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Lv 2712 points

Awesome Austi

Favorite Answers9%

Hey, I'm Austi! I joined yahoo answers after googling questions all the time, and the only ones I ever liked came from yahoo answers, and thought I might as well join! :) I'm 19 years old, totally down to earth and love to have a good time. I've been told I give awesome advice, and so therefore this site is a great outlet for me. My best answers can probably be found in beauty and style, religion and philosophy and society and culture. Those are probably my strongpoints. Look for some of the questions I've answered, and answer mine and I will answer yours! :)

  • Does borderline personality disorder get worse with age?

    I ask this question because I have been diagnosed with this, and I'm 20 years old- and over the past couple months these symptoms have been outrageous, and insanely worse. I've started getting more of the dissociative side of the disorder. And I was just curious whether or not it does get worse as you get older..

    Any advice would be great. Thanks!

    3 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • borderline personality and psychopath dating? similiarities?

    So, I have bpd, and I just started seeing a guy who let me in on the fact that he is psychopathic- I'm just wondering what I should expect- and some similarities of the two, and differences?

    I know this is a very odd question, but I figured I would ask. I'm 20, he's 22.

    5 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • What does this quote mean? "A man is what he thinks about all day long"?

    Explain this for me.. I've always wondered.

    Thank you!

    1 AnswerQuotations1 decade ago
  • Why does the bible say things like this..?

    Put no trust in a neighbor; have no confidence in a friend; guard the doors of your mouth from her who lies in your arms;

    Let everyone beware of his neighbor, and put no trust in any brother, for every brother is a deceiver, and every neighbor goes about as a slanderer.

    Does this mean we should trust no one? I'm confused about what these could mean.

    Any input would be appreciated! Thank you!

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How to pray for others?

    I am good at praying for myself, and people very close to me- but I have difficulty praying for people I don't know, or things that aren't very important to me. Like when someone says "I'll pray for you".. I need advice on how to do it more successfully, and with more heart.

    Thank you!

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • how to become a minister or pastor?

    also, being a woman- is it more difficult to get a job as a pastor?

    what kind of salary do they make [although that is NOT the most important thing, you still have to make a living somehow].

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What does the bible say about trust and relationships?

    So, recently I've been finding out quite a bit more stuff about my boyfriend- And though he has done some things to make me not trust him, he has never cheated on me as far as I know. He keeps bringing up these new things that I was unaware of, first it was that he cheated on his most recent girlfriend once and no one else (who he dated for 3.5 years, and they broke up last march..) .. then came out that he cheated on another one of his girlfriends 3 or 4 times, and then last night out comes the fact that he cheated on his most recent girlfriend (the 3.5 year one) not once but 3 times, and only admitted to one because she asked about it.

    With this I'm not sure how to take it, It definently makes me wary about him and definently not secure in the relationship, because the same way he lied to them he could lie to me and we've only been together about 4 months, and right now my trust is completely gone.

    My question is, how should I proceed with this situation? Should I trust him when he says he would never do that to me, or should I end it now?

    He's 29, I'm 25.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What does the bible say about judgement? Please read the rest to understand the question.?

    So, recently I've been finding out quite a bit more stuff about my boyfriend- And though he has done some things to make me not trust him, he has never cheated on me as far as I know. He keeps bringing up these new things that I was unaware of, first it was that he cheated on his most recent girlfriend once and no one else.. then came out that he cheated on another one of his girlfriends 3 or 4 times, and then last night out comes the fact that he cheated on his most recent girlfriend not once but 3 times, and only admitted to one.

    With this I'm not sure how to take it, It definently makes me wary about him and definently not secure in the relationship, because the same way he lied to them he could lie to me and we've only been together about 4 months, and right now my trust is completely gone.

    My question is, what would Jesus do in these circumstances?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians: forgiveness and forgetting? What's the difference?

    So, I understand the concept of forgiveness and kindness.. but how are we supposed to act when someone does hurt us? Are we allowed to be angry, and let that person know that we're angry?- And following that, how many times should we let things go before we give up and move on?

    Also, if we feel that someone is lying to us.. should we let them know we think they aren't being honest, or are we supposed to take everything people say as being truthful?

    Any input would be appreciated, I'm going through a difficult time right now and could use some advice. Thank you.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Love my boyfriend, but he's still friends with a lot of the girls he's slept with.. what to do?

    So, I love my boyfriend very much BUT, there is one small detail- after he broke up with his ex of 4 years about a year ago.. He kinda went nuts with a few of his female friends, who because they have all mutual friends, I still see them regularly.. very nice girls- but it bothers the heck out of me knowing that they've been together, especially when I know that if I were him, and he were me.. he would have ended it by now because of how awkward he would feel.

    Any advice on how to get over this??

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Dream about the end of the world?

    In the dream, nothing catastrophic happens- I wake up from a nap with my boyfriend and we go outside and everything is gone and barren, so we knew the end of the world had come- and we felt like we were the last 2 people on earth.

    we go around, and we realize there are some structures still standing- and there was water but it was running out. I ended up having a breakdown because I realized my mom was gone along with everyone else and my mom is my best friend.

    We came to find out that there were other survivors, and the last thing I remember thinking was that we were going to have to repopulate the earth and that we will be in history, It felt like my boyfriend and I were Adam and Eve or something.. It was really strange.

    Any advice?

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • most amount of money for least amount of schooling in the healthcare field?

    I'm also interested in just the least amount of schooling.

    I'm looking for something quick, so I can get into a doctors office/hospital type setting as I work my way up in school so I have the experience for when I do go back to school.

    Any advice?

    2 AnswersHealth Care1 decade ago
  • Best parts to read in the bible?

    I've recently decided I want to delve a bit more into actually reading the bible- but reading cover to cover sounds boring, and if I do it that way I guarantee I won't accomplish much.

    Any suggestions on where to start?

    24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Should I tell my boyfriend I don't think I'm enough for him?

    Okay, so explanation.. My boyfriend is 29, I'm 20- I've barely started college yet and really don't have many other interests.

    He has a masters in engineering, and has a very good job- and is also in a band and has a wide variety of other interests.

    Part of me wants to tell him I think he deserves better, someone with a real career and has other interests in their life. Not that I don't want other interests, I just simply don't know what I'm interested in anymore. I tend to get a boyfriend and focus all of my energy into the relationship, and now I'm not sure what I want to do.

    I definently need advice on this situation, I don't want to do anything drastic and regret it- but I also don't want him to resent me or find me needy.

    Any input would be appreciated, thank you!

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago