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  • Can i use Street Fighter movies to promote my music?


    I've just composed and recorded an original piece of music based very much on the Street Fighter franchise's music. The copyright and royalties (if any) belong to me as things stand.

    I would like to create a video from the various opening movies from the games but the single will likely go on sale at my website and other places. So, would i be subject to copyright laws from Capcom if i use more than 15 seconds of film - particularily if i'm using it to promote sales? Is there any way around this?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • How can i get rid of the annoying video ads in the Youtube sugguestion list?

    After recently updating, Youtube now plays two adverts within the suggestion list to the right of the video i wish to play. I have my pop up blocker on and have my YT settings as; " Do not allow advertisements to be displayed beside my videos". Yet, still they pop up and annoy the hell out of me. They even play in tandem and out of sync with each other.

    Every time i go to a video, they begin playing over the top of it. I can't even mute the sound - it just comes back with the next ad.

    It is only on Youtube that this happens and only after the update was installed. I have no idea why Youtube even allow this as it is the most annoying thing ever and nobody in the history of mankind would want to have it.

    Has anyone else had this problem with the new update, and how do i get rid of this?

    Extra info: I have not had this problem before, but i recently got a tablet computer which i synced with my laptop. Don't know if this has anything to do with it.

    1 AnswerYouTube8 years ago
  • Why did the Japanese attack Pearl Harbour?

    What were the events leading up to the Pacific war and what made the Japanese decide to go for it?

    It's something we in Europe are not taught - even though we know about the events of Pearl Harbour and everything that came after.

    15 AnswersHistory9 years ago
  • I have posted a valid message in Yahoo News, yet...?

    ...someone has made a reply to which i would like to reply back to. No matter how many times i post it - even in smaller sections because it is quite large - it won't go onto the board. It is extremely frustrating to not be able to have a rebuttal against a person who has an equally valid critique.

    Is there something wrong with Yahoo, or can i not reply in my own message?

    @BTW, there is no offencive language or views within either message, just my opinions.

    Look for the same Top hat if you're interested.

    1 AnswerPosting Messages9 years ago
  • Why doesn't yahoo do something?

    On the message boards in Yahoo Sport, namely the tragic story of Fabrice Muamba having a cardiac arrest - there is a nasty individual who is much worse than the guy they arrested on Twitter for racism and offensive posts.

    This is just one example of what he has posted and he has been reported many, many times, but nothing seems to have happened. There is no way to report this guy apart from through the usual form. He is disgusting and needs some action made against him to show that Yahoo actually give a damn about this sort of thing. (Let alone all the distasteful spammers).

    Comment 2218 is what you need to look at among many others.

    And again at 2156 etc. etc. etc...

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Message Boards9 years ago
  • Examples of social injustice?

    I need some examples of social injustice from history for a story that i plan to write.

    I will be writing from the point of view of a relatively ordinary person's perspective, and how they will be effected.

    The more ancient, the better, as i am a great fan of writing historical fiction.

    I'm not asking for any plot, just an era or event that i can sink my teeth into. As long as there is some sort of injustice that was either sanctioned or encouraged by the powers of that time. (Or where they turned a blind eye).

    Thanks loads.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors10 years ago
  • what is your favourite movie line?

    One which you would love to say to someone in real life.

    I'd love to say to someone; "What time is it.... What YEAR?." (Reese - Terminator)

    24 AnswersMovies10 years ago
  • What would be the very worst thing that Hollywood could make a movie from?

    We've had some pretty bad ideas already from Hollywood. What new levels of barrel scraping do you think they would go to?

    I think their next project will be Knights vs Aligators or Kung Fu Horse!

    6 AnswersMovies10 years ago
  • What character would you like to replace in a movie with yourself?

    and who would you have as your supporting actor/actress?

    4 AnswersMovies10 years ago
  • What are the most glaring mistakes in movie history?

    In Clash of the Titans, how DID he keep his hair clipped at a number two buzz cut? I didn't think they had clippers in ancient Greece.

    13 AnswersMovies10 years ago
  • What is the worst Super Hero movie so far?

    ...and what do you think is next?

    I think they will come out with a gay super hero soon or 'Politically Correct Man!'

    13 AnswersMovies10 years ago
  • What is the worst idea to ever come out of Hollywood?

    I'm going to go with the upcoming film Battleships from Universal based on the HASBRO GAME!!!

    My word what a load of CGI shlte! What is Liam Neeson thinking?

    12 AnswersMovies10 years ago
  • If you could take the place of a character from any movie...?

    Who would it be and from which movie?

    What would you do differently in the movie?

    Would you change the love interest and if so, who would it be?

    6 AnswersMovies10 years ago
  • What are your top three martial arts movies?

    Anything from any decade.

    There are so many to choose from, but mine are:

    1) Fighter in the Wind. - True story about a Korean martial artist who took on the best Japanese schools and won. The on screen fights were all full contact.

    2) Ong Bak, the Beginning. - Tony Jaa is a magician with his multiple styles and this film shows his talent off perfectly.

    3) Shogun Assassin (Lone Wolf series). - This guy is a real life Samurai and you often have to rewind the movie to see what he did, he is that quick. I'm sure that his opponents were convicts that he actually killed for the camera. Brilliantly done if not.

    I hate anything with excessive wire work or CGI.

    3 AnswersMovies10 years ago
  • So, you think you know about movies...?

    I had a load of questions i wanted to ask so i thought i would put them all into one question and make it a quiz! Best answers get... best answer! I'll rate each one with points of 1 - 3 (3 being best) and give the results within 6 hours. Good luck.

    1) What is your favourite 'one liner' and by whom?

    2) Who is your favourite female character?

    3) Who is your favourite male character?

    4) Who has performed the worst accent in movie history other than Russel Crow in Robin Hood?

    5) What is the best music score of any film?

    6) What is the worst idea to come out of Hollywood for a movie?

    7) What is your favourite foreign film?

    8) What video game/book would you like to see made into a movie?

    9) Name a movie sequel that was better than the first film?

    10) Who is the most overrated actor/actress?

    14 AnswersMovies10 years ago
  • Ok, time for a movie quiz...........................................?

    Just for fun, here are 10 lines from 10 different popular movies. Some are easier that others but best answer goes to the person who gets the most right. To make it fair, i want you to write your favourite line from any movie at the end and this will be worth 3 points. So... a maximum of 13 points is available but time is not an issue if you happen to answer first or last. Ok... READY?

    1) "If only you could see what i've seen with your eyes."

    2) "YOU... SHALL NOT... PASS!"

    3) "Throw this cow hearted yeasty cod-piece in the brigg."

    4) "Do you hear that Mr. Anderson? That is the sound of your death. It is the sound of inevitability."

    5) "Where we're going, we need no eyes!"

    6) "Oh, and one more thing... what you choose to call 'Hell', he calls home."

    7) "I did not buy you for the pleasure of your company. I bought you so that i could profit from your deaths."

    8) "The pen is blue. THE PEN IS BLUE!... The god damn pen is bluuuueee."

    9) "One girl; I drove through three states wearing her head as a hat."

    10) "Sunnyside is a place of ruin and despair, ruled by an evil bear who smells of strawberries!"

    Good luck.

    5 AnswersMovies10 years ago
  • Ladies, what would REALLY impress you for a first date?

    Bearing in mind, there is a price limit of say £500 ($625) and a bit of time to book something. so, no big weekend holidays abroad or diamond rings etc. This is a first date, i'm not popping any questions.

    And, what signs do you look for to determine whether he is a keeper or not?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Just been to America and there is so much hate for Indiana?

    Check out Yahoo's story from the USA and read some of the comments regarding this shocking event. I went there to add a comment of condolence and was surprised to see such hate for their fellow countrymen. I thought they just hated us Brits. Lol.

    I realise that these are mainly trolls who haven't got their first pube yet, but the AMOUNT of disgusting and inappropriate comments was outrageous. Given that the London riots have already shown just how broken kids perception of law and respect for others can be, do you think that these kids in America represent a future that can undermine your country further?

    I know we in Britain get the same trolling going on here to a degree but, taking into account the size of our population, the percentage is relatively small by comparison.

    To the people who unfortunately died, rest in peace and thoughts and prayers from London to the families of the deceased and injured.

    1 AnswerCurrent Events10 years ago