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  • Attachment image

    Are these old Asian (Chinese?) coins worth anything? Foreign currency question (pic included)?

    If you can tell me anything about these coins and what they might be worth it would be helpful. Thank you.

    1 AnswerChina7 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Help with a chinese to english translation on my Chinese "Kiang-Nan 10 Cash" coin? (pic included)?

    Can someone help me determine what year this is from? And do you know how much an old "ten cash" coin sells for? Thanks in advance

    2 AnswersChina7 years ago
  • Question about selling a used iPod?

    If I sell a used ipod that has my music on it, is there a way to restore it to the original factory settings? Is there any sort of lock that prevents whoever buys it from putting their own music on it? How would I go about selling my used iPod? it is a 1st generation iPod touch, purchased maybe in 2007. Thanks!

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players8 years ago
  • Cheapest motel/hotel to stay in San Diego, CA?

    I don't care how grimy the place is, if there are cockroaches swarming around me in the room, or if it's in the hood, as long as it's in Americas finest city, I just need a place to rest for the weekend and enjoy the Southern California sun, and I have a very limited budget.

    2 AnswersSan Diego8 years ago
  • Question about tipping the pizza delivery guy?

    If I order with my credit card, if I write out an amount on the receipt/tip with my credit card instead of handing him a cash tip, will that amount go to the pizza guy? Or to the company? Is it normal to just tip delivery drivers a credit card tip? I know its a stupid question and yes I am stupid concerning this matter. Thanks in advance though.

    6 AnswersOther - Dining Out8 years ago
  • Can I quit lexapro after taking 10mg it for a week?

    I know that when starting an SSRI side effects can be expected in the first week, but mine are very severe. I have extreme anxiety/depression/etc. to begin with and it's causing insomnia, and increased anxiety/confusion. Should I try to give it another week for my body to adjust? I know it's a question for my psych but I called and left a message, just asking for another opinion.

    6 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • Why aren't antidepressants addictive?

    They are drugs that increase production/activity of neurotransmitters, similar to the way any other addictive drugs. You gain a tolerance to them overtime and have withdrawal effects when you stop taking them suddenly. By the way, I have nothing against them, and am on them myself after years of struggle with depression, but I also understand they don't work for everyone.

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago
  • So anxious I feel like I'm losing my personality?

    I have basically constant anxiety in every sense of the word, that has been getting worse progressively over the past four years for reasons I don't need to disclose to the internet. At any rate, I'm starting to feel so deeply emotionally unsettled/anxious/depressed that I am starting to become someone who I am not. I can no longer "connect" emotionally because I'm lost in my head of negative thoughts and feelings. It's making me feel more self conscious because I worry others notice, and I don't want to lose friends over it. Has anyone ever gone through depression/anxiety this severe? Did you lose friends from it? What helped?

    2 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • can you get drunk off bartles and jaymes drinks?

    i drank like 10 i don't feel much drunk at all

    2 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits8 years ago
  • For the people that want to drink alcohol but don't like the taste?

    have you tried bartles and jaymes strawberry daquirry? It's a cheap low alcohol wine cooler but it tastes like kool aid and you can hardly taste the alcohol. Some love /or hate it, what is your opinion?

    3 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits8 years ago
  • Does eating foods high in tryptophan help with depression?

    There have been several studies saying that eating foods high in tryptophan can be helpful for depression. Because tryptophan is a precursor to the neurotransmitter serotonin. Years ago, I visited a naturopath for the short time that I could afford to see one that strongly emphasized the power of 5-htp. I know that depression is not necessarily always caused by low serotonin levels, but I am pretty certain that is at least partially the case with me, as I have been told it is likely by doctors in the past. Anyway, I know that an increasingly popular alternative medicine that can potentially help with depression is 5-htp. 5-htp is essentially concentrated tryptophan I believe. With that rationale, is there a significant difference between taking 5-htp for depression or eating foods high in tryptophan content? I am just wondering of peoples input on this topic, because I have done some research which has lead me to forums where arguments against the effectiveness of tryptophan, but few back it up with any sources or facts to support their arguments.

    Here are a couple other questions I have which I do not need answered if you don't wish to, as it is supposed to be just one main question, but am curious just in case someone wishes to comment. Do both 5-htp and (tryptophan as a food source) work on the same level as a chemical precursor to the biosynthesis of serotonin? And is 5-htp basically just concentrated amounts of tryptophan which you find in foods?

    As another side note just for reference, I am not solely relying on tryptophan/5-htp to aid in helping with my depression, just curious to see whether it is beneficial.

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago
  • If you stay up for 2 days, and then get a long nights rest of 8 or 9 hours sleep, will you still be tired...?

    The next day you wake up? This happened to me, I went around 2 days with no sleep, then fell asleep for about 8 hours (would have stayed in bed longer but I had an appointment), and the whole day today I have been feeling really off and just burned out, like I'm unable to do anything but lay around. Is it normal to be this tired after missing that much sleep?

    3 AnswersOther - General Health Care8 years ago
  • Is it legal to sell custom made band T-Shirts/Reproductions on ebay?

    For example, if I were to attempt to make an exact replica of a guns n roses t-shirt, would that be legal? As long as I state in the description that it is a custom made reprint? Are the limits as far as copyright infringement in this regard? Thanks

  • What is a good micro system/stereo with 80 watts or over speakers for under $200?

    I really like the Sony products, I'm just looking for a loud micro system that should have a headphone jack with mp3 capabilities so I can plug my ipod into it. It doesn't have to look fancy and can be old if it works well.

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players8 years ago
  • Is there another name for this object.. it's like a tv stand with wheels..?

    I'm looking for a tv stand for my house, and though I would like to buy a nice wood entertainment center, I can only afford at the moment a cheap stand. I'm looking for the type of stand that you usually see in grade school/high schools that appear to be pretty cheap yet sturdy and are on rollers, when the class would be shown a video they would usually roll them in, made out of maybe either steel, metal, or plastic. I have a feeling there isn't any specific name for them, but I am having trouble finding one online, and was wondering if anyone has any suggestions of keywords I could type in to help refine my search?

    4 AnswersTVs8 years ago
  • How to tell if a cat is being aggressive?

    I'm watching my friends cat while they're out of town. This cat has an odd personality, it is affectionate and mild mannered sometimes, and shows signs of jealousy, for instance it won't want to be pet until I start petting the next door neighbors cat, then it looks up at me and meows. It is pretty skiddish, and the day before my friend left he groomed his fur (which made the cat very grumpy the rest of the day) and the cat took his aggression out on me by biting me when i tried petting it. Today something similar happened. I was petting him and he kicked my hand and then bit me, but then directly after started licking my hand? Kind of scared me because his teeth are really sharp. Needless to say I probably won't pet this cat anymore. Is he showing me he is angry? I usually love cats and have had one in the past, but this particular one is an odd one. Needless to say I probably won't be petting this cat at all anymore, can't wait till my friend comes back.

    4 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • Do antidepressants make you feel numb?

    I am very depressed and anxious, and the depression/anxiety is making me feel emotionally blunted/numb, it's something I'm trying to break out of. The reason why I ask is because the doctor recommended to try out antidepressants (in addition to daily exercise, diet changes, etc.), but I worry they could make me worse. I want to feel more alive, not blunted and numb/cut off. Can antidepressants help you in this regard? I've heard so many mixed opinions.

    3 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • Do antidepressants help?

    I'm doing all the natural things that help (exercise daily or as much as I can, eating a better diet with minimal sugar or caffeine, drinking lots of water, trying to meditate/breathing exercises) but I am still inevitably pretty depressed from a recent traumatic event that happened to me. I'm wondering if anyone can tell me from experience how much of a difference, good or bad, antidepressants made on their depression. I also struggle with extreme anxiety/panic.

    6 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • Is it bad to take a bath in someone elses tub?

    I'm staying at a friends house for a week and using his shower obviously but I was thinking about taking a bath. Would there be any reason to be concerned about it or is it perfectly fine?

    3 AnswersOther - Health8 years ago
  • Does this make sense?

    I moved to a new state and scheduled for a doctors appointment for what has been an ongoing problem for me. When I called they asked me for all my personal information, insurance, etc. which I gave to them and said I could make an appointment as a new patient. They asked if I could come in a certain day I wasn't sure about and I said I'll call you back after I check my schedule, which I did. When I talked to the receptionist to schedule an appointment she asked me what I was coming in for, to which I explained my problem. I noted chest pain as one of my symptoms and she said; "hold on one second I have to connect you with our nurse since you are experiencing chest pain" which I said was fine. I talked with the nurse and noted my symptoms; (upper chest and back pain, occasional "shock" like pain that radiates to the arms and rarely hands.) I told her that the onset of the pain came in conjunction with my Acid Reflux type problem, which was a direct result from extreme anxiety. She insisted that I get to an emergency room immediately instead of seeing a doctor because it could be a heart problem. Normally, this would make 100% sense to me, the reason why it doesn't is because I had just gone to the emergency room only 2 months ago about the same exact problem. I told the ER doctors the exact same symptoms. They did an EKG and some blood work which showed nothing wrong and informed me I should follow up with my primary doctor. 2 months before that, I had gone to the ER as well concerning the same issue, with no answers and a fat bill I am still paying off. Over the course of a year, I have been to the ER maybe 6 times, every time noting my symptoms, and every time getting no concerning results on tests, and no explanations at all. Also, I am a college student and told her since I had already been seen multiple times at the ER to no avail, and am still in debt from it with diminished credit, I can only afford to see a doctor and I told her if from there the doctor deems my problem serious enough to warrant for a specialist or emergency care, I would from there make a means to paying for a specialist or going to the ER yet another time if the doctor deems it necessary. I told her that most likely my problem is a result of my GERD/indigestion/acid reflux in conjunction with extreme stress. Even still, she told me "well good luck then but you aren't allowed to see a doctor here unless you go to the ER first, good luck". What is the logic in that?

    Heart Diseases8 years ago