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Lv 5
pono7 asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Mitt Romney: for all of those that think he is not genuine/sleez...etc.?

here are some pictures of mitt romney helping victims of the san diego wildfires. this was not a publicity stunt- there was no media coverage. this was just an email i receieved circulated by the man they helped. matt- mitt's son called some people in devastated neighborhoods and asked what could be done to help (he did not disclose who he was) one man said that he had a torched oak tree in his front yard that was endangering his house and was having trouble removing it. they set a date for a wednesday. the man left that morninig to get the workers treats, when he came back they were already there working. much to his suprise there was in jeans and a t-shirt mitt romeny and his son, digging away at his roots. there was no media- just some security, and a hand full of hard workers trying to help out a nieghbor.


mitt was in town on meetings- and just genuinley wanted to help. he has recieved no recognition for this

* the man whose house this was stated that he was very hard working- did not want to take a break until the job was done- not even for breakfast. he only finally stopped when it was time to leave for his meetings- and the man said he could tell that he was extremely upset that he had to leave before the stump was completley out. i think this shows that he his genuine, a hard worker not afraid to roll up his sleeves and get dirty. and it's just who he is, because he hasn't even tried to publicize it to his benefit and campaign. he is what this countrt needs.

Update 2:

his platform helps the poor/middle class (no income tax for under 200k a year) and his stance is against ILLEGAL immigration- not immigration. which in a lot of cases, illegal immigration hurts us, not helps. ( im in so cal and its a big problem) his stance is to take care of america, and americans first and fore most- then we can start worrying about others. isn't that what we want in an AMERICAN president? to look out for americans?

Update 3:

why not look into his actual "flip flopping" instead of reguretating whatever you heard in the media? the only thing he genuinley flipped on was abortion- and he fully admitts it. he changed his mind after he saw that embryos were being created and destroyed at the mercy of science. and he changed his view while in office in dem. state mass. but didn't try to change laws because the people of mass. didn't want the laws changed. he respected the people of his state. besides, abortion isn't a pres. issue, it's a state issue, and romney vowed that he would keep it that way. that the country wouldn't be ran by his personal views, but by what the majority of americans want and VOTE for.

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's rare to find someone who will just help out with hard physical labor when he could pay someone to do it for him. He is not afraid to work, neither are his sons. They earned their wealth, they earned my respect, and I really hope he will earn the Whitehouse too. He's the only candidate out there who I feel has earned the position.

  • 5 years ago

    Karl Marx defined himself as a systematic socialist. This used to be versus a Christian socialist. There have been socialists earlier than Marx. I have no idea whether or not Karl Marx could regard Hillary as one in every of his. He could commonly reject Obama on racist grounds. My view is that during natural language - external esoteric discussions of socialism - Obama and Hillary are each Marxists.

  • 1 decade ago

    Thanks, dooner. I hadn't realized how full of himself Chris Kelly really was. For your and his info, that story the family in NJ saw wouldn't have made the news down there if it hadn't have been for Romney's efforts. And the point wasn't even whether or not he found her. The point was the lengths to which he was willing to go to find her.

    Thanks for the links, pono. You can never know enough good things about a person.

  • hmm
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I think that he is a good guy and he would most likely make a very good president. but people are so misinformed about the LDS faith that he will have a hard if not imposable time getting elected. and if he get the nomination just wait, what they will bring up about the LDS faith will shatter his chances

    it is sad that other Christians cant realize that his faith might be somewhat different than theirs but it is no more wrong than some of theirs

  • 1 decade ago

    He is a good guy. People just hate him because he is Mormon. After they hear he is Mormon they think he is a phony. Mormonism is not a cult and all you people think that because you are uneducated on that religion.You really can't call someone a jerk until you know more about them so just SHUTUP!!!!! Stop saying that President Gordon B. Hinckley is going to rule because he IS NOT!!!! Thanks for showing the good guy Romney is:)

    Source(s): Proud Mormon I know you are all to chicken to go to the page but anyway contact some missionaries and get the real story IDIOTS
  • 1 decade ago

    If I need a tree cut down, I'll call him.

    If you want to know the story about Mitt looking for his business partner's daughter, take a look:

  • 1 decade ago

    Mitt Romney had been getting the support from people lately and his ranking in most polls is now higher.

  • 1 decade ago

    sounds like another self-serving 'romney the good samaritan' story that is usually told and retold ad nauseum by...mitt romney! the man is ADDICTED to telling stories about how wonderful he now he has his kids looking for photo-ops? "we'll be sending 'someone' over to help...just make sure you have a camera handy, nudge-nudge, wink-wink"

    all that is beside the point-the reason people feel romney is not genuine is that he's willing to change his 'deeply held' views depending on which office he's after in any given election-right now he's trying to be the reincarnation of ronald reagan; but when he was running against ted kennedy, he sounded more like rosie o'donnell-he has NO core convictions that i can see, just sheer opportunism...i wouldn't trust him as dogcatcher

  • Rich Z
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I lived in the state that he governed, a job he got by lying about his viewpoint on every issue that voters asked about. Now we are all dealing with the financial mess he made.

    I wouldn't care what he did to help an individual - he screwed millions of Massachusetts taxpayers. And then he uses that position on his resume to say why he should be president.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would never consider him because I saw him on CSPAN yelling at a pregnant teenager for daring to ask him a question about why he says "single moms can't raise good kids".

    He denied saying that and then said it again... when he realized what he had just done, he became furious.

    That sure did it for me!

    One candidate down - 8 more to go!

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