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I am 17 and a junior in hs! I love history and english, and biology! I am well educated about special ed! I have a passion for helping sick or hurt animals and learning all I can about them! I also have a passion for painting and building things. I know a lot about diet and exercise, and eating disorders, as well. I love to help people out with these sort of things!!!;) I also like challegening questions in technology because I want to learn more about it! But most importantly I am Chirstian and love to anwser questions about Chirstianity. If you ever feel like I'm not fully anwsering your questions, or giving you enough information or simply don't understand what I'm trying to say then feel free to shot me an email and ask me questions, or if you just want to be friends then feel free to email me as well! My favorite colors are pink, blue, black, brown, green and pruple! I dress according to my mood, I match my eyeshawod to the color of the shirt I am wearing!

  • Question about my learning disablities, PLEASE ANWSER! 10 POINTS TO FIRST PERSON THAT ANWERS!?

    Ok so I have a mild case of Central Auditory Processing Disorder, And also a more serve case of Adhd, and I get frustraded with my work sometimes and get discouraged, and I also seem to get really agervated and upset with people easily and have the tendcy to get in trouble for talking in class to much! So I was woundering if there is anyway of improving these learning disablities? Any advice is greatly appearciated and thanx in advance!!!;)

    4 AnswersSpecial Education1 decade ago
  • I plan on going to college to be a vet tech and an artist!?

    How long would I have to go and what courses would I need to take in college? oh and also what are some good electives for both because I only have to take to core classes next year and I get out at lunch!

    2 AnswersOther - Education1 decade ago
  • PLEASE READ! EXTREAMLY IMPORTANT About graduation and College!!!?

    If I graduate minum from highschool, and go to a junior and get my assiocates degree, but then want to transfer to a university, and then maybe some sort of medical school after words, what are the requirments to get into some good medical schools and also would it be easier, better to graduate from a junior college, and transfer or to just get my basics at a junior college and then transfer to a university and then go on to medical school? and also What are some good universities to go to become a vetanerian? All anwsers are greatly appearciated and thanks in advance!

    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Don't know what to do half temped to run away? Need serious anwsers only please!?

    Okay so me and my boyfriend are broken up right now and he says that we can I get together when I turn 18, but my parents seem to be way to over protective of me and I'm starting to get sick of it and I kind of what to run away but I'm afraid if I do my boyfriend will be mad and not want to get back with me when I turn 18! But I'm tired of my parents house because they don't hardly let me do anything and they treat me like I'm nine (I'm seventeen)! I try to confront my mom that she is making interly to big of deal out of it and she just keeps saying no I'm not I'm protecting you ( She keeps making us brake up) and I'm saying you don't even know him, and she just says it's the point that he's 20 it's a huge age difference and I'm like oh wow it three years and it goes on and on! I'm so stressed out right now that I feel like I could puke (litterly)! I really don't know what to do at this point! I need some advice! All anwsers are greatly appreciated! Thanx in advance!

    8 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • A question for people who have cp and have improved it or that have worked with cp children?

    ok so I'm 17 years old and fixing to be a junior and I have a very mild case cp, and as far as the speech and stuff it has improved trendmiously with reading and speech theorpy and things! However as far as moblity my muscle spasm seems to be getting worse, why is this and what can I do to improve it? Please help! It's so embarrassing! Any help is greatly appearciated! Thanx in advance!

    3 AnswersSpecial Education1 decade ago
  • A question for Chirstians, I am a Chirstian myself and I have problems with being attracted to other girls?

    I'm 17 and I became bisexual when I was in the fifth grade, well nine months ago I became a chirstian and as I learned more and more about chirstianity and about god I've realized that homosexuality was wrong and if your one of those people that believes your born gay then don't anwser! Ok any how so my question is how do I over come this and can you give me some bible verses to help me with this! Please do not judge me! I need help with this it is one of my week spots and I really want to over come it! because it's not pleasing to god and it's a sin!

    31 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • A question regrading graduation and special ed. and college? My school is telling me that if I cannot pass the?

    accomidated form of the taks test next year then I will have to take "taks test M" (which is a modified test) and graduate on Minium plan! My question is that if I can take A.P. classes and pass them then why should I have to graduate minum over 1 test and the main thing that I am worried about graduating on minum is that most colleges won't accept minum graduation plan and I want into a good college and a good career and I am scared that colleges will reject me because anyways because I have learning disablities and a neurlogical disorder as well! I don't know what to do at this point "help please"! thanx in advance!!!=]

    1 AnswerSpecial Education1 decade ago
  • I have been getting into fights with my ex bestfriend! need advice!?

    Okay so the past week at school was miserable I've really been getting in to it with my ex best friend and she's starting stuff with me all the time and I get mad and start cussing at her and it really gives me a headache and makes me miserable! how can I control my anger, I am very short tempered and hold back as long as possible but what can I say to her without stooping down to her level because it really makes me look inmature when I act like her and I'm almost 17 and she's 14 but I really want it to stop! Please help! any help is greatly appearciated!

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • A question for Christians so I'm bipolar and need some advice! and also I'm starting to doubt my belief in god?

    Well okay so I'm a christian and I love the lord with all of my heart, and I want to do what is right, but theres this girl at my school thats really making difficult because she's always saying stuff to me and starting stuff with me and I end up saying things like I hope she burns in hell and I hate her and calling her bad names, and etc. and I'm really making myself miserable and she's making me miserable! How can I control my anger better? and also I'm starting to doubt my belief in god because of all the things that I'm going through and all of things that I've been through! Like people at school are making me miserable! One of my friends were killed in wreck! My grandpa died of a heart attack a couple of years ago and I feel like satan is pulling me down, how is this possible if I have been saved and have jesus in my heart? Due to all of this I'm starting to doubt my belief in god!

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What are some goodseriesfor a 16 year old girl to read?

    I am currently reading the left behind seris! I'm in to anything that has to do with religion, any horror, and animal books! Please help I love to read and can't seem to find anything hits my interest!

    1 AnswerPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • How bad will having an iep affect my chances of getting in to college and can they reject me for this?

    Ok so I have an iep due to cerbal palsy, central auditory processing disorder and adhd and I was woundering if certain colleges wouldn't accept me because of my disablities, I make really good grades I have only had one C which was in chemistry and it was high C through my whole highschool career and I'm almost finished with my sophomore year and I'm taking two Ap classes next year! Can colleges reject me because of that though? All anwser are greatly appreciated so thanx in advance!

    4 AnswersSpecial Education1 decade ago
  • How bad will a high C affect my gpa and can taking two AP classes if make A's and B's in them make up for it!?

    Ok so usually I maintain A's and B's in everything and am keeping that up in everything but chemistry, I'm trying my hardest but I just don't understand anything in that class and it's boring as hell, so last semester I had a 78 and this semester I'm hoping to keep at that! However next year I'm trying to get into Ap U.S. History and Ap english will if I make A's or B's in these classes will it help raise my gpa!

    4 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • Grade Help! I'm failing Chemistry I really need to get my grade up fast! Please help! and no stupid anwsers!?

    Ok so I'm a sophomore and I usually get good marks like from 80-90 but Chemistry is really kicking my *** and I have like a 59 in there right now and I have like two weeks to get it up, which is I still have to finish correcting a test and retake another one and know what I can do for extra cerdit but I'm scared thats still not gonna get me up to passing and even if it does if I have another test before the end of the six weeks its gonna drop me back down to failing because I don't how to study for her test because there not like the reviews so what do I do? Please help! No stupid anwsers please! Thanx in advance!

    6 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • How much would a C in chemistry effect my gpa? And what could I do to fix it? see details! Thanx in advance!=)?

    Ok so I am a sophomore in highschool, well I usually make pretty good grades, like 80-90, but Chemistry is really kicking my *** and I can see it being a C for my final grade right now! Well this is the only C that I have had for a final grade through all of this (so far) and all of last year! So how bad would this hurt my gpa? Oh and by the way its a high C, 78 (1st semster grade)! If you need any more details then let me know and I'll add them!=)

    1 AnswerOther - Education1 decade ago
  • How do I study for my Chemistry test on teusday? Please help! I really want to pull my average up!?

    Ok, so my I have a chemistry test when I go back on Tuesday, which is my teacher gives reviews but, they never match the questions on the test, which bugs me! I don't know how to pick out information from what I do know any suggestions, I have failed every chemistry test even when I do try to study! Any tips are greatly appearichated! Thanx in advance!

    1 AnswerStandards & Testing1 decade ago
  • True Christians only Please! This is urgent! No rude or stupid anwsers please! thanx in advance!?

    Ok! How do I know if I'm actaully saved or not? I don't know, its like I want to be saved and I have said the prayer at youth conference about a little over 6 months ago and I truly meant it, but I don't exactly seem to be a christian, I am addicted to drugs, ciggs and obessed with hurting myself! I've been trying to get off this stuff for while and actually quit for a while but then my friend pulled me back in to doing all this agian and I heard one of my guys at school, who is a very strong christian saying that you can't be a christian and go do things like drugs! So Am I really saved if not then can you tell how I can truly be saved and live my life for the lord because I really want to be saved and live my life for the lord!

    47 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • can someone help figure out my gpa or tell me a website, that I can go to? and is it still 3.0 or 3.2?

    And if not then is it possible for me to raise it still, I am a sophomore in highschool. Geomtry-86, Spainsh1-82, Chemistry-78, Health-85, WorldHistory-80, PE.-100, English-91, BCIS-87

    3 AnswersOther - Education1 decade ago
  • does being in special ed. in TX. affect your gpa?

    I have an IEP and I really want to graduate recommended which is they say I can as long as I take all the classes, but they are still modifying some of my work and I am worried that this might affect my gpa. does anyone know if it does or not? any information would be greatly appearciated! thanx in advance!!!

    1 AnswerSpecial Education1 decade ago