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My name is Kelcee. I am eighteen. I am mostly here for baby names, although I have been known to question and answer other things as well. I don't like politics, so please don't ask me to answer a question concerning that. Thank you!

  • How much oil should I use?

    I am making a cake, and I don't have any butter. It calls for 1/3 cup of butter, so how much oil should I use? If I can't use oil, is there anything else I could use besides butter?

    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • I need a diet that doesn't include food I don't like. Any tips?

    Here is what I don't like:


    Any type of fish




    Oranges or any other citrus fruits

    Any fruits with seeds distributed throughout the fruit

    Chunks of veggies or fruits in stuff



    Also, I cannot get organic stuff, as it's too expensive here. I want a diet under 1500 calories, and relatively low in carbs {although I will eat some carbs}.

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • I cannot remember this author!?

    I can't remember her name, or the titles of ANY of her books. However, I think she may be British- although I'm not sure. She has TONS of books. All of them are set in the past, and they all have a female main character. They are like historical fiction, but I don't think she wrote about any real people.

    One I previewed the first chapter of was about a young girl who was playing a game with her older brother, even though the eldest didn't want her to play. She was an opposing army, and they were on horseback. She threw something at them and won, but he hit her or something because he was mad at her.

    Then the other one was at a manor, and some guy had been hit in the leg with an arrow or something, and the woman (maybe his sister - in - law) removed it. He is like, in love with her, and she goes and shoots arrows.

    I don't remember the name of them. I think I saw one title about a mistress or something. I'm really not sure. Does anyone know the author or the books I am talking about?

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • What is a good bronzer for me?

    I am extremely pale. Like, pasty. My foundation does okay, but I still look super pale. However, I have accepted the fact that my ancestors were anglo-saxon and I will never be tan. I've moved on. People have said that bronzer could work good for me, but it always makes me look orange because they're too dark. Is there any bronzer out there that would work well for me?

    If you need this info;

    Foundation = Clinique Acne Solutions Liquid Makeup in Fresh Alabaster for combination-oily skin

    4 AnswersMakeup9 years ago
  • I need some help with names please.?

    Okay. Here is my dilemma. I want one of my children to have a name that honors my great-grandfather. However, he had six older sisters, and he was the unexpected baby of the family. His mother let his sisters name him.

    They named him... Hollie Roselle. I could never curse my child with this name. My grandfather was a tough man, and being over six feet tall, he really didn't get bullied over his name. {Think back to "A Boy Named Sue".} However, my child might not be that fortunate. Furthermore, I don't really like either of the names. The only name that I can think of to work would be Hollis, and I don't really like that one either. I would like the first name to be Phillip.

    Are their any names that I could use, as a middle name to Phillip, that would work to honor his name?

    7 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • I don't remember what phone I used to have! Can you help?

    Okay, so in seventh grade I had this awesome phone. It was a flip phone. It was pink and kinda see-through. There were lights on the inside, and since it was kinda see-through, you could see them light up different colors when the phone would ring or when I got a message. My mom got the phone from EBay, so it's hard to tell where the phone came from. She says that she thinks it was a Samsung/Sony/etc. However, it could have been any brand. Does this sound familiar to anyone?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • Do these names go together? ?

    I plan on using the names Gloria and Layla, but now I love the name Sarah Katherine. Do they go together at all?

    Also, what are good middle names for Layla and Gloria?

    5 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • What do you think of this name?

    Salem. Yes, I know all of the possible drawbacks...

    Associated with witches, cigarettes, and the cat from sabrina the teenage witch. I have heard all of these and yet I still adore the name.

    What do you think of it? Do you like it better as a first or middle name? Do you like the name Ezra Salem?

    3 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • Do women have Adam's apples?

    Like, what are they and why don't women have them?

    5 AnswersGender Studies9 years ago
  • My throat hurts... Home remedies?

    My throat just began hurting earlier today. It only hurts when I swallow. I am going to the doctor with my mom tomorrow at 2, so I guess the doctor can see me then. There are none open at the moment, and I don't enjoy going to the emergency room. They make you wait for hours in the waiting room, and then when you get back to a room it takes them even longer.


    Do you know any home remedies that could work for today? I don't think I have a fever. I thought I felt warm, but my dad said that I didn't. We don't have a thermometer, so I don't know for sure. I have a little headache. Would ibuprofen or tylenol or anything like that work to make my throat stop hurting?

    Also, I have been seeing that hot water with honey and lemon helps sore throats, but we don't have honey. I just want my throat to feel better. Would hot tea {just regular tea...} with lemon in it make my throat feel better? Does salt water really help?

    6 AnswersPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • Why does my car air conditioner smell funny?

    It only makes the smell after we turn it on a lower setting. The highest is 4, and when we turn it from 4 to 1 it gets a funny smell. It's like a musky-ish smell. It isn't unbearable though.

    It is also a relatively new car. It's a 2010 toyota corolla.

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • Why won't my cousin eat anything?

    He is six years old. He is just now hitting 50 lbs. His little brother just turned one in Feb. and he is already 25lbs. He is so incredibly pale, and his eyes are sunken in and dark underneath. He is very picky with what he eats, and when his dad makes him eat he almost throws up. Like, I honestly thought he was going to choke on his food. People used to say "let him go hungry. he'll eat." We've tried that. It doesn't work. He won't eat if you don't make him. I don't understand what's wrong.

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • Question about the flesh eating virus?

    My nephew has a blister on his foot. There is a flesh eating thing going around. (It's all over the news.) I think he got the blister from wearing tight shoes without socks, and I was wondering if he could get that through the blister. He is two, so he is into EVERYTHING. I rubbed it with peroxide, and it didn't fizz or anything, and then I put a bandaid on it. Should everything be okay?

    His granny wants to take him fishing and on a picnic, and when she does he goes to play in the water. Since the blister is on his heel, should he avoid the water. When I was watching the news that's how they said that it was spread.

    Also, how could I tell if he contracted the disease. He's two, and he can't exactly say "hey, my foot feels weird." or "hey, my foot hurts." He says his foot is hurting when it simply itches, so I have no way of knowing whether or not his foot actually hurts, or if it doesn't.

    I just want to know how to keep him from getting this.

    2 AnswersInfectious Diseases9 years ago
  • Help with names for this character?

    She is a girl from the south. She's fifteen. She has blonde curly hair and tan skin. She has blue eyes. She is average height. She is an amazing singer. She is a cheerleader. She has emotional issues though. Her father is a soldier and he's overseas. Her mother isn't around much. She and her sister basically live by themselves.

    {My friend made this character, and she needs some help with the name. She doesn't have a Y!A account, so I posted this on mine. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks.}

    3 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • What are cobwebs.....?

    What are they? Are they the same thing as spiderwebs? How are they made?

    7 AnswersOther - Environment9 years ago
  • What does it mean if a list is not inclusive?

    I am reading the list of things you can borrow from the college, and it says:

    vacuum cleaner/brooms

    DVD Player

    Pool and ping pong equipment

    pots and pans

    (this list is by no means inclusive)

    What does it means if a list is not inclusive?

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • I really need some hair help...!?

    My hair is long and EXTREMELY thick. I want big loose curls like this:

    or this:

    My hair holds a curl pretty well, because it's naturally wavy. However, it's quite frizzy. I can't use rollers because I don't have enough, and they're not big enough anyway. I want the curls to look natural. Should I just curl the top layer and leave the bottom layer wavy-ish?

    3 AnswersHair9 years ago
  • Help me with names please!?

    There are family names that I want to use as middle names for my children. However, I don't know any good first names to go with them.

    Here are names that I know I'll use as a first name:

    Girl: Gloria

    Boy: Ezra

    Middle name options:

    Girls: Lois, Anne, Stephanie, Emma, Dorothy, Susanna, Rose

    Boys: Timothy, Arthur, William, Ethan, Daniel, James, Lee

    I am in desperate need of first names. Can anyone help me? All I want are suggestions. I love names like Gloria, Beatrix, Violet, Elizabeth, Liam, Henry, etc.

    5 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • What do you think of these names?

    *** I don't like all these names. Actually, I don't like most of them. I just want to know what you think. ;P


    Dorothy May

    Lois Anne

    Kennedy LeeAnn

    Kassidy RaeAnne

    Stephanie Anne

    Emma Marie

    Dacia Suzette


    James Peyton

    Timothy Dale

    Arthur Lee

    Willis Thornton

    Kennedy Thornton

    Ethan James


    What do you think of the name Kelcee Jo? Would you like it better spelled Kelsey? Would you like it better with a more feminine middle name? What would you change the name to if you had a choice. (girls names only please.)

    3 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • What's wrong with my dog?

    Last night when I went to bed she was perfectly fine. She seemed normal when I let her out to pee this morning, and when she came back inside she seemed to be acting odd. I didn't give it much thought, but now she is staggering when she walks. Also, when she sits up she seems to sway from side to side. It's not like shivers, but it's like she has Parkinson's. She is just laying around and not really moving. When she went to drink her water she layed down, while normally she stands and drinks. I didn't see her eat anything either.

    Do any of you think something is horribly wrong? It's Sunday and there are no vets open today. We don't have an animal hospital, and our shelter doesn't have a vet either.

    We don't know what breed she is, but she definitely has Jack Russel terrier in her. Her face normally has a light scattering of blue-ish blackish spots, to where it isn't super noticeable. However, today her face looks like she's dunked it in a puddle of nasty water.

    I'm really worried. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    2 AnswersDogs9 years ago