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Lv 5
TopHat asked in Entertainment & MusicMovies · 10 years ago

So, you think you know about movies...?

I had a load of questions i wanted to ask so i thought i would put them all into one question and make it a quiz! Best answers get... best answer! I'll rate each one with points of 1 - 3 (3 being best) and give the results within 6 hours. Good luck.

1) What is your favourite 'one liner' and by whom?

2) Who is your favourite female character?

3) Who is your favourite male character?

4) Who has performed the worst accent in movie history other than Russel Crow in Robin Hood?

5) What is the best music score of any film?

6) What is the worst idea to come out of Hollywood for a movie?

7) What is your favourite foreign film?

8) What video game/book would you like to see made into a movie?

9) Name a movie sequel that was better than the first film?

10) Who is the most overrated actor/actress?


... And we have a winner...!

In 3rd place with 19/30 is.........................................

The Truth. LOL at answer No. 6 and totally agree with Mass Effect being made into a movie. It is like one already.

In joint 2nd place with 20/30 is.................................

Perfectvelvet and Hatters. Perfect, i agree with all the rubbish remakes and Hatters, Princess Leia is inspired.

In 1st place with 22/30 is..........................................

Ryan Calton. Battle Royal is one of the best movies ever, let alone best foreign flick. The Bride and T. Bickle are what swung it for you, although i disagree with Terminator 2. T1 was a million times better and a cult classic in a time when CGI didn't equal a good movie. Well Done RC!

14 Answers

  • Ryan
    Lv 5
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    1. Apocalypse Now - I love the smell of napalm in the morning! - Robert Duvall as Lt Col. Bill Kilgore

    2. Favourite female character is probably The Bride (Beatrix) from Kill Bill - Uma Thurman is world class gorgeous.

    3. Favourite male character is possibly Travis Bickle from Taxi Driver - Robert DeNiro playing a loveable rogue who kills a bunch of scumbags. (another good quote - 'you talkin' to me?'

    4. Either Leo Dicaprio in Blood Diamond who does a half-baked South African or Gerard Butler in 300 who plays a Spartan general... with a Scottish accent.

    5. Purple Rain

    6. Jaws: The Revenge - The worst idea ever was the make another Jaws film, especially one so bad. Bruce the Shark was nominated for worst actor, it was THAT bad.

    7. I like Let The Right One In from Sweden, and I also love Battle Royale from Japan. I'd probably choose BR out of the two.

    8. I'd love to see a MGS film. It would be good to see one of the GTA games get converted, but they'd need to convey the way in which most people who play the game just go insane and start killing everybody and occasionally playing 'Sunday driver' for 15 seconds before getting bored and resuming the bloodshed.

    9. Terminator 2: Judgement Day - by far.

    10. Overrated actor I'd say Nic Cage, he used to be cool; in Face/Off and films around that time, but then he got boring, and hasn't done a decent film since Lord of War. I don't mind Kick Asss but it's not because of Nic Cage.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    1) "Here's A Spoon, Eat My A**" Sean William Scott in American Pie 2

    2) Who is your favourite female character? Stockard Channing as Ouisa Kitteridge in Six Degrees of Separation

    3) Who is your favourite male character? Liam Nieson in Taken

    4) Who has performed the worst accent in movie history other than Russel Crow in Robin Hood? The main professor in Good Will Hunting (he goes from English to Irish to American)

    5) What is the best music score of any film? Titantic or Ghost

    6) What is the worst idea to come out of Hollywood for a movie? Fast & Furious movies

    7) What is your favourite foreign film? Amelie

    8) What video game/book would you like to see made into a movie? The Westing Game

    9) Name a movie sequel that was better than the first film? I can't think of any

    10) Who is the most overrated actor/actress? Nicholas Cage

  • xK
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    1) What is your favourite 'one liner' and by whom?

    Probably "There comes a time in every man's life where he must look the potato of injustice right in the eye!" -- Stanley (Michael Richards) in UHF

    2) Who is your favourite female character?

