movies on Saturday to see a movie with a few of his friends when he was supposed to be at his Dads place.

    I don't particularly like some of the people he hangs out with so I would probably rather not go but do you think he should have at least told me that he was going to the movies instead of lying? Is he angry at me for some reason? I don't understand why he would lie to me about it

    Do you think I should confront him about it and ask what he was doing that day or not?

    5 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Do you think this teacher is too strict?

    I am in Year 10 in Australia and my Geography teacher is so strict with the class. I have had him mark my work and as a teacher for about 2 months before.

    He makes his students sit in Alphabetical order despite the behaviour of the class (I am in the number one class and number one boy in my year) and is extremely strict when marking all work. I have had to do essays where I studied so hard and watched the required video that we needed to watch to do the essay. I filled in all the space that I could on the two or three pages I used and directly answered the required questions multiple times. Then everyone got their marks back. The average mark for the class was about 4/10 with the highest mark being me and a couple of other students at 7/10.

    He didn't say what I had done wrong and didn't say how the essay could have been improved (That is my lowest mark ever on an essay as I usually get a 9 or 10).

    The teacher also doesn't really allow talking in his class either.

    Do you think this teacher is too strict with his Alphabetical order, brutal marking and no talking on most occasions policy?

    1 AnswerTeaching1 decade ago
  • What on earth is this... can someone please tell me they think this is wrong.....?

    Many wrestling news sites like and are reporting the following message

    'WWE officials are now going with the idea that Christian won't be back in time for WrestleMania 27. His situation is described as "touch and go."

    They said he would be back in 4 months or so for the Elimination chamber so what is this information? WWE are going with the idea that Christian won't return? So he won't be at Mania then to face Edge or have another match? If he's not there I might not buy Wrestlemania 27 plain and simple.

    Do you think this is genuine information and why would WWE think that he can't return?

    10 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • On a scale of 1-10 how influential and important were these moments in wrestling history?

    On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest can you please give a ranking for each of the following wrestling matches/events.

    To get the best answer you will have to give some sort of a description with the ratings.

    Okay here is the list:

    1. Undertaker vs Shawn Micheals- Wrestlemania 26 match

    2. Hulk Hogan slams Andre the Giant- Wrestlemania 3

    3. Hulk Hogan joins the NWO

    4. The Montreal Screwjob

    5. Ted Turner buys WCW

    6. The first Royal Rumble match

    Try to think of the following things when answering: How did they shape the future of wrestling, will long will we remember these things for, how did they impact wrestling at the time.

    6 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Is there anything your favourite wrestler could do to lose all your respect for him/her?

    It can be anything at all that could make you lose all respect for your favourite wrestler?

    BQ- TLC Matches or Elimination Chamber matches?

    16 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Woah!!! (SPOILERS from this weeks Smackdown tapings inside) Where does this leave everything in WWE!!!! +BQ?

    According to the Smackdown taping results Kofi Kingston pinned Dolph Ziggler to win the Intercontinental title even after Vickie Guerrero restarted the match Kingston still won the belt.

    Edge beat Kane in the last man standing match taking Kane out of World title contention as well.

    Also there was a fatal 4 way #1 contender match which would determine the new contender for the world title. Dolph Ziggler won this match beating Drew McIntyre, Cody Rhodes and Big Show!!!!!!

    After all this Wade Barrett ran out and attacked Big Show so I guess we can presume that Wade Barrett could be headed to Smackdown.

    So basically Ziggler will compete for the world title, Kofi Kingston is our new Intercontinental champion and Wade Barrett is probably headed to Smackdown. What do you people think of all of this?

    BQ- Which match would you rather see booked for Wrestlemania 27, Brock Lesnar vs Undertaker or Edge vs Christian?

    12 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago