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  • If I'm just getting into Honors classes for my Junior Year of High School, is it worth it?

    I'm in my Sophomore year of High School currently and trying to get into Honors classes before schedules are official. I was not able to apply in the Second Term last year because my Second Term grades were not official yet. The reason that I couldn't apply in the Second Term with my First Term grades is because my grades in that semester were insufficient. For now, it looks like I won't be able to get into Honors classes this year and that I will have to keep my grades up in remedial classes to get into them next year. Now I'm wondering because of how late I will most likely be put into those classes, are those benefits even worth the trouble? I don't feel challenged in my remedial classes and dislike the students I'm put with.

  • Jacked bodybuilder senior wants to kick my *** and I'm a sophomore?

    It started this summer when my ex girlfriend was hanging out with her friends one night while texting me, they were drinking alcohol and everyone had left except this jacked bodybuilder and my ex, this jacked bodybuilder got her drunk and got her phone, and sent pictures of him doing **** to her and I got ******* furious. I texted him all these threats and insults which I regret now. This kid lives in my neighborhood and goes to my school and I saw him yesterday while hanging out with my friend and I hid.

    If this kid sees me I feel like I'm going to die. He's 6'1 and 200 pounds of jacked. I'm 5'10 and 115 pounds of lean. A punch from this guy would ruin my life, and I'm deathly afraid of him.

    Any tips for how to approach this situation? Or what to do if a fight breaks out?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Does anyone else think about life insanely hard?

    So for a while I have had episodes where I ponder existence to the point where my thoughts are so complex that I cannot even begin to put them into words. I think about how small I am in the grand scheme of things and that I am one tiny human in a giant never-ending universe that may not be real itself. I believe in God but these thoughts still reside within my mind. And at night I have anxiety attacks which I have not had in over 2 years. I begin to think that other humans aren't real and that my own conscience has created the world that I live in.

    Sorry if none of that made any absolute sense. So for the question, I just need to know if anyone feels the same way because that would really help me with this problem I've been having for quite a while. Thanks!

    3 AnswersMental Health4 years ago
  • Lower Right Abdomen Screwed Up After Sneeze?

    I was getting ready to go to bed tonight and I sneezed, which jerked me to the left. I pulled some sort of muscle in my lower right abdomen and I am unable to move in any direction. How do I get rid of the pain, what did I screw up?

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management4 years ago
  • My liberal sister is trying to change my political beliefs. How do I get her to stop?

    Every time we're talking she tells me all this anti-Trump propaganda and calls me a sexist, racist, y'know the usual. She tries to guilt me into conforming to her beliefs. How do I get her to stop trying and chill the **** out? I want my sister back.

    8 AnswersPolitics4 years ago
  • Small red spots on legs, right arm, and left upper torso?

    I'm a 14 year old male and have always showered regularly, Some of these spots are itchy only if scratched, one of them has peeled. They look almost like scabs, it sounds a lot like psoriasis to me.

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions4 years ago
  • I don't get 80's in high school anymore.?

    I'm a freshman and it's MP3 of my first semester. I got a 65 average last marking period, and now I have a 67 average. We do have extra credit assignments (that are not graded) and I'm going to talk my living environment teacher about assignments that I handed in that she gave me a zero for, with all of that my average becomes a 68. I'm not failing anything aside from my Greek Class (which is a different story) but I'm so ******* tired of getting sixties and seventies in my classes even though I work my *** off. I try my hardest and I can't get my **** together. I've lightly considered suicide or dropping out because I feel like I'm wasting my time because I'm hopeless. I'm a lazy failure of a person that can't do **** while everyone else walks through life without a care in the world. It is my first semester of high school and it's already become too much for me and my pathetic ***. I want to become better, but I just can't bring myself to change because I suck at life.

  • Never make it to my first period class in high school?

    Last marking period I got a 45 average in my first period class (Greek) and it brought down an 80 average to a 65, I've been setting my alarm and waking up when it rings (6:35 AM). This is the part where I **** up, when I wake up, I physically cannot move. I try my hardest to get up, I shake my head and roll to the side of my bed and after 30 seconds or so I drift right back into unconsciousness. My grades are **** right now, I have not told my parents about my 65 GPA, how do I get up in the morning? Thank you, and happy Holidays.

    3 AnswersWomen's Health4 years ago
  • High School Clubs?

    The club I want to go to is at period 10-11, however, I leave school at period 8? Is there any way I can stay in school for period 9 and then go to this club or am I scribbled?

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education4 years ago
  • I can t pass this Regents!?

    I got put into Greek 1 for my last name. For some reason, Greek is for students that already know the language, I can t speak a word. At first, I thought I could learn what I needed to and pass the regents. That wasn t happening, my counselor was on leave in which I had to find out over the course of weeks who my new counselor would be. I tried switching out of the class in MP2 (unsuccessfully) I still haven t learned anything, I fail all of the assignments and I ve been desperately trying to switch with no success at all. The regents are in January, what do I do?

    2 AnswersStandards & Testing4 years ago
  • Am I done?

    I'm in high school, got a 77 GPA in MP1, passing all of my classes. It's MP2 now, I have a 22 in English, a 19 in Greek, a 60 in Algebra, a 73 in Music Appreciation, a 64 in Living Environment, and a 62 in Global History. I am passing only one class, how ****** am I?

  • I'm so ******* stupid?

    I saw this girl that I like walk into the supermarket today and I didn't do **** becasue I'm a pussy, I wanna ******* die, I missed my chance, **** me, kill me, FUUUUUCK AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Singles & Dating5 years ago
  • Feel like I'm not nearly as smart as I used to be?

    I'm 14 and over the summer I've noticed that my vocabulary, spelling, comprehension, etc. is not up to par with how it was in April-May. My thinking is not as clear as it used to be and I have to stop in the middle of my sentences. My sort term memory also isn't as sharp as it was before. Anybody have reasons?

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay5 years ago
  • How do I ask a girl for her number?

    Cute girl, I think she likes me back because she stares at me during history. I just don't know how to execute the "get dem digits" protocol. Help me...

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Sleep problems?

    For the last few days, I would drift off to sleep and suddenly I take a huge breathe that triggers my adrenaline and anxiety. I've read up on sleep apnea, but I fit none of the categories. I'm a healthy weight, I exercise regularly, I'm 14 (so I'm not drinking or smoking)

    I do have anxiety issues, my theory is that I think too much when in bed. As I'm falling asleep, my thoughts are usually out of control. I'm not sure though.

    2 AnswersRespiratory Diseases5 years ago
  • I can t talk to people over the phone?

    I tried ordering food last night, and this is how it went.

    "Hi, welcome to Burger Bistro, how may I help you?"




    She asks for my address, I give her my address with minimal failure.

    "Phone number?"


    She somehow comprehends my phone number said at rocket speed.

    "Okay anything else?"


    "Okay your food is on the way."

    "K BYE!"

    I WANNA KILL MYSELF. Please help, how do I avoid this ever happening again?

    1 AnswerLanguages5 years ago
  • Vibration in wall?

    I recently put my hand on the wall of my room and felt a vibration, I don't feel vibrations on any of the other walls. No AC or anything is on (though I do have an AC in my window). Now it's just stopped.

    -I have a cousin that lives downstairs

    -My sister and my mother have AC that they use often

    I just wanna know.

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs5 years ago
  • Accidentally licked bug spray off my arm! HELP!?

    The Bug Spray I'm using says "REPEL 100" on the bottle. I was laying in bed and I yawned, I stuck my tongue and tasted chemicals on my arm. I quickly wiped off my tongue with my sheets and after a minute or two I rinsed my tongue. I only got it on the tip and I haven't swallowed since. I feel things but they aren't extreme, I have anxiety so that may be interfering with it. I need answers, I'm so scared :'(

    3 AnswersOther - Health5 years ago
  • Licked DEET bug spray off my arm! Help!?

    I was laying in bed with my arm in front of my mouth and I stuck out my tongue shortly after applying bug spray "REPEL 100 INSECT REPELLENT"

    I only got a little bit on the tip of my tongue, I wiped and rinsed after a few minutes. I have anxiety and I m feeling things that are nowhere near extreme. I m scared, help!

    3 AnswersOther - Home & Garden5 years ago