    Belle from "Beauty & the Beast"

    3) Who is your favourite male character?

    James Bond

    4) Who has performed the worst accent in movie history other than Russel Crow in Robin Hood?

    It's not an accent per se, but I hate Christian Bale's voice as Batman.

    5) What is the best music score of any film?

    Overall score, my vote would probably be for Titanic. I adore the music in Halloween though, particularly the theme.

    6) What is the worst idea to come out of Hollywood for a movie?

    I'm getting really tired of all of the remakes! Can you not come up with an original idea?

    7) What is your favourite foreign film?

    "Le dîner de cons" - it's the film that "Dinner for Schmucks" was based on, but the original is so much better.

    8) What video game/book would you like to see made into a movie?

    Honestly, I really wanted to see a "World of Warcraft" movie that was done entirely in CGI. It's apparently going to be live action, which is total crap.

    9) Name a movie sequel that was better than the first film?

    "A Very Brady Sequel" was better than "The Brady Bunch Movie" lol

    10) Who is the most overrated actor/actress?

    Jennifer Aniston ... or Kristen Stewart. Neither of them have any range, and they behave exactly the same in every film they're in.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    1) "Get away from her you, insert expletive." (Ripley, Aliens) The scene in which this quote is said is just too awesome.

    2) Vasquez from Aliens (Overshadowed by Ripley, but she rocks) or River Tam in Serenity

    3) Leon in The Professional

    4) ........Angelina Jolie in Alexander (What !? She invented her own accent?!?!?! Almost makes my toes curl...It sounds disgusting.) I don't know, maybe Keaunu Reeves in Dracula was even worse (rofl; I think it's hilarious).

    5) Oh, this one's tough. You've got Ennio Morricone (Once Upon a Time in the West, Orca, The Mission, etc.) and Hans Zimmer (Tears of the Sun, Gladiator, etc.) and John Williams (Star Wars, etc.) and Randy Edelman (Dragonheart) and even more...Hmmm......I want to say Star Wars (memorable and I feel like I'm experiencing the movie for the first time all over again) or The Mission....but I also want to say The Last of the Mohicans (simply because the third is one I think is incredibly exhilirating not to mention that I never tire of it).

    6) Actually a tough question because there have been so very, very many. I'll go with going along with this teen vampire/romance craze. I don't get it and I don't want to see it on the big screen.

    7) Spider Forest; It's like some kind of beautiful nightmare. Kamikaze Girls is another one.

    8) Robin McKinley's The Blue Sword (I think this would be interesting)

    9) Aliens (some people say it's not as good because it's not a suspence/horror like the first -- they're correct on this point, but I liked the second better due to the action, special effects, characterizations, solid story, you name it)

    10) Overrated: Angelina Jolie (not trying to pick on her or anything but I don't buy her acting); underrated: Ed Harris; well deserved of recent/past notice: Tommy Lee Jones and Javier Bardem

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 10 years ago

    1) 'Oh I'm Sorry.. Did I break your concentration?' : Samuel L Jackson - Pulp Fiction

    2) Amelie Poulain : Amelie

    3) Tyler Durden : Fight Club

    4) Tom Cruise : Far & Away (even managing to beat Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins). An honourable mention should go to the legendary Sean Connery for having the same accent in every movie, despite playing everything from an Egyptian Swordsman to a Russian submarine captain.

    5) Blade Runner : Vangelis

    6) 'Lets get Michael Bay to direct it'

    7) There are so many, but I will go with 'Amelie' by Jean-Pierre Jeunet

    8) Mass Effect

    9) The Godfather Pt 2. Not just better than the original - A serious contender for the best film ever made.

    10) Jack Black. He should be humanely destroyed. In fact.. don't worry about the 'humanely' bit...

  • 10 years ago

    1) "u better lawyer up a**hole 'cause im not coming back for my Thirty percent, im coming back for every thing" Edwardo played by Andrew Garfield 'The Social Network'

    2) Rose Dawson played by Kate Winslet 'Titanic'

    3) young Noah played by Ryan Gosling 'The Notebook'

    4) Halle Berry as Storm 'X-Men' (and the accent just disspeared in the sequal)

    5) 'Titanic' enough said

    6) 'Zyzzyx Road' made only 30 dollars in the box office that means a total of 6 people went to see it once a day cause it was only open for 6 days. Oh and one person asked for a refund.

    7) Slumdog millionare or was it Billionare (lets just say i dont like forgien films)

    8) Kingdom Hearts! this would be great as a movie but not live action as thbe characters are a computer generated anime.

    9)This is actually a prequal but X-men first class was way better then the entire franchise

    10) Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie niether of them r really that damn good

  • 10 years ago

    1) "yippiekaiyay, mr. Falcon" this is what Bruce Willis says in the tv version of Die Hard. He originally says motherfucker instead of mr. Falcon. They also had someone who doesn't sound anything like Bruce to say the line.

    2) hmm.. I guess it would be Reese Witherspoon in the movie "Fear." She really stands up to mark wahlberg by the end of the movie after she sees what a heartless evil guy he really is.

    3) My favorite male character would have to be Tetsuo from the anime "Akira." He is like this young kid who suddenly gets all this power and it literally tears him apart. I don't know if we can choose animes but I think we should include them.

    4) lol I would say laurence fishberg's accent in the movie version of "Othello." He acts the part well, but his accent is so overthetop that it was hard to stand sometimes.

    5) I'm still gonna say the soundtrack to the anime "Akira." It has such intense drum filled songs that go along perfectly with every action sequence, and there isn't any music when there isn't action, which makes sense.

    6) Oh god, it has to be "Real Steel." It is about Hugh jackman and him and his son enter this training robot to this rock em sock em actual robot competition. It looks horrrrriiiiblleeeeeee, still gonna see it though lol

    7) Its this French film called "The City of Lost Children." it has Ron Perlman at his best, and the settings they created for the movie are very awesome.

    8) I would like to see metal gear solid (the first one for the ps1, i think its the third in the series or so? There was two or so before it for the nes I think) made into a movie. But the creators aren't allowed to change it at all or take any artistic liberties with it. It is an exact transition, and everything is the same. NO CHANGES


    10) I would say Sarah Jessica Parker. I hate her face and she always delivers her lines so poorly, and she makes this godawful squeal sometimes.

    I couldn't think of anything for number 9. Good questions :)

  • 10 years ago


    "I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick *** and I'm all out of bubble gum." from the film "they live"


    Natalie Portman? she was good in both black swan and leon


    Adam Sandler in the movie "Reign Over me" where he plays a serious role for a change


    District 9, I'm not sure if the south african accent was accurate or not, but either way it sounded weird


    Departures, music by Joe Hisaishi


    Titanic 2 (not sure if it was made in hollywood)


    I would have to say Departures same answer for number 5 as not only was the music brilliant, the story was the best I've ever seen (it was made in japan)


    a game called "shadow of the colossus" which actually is being made into a movie


    Fast and furious, Tokyo drift. I was going to say aeroplane 2 but the original was just as good, whereas the F&F 1 and 2 weren't that great


    Brad Pitt, I really don't like his acting and he normally plays a flash idiot

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    1. We're gonna need a bigger boat - Roy Schneider in Jaws

    2. Princess Leia

    3. Keyser Zosay (spelling?)

    4. Brad Pitt - Irish- The Devil's Own

    5. James Bond (original, sexy, instantly recognisable after just one or two bars)

    6. Endless sequals/prequals that squeeze an original idea dry

    7. Hero

    8. Book - The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins (one of the first whodunnits, I believe)

    9. The Mummy Returns - i mean, pygmies! Brilliant!

    10. actor: Ben Affleck actress: Katherine Heigl

    I luv it!!

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    1) If he dies he dies, if he lives he lives, Blade Runner,

    2) Natalie Portmans character in Leon,

    4) Sean Connery,( in every film he as done, it's the same accent, )

    5) Moulin Rouge

    7) Let the right on in,

    9) Terminator 2,

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