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Favorite Answers31%
  • What Song Is This? "A City full of kings couldn't fill your throne?"?

    The song plays in this video circa 12:00. is a mashup of Take Over Control with some other song lyrics and I'm trying to figure out what the other song is. Lyrics I can make out:

    "I'm never giving up till you come back home

    a city full of kings couldn't fill your throne"

    A song title or artist would be awesome!

    1 AnswerLyrics9 years ago
  • Chocolate Covered Pretzels?

    I'd like to make chocolate covered pretzels, and I was wondering; can i use milk-chocolate syrup to make them, or do I have to use solid chocolate?

    (Will chocolate syrup harden like melted, chilled solid chocolate will?)

    Thanks! :-)

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Is it the RIGHT thing to do?

    Do you think we REALLY should bail out Wall Street?

    Personally I feel that it's unfair that I, an American tax payer, have to pay for the mistakes (and abuses) of big corporations and CEO's, who carelessly gave out and traded bad mortgages and loans, on the basis of profit. Today, the bush administration announced that it may cost around $700,000,000,000 ($700 billion), to bail out the very people who caused this mess in the financial sector, giving them a free pass (that;s FAR from free to the tax payers)

    What is your stance on this issue?

    Is it even possible to let the big banks fail?

    4 AnswersEconomics1 decade ago
  • Simple Breaded Chicken for one?

    Hi, i'm a beginner who likes to cook, and tonight i'm planning to cook some sort breaded chicken patty with pasta and a marinara sauce. I already have recipes for the marinara sauce, etc BUT...

    I've been looking online, but I can't seem to find a good, easy recipe for breaded chicken, let alone, one that is meant to make only a few servings. (i'm cooking for myself, so a recipe that makes 1-3 or 4 servings would be best)

    Can anyone find/know a good, simple recipe for breaded chicken?

    Thanks, I really appreciate it. :-)

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • How do i find my PUK number? PLEASE HELP!!?

    I just got a new phone today, and I was trying to set a PIN number so when you unlock the phone, you have to know the PIN to use the phone. Apparently, i did this wrong, and now my phone is locked and it won't let me do anything, and it's asking for the my PUK (personal unblocking key) number.

    Where do i find this number? I'm getting really really nervous...

    4 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • What's the Best Way to Thicken Chocolate Sauce, making it similar to hot fudge?

    I really like vanilla ice cream with hot fudge, but my dad never buys it... he only buys plain, thin chocolate sauce, and says they are the same thing.

    What is the best way to make chocolate sauce similar in consistency to hot fudge (how can i make it thicker), in the easiest way?

    Any tips would be greatly appreciated

    15 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Does using Wikipedia bother anyone else?

    It really bugs me when people base their answers on here and in real life on Wikipedia. I mean, half the time it's not even right... ANYONE, including myself, could go and write something bogus and think it's funny, and then someone else

    who is serious and using the website for a project will get the wrong information.

    It makes me feel like answers are less accurate and reliable...

    Does getting an answer for your question based off wikipedia bother anyone else?

    10 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • What can I do about this CHEATER!?

    I answered this question a while back, and today I was voting for best answers and I came across the question. And I looked and the guy who got the best answer had copied and pasted EXACTLY what I had answered.

    I'm positive I was the first person to answer this question, ao I know he copied what I wrote. His e-mail and im are not allowed so I cannot contact him.

    How can I report him/contact this guy? I feel so cheated...

    here's where it is:;_ylt=AlyQM...

    his name is seamore12_99

    10 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Do you have any Almost Near Death experiences?

    Here is my parent's:

    My parents, for their honeymoon, went around the world. And they were booked on a plane that flew from Athens, Greece to Cairo, Egypt. This was way back in 1987, and 2 weeks before their flight, the same flight (because these flights were flown constantly) was blown up by terrorists, and everyone died except the Co-Pilot. After this, governments warned not to fly in eastern Europe beyond Athens or the middle east.....

    4 AnswersOther - News & Events1 decade ago
  • Seriously?

    I have to say, I find it pretty sad that, according to the news, Iran's photos of missile launches were not only photo-shopped, it was only one missile, shot at different angles in the photo. Also, the missile that was launched may not even be the newest Missile Iran claims that it's developed!

    Obviously it's a con to provoke western nations to either destabilize themselves by attacking, or to scare them into new negotiations, to buy their Nuclear Program time.

    Either way, it would be quite embarrassing to me.

    Your thoughts?

    3 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Who is Sick of Bypartisan Bickering?

    I'm I the only one here who is completely stunned by how much bickering goes on between the two major parties? It ALMOST makes me not want to vote, because both of the candidates just make me sick of hearing them. I want to see a moderate, not a liberal, nor a conservative, but a moderate in the White House in November. Most Americans can agree they are moderates too.

    Both parties just tend to their far left or right members, the vast minority in this country.

    And I've never even heard of any genuinely Moderate politicians. I really think we need an election overhaul. But the bickering just really needs to end -- the leas they can do is debate the issues, instead of attacking each others backgrounds.

    Other views?

    16 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Pantech Duo?

    I'm with At&t and i really want a phone with a qwerty keyboard, but not one like a blackberry, where it's all there, no sliding or fglipping or anything..

    The pantech duo seems to be what i want, and I like the look of the red one.... so does anyone have a review, or a thought about this phone, and any suggestions would be very appreciated.

    thanks! :-)

    4 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • I want a Cingular/At&t smartphone: Do I HAVE to get a special plan?

    I'm looking to buy a "smartphone" from At&t. I only want a smartphone because I really want a qwerty keyboard for texting. The phone will only be used for texting and calling, I don't need e-mail, applications, etc.

    I MAY use the internet very rarely, for a ringtone or two, but that's it.

    Do I need a special plan for the phone to work for calls and texting?

    How much would it cost to use the internet without a special plan (if i use it VERY rarely)?

    THANK YOU! :-)

    1 AnswerPDAs & Handhelds1 decade ago
  • Smartphone Question?


    I'm buying a new At&t phone (NOT a new plan), and i text message alot, so I want a phone with a qwerty keyboard. The only phones i see from At&t with qwerty keyboards are the smart phones...

    If i buy a smartphone, will it work with my regular plan and simcard? I have texting and stuff and i can use the internet, but i don't have the internet package. I Only really want the phone for messaging and talking, but am willing to pay the $ for the keyboard.

    Will a smartphone work with my regular plan?

    Can you direct me to CURRENTLY sold phones with keyoards that AREN'T smartphones??

    THANKS!!!! :-)

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Best Answer by Voting?

    Hi, I got a kind of a lot of best answers chosen, and some were by voting. It says I only got 35 points.

    Are you supposed to earn points for voted best answers?

    Where did the 5 points come from?

    Thanks! :-)

    (person who answers these questions the most clearly will get the best answer!)

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • How is this possible?(Violation)?

    I got -18 points for a violation because I quote

    "post was neither a question nor answer" when on this question someone asked something that I felt was hateful towards a specific group of people. I ASKED "why are you trying to put down Zionists?

    It's not fair to blame one group of people for a region's problems."

    Can someone explain how this post didn't have a question in it? And if not why was that the reason?

    Is Y.A. going down the tubes in consumer service?

    5 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Ouija Board?

    Hey, just wondering if anyone has had an encounter with a Ouija board? What happened when you used it? I've heard a few stories but still remain skeptical. What about you folks?

    26 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Punishments on Yahoo Answers?

    I was wondering what happens if you get alot of "violations" I just got in troublefor the first time for calling this really rude person racist, and i was just wondering what happens if someone had alot of violations...

    Also, i don't think it's right that you get -10 if you loose your appeal. What do you think?

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Products1 decade ago
  • How do you feel about the pollution problem in China?

    As the Olympics draw nearer, the media covers numerous stories of horrible pollution in china. In shanghai, living and breathing the air for a week has been compared to smoking a whole pack of cigarettes! their pollution is so bad that its been theorized that some of their air pollution is being carried across the ocean, as far as the US! The fastest man in the world, from Ethiopia, refuses to run his event in the Olympics for fear of damage to his lungs. What does the pollution in China mean to you?

    4 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • Men only! A "How often Poll"?

    how often do you masturbate in a week?

    19 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago