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  • Why do some Christians make a big deal about making changes to the bible?

    When most are the very same Christians that read from the NIV and other versions that are "easier to understand" that have 30+ verses taken out of them...?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • IS HEAVEN REALLY "heaven like"?

    If (by definition of Christianity) there is to be no marriage in heaven, and it's all "death till we part" is that really heaven? I mean is spending an eternity without your spouse and the bonding of love and marriage really heaven. Personally I would be miserable without my husband. And what keeps the family together as a family if your marriage is only good till death. Does that mean your in laws can't be considered family anymore? and are your kids only half yours? how is that happiness? how does this work? any ideas?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • 2 month old...extremely gassy and fussy! Please help!?

    My little guy has had a miriad of problems! Digestion issues from day one! We first had him on Enfamil Lipil and breastmilk (please breastfeeding advocates- keep opinions to's not so easy for some of us) and he was constipated and gassy. Then he was spitting up all the time and vomiting- after about 10 days of that and unsuccessful diagnosis we found out that he had pyloric stenosis and had to have immediate surgery. He was in the hospital for 5 days, and did not return to a normal feeding schedule until about a week after the surgery. Then the excessive gas and fussiness started....BAD!! Checked with the doctor- not a side effect of his condition or surgery. Switched him to Enfamil Gentlease (had to stop breastfeeding all together because of his medical condition and a lovely trip for me to the ER) seemed to work after a couple of days and lasted for about 2-3 weeks. The last couple of days though his gas and fussiness are starting back up again! I don't know what to do! It's driving me and my husband crazy because we don't know what to do to help him! It's hard to see him in pain and unhappy- and not to mention the constant crying and fussiness takes it's toll on us!...Please anyone been through this, when everything seemed to fail...did anything actually work?!!!

    17 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • If gay marriage is legal, than should polygamy be legal too?

    Now, I am talking adult consenting polygamy- not like that group in Texas that arranges marriages for children. While I personally could never "share" my husband, there are plenty of families out there that live like this. If the reasons to legalize gay marriage is so that we aren't taking away someones rights and saying that you can't marry someone you love regardless of moral opposition, isn't it a double standard to then say that polygamous families should not be allowed to marry. Isn't that an infringement on their rights and telling them they can't marry someone they love?

    29 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is there anyone that has not questioned the TRINITY?

    The reason I ask is because it seems like, even those that believe in it all seriously questioned it at one time. (i am basing this on multiple answers from trinity believers in R&S) That it is something that no one can really wrap their head around...why would God teach something so confusing that no one really "gets it" when who God is, should be the easiest most definable thing He would want us to know? He wants us to worship Him, and live with Him in heaven, but He is going to keep who He is a debatable, confusing "mystery" from us? Jesus always said in the bible, that we must come to know God- and to worship Him. How do we do that when we can't even explain who God really is?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Assemblies of God - speaking in tongues at baptism?

    Just an honest question...i read on the churches official website that part of the 4 cardinal rules, is that at baptism the physical sign of baptism and the holy Spirit is the speaking in tongues. Does this mean that when you are baptized you automatically start speaking in tongues - is this spontaneous and performed, or is it more of a you now have the ability to do so, but don't actually do it?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • IMPOSSIBLE for me to concieve a GIRL!!!?

    okay so my husband and i have been trying to concieve a girl using some of the "methods" out there like what days- increasing acid levels etc. it's been a few months and nothing. but when we had our son it only took one month. what's going on? could my husband just really not have any girl sperm? is that even possible?

    11 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • what do people think of religious attacking at school?

    okay- so here is the story. Two young mormon girls in high schools were sitting in their science class, when all of the sudden, another teacher (not the teacher of the class) comes in and throws down a stack of papers on polygamy. he tells one girl that she is digusting and should learn more about her religion. then he asks the class who else is mormon and another girl came to this girls rescue. she told him that mormons do not practice polygamy and have not for over 130 years. he called her a liar, and then continued to bash them both relentlessly. Both were reduced to tears and ran out of the classroom. The other teacher did nothing. The teacher is protected by tenure and can't be fired as of yet. he continues to harass these girls by coming into their classroom, chating with the teacher, and then looks at the girls and makes sarcastic comments to them. I want to know what people think about this- should teachers who harass and bring religion into school deserve protection of tenure?

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Have a home decor company- need a good name please help?

    i've recently started a home decor company. and it has really started to take off- and i need to come up with a name. we make hand crafted boards with quotes, customizable with names, sayings etc. yeard signs, coat racks, blocks tiles, frames etc. they all include a cute or inspirational saying - or are customizable with a childs name or the families last name. we have come up with two names. please tell me which one sticks with you, and which one you like the most. also if you have your own ideas i am open to them! thanks ahead of time!

    1. Say it with Style - creative home decor


    2. Thinking of You- creative home deocr

    2 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • HUCKABBE supporters?

    I am asking this in all honesty. i think huckabee as a person is great- however it is evident that he at this crucial point doesn't have a shot at this years election. He is out funded, out media, and doesn't have the ability to run against a democrat- the polls show him trailing badly against obama and hilary. my question is will you still vote for him in your primary, knowing that essentially your vote ensures a mc cain nomination, and then a democratic win? (mc cain practically is a democrat) conservatives need to get together- romney and huckabee are spliting the conservative vote- if we can't get together and vote for the same person liberal republicans and democrats will win! and trust- we do not want mc cain as the person to be the republican voice!

    11 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • McCain vs. Romney?

    what i want to know is why is mc cain making "flip flopping" such a huge issue? is he aware of is record? and what about his very recent flip to finally agree to do something about illegal immigration?

    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • The REAL ROMNEY!!?

    please- if you are interested in the future of our country please watch these two videos- the first is a little long- but worth it

    8 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Florida GOP primaries- does the winner get all of the delegates?

    I have read a couple of articles about the florida primary- and in each it mentions "winner take all" 57 delegates. Does this mean that whoever wins the popular vote, gets all the of the delegates as well? if this is true- that hardly seems fair.

    3 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Mitt Romney: for all of those that think he is not genuine/sleez...etc.?

    here are some pictures of mitt romney helping victims of the san diego wildfires. this was not a publicity stunt- there was no media coverage. this was just an email i receieved circulated by the man they helped. matt- mitt's son called some people in devastated neighborhoods and asked what could be done to help (he did not disclose who he was) one man said that he had a torched oak tree in his front yard that was endangering his house and was having trouble removing it. they set a date for a wednesday. the man left that morninig to get the workers treats, when he came back they were already there working. much to his suprise there was in jeans and a t-shirt mitt romeny and his son, digging away at his roots. there was no media- just some security, and a hand full of hard workers trying to help out a nieghbor.

    15 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Some one please explain the trinity to me?

    I don't want to offend anyone, but it really doesn't make sense to me. There are SO many refrences in the bible that make it seem as if they are seperate. Why would one be called the Father, and one be the Son if they were the same? Can your Father be the same person as you?

    "Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven was opened, And the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him, and a voice came from heaven, which said, Thou art my beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased." Luke3:21-22 So- somehow Jesus is on earth, physically being baptized with hundreds of witnesses, at the same time flying above Himself in the form of a dove, and throwing His voice from the heavens as His Father telling everyone that He is well pleased with Himself? I don't get it, please expalin- serious answers please. Thank you:)

    26 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • The one thing almost all religions have in common, but seems to be the hardest to follow for most people...?

    Almost all religions have 2 basic principles. Love one another and God(or Allah) is the only one who can judge. I'm thinking that's got lost somewhere in this forum. Why can't we all respect the fact that each of us comes from different backgrounds and might carry different beliefs? There's nothing wrong with differences. That's what makes life so great. The ability to make our own choices and worship how, where or what we choose. Let's just try to give eachother the respect we want for ourselves. Maybe even uplift what a concept. Who knows maybe we can even learn something valuable from eachother!

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What is a Deed Grant? and a Deed of Trust?

    Checked our history and both are on our records just wanted to know what they are. Want to make sure their isn't anything in my report that is false. Thanks!

    1 AnswerRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Using Ditech or GMAC for a loan- How are they?

    Has anyone gone through either of these companies for a home loan or equity loan. We are about to use them and want to know if we should go through with it. Thanks.

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Any tips for my 11 month old son and his seperation anxiety? It just started but it's drving me crazy!?

    We just moved and I recently stopped working to stay at home full time and ever since then he has had major attachments and seperation anxiety. I know all the changes probably triggered it, I just want to know how to get him over it!

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago