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  • Chrysler Pacifica Power Seat Problems?

    I have a 2006 Chrysler Pacifica and the power front passenger seat reclined but will not go back up. Does anybody have any idea how I might be able to fix this without spending all of our Christmas money? Real answers only please. No BS answers or I will turn you in. I seriously need help.

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Can you do a catering business from your home if you have pets?

    I want to start a small catering business from my home and I have an indoor cat. Is it possible to cater from your home if you have a cat or dog? Please only answer the question I asked, I am not looking for any smart comments because this is a serious question.

    5 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • Is this a hostile work environment?

    I worked at a company where there was a really nasty co-worker. She would blow dust in my face when I removed my respirator, she would call me nasty names when she walked by, she refused to take my lunch order when she would take others, she would ignore me when I would ask her for help or give her the unit we were working on to inspect it even though it was her job. The list goes on and on. I went to my supervisor probably 10 times over the period of time I worked there and I even went to the owner about 5 times and nobody ever did anything about it because she was a friend of the owner, she had a hard home life, and she was a fast worker. One of the other employees actually came to me and thanked me when I started working there because she was finally leaving her alone. Is there anything that can be done about that woman? Is there some sort of lawsuit against people who behave like that? I do not want any sarcastic answers or 1 word answers like "yes". I am actually looking for help and if you do not have any real advice, then do not answer. Also, if there is some sort of lawsuit against her, how long do I have to file? It is in New York State.

    3 AnswersCorporations1 decade ago
  • can comp make you take a job on Sundays or a different shift?

    I became injured at work and I have been released to light duty but in the meantime I was terminated. I worked for many years to be put on first shift and to have weekends off. My question is, now that I have been released on light duty if I am offered a job on nights and weekends do I have to take it? Does anyone have any good advice?

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • what can i do to make my peanut butter no bake cookies moist?

    I have a recipe for peanut butter no bake cookies that I think tastes very good. The problem is that when I make my cookies they come out very dry, very tasty but very dry. Is there anything I can add to or take away from the recipe that would make them less dry. The ingredients are the normal for peanut butter no bakes. Oatmeal, butter, milk, peanut butter, vanilla, salt, cocoa. Thanks in advance for your help.

    7 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • I have been having mild contractions all day, how can I speed things up?

    I am 39 weeks pregnant and we are scheduled to be induced on Monday. The hospital that we are going to will only do epidurals from 8am to 8pm so if I go into labor during the night I won't be able to get one. I am not a wimp, I had my first 3 totally natural, but I have a lot of back problems and I choose to have an epidural this time. I have talked to the doctors and I know the issues that come along with having an epidural with a bad back. I don't care if I have spelled anything wrong. My ONLY question is that I have been having mild contractions all day long and I was wondering if there is anything I can do to speed things up? Thank you ahead of time for useful answers.

    12 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • can you have an epidural or spinal block for childbirth if you have back problems?

    I have 3 herniated disks from my L-3 to my S-1 and I was wondering if they will still do an epidural, or spinal block if I have to have a C-Section. I had my other kids naturally but this one may require a C-Section. No cocky rude answers please and I am not concerned about my spelling thank you. My only question is about the epidural or spinal block please?

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • can you do anything about a nasty co-worker

    I work with an extremely nasty person who blows dust in my face all the time and calls me names and swears at me all the time. She has done this to many other people who have worked in my position and they have all quit. We have all gone to the supervisor and nothing has been done and eventually we have all gone to the owner and because she kisses the owners butt nothing has been done by the owner either. I really love my job and I don't want to have to quit but I just can't take the constant harassment anymore. Is there anything that can be done legally about this? I have about 10 other people willing to go to court against her.

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • can you be denied ssi disability if you don't want surgery?

    A friend of ours has degenerative disc disease and is applying for disability. They said they could fuse his spine in a couple of spots to repair this. He doesn't want to have his spine fused because this will require surgery. We also know several people who have had the surgery and it turned out to be one of many with each of them. The question is will he be denied ssi disability if he refuses the surgery. I am looking for helpful answers only please, no sarchasm, and certainly not to find out if I have misspelled a word which I'm sure I have and I don't care. Can anybody help?

    1 AnswerMedicine1 decade ago
  • how do you get the sand out of mahogany clams?

    what's the best way to get the sand out of mahogany clams so they are not so gritty after you cook them. i love clams but the less gritty ones are a lot more expensive and my husband wont eat the mahoganies because they are too gritty. any suggestions?

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • too young for a cell phone?

    at what age do you think i child would be old enough for a cell phone?

    20 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • cell phones and carpo tunnel?

    Do you think that as much as people are texting these days, there will start to be a rise in carpo tunnel cases. If so, do you think that insurance companies will try to blame carpo tunnel on texting instead of classifying it as a work related injury?

    3 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • is there any way to change the settings and make windows 98 become windows 98SE?

    I had a benq burner in my tower and when i went to burn my pictures it didn't work and cannot be repaired. I have about 300 pictures that I can't burn now. I bought a Dekcell external burner because I thought that it worked with 98 but come to find out it only works with 98SE. So my question is can I change some settings and have 98 become 98SE? I really need help, I don't want to lose all our pictures. I can't update my system until I burn those pictures.

    1 AnswerAdd-ons1 decade ago
  • Crossing from New York to Canada without crossing a giant bridge?

    I am trying to find a route form New York to Canada without having to cross a giant bridge. I am terrified of large bridges and I tend to hyperventilate when I go over them. I don't care if I have to drive out of my way a couple hours. Can somebody help me please. Serious answers only please.

    5 AnswersOther - United States1 decade ago
  • rat has an infection in its leg, how much antibiotic?

    our pet rat has another infection in his foot, last time they treated him with clavamox 50mg of amoxicillin per ml and i still have some left but don't have the box with the amount i'm supposed to give him. he wieghs 8oz. can anybody help me, don't want to spend $50 yet again and throw out a perfectly good prescription.

    3 AnswersRodents1 decade ago