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i am a mother of 3-2 boys and a girl. my third one (boy) was born november 10th, 2008. i also have a stepson that lives with us that is the same age as my daughter . i work full time as a secretary-and luckily, i get to bring my baby boy to my work with me. i get on here to have fun and pass the time. i never answer questions just for points, and i also don't answer questions that i don't have personal experience with. i try to be informative, and i can't stand the people that come on here and answer questions by only opinion ,without stating "its only their opinion"-

  • Does anyone know of a way to repurpose old home interior pictures?

    I have a big collection of home interior pictures that are from the late 90's- 2000 or so. The resale is horrible, but I'm pretty good a repurposing stuff.. But on this I'm stuck. I cannot think of anything that would be worth it?.. Other than taking out the print and using the high quality frames that home interiors is known for. Any ideas appreciated!

    1 AnswerDecorating & Remodeling9 years ago
  • Vinyl/ leather repair?

    Has anyone used the vinyl / leather at home repair kits ? Was your outcome good.. Or is it a hassle. And any tips would be great. We got a new vinyl covered bed . Our cats are set to be declawed in 5 days.., which means we set our new bed up too early...:0)

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • My husband and I are trying to raise our credit score.?

    we are applying for a home mortgage, and we are in a repair program with the mortgage co. we only have 1,900. 00 in bad debt. and its stupid things, that we should have paid, but didnt. anyway-we would like to be in a house in 6-8 months. we are starting now paying off the older debt, and of course keeping our current debt paid on time. 2 questions: #1) anything else we can do?? we are going to get a secured credit card, becuase as of now, we have no credit cards at all. ) #2) how long does it take your score to raise after an old debt is paid? our debt is about 1,900.00 and its old electric bill, cable bill, and medical. our score needs to be @ 620 for an fha loan. thanks!

    4 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • what is the name of the movie that "prequels" the sword in the stone......?

    it is the story of how the sword actually got wasnt very well known (mabey it was just older) it takes place in medevil times of isnt the story of the man/boy pulling the sword is how it got there. at the end it shows the sword being thrown in the air, and landing in the stone. the movie was really good..i dont remember any of the actors, and the storyline doesnt really go towards the same vein as the "sword in the stone" story goes. but it is supposed to be the story and the people of how it got there. the sword called "excaliber?"

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • i want to take a photograph and blow it up-to an 8x10 or larger.?

    what would be the best way to take the initial picture. from farther away? then i could blow it up at development....or close up...what would make it clearer. i have a htp, plain old digital camera. nothing expensive.

    2 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • what are your views on a wife or husband....?

    going out to bars without each other?? i am asking this question in parenting & family becuase children in the home have an impact on "when" couples or one of a couple goes out.

    12 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • the color for lymphoma?

    does anyone know the "color" for lymphoma?? like how breast cancer is "pink" and lukemia is "red" what is lymphoma?

    1 AnswerCancer1 decade ago
  • night terrors in babies.........?

    my son is 3 months old, almost 4 months. when he naps during the day, he wakes up frequently, crying pretty hard. i do remember this happening with my other children, every once in a while, but not near as much. my son does it every single time he falls asleep during the day, and he only naps during the day for 15-20 min at a time. once he has this crying spell, he won't go back to sleep.

    he does sleep well during the night now, he sleeps all night. i am asleep at this time too, so im not sure if it happens over night also , and he just comforts himself, or if it doesn't happen. he sleeps in his crib in the same room as me. his older brother had problems pretty bad with night terrors, we ended up having to install blot locks on all our doors becuase we even found him outside at one time. the doctor said night terrors/night anxierty is hereditary. has anyone else had any experience with this?? and also, is it ok for my son not to get a full, healthy nap during the day like he should??

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • st. jude question.....?

    my hubby has to leave for st. jude in memphis tomorrow with our 13 year old son. i was wondering if anyone has had experience with this clinic and if you could help me to know what he might need money for. the st. jude clinic where we are from, is sending him down. they are staying in the ronald mcdonald house. it sounds like they are flying, and it also sounds like there will be a kitchen in the units where they stay. i have heard that they get a food allowance cards.

    does anyone know if there is anything they don't pay for, and how much would be smart to send with him? its my husband and stepson going. do you know if they shuttle from places they need to go to the ronald mcdona;d house?? thanks for all you can tell me-

    3 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • babys that have flat heads.....?

    i am desperately afraid of my son developing the type of head that is flat in the back. i was the same way with my other 2 also, but back then, i thought babies were just born that way. lately i have found out (well within the last few years) that actually comes from a baby that is left to lay constantly. i have always held my babies alot anyway, and turned them from side to side to sleep etc. but is this the real reason?? and also, another question. my son is 3 months old. when he is falling asleep or trying to go to sleep, he throws his head back and forth from side to side real fast. he will do it also if he is facing someone on his stomach. if he is laying that way, he rubs his nose into them from side to side really fast. does anyone have any idea why?

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • 1 month old arching his back?

    my 1 month old is arching his back after he eats. i will feed him and whenther i lay him down, put him in his swing or bounce, he arches his neck and almost tries to look backwards, it is so far. it looks like he is rooting, but he isn't still hungry (i thought at first he was, and he wouldn't take anymore)

    he has done this about 2 weeks. could it be heartburn/reflux?

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • does anyone know when the new season for "Reno 911" on comedy central will start, or if there is one??!!?

    i love this show, and i have been on the comedy central website, but it isn't saying anything about the new season. the marathon for it was last weekend-don't they usually start new seasons in november?

    1 AnswerComedy1 decade ago
  • about surgical site infection?

    my stepson had a biopsy (hes 12) for under his armpit. long story short, he has burkitts lymphopma. they had to reopen a portion of the site because of infection and his dad & i have been packing it. (per doctors/oncologists instructions) my question:: it has drainage that has black peppery looking stuff in it. the specks are individual and they look like someones just sprinkled pepper throughout the drainage/puss that is coming out of the site. what could that be?? he is back in the hospital and the doc said he hasn't ever seen anything like that before (hes a st. jude doctor of course) and now it is beginning to worry us. they have taken a bunch of cultures, and we haven't got any results yet. the nurses have never seen this "peppery" stuff either. just really weird. and we know it is coming from inside, as i was cleaning it, it was oozing and you could see it coming out. what do you think?

    1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • anxiety in my 12 year old..?

    my 12 year old stepson was diagnosed with burkitts lymphoma 1 1/2 weeks ago. so life has been crazy. (im also 8 mo. pregnant:0) ) my question is he has done very well with the chemo (they are treating him 3x a week with spinals and regular iv chemo, agressively) he started having what my husband thought was "night terrors" . they would happen after he had been asleep for about an hour. he was disoriented, no one could understand half of what he is saying, walked around aimlessly, etc. poor thing! anyway-last night, i was with him. we were talking to each other, he had been asleep for about 15 min, and we were talking like normal. he was not asleep at all. he had napped that day and was actually having trouble sleeping.he went to the bathroom, checked his iv, asked for the remote, even laughed at a joke i made. within 5 seconds of that joke i made, he freaked out. started shaking real bad, saying im going to die, i feel like im dying, etc. it looked to me like a panic attack-not a night tremor. he had these night tremors before, when his mom wasn't showing up for visits and we were having a hard time with her-shes a part timer mom, if you know what i mean. this wasn't the same. my husband wasn't at the hospital yet, so he couldn't tell me if it was the same thing he has had a couple of times since this started.

    my main question is, what do you think? the doctor was told about the night tremors and he put him on a dose of benadryl before bed (through iv) to help him sleep. my concern is if it isn't night tremors, what would a child take for anxiety in this situation? i have had problems with anxiety before-so im not an amature when it comes to seeing one. i have had lots of panic attacks also-but since my life has changed for the better, i havent had one in about 3 years. we both know the night tremors and what i think is a panic attack is coming from his mother not showing up for her turn at the hospital-she ahs done it 2x. we have since cut off visits of hers.

    7 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • 30 weeks-baby movement?

    is it normal to feel the baby like crazy one day, then barely at all the next? i just went to my appointment this morning (30 week) at 8am. the heartbeat sounded fine the doc said. but as the day has progressed, i just have noticed he isn't as active as usual. he has moved, just not nearly as much as usual. this has happened before, last week. this is my 3rd and i don't remember much.i also haven't felt him hiccup either.

    if it helps any-i had a horrible stressful morning, i was screaming crying etc. for about 2 hours over something. could that contribute at all?

    honest realistic answers please, non of the "call your doctor the baby could be dead crap. " thank you.

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • i have a question about coffee brewing?

    the taste of my coffee keeps changing over a period of time. i never do anything different. i figured out a way i like it , then i keep making it that way, but then it changes. then i will go to someones house (grandmas, or something) where i learned to make it the good way, and hers tastes like it should. we live in the same area, use the same tap. same brand and kind of coffee. i even bought a new coffee maker, when this happened the last time. when the maker is new, it tastes great. then it starts to have a funny taste to me. i have cleaned my coffee pot periodically, so i don't think it is that. any more suggestions?? my husband even notices the difference, so it isn't my taste buds!!

    3 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks1 decade ago
  • picasso print, framed??

    i bought a picasso print ( i think it is a print) that was attached/glued or whatever onto a heavy , large solid wood frame. i got it at an estate sale. the lady told me she bought it in germany when her hubby was in ww. the back of it has a crumpled, brown piece of paper, that states a date and to the right of that a signature that says p. picasso. it is called "the tragedy" it is the ugliest thing i have ever seen, but i liked it. can anyone tell me if his work is worth anything at all? and also, if so where could i find out how much. i am an antiuqe-er but i just started the art deal. thanks for the help!

    1 AnswerOther - Visual Arts1 decade ago
  • ear problem-hearing my heartbeat?

    i went to the doc today. he said that it is a rare thing. there isn't a name for it. he said the artery that runs across the stirrup(bone) in your ear is supposed to pinch off and die before the age of 2. if it doesnt, it has a whooshing sound and it is actually your heartbeat being heard. i am pregnant so it is more pronounced, my question is this: has anyone else had it and if so was the surgery that bad?i have it in both ears. i have heard that any surgery done through the mouth is harder the older you get. he already said it is the only option-unless i want to put up with it, and i don't. i see an ear specialist after the baby is born in november.

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • question about tube tying?

    i am delivering my 3rd child by c-section, november 9th. at this time they will tie my tubes. does anyone know if there is any side effects to this?? i know about recovery, im not talking about pain. does it make a difference with your hormones or will that stay the same. answer with experience please.

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • how do you find someone in yahoo answers?

    someone sent me a message earlier today, after i answered a question over the weekend. i deleted it of course, however i need to send another message to her/him .is this possibile? it isn't in my trash or anything, i already did the obvious. this person didn't answer the same question i did, she must have read my answer, which was best answer and contacted me from there. thanks for whatever help anyone can give me!!

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago