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Help! How do I clean soap scum off glass shower doors?
I have used vinegar, spray cleaners, rubbing alcohol, and tonight.... I used s.o.s pads. Still, soap scum. Now it looks worse. Any suggestions?
6 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade agoHELP!!!!!! My almost 9 month old is teething pretty hard.?
How can I keep her comfortable during such an annoying time? Ive tried teething gel/tablets, baby oragel, tylenol, and even iced things. Is there anything else?
12 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade agoHelp. I have a festering wart?
on my finger that I messed withn Now it looks like a volcano erupting. A blood clot looking cauliflowered lump. Is this dangerous? I didnt realize what it was, and now I've pissed it off. Obviously, a doctor, right?
2 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade agoHelp!. On the pill and 5 months pregnant.?
I am 39 1/2 years old, no kids, and have been on birth control pills off and on for over 20 years. Mostly on. Unfortunately I had an off time in November 2007 and had to terminate that pregnancy. Right after that, I started a new low dose pill called mircette and have been on it since. I am aware that alot of new BC pills have a non period affect on many users. I had a super light period in January or maybe February, that was the last time though.
Ever since, I have been gaining weight slowly to a point my clothes are tight, shirts and all. My breast larger and firmer too. I happened to have an EPT test laying around, so I took it and it came up possitive. Last month was reading the package of these pill my Dr.'s office gave me, (the same office I terminated my pregnancy at) and the pills expiration date was 11/07. Is this a lawsuit? The BC my own gynocologist gave me was dead. Now I dont know what to do. This wasnt in my agenda.
14 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoDoes anyone know info on Ca."s prop. 36 program?
My boyfriend is doing this program for a drug conviction sentence. He doesnt seem to know how long this program last. Any ideas?
1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade agoIs your landlord suppose to provide screens and a screen door?
I live in the bottom half of a house that is level to the ground. So with that, I live in the "bugs world". I mean I have teenage size tarantulas, among other creatures. My neighbor next door said my landlord told her in order for her to have a screen door, there must be a matching one for the other door, (mine).
He made her take hers down. Summer time gets hot here, and I have a bug phobia. Shouldn't he half to provide that for his tenants? Plus I have two windows that are exactly ground level with no distance between the window and the ground, that have no screens. I am scared to leave my windows even ajar. Is this my responsibility?
1 AnswerRenting & Real Estate1 decade agoMy cat has dried poop stuck around his butt hole. Help!!!!?
He is 17 years old and in good health. A bit over weight, and sleeps alot more. He has never had a problem like this before. (dirty bathroom habits, that is). I hoped he would have cleaned it off by now, but it seems to be getting worse.
Am I supposed to take tis matter in my own hands now? What am I suppose to do about it? I dont think I will be able to remove it. He sleeps in the house on a blanket on yht couch. I dont even pick him up any more. Is this a vet matter?
25 AnswersCats1 decade agoHELP! The spiders in my home are literally tarrantulas!!!!!!!?
My apartment is ground level, and about this time of year, i get these tarrantulas in my shower. They fall from the window and cant get out. Their legs are fat and their bobies have little hairs on them. They are almost the size of your palm, (with the legs included).
My landlord laughs when i tell him. Now i have a bad case of "arracnaphobia". I shake my towels before use, check my shoes too. I even go to bed with a bug repellent on me. What can i do to rid these pest from my home?
17 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade agoDoes anyone know what "carpentermites" are?
I have these dirt mounds at my window seal. You can see the tentacles of these bugs working on their mounds when you look close.
Are these harmful? what should I do? They are next to my bed, GROSS!
2 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago