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  • Can a tiny bit of exercise delay your period? 10 pts to best answer.?

    So my period is like never late ever..ussualy it comes two days early. I am sure it has been a little before but idn I havent really kept track of my period until I started having sex with my boyfriend. so idn It may have been late before but what I am trying to say is my period is hardly late like even when I did cross country and stuff..idr it being late but this sumemr I was like super lazy didnt excercise once and didnt do cross country but we got this work out bike fixed like three weeks ago so I started riding everyday. nothing intense just ride the bike for 10 or 20 mintues but my period hasnt come yet and I took a pregnacy test and it came out negative but u never no those can be accurate. so yeah I am just wondering if me riding the bike everyday could delay my period since itslike a change in excersie cause i went from being lazy to riding it. I really hope so cause im freaking out and trying to think of every reason my period could be late.

    sorry I wrote so much lol, but thanks! also please dont judge me about sex..Ive only had it with my boyfriend of basically 3 years. and honestly if I am not pregnant I dont think im gona have sex for a long im gona wait a year until im 18. and moved out..maybe even longer

    3 AnswersWomen's Health10 years ago
  • What exactly happens when you get an abortion? 10 pts to best answer.?

    So I think I am pregnant because my period is late and stuff. I know obviously what an abortion is but I am super scared to get one if I do decide too and I don't really wana google it because I dont want my parents to somehow see ive been searching around for I was just wondering if anyone could like explain exavtly what happens and if it will hurt a lot because I am super scared and I feel like so stupid that I actually got pregant (and please dont judge and be like you shouldnt have had sex your too young or something..I am 17 and been with my boyfriend almost 3 years but I do feel dumb that I had sex and managed to get pregant)

    also other questions..I live in there any way to get an abortion without your parents knowing.

    and can weed or having sex a lot cause a late period? I know those sound like dumb questions but ive heard people say that before. so I just wanted to check.

    6 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • what is this song? 10 pts to best answer?

    for some reason in my itunes this is labeled under kayne west and its like 5 seconds?? but its not kayne west at all! its not a popular song or artist..and i googled the lyrics i heard but it just comes up with like bruno mars gernade and other songs

    these are the lyrics i heard

    it was black and blue all you knew is the same things

    i love this song and i need to know the name of it! because i totttaly forget..

    1 AnswerLyrics10 years ago
  • Does getting your wisdom teeth out hurt? 10 pts to best answer?

    I am getting mine out tomorrow morning and I am freaking out! I have to get all 4 and there not full grown in yet

    2 AnswersDental10 years ago
  • Can I use back up camera on ohio drivers test? please answer, 10 pts to best answer!?

    okay so orginally I was going to use my moms car to take the test and her back up camera turns off so I was all good but just my luck she gets a flat tire today and wont get a new one until monday and I take my test yeah I have to use my dads car and his back up camera like can not turn off..i read the manuel its just autmatic no matter what when u go in reverse and honestly im not dependent on that! I ussualy turn my moms off when i back up but i cant help it, so will they make me cancel my test tomorrow just because my dads back up camera doesnt turn off?

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Help me replace my be verbs for my research paper please? 10 pts to best answer?

    The ones I capatalized are the words I need out of the sentences..I suck at this! so yeah just rephrase the setnece so its the same idea sentence but without those words. Thanks!

    1.)There is a lot of history that goes into assisted suicide to explain why it should BE illegal.

    2.)The patients request for euthanasia Is actually a 'cry for help', implying that life is not worth living now but could BE worth living if various symptoms or fears were managed.

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Can I use my old temps if I lost my new Temps?

    Okay so I lost my old temps likke a few weeks ago, I bought new temps (I didnt re new them or anything, I just bought a new one so they both expire the same day) and I had my incar yesterday and like I dont think the lady ever gave me my temps back but idn... so maybe she has them but if she doesnt like my mom will be so mad if she has to go buy new TEMPS AGAIN! omg haha. So can I just use my old temps? or does it matter

    oh yeah btw I found my old temps there not lost anymore

    1 AnswerInsurance & Registration1 decade ago
  • Which Topic Should I choose for my research paper? 10 points for best answer?

    video game causes violence or arranged marraiges (which side would be easiest for either: please pick what would be easier and not what ur opinion is lol)

    and dont give me other ideas cause if I want etra credit , we have to pick from the list of topic she gives us.


    5 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • How to zoom in with the telescope in Wind Waker?

    So I am playing the beggning of Wind Waker when you first use the telescope to look at the red post box and I know you have to use the C button and it says press up and I litteraly have been doing that but nothing happens, idn if the c button is broke because my boyfriend let me borrow one of his game cube controllers and this one might be broken but everything else works on the controller (btw im playing this on the wii idn if that makes any difference..probably not)


    1 AnswerOther - Games & Recreation1 decade ago
  • I lost my temps, can I just buy a new one?

    I cant find my temps anywhere and I really need them cause I am doing in cars and i had to not go to my last one cause I lost my temps so can I just go buy a new one, and when I do do I need anything like social secruity or whatever ur suppoused to bring with u cause mines experied and last time when i got my temps they used it but said i cant use it after that so I need to get a new one but since i already got my temps cant i jsut go in and tell them my name and they can look up my old temps?

    1 AnswerInsurance & Registration1 decade ago
  • My mom found out that I had sex with my boyfriend? What should I do? 10 pts to best answer.?

    Okay so to make a long story short. I am 16 and my boyfriend is 19 (idn if that sounds bad or not to you but i dont think thats a big deal) I'm a junior in high school and he should be a freshman at college . anyway, he's never done anything but kiss some girls before me and I never have done anything at all before him. we started dating when I was a freshman and we dated for like 6 months then we broke up but we were still friends and talked then we got back together at the end of my sophmore year and we had sex, and we are still dating and blah blah. so like I'm just trying to say it wasn't like some stupid "fling" we actualy do love eachother and care about eachother, and do want to try and be together forever (I know that sounds so cliche but its true..and even if we do someday break up for wahtever reason..ill never regret losing it to him cause he's honestly an amazing guy and I love him) but anyway that was just the background of me and him

    so I was on the phone with him and I didnt see my mom and she heard me talking about it and she knows now and shes pissed and idn I am just what can I really say to her so she will kind of get over this and jsut let me be with him without all this stress. idn like what can I do?

    8 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • If my boyfriend smoked ciggs for four years and quit, is there a good chance he will still get cancer?

    So my boyfriend smoked cigg for four years, I have only really know/been with him for two years so I'm not sure how much he smoked the first two years but since I've been with him he didn't smoke like ALOT like, sometimes he'd only smoke 3 a day for a while (compared to like 2 packs ya know) but im sure there were days were he'd smoke a pack

    but anyway I finnaly got him to quit a month or so ago, and if he really never smokes again. Do you think he still has a high chance of getting cancer and all that other stuff that happens to you when you smoke :( I know everyone who has smoked for a while has a chance no matter what but im jw if he's chances went down now

    thanks a lot

    7 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • White Discharge? Could I be pregnant?

    So like i've had sex with my boyfriend before so its nothing new but i did have it with him last week so that was my most recent time and yesterday and today, in school I like smelt somthing bad coming from u no..down there lol and then when I got home, I had white discharge and today and i was jw if that is a sign of pregnancy

    sorry that sounds gross but i was jw


    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What to put on my application for a job at steak and shake? 10 pts to best answer.?

    Q 1.) for employment history, I babysit for three families in my neigborhood, should i put that down on it. If I do, how to do I fill it out it says company, would I just put babysiting for company and when it ask reasons for leaving, what do I say because I really can't leave babysiting, I am just not going to do it as much.

    Q.2 should i say 7$ per hour for wage expetations per hour

    3 AnswersFood Service1 decade ago
  • What are the chances of someone getting pregnant without condoms or bc? 10pts to best answer?

    I was just wondering, if two people had sex without condoms or birth control but they pulled out before they came, what are the chances that person would pregnant?

    I am not talking about me or saying I am planning on doing this, I use condoms but I was just curious so no lectures please lol

    thanks :)

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How can I get tan? 10 pts to best answer?

    Okay so I kind of want like a healthy glowing tan like nina dobrev or something like that.

    I know you can obviously go out in the sun to get tan but like first of all I can't do that all year round because it's not always summer and sunny out and also when I tan outside, It doesn't look good more burnt and I peel

    I don't really want to go to a tanning booth. i feel really fake and gross and cancer, maybe I'll go like once every 6 months lol but probably not

    so whats a way to get a glowing tan

    thanks :)

    6 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • What should I say for this question? 10 pts to best answer.?

    In social studies (Global Studies) we did an debate about the united states giving money to the global fund for Aids in Africa and other countires with AIDS vs. not giving money to the global fund and keeping for the united states to use for AIDS because we are in debt and should not be giving money and shouldn't waste it on this fund, because there going die anyway

    So my side was the second one about not giving money (we didn't get to chose sides lol, our teacher assigned them) and after the debate we have to do a refleciton paper and it said "What can I draw from this debate that relates to something to my life or future." and I don't know, like I understand the question but I hate when teachers ask questions like that. how can I say that relates to my life or my future.

    thanks :)

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • What do you need to know to get your driving temps? 10 pts to best answer?

    haha so I am 16 and just getting my temps..kinda pathetic I know :( but better late than never :)

    but I know you have to know things off the motor vehicle laws book to get your temps obviously and I have the book. but I am just wondering like what stuff do you need to know for sure and like what to really study in the book

    also when I get my temps, I know you take drivers ed and what are good places to sign up for drivers ed (I live in ohio..if that matters) there used to be a thing at our school but it stopped :(

    1 AnswerInsurance & Registration1 decade ago