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Here is my Poetic Composition. Please tell me what you understand by this ?

Today, I was in deep meditation, and suddenly by divine inspiration i penned some words.

Please let me know what you understand by this and what does it imply and where does it apply. and more than everything, tell me how if this composition ?

Prana Hansa, Spread your wings and fly,

To the Realms, Where matter mystify !

Mano Hansa, Spread your wings and fly,

To the Realms, Where intellect Purify !

Jeeva Hansa, Spread your wings and fly,

To the Realms, Where death Defy !

Hari Aum,

-- Deiito

Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama Kevalam.


Dont worry it is not a spell, and for what it means there is no spell, and if it was there, than just by chanting this spell, one would have achieved the supreme goal.

-- Deito

Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama Kevalam.

Update 2:

Dont worry it is not a spell, and for what it means there is no spell, and if it was there, than just by chanting this spell, one would have achieved the supreme goal.

-- Deito

Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama Kevalam.

Update 3:

Thanks Esra, That means remember the source, remember the source, remember the source, source is the the only way.

Update 4:

Thanks OmRama12,

jeeva hansa Itself is the soul. And i can imagine when you say source. Beautiful.

-- Deito

Update 5:

Thanks dear unfiktitious , your answer on my previous quote of Master Nisargatta was aslo genuine. thanks very much.

-- Deito

Hari Aum.

Update 6:

I am myself surprized that it has come out with some sacred vibration, because even i felt it and i feel like saying it again and again, but i did not do it purposfully Dear Ariel.

It just happenned, it was magical, i came out of deep meditation and almost my mind was tranquil and still of thoughts, and in that moment i composed this, i donno if "I" really composed this too.

But also note that the word hansa is also sacred, and soham when continued gives the same word, this is a secret of hansa mantra.

For example, is i repeat soham many time, i get sohamsohamsoham

you see i get hamso, hamso , hamso... so there may be some vibration induced and added by his divine mercy, i pray to that lotus feet.

Thanks for answering ariel.

-- Deito

Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama Kevalam.

Update 7:

Lol, you are a sweet flower.

Deito {{{ HUGS }}} Ariel. happy flower. May all your love purify ot its original divinity, to its pure form of divine love. Hari Aum.

Update 8:

thanks apsjn, Vijay. Yes you have understood correctly. But it also has some more stances and some more dynamics involved.

Thanks my dearest Lotus

Respected Poondi , Thanks you so much for your valuable explanation, which extended the subject of discussion.

Yes my dear brother Ranger, everyone is welcome to comment, and i would be more than happy if Respected Poondi, has said a few words, there is nothing bad for me, everything is shivam, or auspiciousness. It is all input for me form the divine, because you are all part of the same glorious lord.

It is the grace of this great eternal hari, which transforms me from Shavam to Shivam.

This is the goal of all living beings, they have come to a state of Shava, and they have to return back to state of Shiva.

Thanks all for answering, and making this wonderful discussion happen.

-- Very humble Deito

Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama Kevalam.

Update 9:

Swanjarvi, Very nice and power packed answer, You see often long texts are created when there is shortage of time, and when there is infinite time, texts like brahma sutras or shiva sutras are created.

yes these few lines which are surprise to my very self is because though it was delivered and penned by me, it is very mystically.

Just some time back one great Yogi called in to tell me how could i pen these lines, because the last line means a lot for them, that is what exactly they realize at last.

At peak of nirvikalpa samadhi, they realize the white swan, or hansa which is flying backwards, as if flying backwards to everything , to advancing time and everything else. attaining infinity.

So, this is completely mystically, and offcourse came out of intution and not my "MY" knowledge, as i have started to dissolve my ego in the light of truth.

Lord bless, very nice answer.

-- Deito

Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama Kevalam.

Update 10:

Thanks very much for presenting your understanding "Future OFCOM". God Bless. Hari Aum.

Update 11:

Thanks very much Respected Radhakrishna and Anon, Thanks for all your kind words, and my inspirations march ahead, and my humbleness increase, and i shall walk further in the path of truth.

-- Humble Deito

Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama Kevalam.

Update 12:

My dear brother, I know you are not jayaram, but more than that my heart says you are someone close to me.

and bets of all you made me laugh and laugh and laugh, though i mean no harm or humiliation to anyone.

Yes i know he got my previous question deleted. But i dont hold him responsible. Leave it to god.

But please message me privately who are you my dear brothe,r you are very close to me, i can feel you presence and i feel good. My intution says you respect me and i knwo you.

Lord Bless.

-- Deito

Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama Kevalam.

20 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Dear Respected Deito,

    Surely, undoubtedly,you have reached a certain level in the spiritual ladder.Otherwise the wording and the verses you wrote are impossible to write simply.Let the inspiration grow and I wish and pray that you attain the heigher peaks and ultimately, the top most peakSumeru Srunga.

    Hansa is the breath.Where can it go except to that realm where there is no matter,It has to reach that emptiness which is Full.So with wings (two) not a wing, it has to travel.But my friend where does the travel take place?Where is the realms of all the three verses?In your own Manokaashaa.Blessed are you .

    Mano hansa.Mind is the seat of our intellect, knowledge, logic etc.We have to use this very mind to transcend it to reach that realm where even the Intellect is Purified and Nothing but PURE CONSCIOUSNESS exists , again in your Manokaasha.

    Jeeva,This is the one that bears the mortal frame and has the so called death, which many people are afraid of.But the Yogis know that this death is not real and does not exist at all.So in that state surely it defys the death that which is illusionary and which is the Maya.

    A very beautiful and meaningful and Yogic compilation in a transcendental state.Keep it up and reach the Goal.My namaskarams to you.God is pleased with you, and we are fortunate to have you here amongst us.

    God bless you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What a beautiful Composition, Its a clear portray of your poetic Excellence My dear Deito.

    let me repeat once, oh my god i am in love with these words of yours :


    Prana Hansa, Spread your wings and fly,

    To the Realms, Where matter mystify !

    Mano Hansa, Spread your wings and fly,

    To the Realms, Where intellect Purify !

    Jeeva Hansa, Spread your wings and fly,

    To the Realms, Where death Defy !


    Last time when you wrote in Urdu and Hindi, i was not able to understand it completely.

    But here i guess Jeeva Hansa is soul, Prana Hansa is body and Mana Hansa is mind.

    Extremely Beautiful , and Why do i feel some special Vibrations, in this arrangement of words, as if i am spelling some chant, or spell, and some mantra of some kind.

    Even though it is in engligh, it sounds like some mantra.

    What is this special vibration Deito, Can you explain me please, Apart form the rhyming words and choice and meaning, there is some sacred vibration, i can feel it, and i see that some others ahve also felt the same way.

    Waiting for reply from you, My dear Deito.

    Lots and Lots of love.

    EDIT EDIT EDIT : Thank you so much Deito, I Love you so much, can I get a tight hug please.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Many think that jeeva is The immortal Self.

    It is not. Refer the 13th chapter of Bhgavat Geetha

    Also refer teachings of Bhagavan Ramana Maha Rishi

    He says there are no two Atma, the jeva-atma and paramatma. The Reality is indivisible. "Ekam Vibhum." It is the mind that thinks “I am living” not the self that is bound in the body.Since the self is all pervading where is the question of flying?

    Next: your inner core, the heart, the self is advising you (mind) to abide to the intellect (whish is the faculty of discrimination). Next: your body is strained, (mystify). So the mind wants to vivify through prana. Hamsa= I am That - That I am. It is So Ham. So ham--Ham sa. It is called abstract meditation. People who meditate on Lord Krishna will write inspiring poems without being a poet. I hope it is clarified. The Bhagavat Geeta has been scientifically commented by a very few. Read H.H. Swamy Sivananda's commentaries. They are all Self realized persons. It will inspire you. Thanks for giving me an oppertunity to meet you. it is a best philosophical question. Go a head please. I want to know where I get tired.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Um...there is a famous rap group called "The Roots" who DO play instruments such as the drums and guitar. Look them up if you don't believe me. Rapping IS talent. Just because you don't percieve it as real music doesn't mean it doesn't take creativity. Creativity is the operative word here. Rapping is poetry. Not always (hence the mainstream rap world), but a lot of it is. Even tho I don't always necessarily agree with the things that are talked about, I can't deny the art of it and how amazing it is to see people freestyling off the top of their head! And you say thats not talent?? YOU try doing that! I personally don't listen to metal, because it is loud and makes my head hurt. I prefer music that makes me want to dance and music that is mellow. At the same time I do not discredit metal as a genre of music. I don't say its crap, because if it was then no one would be listening to it. I prefer hip hop and you prefer metal and I accept that. However, you seem to be angry for some reason. Why is that?

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    The wings of spiritual power will soar with you riding high, get past the mysteries of matter through contemplation, and get you to a station in worldly life where the intellect is purified through meditation and spiritual attainments, and then you are at the lofty heights beyond Death, beyond suffering, beyond bondage! -- all that the way you want, you will: and, the essence of the poem reveals that inner quest, and the certain result! Thank you for sharing the great vision through the short poetic expression, and tossing it up for the few of us to deliberate on!

  • 1 decade ago

    Actually there should be a right to anyone to comment on great works... I am not being over humble, but really I am a lesser person because I have less self-control....

    So I will not comment on your great work.

    But what I understood by that?

    Prana is the life-force which you are asking to unite with apana and travel upwards to reach the sahasrara chakra which is the abode of spirit...

    Mind is diverted from senses and world consciousness and mind is given to universal consciousness or God.

    Jeeva means a Soul with Ego and Mind..... So you are asking Jeeva to become immortal by dissolving Ego.....

    Thank You.

  • 1 decade ago

    You deserve applauds, for if this is to be believed, then you are lucky enough to get the mercy of Lord. Forget about the rest of the world and stick to your path of serving God, you are very near and sure to meet him!

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts. A lot of distinguished members of Yahoo answers have already answered your question which relates to nothing but pure spirituality.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Sri Paramahansa Yogananda mentions that the "hang swa" meditation practiced in the east is the same as "soham" (vedic mahaa vakya) and prescribes the same for meditation by his disciples (kriya yoga practitioners)..

    Sri Sai babaji says the "hamsa gayathri" (hamsa hamsaaya vidmahe, parama hamsaya dheemahi, thanno hamsa prachodayaath) is the extension of the mahaa vaakya (Soham) as it verily sounds soham when chanted continously as nicely explained by you..

    apart from this i am not qualified to comment on the excellence of your poetic / spiritual inspirations.. but i am excited by the comments of a few who have drawn inspiration from your mystic verses... may you coninue to inspire people with your sublimating verses..!

    Jai Sri Ram..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I dont know because my mother was a Devdasi and my sisters are belly dancers in Bangalore, I hate all hindus.

    My main job is giving thumbs downs to good answers and reporting good hindu people. This my hans gayatri " I hate everyone Om"

    I hate deito aradhana chamunda aum, cosmiccoyote deep Ranger, Radhakrishnan, subbu and all good hindus

  • 1 decade ago

    Superb Deito, we expect lots more of this kind from you.

    Pran Hansa; Go beyond this world (matter) and the worldly pleasures (Maya).

    Mano Hansa; Go beyond your intellect to get the pleasure of God (I call Him Krishn). That suggests that God is beyond the scope of human intellect.

    Jeevan Hansa; Go beyond the feeling of death by living in eternity, for the soul never dies. Feel yourself a soul and not the physical body.

    Harimama Harimama Harimama Kevalam.



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