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  • Ritham Sathyam ParamBrahma Purusham Krishna Pingalam, Uurdhwaretam Viroopaksham Vishwaroopaya Vai Namo Namah !?

    Ritham Sathyam ParamBrahma Purusham Krishna Pingalam,

    Uurdhwaretam Viroopaksham Vishwaroopaya Vai Namo Namah !

    My Dear Ones, Please translate and explain this to me.

    I seek you all to enrich me, Kindly grace.

    -- Deito

    Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama Kevalam.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Satyam Eva Jayate ! Truth Alone is Victorious !?

    Satyan Eva Jayate.

    -- Shiva.

    Will you be with truth ?

    Will you hold that truth, which is in need of no support ?

    Will you hold that truth, which is not relative to anything ?

    Will you hold that truth, which is not subject of falsification ?

    Will you hold that truth, which exists even in nonexistance of time?

    Will you hold that truth, which needs no support by space ?

    great times ahead, great times, are you ready to sacrifice the dream ?

    Dear ones, my relatives of heart, answer... i wish to see the intensity of seeking.

    -- Deito

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • well here i go again, How well can you make use of this opportunity given the message below?


    Here is the message Given to me by one of the Sacred Seer.

    "Isha-Nath ( Jesus/isha/esu ) will be visiting tapovana sometime during mid april and will be staying in tapovana fro over 12 hours. He will be here to meet many other sacred souls, and at last the mett ends with blessings of mahavatar"

    Now who dont believe, its okie i can understand, ti looks fictional. Dont worry about it.

    And for those who believe my words,

    What do you plan for this event. What type of celebrations do you do, how do you intend to recieve blessings from this great event.

    This event is all open, anyone capable of entering tapovana are welcome. But one will have to enter astrally.

    else once can channel the light, if he is a yogi , a meditator

    even if this is not possible, than a normal being can at the least receive blessings.

    please share your plans with me.

    Let there be light, God bless all.

    {{ Note please please don't delete my question again. at the least who wish to view let them. If my question seems stupid, you can ignore it. My blessings to all . }

    -- Deito

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • all my freinds, explain me these few lines ?

    Sage Parasara explaining Maitreya the conditions of enlightenment:

    "and the consequent contemplation of the true essence of soul. The supreme condition of Vishńu, who is one with wisdom, is the knowledge of truth; which requires no exercise; which is not to be taught; which is internally diffused; which is unequalled; the object of which is self-illumination; which is simply existent, and is not to be defined; which is tranquil, fearless, pure; which is not the theme of reasoning; which stands in need of no support . Those Yogis who, by the annihilation of ignorance, are resolved into this fourfold Brahma, lose the seminal property, and can no longer germinate in the ploughed field of worldly existence. This is the supreme condition, that is called Vishńu, perfect, perpetual, universal, undecaying, entire, and uniform: and the Yogi who attains this supreme spirit (Brahma) returns not to life again; for there he is freed from the distinction of virtue and vice, from suffering"

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Cycological Time is Mind Itself ?

    Cycological Time is Mind Itself and Cycological Time is basic criteria to dissolve further chronological mind, and ocne we are done with it we are just a witness !

    Do you agree ? and how is this true if it is ?

    -- Deito

    Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama kevalam.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do you want to wake up to Series of Dreams , with Series of Realization OR do you want to end the Dream World?

    Do you want to wake up to Series of Dreams , with Series of Realization OR do you want to end the Dream World itself ?

    Which one do you prefer and why ?

    Lord Bless All,

    -- Deito

    Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama Kevalam.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • All divine souls , what do you think about this great poetic verse of Great Shankara ?


    Na meh dwesh raago, na meh lobh-moh

    mado nai-v-meh nahi-v-maatsarya bhaav'h

    Na dharmo na chartho na kaamo na moksha

    chid-a-anand roopah shivoham shivoham

    Na punyam na papam, na sokhyam na dukhyam

    na mantro na teertham, na veda na yagya

    Aham bhojnam nai va bhojyam na bhogta

    chid-a-anand roopah shivoham shivoham

    Anandmurti Gurumaa - Mano budhya ahankaar chittah ni naham

    Na meh mrityu shanka, na meh jaati bheda

    pita nahi va meh nai-v-mata na janma

    Na bandhu 'r mitram, guru nai va shishya

    chid-a-anand roopah shivoham shivoham


    This is an extract from Adi Shankara's Shivoham Shivoham.

    Meaning Follows :

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Here is one more of my composition, this time in pure Sanskrit. Please let me know what it is and how it is?


    ( English Translation is given Below )

    Twam Hamsam , Satyam, Anantham. !

    Twam Hamsam , Vimalam, Achalam. !

    Dwandwaatheetam, Tri Guna Rahitham !

    Kevalam Divya Rupam. Param Gnana Swarupam !

    Nirakaara Rupam, Nirvikalpa Swarupam.

    Twam Hamsam, Tat Twam Asi,

    Hamsam, Anantham !

    Twam Aham Bajami, Twam Aham Smaraami, Twam Aham Dhyaanaami !

    -- Deito

    Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama Kevalam.


    { { {

    Translation :

    Twam Hamsam , Satyam, Anantham. !

    You are Hamsa, You are truth and you are infinite.

    Twam Hamsam , Vimalam, Achalam. !

    You are hamsa, you are Pure and Never Changing.

    Dwandwaatheetam, Tri Guna Rahitham !

    Kevalam Divya Rupam. Param Gnana Swarupam !

    Free From any confusion, and free from all three modes of material nature. Only the divine Formless form you are, supreme form of residing knowldge , after which nothing is to be known.

    Nirakaara Rupam, Nirvikalpa Swarupam.

    You are of beautiful formless form, you are supreme bliss form

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Here is my poetic composition, Those who know Sanskrit , and Yogic practices, tell me what you understand ?

    Please asnwer on ORIGINAL PAGE, link is below, DONT ANSWER HERE.;_ylc=X3oDMTE...

    This question is juts a pointer to origninal , so that my US friends can find out easily.

    -- Deito

    Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama Kevalam.

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Here is my poetic composition, What do you understand by this?

    Please answer the following question, at the ORIGINAL PAGE, NOT HERE.

    This question is a pointer for my indian friends, for easy access.

    Hari Aum,

    -- Deito

    Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama Kevalam.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Here is my Poetic Composition. Please tell me what you understand by this ?

    Today, I was in deep meditation, and suddenly by divine inspiration i penned some words.

    Please let me know what you understand by this and what does it imply and where does it apply. and more than everything, tell me how if this composition ?

    Prana Hansa, Spread your wings and fly,

    To the Realms, Where matter mystify !

    Mano Hansa, Spread your wings and fly,

    To the Realms, Where intellect Purify !

    Jeeva Hansa, Spread your wings and fly,

    To the Realms, Where death Defy !

    Hari Aum,

    -- Deiito

    Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama Kevalam.

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Did you know this story of transformation, is there such a process for humans?

    Please answer the following question :;_ylt=AtzvZ...


    This question here is a pointer to the original one, to help my US friends answer the same.

    Lord bless All, Hari Aum.

    -- Deito

    Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama Kevalam.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Did you know this story of transformation, is there such a process for humans?

    Please answer the following question :;_ylt=Ao3AG...


    This question here is a pointer to the original one, to help my indian friends answer the same.

    Lord bless All, Hari Aum.

    -- Deito

    Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama Kevalam.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Did you know this story of transformation, is there such a process for humans?

    Did you know the story of transformation of caterpillar ?

    this lousy worm keeps on feeding green leaves, and keeps on excreting, and keep on continuing this cycle day after day.

    After considerable amount of time, it really feels sad of this, and suddenly thinks if it was meant only for such lousy lifestyle and if its life was all about this process of eating , excreting and sleeping ?

    suddenly it "wills" to spend some time to understand tiself, and suddenly finds a silent place and "stills" itself at various levels of body, mind and intellect and covers itself with outer shell to avoid any worldly disturbance.

    It spends considerable amount of time in this penance or tapas. After this severe penance, when it struggles and breaks out of the pupa, it is no more a lousy worm, and it has transformed itself into a beautiful , enchanting butterfly, soaring in high skies and living its life at a completely different and elevated level.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Some Strong Words of an Enlightened Being : Sri Nisargadatta Maharaji . when are u starting your journey?

    Please answer at the blow link and NOT HERE.

    This si a pointer to my Indian friends, So that they can easily point the question.

    Thanks all,

    -- Deito

    Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama kevalam.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Some Strong Words of an Enlightened Being : Sri Nisargadatta Maharaji . when are u starting your journey?

    These are some of the INSPIRING words of an enlightened being.


    The greatest guru is your inner self, truly. He is the supreme teacher, he alone can take you to your supreme goal and he alone meets you at the end of this journey. once you find him, you need no other guru.

    But again, You must have the strong desire to find him, and do nothing that will create obstacles and delays, You are never without a guru, for he is timelessly present in your heart.What he wants you to do is simply Love "self awareness", "Self Control" and "Self Surrender". It may feel difficult, but it is easy if you are earnest, and quite impossible if you are not. everything yields to earnestness.

    A True guru, will NEVER humiliate you, nor will he restrain you from your self. He will constantly bring you back to the fact of your "Inherent Perfection" and encourage you to seek within.


    What do you think about this great being. Does his words inspire you to start the journey soon ?

    -- Deito

    Hari Aum.

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How sad, my wonderful question has been deleted.?

    All my brothers and sisters has given so sweet answers, almost 40 to 50 answers, all gone.. lol may be it is just what had to happen.

    But i failed to understand what did i violate in the following question.

    "There is no such thing as Happiness, Do you agree ?"

    Hari Aum.

    -- Deito

    Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama Kevalam.

    27 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • There is no such thing as Happiness, Do you agree ?

    Please answer this question at the following link.

    Please DON'T ANSWER HERE, This question is just a pointer to original question to help my Indian friends, brothers and sisters to find this easily. Kindly answer on the original page.

    -- Deito

    Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama Kevalam.

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • There is no such thing as Happiness, Do you agree ?

    There is no such thing as happiness. One grate sage said :

    Happiness is relative, only when you are less suffering , and there is gap between two suffering, you call it happiness. In reality there are only two things, Suffering and bliss, you are either suffering or you are in bliss.

    In the same way, Krishna describes material existence with cycle of birth and death as, Dukhalayam Ashashwatam , meaning Temporary and full of suffering.

    Also, please note that the thing which can make us happy may make some one sad\ and give suffering, but the bliss what you experience is same as someone else.

    This is a great realization, for really getting a gift of genu7ine vairagya.

    So, as i realize, happiness exists only on the scale of sufferring, and always is a illuded relative entity of different proportions of sufferrings.

    Bliss is what is not suffering, and without any cause.

    How many of you agree, and why, and if not agree, than why ?

    -- Deito

    Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama Kevalam.


    41 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago