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Hi every one! I`m a young girl.i`d be happy to make new friends.any way welcome!!!
What do U think this quote mean?
Well I was searching my files in the computer that I came across this quote...
I am really mixed up...Could U make it clear for me???
So here's the quote
"Love is not blind - it sees more, not less. But because it sees more, it is willing to see less."
- Julins Gordon
3 AnswersQuotations8 years agoWhat is your opinion about freedom?
Well I am supposed to write an essay about freedom describing my own point of view
The problem is here that I still don't have a clear definition for the term"freedom"
I need to know some of ur explanations
So would U tell me what U think freedom is???
What does it include??
When could we surely say that we have freedom??
7 AnswersPhilosophy8 years agowhat does this mean?? please A.S.A.P?
Well, I just read a text named "Going Alone" in my English book, about a girl who traveled alone to NewYork; and she said that she wanted to inhale the atmosphere. Actually, I was surprised 'coz I think NewYork's atmosphere is not that well, and it definitely is a crowded city, So I don't get it why she is interested in the atmosphere of there???
Could U explain me the reason????
3 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years agoCan U help me understand this?
Look at these sentences:
1.He's carrying a violin (certainty__a fact)
2.He must be a musician. (probability__probably true)
3.He might/may play well. (possibility__could be true)
Well, I can't understand the difference between 2 & 3
Actually, the difference between Possibility & Probability ???
Could U explain me please??
Words & Wordplay9 years agoWho can help me figure it out?
well, I still don't know the difference between "early" & "soon". I don't know where I should use them in the sentence and when to use them???
I know that "early" is an Adjective, and "soon" is an Adverb, But I just can't figure it out?!?!?
Please help me a.s.a.p
5 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years agoHow can I speak English fluently?
Please read to the end, I highly need ur advice!
What's the best way to try to improve my speaking skills?
I'm an advanced English student but I don't think I speak as well as I must do as a student of FCE levels !!!
Besides when it comes to words I'm a fool, I mean when I go to discussion classes and I see other students of CAE levels or even my level know a lot more than me and use new practical words in their speaking I feel just like a fool, like I have no interesting way of talking or I can not compete with them 'coz I can't figure out what they're talkin' about, Although I speak well but I wanna know how to get new words???
When I organize my mind to start with a sentence if others talk fast I just forget all I wanna talk about and just look at them
Another problem I have is that Whenever I start to speak my heartbeat goes faster and I feel short of breath, I guess that must be beacause of being in public, I somehow feel shy, not much but it really bothers me sometimes, I just don't know how to overcome it???
Could U help me?
2 AnswersLanguages9 years agoWho knows the meaning of this word??Help me?
Well, I was just reading a text
and I saw this word " benefit fraud" alongside other words such as drug trafficking and other kinds of crimes. I searched the web and visited some websites but unfortunately I didn't find the exact meaning and now I'm really confused !!! Could any of YOU explain me the meaning clearly???
Please help me a.s.a.p
ThanQ U all
3 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years agoHow to write a report?in English?? please help now?10 points for the best now!?
Hi, well, today my friends and i went on a tour inside the city in order to visit 2 historical places.
and on the way back we were asked to write a report of the tour and what we did.It dues tomorrow.
and i've never given such a report, so i wanna u guys to let me know how to start and finish it.
what's a good way to start it, and which grammers are good to use for that???
please explain as much as u can.
thank u all.
3 AnswersHomework Help10 years agoWhich laptop do u recommend?please help a.s.a.p?
Hi, well, it's been 2 weeks that i'm looking for a great laptop. but the more i search, the more i get confused!!!!!!
The first salesman told me that Asus is practical an it is between Sony and Dell, he meant that Dell is very practical but Sony is very delicate, so Asus stands between those!
the second salesman mentioned that Asus is not as practical and good as Dell !
He also introduced HP as a new and great one.
but the others told me that Sony is just famous for its brand and its not the best one. and also MSI and Apple are great, they told me so.
but they are more expensive than Dell, Asus,Sony.
so please help me find the best one ,i really appreciate it.
thank u all.
3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks10 years agoDo u know people who overcame their problem?
so have u ever heard of people who were in a trouble but they did not loose their confident & decided to deal with it wisely?or if u have any documentary movie of those kind of people, bring it to me!
how can we deal with our problem without loosing our confident? is it possible? have u ever done it?or if u were into the same situation which u had before,what would u do? i personally find it difficult to face with my problems, i always run away,give up,give in or leave the work!
what about u?
3 AnswersPsychology10 years agowhat does it mean?please help a.s.a.p?
please help me know what they mean!
1"that must be frustrating/discouraging/disappointing"
2"i`m fed up"
3"i`ve had it"
4"i`m at my wits` end"
3 AnswersLanguages10 years agoWhat do u think of Katy Perry?
so i`m looking for Katy Perry`s songs or..... i wanna know more about her. recently i`ve been interested in her songs!!! do u think she has a good voice?
oh! please bring me the lyrics of her songs cause u know, English is not my native language & i can`t understand some parts of her songs!! or the sites that u know! including her biography or....
thank u all !!
6 AnswersSinging10 years agoDo u know any good fables?help a.s.a.p?
i really need some good fables to bring to my English class! if not, i will get a negative. so i really appreciate ur helping me. & please bring the moral point of the story .too. thanx so much!!!
3 AnswersMythology & Folklore10 years agoWhat do they mean?help,please!!!!!!!!?
so i wanna know the exact meanings of these,please! sorry if it`s long! here u go:
1"he always talks the talk but he never walks the walk"
2 "you look a little shaky"
3"you must have been going out of your mind"
4"it was pitch black"
5"i was scared to death"
6"he had failed to close the door"
7"ordering me around"
8"an idea popped into his head"
9"propose a contest"
10"the thieves passed by & saw them sitting face to face"
11"the room seemed perfectly deserted"
12"they pulled paintings off the wall"
13"thieves mistake them for wax figures"
14"the robbers hurried away with their loot"
15"the police man stuck in his head to ask if there`s a problem"
16"how dare you!"
17"don`t you dare!"
18"that must be frustrating/discouraging/disappointing"
19"i`m fed up"
20"i`ve had it"
21"i`m at my wits` end"
22"A: this mystery is real!
B: get out of here!"
23"they had this major falling out for two months!"
please reply a.s.a.p :) bring me the synonyms if possible. waiting for u!
4 AnswersWords & Wordplay10 years agoCan u explain these for me?
I should describe these for my english class.I`d be happy if u can explain these for me? And please tell me whether these are American or British.and bring me synonymous. here u go.
"being in a real bind"
"being a pushover"
"go overboard"
"being in hot water"
"picking up somone`s mail"
"way to go"
"take the plunge"
please reply a.s.a.p here waiting for u!
2 AnswersHomework Help10 years agoCan u explain & translate these into English for me?
"A sleeping cat will not catch a rat." (India)
"Write injuries in sand,kindness in Marble." (France)
"Because we focused on the snake we missed the scorpion." (Egypt)
"Tell the truth_and run." (Serbia)
"People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones." (Germany)
well, these are my homework of my english class.please explain theme simply a.s.a.p. here waiting for u....
2 AnswersLanguages10 years agoDo u agree with this sentence?if not, why?
Here u go..."We live in a world where we are often rewarded for lying and punished for telling the truth?" said psychologist Leonard Saxe.if possible, explain more with examples from your real life! by the way, how long can u keep yourself away from telling lies? why do u usually cheat on people? do u tell white lies? don`t u feel innocent while deceiving ppl? what kinds of ppl often tell lies?
7 AnswersPsychology10 years agohow is Hip-Hop dance?do u know?
Recently,i`ve been interested in hip-hop,techno,also street dance! but i know little about.can u tell me what u know? or bring me the sites which are useful. here waiting for u....
1 AnswerOther - Sports10 years agoCan u name a person who u admire ?
Hi guys, i really need your help.tomorrow i gotta go to my english class & i must give my teacher a writing (paragraph). it`s about a person who i admire, but the problem is here that i know no one to write about. i would like u to name someone or to bring me the site which i can get some information about. please help me a.s.a.p .i must write a biography.. ..guys!
2 AnswersOther - Education10 years agowhen will the world finish?
u know i`ve heard sth about "MishelDuNusterAdamus" the world-renowned predictor. to begin with, he said that the third universal war woud be in the year "2011 or 2012".exactly the year we are in. moreover, he said that the world woud be finished on " 21Desember2012" but it will be continuing till the year 3797. i`m really confused!!!! i`ve also heard that lots of his predictions have become true. in addition, i can say that he sat in front of fire or water in order to predict the future into poems or writing which some no one has understood. he also said that arabic lanuage countries would have some problems with their government & they will fight as now we can see it clearly. so if you know anything, share with u think he`s right? then what will happen to us? here waiting for u!
5 AnswersOther - Environment10 years ago