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  • Biology questions: Please check my answers!?

    Where two alternatives for a trait are 'B' and 'b', the phenotype of a homozygous dominant individual would be expressed as




    none of the above

    I'm stuck on this one because I think it's either BB or none of the above... BB because if it's homologous dominant, then it should be BB. However, it asks for PHENOTYPE, not genotype... so i'm unsure...

    If two alternatives for a trait are red and white and red is dominant, the genotype of a homozygous dominant individual would be expressed as






    It's either RR or WW, but I'm not sure which because: I googled this question, and the answer it gave was WW, but I thought it was RR because the red is dominant... It was a pretty reliable source too (i use it all the time and it's never been wrong, but the question WAS worded differently)

    To produce a hybrid plant you would cross-fertilize a heterozygous plant with a homozygous plant.



    False because some results could be: (assuming BB and Bb crossed over) BB, BB, Bb and Bb..?

    Not sure -.-

    The recessive trait is not observed in the F1 (hybrid) progeny because its expression is masked by the dominant allele.



    I think it's true because the parents phenotypes would be PP and pp...which means the plant's genotype is Pp...

    I'm so unsure of these... I didn't need to you to completely do my hw, I just needed to check my answers; what do you guys think?

    2 AnswersBiology9 years ago
  • Biology questions :)?

    Please answer and possibly explain the answers.. Thanks. :)

    True or false:

    1. The fact that some proteins can spontaneously renature implies that tertiary structure is strongly influenced by primary structure.

    2. High fevers are dangerous to humans and animals because high temperatures can cause proteins to denature or lose their proper three-dimensional shape and thus limit or prevent their ability to function.

    3. Side groups of amino acids determine the structure of proteins because each amino acid has a side group with its own particular chemical properties (e.g., nonpolar, polar, aromatic). The side group makes each amino acid unique; the sequence of amino acids (with their side groups) determines the primary structure of the polypeptide, and this in turn determines the secondary and tertiary structure as nearby side groups interact with each other and with the environment (e.g., forming hydrogen bonds or interacting hydrophobically with water).

    Last question (not true or false)

    The complex folding that forms the tertiary structure of a protein is caused by

    1) denaturation.

    2) hydrophobic interactions between side groups and water.

    3) the ring structure of the glucose subunits

    4) van der Waal's forces between the different polypeptide chains.

    5) the length of the polypeptide chain.

    Thanks! :)

    3 AnswersBiology10 years ago
  • By finding molecules similar to the insulin receptor in different organisms, we may be able to discern which o?

    By finding molecules similar to the insulin receptor in different organisms, we may be able to discern which of the following about glucose uptake in humans and other organisms?

    1. population levels

    2. emergent properties

    3. evolutionary relationships

    4. comparative anatomy

    5. ordered complexity

    1 AnswerBiology10 years ago
  • Help! Biology Project!?

    The assignment is to make a color poster illustrating the process of DNA replication.

    I know the steps (unzip, unwind, make new bases), but how do i draw it?

    It's in steps, and when i google it, just ONE picture shows up... why doesn't it show in steps?

    1 AnswerBiology10 years ago
  • Type of website where...?

    The best way to learn something important is through repetition... I'm studying for the SAT/ ACT right now, and I'm wondering if there's a website where I can make an account and make multiple choice questions for myself? I know this may sound a little weird, but during the school year, the school provided the students with a website (, and the teachers can just add questions to our accounts, and we can do them online at home and what not... This is how manyyy of my teachers had us review for the regents, and it worked very well for me!

    So, is there such thing as a website where I can do that?

    and preferably free.

    castlelearning is only for schools, so I can't do it through there.

    2 AnswersGoogle10 years ago
  • June 2011 Global Regents!!?

    For the DBQ; i was in such a rush and completely forgot to mention any documents! :/ And I had no extra info on it....

    What's my score most likely to be?

    3 AnswersStandards & Testing10 years ago
  • SAT Chemistry review books... Is the book version the same as what they have online?

    SAT Chemistry review books... Is the book version the same as what they have online? If they're different, what's the difference?

    And also, if the book is different, which is better? Sparknotes or Barron's?

    2 AnswersStandards & Testing1 decade ago
  • Is it true that math majors are slower with arithmetic skills?

    I was on college confidential, and some math majors said that they are the LAST people to ask when it comes to simple arithmetic because they get the answer slower than most people...

    Is that true!? Because I find that kind of odd... Shouldn't it just be automatic to them?

    That's actually why I feel neutral towards math; because when it comes to simple arithmetic, I'm usually the last one to answer, however, give me some complicated geometry or algebra or whatever problem, and I can be one of the first people to get it..

    So, tell me, how true is that to all you math majors out there?

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • Not many AP's and honors.. still chance at Ivy League?

    So my school is extremely small and doesn't offer many AP courses or all that many Honors classes either...

    They offer:



    Calculus AB

    Calculus BC

    and they maaay start

    Physics and Chemistry, but it's not 100 percent certain. (they're trying to offer it, but they're not sure if their budget will cover it)

    I'm definitely taking AP Biology and AP Calculus AB, but not AP Calculus BC... If they end up offering AP Physics and Chem, then i'll definitely take those as well...

    Even if they do offer those; it's still only 4 AP's, which is pretty horrible for an Ivy League if you ask me... Am I right?

    As for honors-

    Well we actually do have alot of honors, however there is NO option for science honors. There's no Biology Honors or Chem honors or Physics honors, which alot of people have the option of taking.

    We have honors english for all 4 years; honors world history for 2, honors US History for 1; and Honors Government.

    As for math classes, i think there's honors geometry and trig... Not sure about Algebra...

    Out of either 8 or 9 honors classes, i'm taking/ I took 5.

    4 AP's and 5 honors classes... Any chance at an Ivy League at all?

    The ivy league I'm looking into the most is Columbia...

    *One of the honors classes I only got an 83 average though, so that probably shouldn't even count...

    Another thing... At one of the SUNY schools nearby, they have this program where high school students can take a college course during the summer... I'm probably taking at least 1 course; probably 2 or 3 though... Assuming I do well, could this also help my chance at admissions?


    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Any chances at an Ivy League school?

    My school is small, and we don't have that many AP's offered to us. In total I think we have 5?

    But we do have honors classes for English and History/Global classes.

    We don't have an IB program either.

    My school isn't that great, but it's the only one in our town. Does going to a small school hurt my chances?

    *My school also DOESN'T weigh gpa's. So it is what is no matter what.

    -Several people have said to get into an ivy league, you need at LEAST a 4.3 gpa, but how am i supposed to get that average, if it's literally impossible? We go on a 4.0 scale.

    3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Stony Brook. Would i get in?

    I'm only a sophomore right now; so i know it's kind of too early to tell, but can you tell me if i'm headed on the right path...

    I want to major in chemistry at Stony Brook, but last year my grades were really rough... this year though, they've gone up.

    Here are my grades:

    HONORS Global- 77. :[

    Biology- 78. :[

    HONORS english. 82. =/

    Integrated Algebra- 88.

    gym- i cant remember...

    band- cant remember

    Spanish 2.. i cant remember either...

    Overall average- 84. :/

    THIS year (so far)

    Chemistry- 90.

    Geometry- 90.

    CP English- 93.

    CP Global 10- 99.

    Spanish 3- 96.

    band- 96.

    gym- 97.

    overall average so far- 94.

    Right now my guidance counselor said my gpa is an 89.. I know its not amazing, but i'm really working on improving my grade... So far, this quarter al my grades are 96's and above... so i'm hoping to higher it up.

    Other things to know-

    I'm in our high school's marching band (and concert band)

    I've been in STEP club since 7th grade. (Science Technology Entry Program)

    This year I joined robotics club.

    I haven't taken any SATs, so i can't tell you those, but im hoping i'll do good...Any idea of what score i should be aiming for?

    Also, another question...

    I have the option to attend summer school to replace my old grades that weren't too good.

    Should I?

    I'm about 99.9% sure i'm going to take biology, but i'm wondering if i should retake english 9 and global 9.

    My teacher said that since it was honors, i shouldn't retake them, but its bringing down my gpa... so should i?

    btw, i plan on taking these classes for the next 2 years:


    1. Algebra 2/Trig

    2. Physics

    3. Honors U.S History

    4. Honors English 11.

    5. Psychology

    6. Sociology

    7. Literature and Film

    8. Band

    9. P.E


    1. Calculus 1 or maybe Pre-Calc

    2. AP Bio

    3. English 12 (probably honors)

    4. Economics and Government (probably honors)

    5. Band

    6. P.E

    7. Forensics

    8. Human Body

    thanks!!! and please tell me what you think about my chances at Stony Brook so far and any recommendations to better my chances...

  • I messed up my freshman year... Will I still get into a decent college?

    I'm currently a sophomore, and I'm starting to really regret last year. I did really terrible. This year I've been getting almost all A's except for one class. (Chem; I got an 87 one quarter)

    I've been thinking about what I want to go to college for and where I want to go.

    Last year my grades were:

    Global Honors- 85, 78, 85, 73.

    English Honors- 85, 77, 78, 92.

    Biology- 85, 79, 65, 82.

    Algebra- 94, 87, 86, 89.

    Spanish 2- 95, 90, 87, 90.

    **I got an 80 on my Bio regents and an 89 on the Algebra Regents**

    I know I did really bad, and I regret it now, but I'm really wondering if it will effect me in the future? This year i've been doing much better... My lowest grade has been an 87 this year, and if I continue getting straight A's; do you think I can get into a good college?

    For my bachelor's I plan on going for pre-med, and then obviously, i'll eventually go into medical school.

    If i go to an average college for my bachelor's and get good grades, could I get into an Ivy League school for my masters?

    Btw, what good colleges could I go to for my bachelors? I live in New York, and I plan on staying here.. A college in New York City would be preferred. (:

    Thanks!! :)

    5 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Chem questions!! please help! :)?

    1. A chemical formula represents...

    1- qualitative information only

    2- quantitative information only

    3- both quantitative and qualitative information

    4- Neither qualitative or quantitative information

    An empirical formula represents

    1- qualitative info only

    2- only the metallic elements in the compound

    3-the lowest integer ratio of the elements in a compound

    4- a multiple of the simples ratio of the elements in a compound

    In an endothermic reaction

    1- energy is a product and the surrounding temperature decreases

    2- energy is a product and the surrounding temperature increases

    3- energy is a reactant and the surrounding temperature increases

    4- energy is a reactant and the surrounding temperature decreases

    As an endothermic reaction occurs, the potential energy of the reactants

    1- decreases

    2- increases

    3- remains the same

    4- depends on the reaction

    1 AnswerPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • I want an iphone 4... but cant upgrade... can i do this instead?

    Okay, so i have an iphone 3gs right now. I want the newest one.. but cant upgrade until April 2011. Im about to convert my plan to a family plan... and i was wondering if the other person gets an iphone 4... If we could just swap phones... I still want my SIM card because it has unlimited internet... But i was wondering if i could do that? I know that the iphone 4 has a micro SIM card... and the 3gs has a regular SIM, so would i be able to switch still?

    Im pretty sure the micro SIM will work fine in mine, but i doubt the regular SIM card will work for the iphone 4... If that is the problem, can i get a new SIM card from AT&T...? How much would it cost?

    If not, any other way i can get my hands on an iphone 4 for $230 or less?

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Sorority Life on Facebook? :) KEEPSAKES FOR TRADE! :D?

    Hi! I want to trade some keepsakes, because i need 4 of them really bad. Lol. I wrote down lists saying the ones i need and the ones i have for trade. :) Even if u dnt have these add me as a sister...

    My email is...

    Here are the ones i need:

    Pledge Pack

    Embroidered Pillow

    Car Wash Sign


    Here are the ones i have for trade:

    Can of Pledge

    Secret Password

    Pledge Manual

    Hunky Cheerleader

    Eye Black





    Hotel Key


    Beach towel

    Sun hat

    Tanning lotion

    **If ur obsessed with SL, like me, mark this as interesting, because i will update the lists as much as possible... :)

    Add me as a sister if your gonna trade with me (or even if ur not :))


    2 AnswersFacebook1 decade ago
  • Is the iphone 3G s going to be on sale for Black Friday 2009?

    I want to know whether the iphone 3G s will be on sale for Black Friday, which is coming up... Should i bother waiting or will it not be on sale?

    Thnks. :)

    4 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Adding Iphone on a family plan?

    Ok, so i was wondering: If I have a family plan through At&t right now, and I want to ADD an iphone, how much would the iphone cost?

    And if i do buy one, would it have to be a certain amount of time that ive signed the family plan b4 i can add another line?

    THnks. xD

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Family plan for the iphone?

    Ok, so I want to buy an iphone in a family plan... Only ONE iphone, the other 1 (possibly 2) just regular phones...

    Since the Iphone MAKES u get internet, which is $30 xtra a month, i was wondering if on the other phones i'd be able to use internet too? Or would i have to get the data seperatley for that phone??

    Thnks! xD

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • What is the Puerto Rican/ Taino creation myth?

    What's the Puerto Rico/ Taino creation myth??

    I'm doing a project and the task is to Find the Creation story of MY own ethnic ancestral heritage... I'm puerto rican, so please post me a link that will give me the exact creation story... thnx so much!!! xD

    1 AnswerMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • If you don't eat, but you take drink vitamins...?

    If I don't eat ANYthing, but I drink vitamins, will i still lose weight??

    Also, Ik ppl say that wen you start eating again after starving you gain it back... well ASSUMING that's true, will i gain it back even if i'm taking vitamins??


    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago