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  • Attachment image

    Where can I find this? Eiffel Tower under glass?

    Does anybody know where I can find this Eiffel Tower replica under glass? 

  • (Read Details) what books of Enoch best on Kindle?

    I'm looking for the bookSs of Enoch on Kindle but I desire a good Scholastic Edition. I don't believe it should be in the Bible, but I still want to read for intellectual purposes. Sadly, the reviews I read for search books available on Kindle are full of dorks in awe of the splendor and additional information written by the man who existed before the flood and blah blah blah blah blah...

    By the way, good clue, the real 1 Enoch suggests that Enoch himself is the Son of Man, not Jesus, so anything based on R. H. Charles is not helpful.I hope the person clicking on this question understands what I'm looking for. If you feel like preaching to me about how evil The BookS of Enoch is and how I should not trust it, don't worry, I'm not reading it for belief.

    So...BookS ( first, second, third) of Enoch, on Kindle, Scholastic, not why I should be in the Bible, no conspiracies, no aliens thank you, anything like that on Kindle?

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors2 months ago
  • Is Bowser the real good guy?

    ,Go with me on this. In the Mario video games, there are hardly any humans. You have Mario, Daisy, Luigi, Toadstool, but hardly anyone else. Then you have a world full of turtle people etc, and Bowser takes on a kingly possession. Does that mean humans wrongfully invaded the Mushroom Kingdom and all Bowser is trying to do is take back control? Is Bowser really the good guy?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games7 months ago
  • Why was it okay when Obama did it?

    Why is it okay for Obama to put children in cages but after it's handed over to Trump, everyone blames Trump? Also, why is it that after Trump made the economy great that Obama is given the credit, saying Trump inherited Obama's economy (which was a disaster by the way)? Why is Obama's child cages Trump's fault but Trump's restored economy (before viral fallout) Obama's credit?

    6 AnswersPolitics8 months ago
  • How does an American order from Russian online store?

    If I am looking to make an online purchase from (for example), but I live in America, how do I make that happen? Getting past the Cyrillic alphabet and the Russian language should be no big issue, but alas I don't have Russian Rubles (₽) but instead American Dollars ($). How do I, an American living in America with only American currency, manage to make an online purchase of a Russian product from a Russian website sold in Russian currency?

    2 AnswersRussia9 months ago
  • How does an American order from Russian online store?

    I am looking to make a purchase from (for example), but I live in America. Getting past the Cyrillic alphabet in Russian language should be no big issue, but alas I don't have Russian Rubles (₽) but instead American Dollars ($). How do I, an American living in America with only American currency, manage to make an online purchase of a Russian product from a Russian website sold in Russian currency?

  • Where can I buy an English translation of the Four Vedas?

    Where can I buy a hardcover English translation of the Four Vedas? Not looking for a multivolume set with tons of scholarly of commentary, but more the English translation of the four Vedas in one bound book.

    I recently received "The Holy Vedas" by Debroy, but after a bit of skimming, I found at the end of each Veda phrases like "we cannot hope to reproduce them all (hymns)," "we have not reproduced the text in its entirty," "as you will have realised, there are many parts that we have skipped," etc.

    Now I feel like I was cheated, expecting the entirety of the Vedic texts, but that's not what I got.

    Can Anybody Help?

    1 AnswerLanguages4 years ago
  • October/November 2016, Any Suggestions: Top Date Movies Playing Now (or coming soon)?

    I do have an appreciation for romantic movies, but movies haven't been a part of my life for a while, neither do I go to the theater much. So any suggestions for good movies to check out on a date, playing in theaters this October/November 2016 or coming soon? By the way, I am over 20, if that's of any relevance.

    1 AnswerMovies5 years ago
  • (Read Details) What kind of dvds needed for label printing?

    I'm nearing the end of my project, more nearing to where I need to reach the end.

    I want to burn dvds and then print on the top (believe it's called label printing).

    My only concern is what dvds do I need, cause I don't want their brand label to show on the finished product.

    Is it something I needn't worry over? Like will it just print over the brand labels and I'll never see it?


    Are there recordable dvds I can burn on that are totally blank, which are to be more suited to what I have in mind?

    4 AnswersOther - Electronics5 years ago
  • Evolution, Chromosome Fusion, Man & Chimp Question?

    I heard something interesting about human evolution in relation to other modern primates.

    We all know that Humans have 46 chromosomes and our near relatives such as chimpanzees have 48 chromosomes. Now what I heard was that two chromosomes from our earlier ancestral species had 48 chromosomes and that a pair of chromosomes fused into one large chromosome.

    I can sorta buy into that, it's testable, not only that, it's confirmed, so I hear, but I only heard that ">a pair< of chromosomes fused into one," which would have to mean that we should have 47 chromosomes, not 46, SO I AM CLEARLY MISSING SOMETHING!

    This proposal would require, it seems to me, TWO SETS (4) of chromosomes fusing into TWO chromosomes, eliminating the ODD NUMBER issue, giving us 46 chromosomes.

    The only chromosomes I learned about are the 9th and the 14th ape chromosomes which combined into the human 12th chromosome. What are other two that fused and into what # chromosome?

    2 AnswersBiology8 years ago
  • Where can I find "In Lambeth" on DVD?

    Where (Not On Youtube) can I find the

    William Blake Drama "In Lambeth" on

    DVD, or at least download the ENTIRE


    1 AnswerMovies8 years ago