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  • Has this been done before, would you read it (short)?

    this is a re-post, sorry - just wanted some more opinions :)

    feel free to comment as much or little as you like :)

    basically, it's the diary of a girl who needs a heart transplant or she's going to die fairly soon. anyways, she goes back to school in september and sees new boy there that she feels she recognises from many years ago. anway it turns out that he found this crystal thousands of years ago and it made him immortal and ageless. she finds out and she wants to help him find a cure,

    the whole thing is to do with life and how having less of it makes you value it more and vice versa.

    any critisism welcome, hope this makes sense :)

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • has this been done before, would you read it (short)?

    feel free to comment as much or little as you like :)

    basically, it's the diary of a girl who needs a heart transplant or she's going to die fairly soon. anyways, she goes back to school in september and sees new boy there that she feels she recognises from many years ago. anway it turns out that he found this crystal thousands of years ago and it made him immortal and ageless. she finds out and she wants to help him find a cure,

    the whole thing is to do with life and how having less of it makes you value it more and vice versa.

    any critisism welcome, hope this makes sense :)

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • help with ending, is this too cliche?

    right i'm not at the ending yet but i like to know where the story is heading.. anyways

    basically its about a guy and girl who are friends (and it never turns into anything more) and its follows them over several years from when they are 10 (its set in the past). but at the end i was thinking of killing one of them, is this a bad idea or cliche.

    you can just tell me if it is that would be great and if you've got any suggestions on any of it that would be great :D


    12 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • what can i do about my friend?

    this is quite a long story but i'll try and make it short as possible.

    we have had a rocky friendship- there have been a lot of fallouts- but once when we were talkin about this quite big fallout we had she said that she thought i was ill when i hadn't talked to her for 2 weeks.

    basically, lately she had a fall out with my friend jan because me and jan, as a joke, went on one of our friends facebook profiles and changed her profile pic to one of my other friend purely because they looked similar. and then she started gettin stressy about it when it wasn't about her. so on msn jan was sayin it wasn't her - but because u cant tell the way people are sayin things on msn she thought she was beein serious. and so she got really pissed off with jan and because they had had a fallout before jan was still a bit fed up of her and so she sent an email sayin all the things she had been feelin for a while and that. but they still aren't talking.

    so, i was talkin to both of them trying to work it out (not at the same time) and jan was alll up for making up with her but my other friend was still annoyed about it so i was sayin to her that you couldnt tell how she was sayin it (shes annoyed because she said she didnt do it) and that they are both pathetic (cause thats the way she describes every thing and one that annoy her) fallin out over a picture and then she had a go at me for "getting involved" and that i was makin things 10 times worse and all that. when she was bein horrible about another one of my friends and then because my other friend was upset she went straight over to her and that and she alwyas does things like that and it just feels like she thinks she is gods gift and that we are all somthing she scraped off her shoe.

    so i was just wonderin what to do about this cos she annoys me soooooo much and has to be involved and i know that if i confront her with this she will tell everyone she knows what B***** i am and that.

    so i was wonderin what u would do in my situation and if i'm just bein self centered and she is right?

    thanks in adavance and we are all in yr 11

    4 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • what am i supposed to do about my friend?

    this is quite a long story but i'll try and make it short as possible.

    we have had a rocky friendship- there have been a lot of fallouts- but once when we were talkin about this quite big fallout we had she said that she thought i was ill when i hadn't talked to her for 2 weeks.

    basically, lately she had a fall out with my friend jan because me and jan, as a joke, went on one of our friends facebook profiles and changed her profile pic to one of my other friend purely because they looked similar. and then she started gettin stressy about it when it wasn't about her. so on msn jan was sayin it wasn't her - but because u cant tell the way people are sayin things on msn she thought she was beein serious. and so she got really pissed off with jan and because they had had a fallout before jan was still a bit fed up of her and so she sent an email sayin all the things she had been feelin for a while and that. but they still aren't talking.

    so, i was talkin to both of them trying to work it out (not at the same time) and jan was alll up for making up with her but my other friend was still annoyed about it so i was sayin to her that you couldnt tell how she was sayin it (shes annoyed because she said she didnt do it) and that they are both pathetic (cause thats the way she describes every thing and one that annoy her) fallin out over a picture and then she had a go at me for "getting involved" and that i was makin things 10 times worse and all that. when she was bein horrible about another one of my friends and then because my other friend was upset she went straight over to her and that and she alwyas does things like that and it just feels like she thinks she is gods gift and that we are all somthing she scraped off her shoe.

    so i was just wonderin what to do about this cos she annoys me soooooo much and has to be involved and i know that if i confront her with this she will tell everyone she knows what B***** i am and that.

    so i was wonderin what u would do in my situation and if i'm just bein self centered and she is right?

    thanks in adavance and we are all in yr 11

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • do you like my opening?

    please be honest... and i know its long

    I could hear my heart racing in my chest; like a drum in my ears. As I reached the top of the stairs I had to catch hold of the banister to stop myself falling back down again. Shaking like a leaf I stumbled into my room and slammed the door. Once it was closed I grabbed onto the handles of my wardrobe and took a few deep breaths to calm myself down. When I was finally calm, and was in control of my shaking, I hurried to shove the contents of my wardrobe into a muddy, battered and over used rucksack and after pulling on an equally trashed pair of trainers and my navy coat I prepared myself for what was downstairs.

    I stared down into the darkness below. It was like looking into the bowels of hell, but, it was my only way of escape so I had to enter it. I crept as quietly as possible down the stairs and then, turning the corner, I saw the scene that I’d almost forgotten.

    I could see the once green carpet was now soaked in dark red blood, there was so much you could smell it, the whole room looked like a battlefield and there in the centre of it all was the body: lying on his back, white as a sheet and motionless. His hair was matted together with dried blood from the wound. He laid there with one hand, covered in blood, just below his head as if it was trying to stop the bleeding, although he, obviously, failed miserably. He just laid there. I’d never had any experience with the dead, but how would I? I was only ten. Paralysed I just stood there for what seemed like an eternity just staring down at the body, unable to take my eyes off it. Bang! His eyes opened, every nerve in my body jumped to life causing me to jump six feet into the air, he was alive, how could he be alive? I stood there frozen on the outside but fully animated on the inside. At first he just rolled his eyes about trying to work out how he came to be on the floor, then gave up with the effort and closed them again bringing the hand nearest to his head up and wincing in pain as it made contact with the wound. I had to get out. I ran to the door, no longer caring about how much noise I made, I pulled it open and threw myself out into the street.

    The sky was black and the only light was the orange glow coming off the street lamps. A cold wind cut through me like a knife making me shudder and pull my coat tightly around me. Quickly, I stumbled down the path and out into the road. I shook with the wind and fear as the trees leaned over the pavement making the shapes of the kind of monsters that I used to see in the fairytales mum read me when I was small. A sudden sound made me scurry into the hedges, trying to make myself as small as possible. “Wha’d’ you want?” the slurred voice made me freeze like a rabbit in the headlights. I looked out through the leaves and saw who the voice came from. A drunk: a tall, stick thin man with a bottle of vodka in one hand while the other was made into a loose fist. He swayed on his feet as he shouted loudly “Wha’d’ you want?” I couldn’t see who he was talking to so I shuffled round, only to see his victim as being a lamppost. I calmed down then and smiled inwardly as I settled back into my hedge. Eventually, after threatening the lamppost, bursting into tears and apologising to the lamppost he took a swig from his bottle and staggered off the other way down the road.

    A few moments later I built up the courage to climb out of the hedge. The street was silent now, with just a low whistle as the wind blew. I pulled my anorak around myself again and straightened myself up as I began my long trek. I wasn’t as afraid now but as that feeling left a new one took its place- guilt: what would mum do when she found him gone and him on the floor, what would Annie and Sid say? What would they think? They’d never believe me whatever I said. I had made my choice now and I had to keep going. I could see there faces so clearly in my head now all smiling and happy, though because of what happened I would never see them again. A tear came to my eyes and then more. I needed something anything to take my mind off the empty hole inside me that was threatening to pull me in; into the darkness and never let me out again.

    I could see the bright lights ahead of me now lighting my way. I thought for once the future was bright. All the past held was pain, misery and darkness. But now I was in control, I chose what happened and I choose what is going to happen. It wasn’t going to happen tonight and probably not tomorrow, however, one day when I was older I would return and finish what had started. Not tonight, tonight I needed a place to sleep as far away from here as possible. I could see the shine of the city calling me on and I believed that if I could just get there then I could go anywhere. So off I headed into the light but I knew that one day I would be heading back into the darkness.

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • what is going on with my friend?

    ok: my friend has really been confusing me lately as firstly she fancies 3 of her guy mates one after the other and then she insists shes not interested in boys and dating and just now she was talking to a teacher and as soon as he left she went into a fit of giggles.

    so i was wondering what you thought- is she having problems with her sexuality or does she actually fancy the teacher (male) as she also went through a phase of trying undress another one of my friends who has now left the school (not because that though) undoing her bra and pulling down her skirt.

    thanks in advance i'm really confused and don't know what to think or do.

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Do you like these jokes?

    once upon a time there was a pud owner and once a week a man would come into the pub ande order a pint of beer and a packet of cheese and onion crisps. once he had them he would drink his pint, put the crisps on his head and walk around the pub 3 times. Well this went on for a while until the pub owner decided that he was going to see what happened if he told the man he didn't have any crisps.

    So, the man came in the next week and ordered a pint of beer and a packet of cheese and onion crisps ,but, this time the pub owner said they didn't have any crisps so the man ordered a packet of peanuts instead and so again he drank his pint and put the peanuts on his head and walked around the pub 3 times,but just as he was about to leave the pub owner stopped him and said "look please i have to know why di you put those peanuts on your head and walk around the pub 3 times"

    and the man said " because you didn't have any crisps"

    3 old women standing on a street corner when one said "its windy todat isn't it"

    "no its not its thursday" said the 2nd women

    "so am i lets go and have a cup of tea" said the last women

    a man was sitting in the pub panicking as he hadn't got his wife anything for her birthday when he saw a man in the corner with a small cat and a biscuit box. so, he went over to him and said "what do you have that cat for?"

    and the man said "this is a dancing cat he said"

    so the other man looked at him a bit confused and so the other man said "look i'll show you" so he put the small cat on the biscuit box and it started to dance about "wow" said the man "thats incredible, can i buy it off you"

    so the other man agreed to sell it to him for £100.

    after that the man ran straight home to his wife and explained to her about the dancing cat and then put the cat on the box, to show her it dancing, but it just sat there. the man became furious and ran back to the pub just in time to catch the man leaving "this is a trick" shouted the man "this cat doesn't dance"

    and the other man said "did you light the candle in the box?"

    there is a french pet talent contest so you have dancing mica and drawing cats and the contest is underway when a man comes onto the stage with a, the judge asks the man what his pig does and the man says "this pig can do maths" well everyone is curious to see if this is true so the judge asks the man to demonstarate so the man says to the pig "pig what is 4+5" and as he says it he scatters some nuts down and the pig grunts "neuf,neuf" and everyone is amazed so he asks him another question "pig what is 3 times 3" and again he scatters some nuts down and the pig grunts "neuf, neuf"

    then the judge says "may i ask him a question?" the man agrees and the judge says "pig what is 4+4" so the man goes behind the pig and kicks him between the legs and the pig squeeks "HUIT"

    irishman, scottishman and englishman in the jungle when they are captured by cannibals But, the cannibal leader says to them "you must go into the forest and find 10 things from the of the same kind" so they go into the forest and after a while the englishman comes out with 10 blueberries and the cannibal says to him "you must now fit those 10 things up your nose or we will eat you" so the englishman starts putting them up his nose but just as he is about to get the last one in he bursts out laughing and can't continue so they eat him.

    a bit later the scottishman comes back with 10 blackberries and again he is told to put them up his noseor he will be eaten, but, the scottishman hardly gets half way through when he starts crying with laughter, the cannibal is very annoyed and shouts at the man "what are you laughing about" and the scottishman says "i just saw the Irishman collecting coconuts!"

    mary had a little lamb that had a touch of colic

    she gave him brandy twice a day and now its an alcoholic

    thanks for reading!

    17 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago